2018 Arkansas Code
Title 26 - Taxation
Subtitle 5 - State Taxes
Chapter 57 - State Privilege Taxes
Subchapter 10 - Vending Devices Sales Tax
§ 26-57-1003. Election not to register
(a) Any person selling tangible personal property through a vending device, and who elects not to register as a vending device operator, shall:
(1) Surrender any gross receipts tax permits issued by the Director of the Department of Finance and Administration, unless the permit is needed to report taxable sales other than sales through a vending device; and
(A) Pay the Arkansas gross receipts tax under the Arkansas Gross Receipts Act of 1941, § 26-52-101 et seq., the Arkansas compensating use tax under the Arkansas Compensating Tax Act of 1949, § 26-53-101 et seq., and any applicable local sales and use taxes to the person's vendor on all purchases of tangible personal property purchased for resale through a vending device.
(i) The sale for resale exemption provided in § 26-52-401(12) shall not apply to purchases of tangible personal property for resale through vending devices unless the purchaser is registered with the director as a vending device operator.
(ii) However, any person not registered as a vending device operator who maintains property in inventory for subsequent resale on which the state and local sales and use taxes have not been paid, and who subsequently withdraws that property from inventory for sale through a vending device, shall report and pay the state and local sales and use taxes on the person's purchase price of the property withdrawn from inventory.
(b) Any person selling property through vending devices who has paid the state and local sales and use taxes in the manner provided by this section shall not be required to collect and remit state or local sales tax on sales of tangible personal property through the vending device.
(c) Any person who elects to pay tax on tangible personal property sold through vending devices in accordance with the provisions of this section and who manufactures the product which is withdrawn from stock for resale through a vending device shall pay the taxes due under this section by multiplying the tax rate by the selling price for which the person would sell the product to another for resale through a vending device.