2019 Arkansas Code
Title 10 - General Assembly
Chapter 3 - Committees
Subchapter 6 - Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications
§ 10-3-603. Meetings - Officers - Compensation
(1) The Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications shall meet subsequent to the adjournment of each regular session of the General Assembly, at a time to be determined jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and shall select from its membership two (2) cochairs, one (1) cochair to be a member of the House of Representatives to be elected by the members of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications who are members of the House and one (1) cochair to be a Senator to be elected by the members of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications who are members of the Senate.
(2) The Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications may elect such other officers as it deems necessary for the performance of its duties.
(1) The two (2) cochairs shall preside at each meeting of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications or may rotate from meeting to meeting as presiding officers as they determine.
(2) A majority vote of the full membership of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications shall be necessary to take final action on any matter.
(3) The Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications may establish rules for its procedures and shall meet upon call of the cochairs thereof, upon call by a majority of its members, or at other intervals as may be established in its rules.
(1) Members of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications shall receive per diem for attending meetings of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications or other official business of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications at the rate provided by law for attendance by members of the General Assembly at meetings of interim committees and, in addition, shall receive mileage for travel in attending meetings or other official business of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications at the rate provided by law for state employees.
(2) Per diem and mileage of members of the Joint Committee on Legislative Printing Requirements and Specifications shall be paid from any appropriation made for paying per diem, expenses, and mileage of members of the interim committees.