2019 Arkansas Code
Title 25 - State Government
Chapter 19 - Freedom of Information Act of 1967
§ 25-19-109. Special Requests for Electronic Information
(1) At his or her discretion, a custodian may agree to summarize, compile, or tailor electronic data in a particular manner or medium and may agree to provide the data in an electronic format to which it is not readily convertible.
(2) Where the cost and time involved in complying with the requests are relatively minimal, custodians should agree to provide the data as requested.
(1) If the custodian agrees to a request, the custodian may charge the actual, verifiable costs of personnel time exceeding two (2) hours associated with the tasks, in addition to copying costs authorized by § 25-19-105(d)(3).
(2) The charge for personnel time shall not exceed the salary of the lowest paid employee or contractor who, in the discretion of the custodian, has the necessary skill and training to respond to the request.
(c) The custodian shall provide an itemized breakdown of charges under subsection (b) of this section.