2024 Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 33 - Property
§ 33-132 - Coordinates of system; zone definitions
33-132. Coordinates of system; zone definitions
A. The plane coordinates of a point on the earth's surface, to be used in the position or location of such point in the appropriate zone of the system, shall consist of two distances, expressed in feet and decimals of a foot (foot value 0.3048 meter exact). One of these distances, to be known as the " X-coordinate" , shall give the position in an east-and-west direction, and the other, to be known as the " Y-coordinate" , shall give the position in a north-and-south direction. These coordinates shall depend on and conform to the coordinates on the Arizona coordinate system, 1983, of the horizontal control stations of the national geodetic survey in this state, as these coordinates have been determined by the survey.
B. For the purpose of more precisely defining the Arizona coordinate system, the following definitions of the national geodetic survey are adopted:
1. The Arizona coordinate system, 1983, west zone, is a transverse mercator projection of the North American datum, 1983, having a central meridian 113 o 45' 00" west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set one part in fifteen thousand too small. The origin of the coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 113 o 45' 00" west of Greenwich and the parallel of 31 o 00' 00" north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates of " X" equals seven hundred thousand feet and " Y" equals zero feet.
2. The Arizona coordinate system, 1983, central zone, is a transverse mercator projection of the North American datum, 1983, having a central meridian 111 o 55' 00" west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in ten thousand too small. The origin of the coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 111 o 55' 00" west of Greenwich and the parallel of 31 o 00' 00" north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates of " X" equals seven hundred thousand feet and " Y" equals zero feet.
3. The Arizona coordinate system, 1983, east zone, is a transverse mercator projection of the North American datum, 1983, having a central meridian 110 o 10' 00" west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in ten thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 110 o 10' 00" west of Greenwich and the parallel of 31 o 00' 00" north latitude. The origin is given the coordinates of " X" equals seven hundred thousand feet and " Y" equals zero feet.