2019 Arkansas Code
Title 25 - State Government
Chapter 4 - Division of Information Systems
§ 25-4-103. Definitions
- As used in this chapter:
(1) “Application” means a separately identifiable and interrelated set of information technology resources that allows information processing to support specifically defined objectives;
(2) “Chief Technology Officer” means the Director of the Division of Information Systems;
(3) “Core information technology infrastructure” means the state data, state network and application interfaces, state security, and disaster recovery;
(4) “Customer” means a state agency, other governmental entity, or nongovernmental first responder entity that purchases or uses services under this chapter;
(5) “Equipment” means the machines, devices, and transmission facilities used in information processing, including computers, word processors, terminals, telephones, cables, software, and related services;
(6) “Information processing” means the electronic capture, collection, storage, manipulation, transmission, retrieval, and presentation of information in the form of data, text, voice, or image and includes telecommunications and office automation functions;
(7) “Information technology” means any component related to information processing and wired and wireless telecommunications, including data processing and telecommunications hardware, software, services, planning, personnel, facilities, and training;
(8) “Information technology resources” means the procedures, equipment, and software that are designed, built, operated, and maintained to collect, record, process, store, retrieve, display, and transmit information, and the associated personnel, including consultants and contractors;
(9) “Network infrastructure” means the shared portions of the state's telecommunications transmission facilities, including all transmission lines and all associated equipment and software components necessary for the management and control of the state network;
(10) “Nongovernmental first responder entity” means state and law enforcement personnel, fire department personnel, and emergency medical personnel who will be deployed to bioterrorism attacks, terrorist attacks, catastrophic or natural disasters, and other emergencies;
(11) “Other governmental entities” means state-elected constitutional officers and their staffs, the Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts, the General Assembly or its committees or staffs, the Arkansas Department of Transportation, the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission, the federal government, cities, counties, municipalities, public school districts, and other publicly funded governmental entities;
(12) “Project” means a program to apply information technology resources to functions within or among elements of a state agency that ideally is characterized by well-defined parameters, specific objectives, common benefits, planned activities, a scheduled completion date, and an established budget with a specified source of funding;
(13) “Project management” means principles, practices, and techniques applied to lead projects and teams and the control of project schedules, costs, and performance risks with the goal of satisfying customers' requirements;
(14) “Public instrumentality” means any statutorily created entity charged with the responsibility of providing information or services through the use of information technology;
(15) “State agencies” means all state departments, boards, and commissions but shall not include the Office of the Arkansas Lottery, the elected constitutional officers and their staffs, the General Assembly and its committees and staffs, or the Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts, and public institutions of higher education with respect to academic, research, health care, and existing information technology applications and underlying support therefor;
(16) “State enterprise architecture” means a description of the elements of business processes and supporting technologies, policies, standards, procedures, solutions, and infrastructures that:
(A) Makes up an enterprise; and
(B) Documents how the components described in this subdivision (16) relate to one another, and the principles that govern their design and evolution over time;
(17) “Telecommunications” means all forms of communications devices and transport media for the conveyance by electronic or electrical means of voice, words, data, signals, or images; and
(18) “Working group” means a group of subject matter experts convened for the purpose of collaborating and devising strategies.