2019 Arkansas Code
Title 10 - General Assembly
Chapter 3 - Committees
Subchapter 16 - Joint Interim Oversight Committee on Education Reform
§ 10-3-1601. Creation - Members
(a) To assist the General Assembly, there is established the “Joint Interim Oversight Committee on Education Reform” to be composed of the following members:
(1) Seven (7) members of the Senate to be appointed by the Chair of the Senate Committee on Education, in consultation with the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; and
(2) Seven (7) members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Chair of the House Committee on Education, in consultation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(b) In making their appointments, the Chair of the Senate Committee on Education and the Chair of the House Committee on Education shall seek to ensure that members who are knowledgeable about all types of educational issues and who represent all geographic regions of the state shall serve on the Joint Interim Oversight Committee on Education Reform.
(c) The Joint Interim Oversight Committee on Education Reform shall be assisted by staff provided by the Bureau of Legislative Research.
(d) Members of the Joint Interim Oversight Committee on Education Reform shall be entitled to receive per diem and expenses for their attendance at committee meetings at the same rate as members of the General Assembly receive for attendance at meetings of interim committees.
(e) The members appointed to the Joint Interim Oversight Committee on Education Reform shall select a Senate cochair and a House cochair, each of whom shall serve for a two-year term during the interim.