2018 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 5 - Postsecondary and Higher Education Generally
Chapter 61 - Postsecondary Institutions Generally
Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 6-61-133. Professional development for mandated reporters and licensed elementary and secondary public school personnel
(a) As used in this section:
(1) "Child maltreatment" means the abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, or abandonment of a child under the Child Maltreatment Act, § 12-18-101 et seq.; and
(2) "Licensed school personnel" means a person who works with students in an elementary or secondary public school, a public charter school, a school district, or an education service cooperative for whom a license issued by the State Board of Education is a condition of employment, including without limitation a:
(A) School or school district administrator;
(B) Teacher;
(C) Coach for a school athletics program;
(D) School counselor;
(E) School social worker;
(F) School psychologist; and
(G) School nurse.
(b) For each degree program at an institution of higher education in this state that is a prerequisite for licensure or certification in a profession in which the professional is a child maltreatment mandated reporter under the Child Maltreatment Act, § 12-18-101 et seq., the Department of Higher Education shall coordinate with all the institutions of higher education to ensure that before receiving a degree, each graduate receives the professional development identified in subdivision (d)(1) of this section.
(c) Licensed school personnel shall obtain the professional development identified in subsection (d) of this section:
(1) Not more than one (1) year before the individual's initial licensure; and
(2) According to the professional development schedule under § 6-17-709.
(d) (1) The professional development required under this section shall include without limitation:
(A) Recognizing the signs and symptoms of child maltreatment;
(B) The legal requirements of the Child Maltreatment Act, § 12-18-101 et seq., and the duties of mandated reporters under the act; and
(C) Methods for managing disclosures regarding child victims.
(2) In addition to the professional development required under subdivision (d)(1) of this section, licensed school personnel shall obtain professional development in connecting a victim of child maltreatment to appropriate in-school services and other agencies, programs, and services needed to provide the child with the emotional and educational support the child needs to continue to be successful in school.
(1) The professional development obtained by licensed school personnel may be obtained as in-person or online professional development.
(2) The Arkansas Child Abuse/Rape/Domestic Violence Commission shall approve the curriculum for the professional development.
(3) Licensed school personnel shall document completed professional development according to the rules of the State Board of Education.