2019 Arkansas Code
Title 10 - General Assembly
Chapter 3 - Committees
Subchapter 11 - Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities
§ 10-3-1101. Creation - Members - Expenses
(a) There is established a joint interim committee of the Senate and House of Representatives to be known as the “Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities”, to consist of fourteen (14) members of the General Assembly as follows:
(1) The Chair of the House Joint Budget Committee;
(2) Two (2) members of the House of Representatives selected in accordance with the Rules of the House of Representatives;
(3) The Chair of the House Management Committee and two (2) additional members of the House Management Committee to be designated by its chair;
(4) The Speaker of the House of Representatives or his or her designee;
(5) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate;
(6) The Chair of the Senate Joint Budget Committee;
(7) One (1) member of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; and
(8) Four (4) members of the Senate to be appointed by the Chair of the Senate Efficiency Committee.
(1) The members of the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall receive per diem at the rate provided by law for attendance by members of the General Assembly at meetings of interim committees for each day in attending meetings of the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities or performing other duties as authorized by the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities.
(2) In addition thereto, the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall receive mileage for travel from their homes to the State Capitol Building.