2018 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 5 - Postsecondary and Higher Education Generally
Chapter 61 - Postsecondary Institutions Generally
Subchapter 16 - Arkansas Energy Summary and Report
§ 6-61-1603. Arkansas Energy Summary and Report
(a) The Institutional Energy Research Committee shall create and adopt the Arkansas Energy Summary and Report that includes without limitation the:
(1) Energy production and usage in Arkansas, including:
(A) Current sources of energy in Arkansas by percentage and cost;
(B) Current energy demand and percentage of use of each energy source, including the production capacity of each energy source;
(C) Projected energy use for the next:
(i) Ten (10) years; and
(ii) Twenty (20) years;
(D) Current and projected cost per kilowatt of additional energy production capabilities for the following energy sources:
(i) Coal;
(ii) Hydroelectric;
(iii) Natural gas;
(iv) Nuclear;
(v) Solar;
(vi) Wind;
(vii) Lignite; and
(viii) Other; and
(F) Environmental challenges and the impact of each energy source listed in subdivision (a)(1)(D) of this section;
(2) Energy production capacity compared to projected energy growth;
(3) Economical methods for additional energy sources into the market; and
(4) Current and possible tax incentives or governmental policies to promote an increase in energy production capacity for state energy consumption or export to other states.
(b) The committee shall submit the Arkansas Energy Summary and Report and relevant data, research, and findings to the Joint Committee on Energy no later than July 1, 2014.