2019 Arkansas Code
Title 10 - General Assembly
Chapter 3 - Committees
Subchapter 11 - Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities
§ 10-3-1106. Additional Legislative Space
- In addition to the space now provided in the State Capitol Building for the General Assembly and its committees, the following additional space in the State Capitol Building is designated as legislative space if the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities determines that it is needed for legislative committee space or for other legislative facilities:
(1) The office space on the north wing of the first floor of the State Capitol Building currently used by the Office of State Procurement, the Division of Correction, the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism, and the Department of Commerce;
(2) The office space on the west side of the first floor of the State Capitol Building presently used by the Arkansas Public Employees' Retirement System, which shall be made available to Arkansas Legislative Audit, or such other legislative uses as may be determined by the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities;
(3) The office space on the southeast wing of the first floor of the State Capitol Building presently assigned to the Accounting Division of the Department of Finance and Administration, and any other portion of the space assigned to the Department of Finance and Administration the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities determines is needed for legislative use;
(4) The office space on the southeast wing of the second floor of the State Capitol Building currently assigned for use by the Budget Division of the Department of Finance and Administration. The space now provided for the Arkansas Economic Development Commission on the southwest wing of the second floor of the State Capitol Building shall be made available for the Budget Division of the Department of Finance and Administration unless the director determines that the location of the Budget Division in some other facilities would be more advantageous to the agency;
(5) The former Supreme Court Chamber on the south end of the second floor of the State Capitol Building, to be air conditioned and serve as a large Senate committee room, but preserving the present decor of the chamber, i.e., changes contemplated involve only such things as air conditioning, carpeting, repainting, improved lighting, and installation of sound and recording equipment, and necessary committee tables and chairs, and other minor changes, essentially preserving the room in its present state; and
(6) The space presently assigned Arkansas Legislative Audit on the west portion of the fourth floor of the State Capitol Building shall be available for the Bureau of Legislative Research of the Legislative Council, Budget and Fiscal Review Section, or such other uses as determined by the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities.