2018 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 5 - Postsecondary and Higher Education Generally
Chapter 61 - Postsecondary Institutions Generally
Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 6-61-101. Definition
As used in §§ 6-61-101 -- 6-61-103, 6-61-201 -- 6-61-209, 6-61-211 [repealed], 6-61-212 -- 6-61-216, 6-61-301 -- 6-61-305, 6-61-306 [repealed], 6-61-401, 6-61-402, 6-61-501 -- 6-61-524, 6-61-601 -- 6-61-603, and 6-61-604 -- 6-61-612 [repealed], unless the context otherwise requires, "data processing" shall mean an automated process for data collection and the conversion of data into usable form or storage, including the planning, development, and implementation thereof, through the use of electronic or analogue data processing equipment, including computer systems, components of computer systems, and other necessary support equipment used in the automated process. This definition may be altered to include or exclude equipment or services in response to changes in data processing technology with the approval of the Arkansas Communications Study Committee as established by § 10-3-1201 et seq. [repealed].