2019 Arkansas Code
Title 10 - General Assembly
Chapter 3 - Committees
Subchapter 11 - Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities
§ 10-3-1109. Contracts
(1) Construction work to be performed shall be under contract, to be awarded by the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities to the lowest responsible bidder, but the total cost of the project, including cost of publishing legal notices, payment of architect fees, payments to contractors, and all other expenses of whatever nature incident to and reasonably necessary in connection with the project shall not exceed the appropriation provided for it.
(2) All expenditures of funds shall be in strict compliance with the applicable provisions of the fiscal laws of this state pertaining to the expenditure of public funds and the state purchasing laws of this state.
(3) All contracts let under the provisions of this subchapter shall be subject to the approval of the Governor, the Auditor of State, and the Treasurer of State, as provided in Arkansas Constitution, Article 19, Section 15 [repealed].
(b) All actions by the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities in relation to the work to be performed under contracts shall be in strict compliance with the applicable provisions of §§ 22-9-202 -- 22-9-204.
(c) All payments to contractors under contracts let under the provisions of this subchapter shall be made only after the approval of the amounts thereof by the architect.
(d) All contracts which the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities proposes to enter into shall be subject to the approval as to form only by the Attorney General.