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2024 Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 20 - Insurance
Article 1 - Scope of Title
Article 2 - Administrative Officers and Procedures
Article 3 - Mandated Health Coverage
Article 4 - Payment of Premiums Chapter 2 - TRANSACTION OF INSURANCE BUSINESS
Article 1 - Authorization of Insurers and General Requirements
Article 2 - Kinds of Insurance; Reinsurance; Limits of Risk
Article 3 - Insurance Producer Licensing
Article 3.1 - Managing General Agents
Article 3.2 - Adjusters
Article 3.3 - Other Insurance Professionals
Article 3.4 - Navigators and Certified Application Counselors
Article 3.5 - Bail Bond Agents and Bail Recovery Agents
Article 4 - Rates and Rating Organizations
Article 4.1 - Open Competition Rates and Rating Organizations
Article 4.2 - Compliance With Filed Rates
Article 5 - Unauthorized Insurers
Article 6 - Unfair Practices and Frauds
Article 7 - Insurance on Collateral Security
Article 8 - Insurance Holding Company Systems
Article 8.1 - Mutual Holding Company Reorganization
Article 9 - Insurance Administrators
Article 10 - Reinsurance Intermediaries
Article 11 - Producer Controlled Property and Casualty Insurance
Article 12 - Risk-Based Capital for Insurers
Article 13 - Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Article 14 - Enforcement of Insurance Policies Affecting Certain Holocaust Victims
Article 15 - Risk Management and Solvency Assessment
Article 16 - Corporate Governance
Article 1 - Assets and Liabilities
Article 2 - Investments
Article 3 - Administration of Deposits
Article 4 - Rehabilitation and Liquidation
Article 5 - Separate Accounts Chapter 3 - FINANCIAL PROVISIONS AND PROCEDURES
Article 6 - Administration of Insolvency
Article 7 - Administration of Life and Disability Insurance Insolvencies
Article 8 - Life and Health Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements
Article 9 - Property and Casualty Actuarial Opinion Requirements
Article 10 - Audited Financial Reports
Article 1 - Domestic Stock and Mutual Insurers
Article 2 - Reciprocal Insurers
Article 3 - Hospital, Medical, Dental and Optometric Service Corporations
Article 4 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
Article 7 - Prepaid Dental Plan Organizations
Article 8 - Lloyd's Associations
Article 9 - Health Care Services Organizations
Article 10 - Domestic Life and Disability Reinsurer
Article 11 - Service Companies
Article 12 - Mechanical Reimbursement Reinsurers
Article 13 - Prepaid Legal Insurance
Article 14 - Captive Insurers
Article 15 - Vehicle Protection Products
Article 1 - In General
Article 1 - Life Insurance and Annuities
Article 1.1 - Replacement of Life Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts
Article 1.2 - Annuity Disclosure
Article 1.3 - Protection in Annuity Transactions
Article 2 - Group Life Insurance and Group Annuity Contracts
Article 3 - Industrial Life Insurance
Article 4 - Disability Insurance
Article 5 - Group and Blanket Disability Insurance
Article 6 - Group Excess Liability Insurance Policies
Article 7 - Property Insurance
Article 8 - Surety Insurance
Article 8.1 - Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
Article 9 - Title Insurers
Article 10 - Consumer Credit Insurance
Article 10.1 - Credit Property Insurance
Article 11 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Motor Vehicle Insurance
Article 12 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Insurance
Article 13 - Mass Marketed Life or Health Insurance
Article 14 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Commercial Insurance
Article 15 - Long-Term Care Insurance
Article 16 - Adopted Child Coverage
Article 17 - Portable Electronics Insurance
Article 18 - Identity Theft Group Insurance Policies
Article 2 - Health Care Insurers
Article 3 - Insurance Review Committees Chapter 7 - PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE
Article 4 - Reporting Requirements
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - Accountable Health Plans
Article 2 - Uninsured Small Business Health Insurance Plans Chapter 14 - RISK RETENTION GROUPS
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 2 - Health Care Appeals
Article 1 - Variable Life Insurance
Article 2 - Variable Annuities
Article 3 - Agent Qualifications Chapter 17 - ACCESS TO EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions Chapter 20 - TIMELY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS
Article 2 - Out-of-Network Claim Dispute Resolution
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions Chapter 24 - INSURANCE COMPLIANCE AUDIT PRIVILEGE
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - Auditing
Article 2 - Pharmacy Benefit Managers
Article 3 - 340B Pharmacies
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - General Provisions
Article 1 - Scope of Title
- § 20-101 - Department of insurance and financial institutions; definition
- § 20-101.01 - Deputy director
- § 20-102 - Definition of director
- § 20-103 - Definition of insurance; exceptions
- § 20-104 - "Insurer" defined
- § 20-105 - "Person" defined
- § 20-106 - Acts constituting the transaction of business; definition
- § 20-107 - Limitation on transaction of insurance; exception
- § 20-108 - Types of insurers excepted
- § 20-108.01 - Extended warranty insurers; deposit with state treasurer; powers and duties; definition
- § 20-109 - Existing licenses
- § 20-110 - Secondary sources
- § 20-111 - Health insurers; savings incentive programs; definitions
- § 20-112 - Existing actions or violations
- § 20-113 - Construction of particular and general provisions
- § 20-114 - Violations; classification
- § 20-115 - Department jurisdiction over certain health care providers; exception; examination; disclosure
- § 20-116 - Surety bonds; cash deposit as alternative
- § 20-117 - Definitions
- § 20-118 - Prohibition; definitions
- § 20-119 - Charitable gift annuities; audited financial statements; disclosure statement; commissions prohibited; definitions
- § 20-120 - Payment bonds for third party intermediary entities; contract provisions; definitions
- § 20-121 - Health care exchange; abortion coverage; prohibition; exceptions
- § 20-122 - Health care sharing ministries; exemption from regulation; definition
- § 20-124 - Adoption of rules
- § 20-125 - Sending notices and correspondence
- § 20-126 - Annual dental loss ratio report; posting; definitions
Article 2 - Administrative Officers and Procedures
- § 20-141 - Director of the department of insurance and financial institutions; appointment; qualifications; compensation
- § 20-142 - Powers and duties of director; payment of examination and investigation costs; home health services
- § 20-143 - Rule-making power
- § 20-144 - Seal of office
- § 20-145 - Evidentiary effect of certificate of authority
- § 20-146 - Supervisor
- § 20-147 - Assistant director; chief examiner; appointment; qualifications
- § 20-148 - Deputies and other employees; special services
- § 20-149 - Prohibition on certain activities by employees; conflict of interest
- § 20-150 - Delegation of director's authority
- § 20-151 - Issuance of orders and notices by director
- § 20-152 - Enforcement
- § 20-153 - Records
- § 20-154 - Annual report; list of authorized insurers
- § 20-155 - Expenses of administration
- § 20-156 - Examination of insurers; financial surveillance fund; definition
- § 20-157 - Access and powers relating to insurers' records
- § 20-157.01 - Confidentiality of insurer's claim files and records; access by director; definition
- § 20-158 - Report of examinations by director; information sharing
- § 20-159 - Insurance examiners' revolving fund; definition
- § 20-160 - Powers of examination; witnesses; subpoenas; perjury
- § 20-161 - Hearings
- § 20-162 - Demand for hearing; stay of order
- § 20-163 - Notice of hearing
- § 20-164 - Procedure upon hearing
- § 20-165 - Order on hearing
- § 20-166 - Judicial review
- § 20-167 - Fees; definition
- § 20-168 - Preparation and sale of publications
- § 20-169 - Supervision by director
- § 20-170 - Prohibited acts during sixty day period of supervision
- § 20-171 - Conservatorship; liquidation
- § 20-172 - Possession by director of person transacting insurance prior to appointment of receiver; powers of director in possession; stay of possession order; application to title insurance
- § 20-173 - Residence requirement; exemption for officer representing insurer
Article 3 - Mandated Health Coverage
- § 20-181 - Mandated health coverage; report
- § 20-182 - Factors for assessing impact; certification of report
- § 20-183 - Report procedures and deadlines
Article 4 - Payment of Premiums Chapter 2 - TRANSACTION OF INSURANCE BUSINESS
Article 1 - Authorization of Insurers and General Requirements
- § 20-201 - "Alien" insurer defined
- § 20-202 - "Charter" defined
- § 20-202.01 - Stock insurer's initial free surplus defined
- § 20-202.02 - Mutual insurer's minimum required basic surplus defined
- § 20-202.03 - Mutual insurer's initial free surplus defined
- § 20-202.04 - Reciprocal insurer's required basic surplus defined
- § 20-202.05 - Reciprocal insurer's initial free surplus defined
- § 20-203 - "Domestic" insurer defined
- § 20-204 - "Foreign" insurer defined
- § 20-205 - "State," "United States" defined
- § 20-206 - Authority to transact insurance
- § 20-207 - General qualifications to transact insurance
- § 20-208 - Definition of guaranteed investment contract
- § 20-209 - Kinds of insurance an insurer may transact
- § 20-210 - Minimum required capital stock or basic surplus
- § 20-211 - Surplus required
- § 20-212 - Funds required to transact additional kinds of insurance
- § 20-213 - Deposit requirements
- § 20-214 - Financial requirements; escalator provisions
- § 20-215 - Application for certificate of authority
- § 20-216 - Issuance or refusal of certificate
- § 20-217 - Certificate of authority; term; termination; delivery upon termination or revocation
- § 20-218 - Name of insurer
- § 20-218.01 - Appointment of a statutory agent
- § 20-218.02 - Change of known place of business or statutory agent
- § 20-219 - Mandatory revocation or suspension
- § 20-220 - Certificate of authority; refusal to renew; revocation or suspension; civil penalty
- § 20-220.01 - Hazardous financial condition; determination; order
- § 20-221 - Director as agent for service of process
- § 20-222 - Service of process; time to answer
- § 20-223 - Annual statement; payment of fees; penalty for failure to file or pay
- § 20-223.01 - Annual report of product liability insurer
- § 20-224 - Premium tax; reports
- § 20-224.01 - Additional premium tax; civil penalty
- § 20-224.02 - Credit for overpayment of tax
- § 20-224.03 - Premium tax credit for new employment
- § 20-224.04 - Affordable housing premium tax credit
- § 20-224.05 - Premium tax credit for health insurance certificates submitted by qualified persons; definitions
- § 20-224.06 - Premium tax credit for contributions to school tuition organization; low-income scholarships
- § 20-224.07 - Premium tax credit for contributions to school tuition organization; displaced students and students with disabilities
- § 20-225 - Failure to pay tax; penalty; exception
- § 20-226 - Exclusive character of premium tax; exception
- § 20-227 - Disposition of tax proceeds
- § 20-228 - Exemption of insurers from general corporation reports and fees
- § 20-229 - Insurance producer; identification; exceptions
- § 20-230 - Retaliation
- § 20-231 - Transfer of domicile
- § 20-232 - Junior achievement program; exemption from licensure
- § 20-233 - Additional information required of insurer; disclosure to director; violation; classification
- § 20-234 - Filing requirement; participation in the insurance regulatory information system
- § 20-235 - Insurers; financial disclosure; requirements
- § 20-236 - Civil penalty for failure to respond to a request for verification of financial responsibility
- § 20-237 - Failure to provide information; penalty
- § 20-238 - Health insurance; state regulation; rating areas; definitions
- § 20-239 - Electronic communications and records; applicability; definitions
- § 20-240 - Electronic posting of policies; definitions
- § 20-241 - Contracts to provide health care services; form of payment; notice; explanation of benefits; definitions
- § 20-242 - Health insurers; provider networks; notice; options; definitions
Article 2 - Kinds of Insurance; Reinsurance; Limits of Risk
- § 20-251 - Definitions not mutually exclusive
- § 20-252 - "Casualty insurance" defined
- § 20-253 - "Disability insurance" defined
- § 20-254 - "Life insurance" defined
- § 20-254.01 - "Annuities" defined
- § 20-255 - "Marine and transportation insurance" defined
- § 20-256 - "Property insurance" defined
- § 20-257 - "Surety insurance" defined
- § 20-258 - Multiple line insurers
- § 20-259 - "Vehicle insurance" defined
- § 20-259.01 - Motor vehicle liability policy; uninsured optional; underinsured optional; subrogation; medical payments liens; definitions
- § 20-259.02 - Coverage to include car pool operators and car pool vehicles; definitions
- § 20-259.03 - Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages; insured; wrongful death recovery
- § 20-260 - Limit of risk
- § 20-261 - Authorized reinsurance
- § 20-262 - Motor vehicle insurance policy; reduction of rate for older person completing accident prevention course; course requirements
- § 20-263 - Vehicle insurance; prohibited act by insurer; hearing; penalty
- § 20-264 - Automobile insurance; damaged safety equipment deductible optional; definition
- § 20-265 - Motor vehicle insurance; premium and fee comparisons and complaint ratios
- § 20-266 - Minimum liability policy; availability
- § 20-267 - Motor vehicle liability policies; monthly basis; fee
- § 20-268 - Motor vehicle subrogation
- § 20-270 - Residential property insurance; prohibited acts
- § 20-271 - Lienholders; proof; accidents; notice; applicability
Article 3 - Insurance Producer Licensing
- § 20-281 - Definitions
- § 20-282 - License required
- § 20-283 - Exceptions to insurance producer licensing
- § 20-284 - Application for examination
- § 20-285 - Application for license
- § 20-286 - Licensure; lines of authority
- § 20-287 - Nonresident licensing
- § 20-288 - Exemption from examination
- § 20-289 - Expiration; surrender; renewal
- § 20-289.01 - Inactive license or application status during military service
- § 20-290 - Insurance producer records; individual licensees
- § 20-291 - Service of process on nonresident licensees
- § 20-292 - Violation; injunctive relief
- § 20-293 - Insurance vending machines
- § 20-294 - Temporary licensing
- § 20-295 - License denial, suspension or revocation; civil penalty
- § 20-296 - Effect of suspension or revocation of license
- § 20-297 - Assumed business name; trade name
- § 20-298 - Commissions
- § 20-299 - Sharing of information
- § 20-300 - Reciprocity
- § 20-301 - Report of actions
- § 20-302 - Rules
Article 3.1 - Managing General Agents
- § 20-311 - Definition of managing general agent; exceptions; adjustment or payment of claims
- § 20-311.01 - Managing general agents; requirements
- § 20-311.02 - Requirements for managing general agent agreements
Article 3.2 - Adjusters
- § 20-321 - Definitions
- § 20-321.01 - Licensing of adjusters; qualifications; exemption
- § 20-321.02 - Application of other laws
Article 3.3 - Other Insurance Professionals
- § 20-331 - Rental car agents; definitions
- § 20-331.01 - Political subdivision employees; risk management consultant licenses; application of other laws
- § 20-332 - Self-service storage agents; license; definitions
Article 3.4 - Navigators and Certified Application Counselors
- § 20-336 - Definitions
- § 20-336.01 - Scope and application of article
- § 20-336.02 - License required
- § 20-336.03 - Navigators; licensing
- § 20-336.04 - Certified application counselors; licensing
- § 20-336.05 - Enforcement; rules
- § 20-336.06 - Application of other laws
Article 3.5 - Bail Bond Agents and Bail Recovery Agents
- § 20-340 - Definitions
- § 20-340.01 - Bail bond agents; licensure; business entities; place of business; receipt; maintenance of records
- § 20-340.02 - Bond of bail bond agents
- § 20-340.03 - Bail bond agent prohibitions
- § 20-340.04 - Bail recovery agent prohibitions; criminal records checks
- § 20-340.05 - Rules
- § 20-340.06 - Application of other laws
Article 4 - Rates and Rating Organizations
- § 20-341 - Purpose of insurance rate regulation
- § 20-342 - Scope and application of article
- § 20-343 - Definitions
- § 20-344 - Uniform plans
- § 20-356 - Making of rates
- § 20-357 - Filing of rating system; definition
- § 20-358 - Disapproval of rates
- § 20-359 - Deviations from filed workers' compensation rates
- § 20-361 - Licensing of rating organizations
- § 20-362 - Notice to director of changes in rating organization
- § 20-363 - Availability of services of rating organization to members
- § 20-364 - Technical services
- § 20-365 - Cooperation in rate making
- § 20-366 - Appeal by member or subscriber from action relating to filings
- § 20-367 - Workers' compensation appeals board; composition
- § 20-367.01 - Appeals procedure
- § 20-368 - Advisory organizations
- § 20-369 - Joint underwriting or joint reinsurance
- § 20-370 - Examinations of rating organizations
- § 20-371 - Rate administration
- § 20-372 - Disclosure of information relating to rates
- § 20-373 - Commissions and fees
- § 20-374 - Revocation and suspension of licenses
- § 20-375 - Making of title insurance rates
- § 20-376 - Filing of title insurance rates; approval or disapproval
- § 20-377 - Justification for title insurance rates
- § 20-378 - Disapproval of title insurance filings
- § 20-379 - Deviations in title insurance rates
Article 4.1 - Open Competition Rates and Rating Organizations
- § 20-381 - Definitions
- § 20-382 - Scope of application
- § 20-383 - Rate standards
- § 20-384 - Rating criteria
- § 20-385 - Filing of rates
- § 20-386 - Filings open to inspection
- § 20-387 - Delegation of rate making and rate filing obligations
- § 20-388 - Disapproval of rates
- § 20-389 - Rate service organizations; license; application
- § 20-390 - Advisory organizations; filing with director
- § 20-391 - Joint underwriting and joint reinsurance organizations; filing with director
- § 20-392 - Rate agreements among insurers prohibited
- § 20-393 - Recording and reporting of experience
- § 20-394 - Examination of rate service organizations and joint underwriting and joint reinsurance organizations
- § 20-395 - Apportionment agreements among insurers
- § 20-396 - Hearing and judicial review
- § 20-397 - Penalties; exception
- § 20-398 - Policy forms; approval or disapproval; exemption
- § 20-399 - Payment of dividends
Article 4.2 - Compliance With Filed Rates
- § 20-400 - Scope of provisions
- § 20-400.01 - Unjustified adjustments
- § 20-400.02 - Submittal of data comparing premiums charged to filed rates
- § 20-400.03 - Penalties
- § 20-400.04 - Examinations
- § 20-400.05 - Examiners and examination related expenses
- § 20-400.07 - Report of examination
- § 20-400.09 - Rules
- § 20-400.10 - Industrial insureds
Article 5 - Unauthorized Insurers
- § 20-401 - Definitions
- § 20-401.01 - Unlawful transaction of insurance business; exemptions
- § 20-401.02 - Violation; cease and desist orders; injunctive relief
- § 20-401.03 - Service of process in an action by the director
- § 20-401.04 - Action by attorney general to enforce order or decision of court or director; foreign decrees
- § 20-401.05 - Certificate of exemption; definitions
- § 20-401.06 - Unauthorized transactions; classification
- § 20-401.07 - Premium receipts tax on industrial insureds contracting with unauthorized insurer; definitions
- § 20-402 - Validity of contracts
- § 20-403 - Service of process in an action by someone other than the director
- § 20-404 - Exemptions
- § 20-405 - Prerequisites for participating in court action
- § 20-406 - Attorneys' fees in action against insurer
- § 20-407 - Surplus lines; brokers
- § 20-407.01 - Designation as a domestic surplus lines insurer; requirements; scope of business activity permitted
- § 20-408 - Report of broker; civil penalty
- § 20-409 - Recognized surplus lines
- § 20-410 - Validity of surplus lines insurance; disclosure; policy fees
- § 20-411 - Licensing of surplus lines broker; examination
- § 20-411.01 - Licensing of Mexican insurance surplus lines broker
- § 20-411.02 - Nonresident surplus lines broker; remittance of tax on insurance procured out of state
- § 20-412 - Acceptance of surplus lines business by broker
- § 20-413 - Placing of surplus lines coverage; endorsement by broker; list of unauthorized insurers; removal from list; definition
- § 20-414 - Records of surplus lines brokers
- § 20-415 - Statement of surplus lines insurance business transacted by broker; reporting periods; exception
- § 20-416 - Tax on surplus lines
- § 20-416.01 - Collection and payment of tax on surplus lines; multistate agreement
- § 20-417 - Failure to remit tax; civil penalty; exception
- § 20-418 - Denial, revocation or suspension of license; civil penalty
- § 20-419 - Legal process against surplus lines insurer
- § 20-420 - Exemptions from surplus lines provisions
- § 20-421 - Access of director to records of person insured by unauthorized insurer
- § 20-422 - Alien insurance for coverage in Mexico
- § 20-423 - Voluntary domestic organization of surplus lines brokers; membership; stamping fee collection; meetings; definition
Article 6 - Unfair Practices and Frauds
- § 20-441 - Purpose of article; definition
- § 20-442 - Unfair trade practices prohibited
- § 20-443 - Misrepresentations and false advertising of policies; false disclosure of compensation
- § 20-443.01 - Misrepresentation in sale of insurance; violation; classification
- § 20-443.02 - Stranger originated life insurance
- § 20-444 - False or deceptive advertising of insurance or status as insurer
- § 20-445 - Defamation
- § 20-446 - Acts tending to result in unreasonable restraint or monopoly of insurance business
- § 20-447 - False financial statements or records
- § 20-448 - Unfair discrimination; definitions
- § 20-448.01 - Required insurance procedures relating to HIV information; confidentiality; violations; penalties; definitions
- § 20-448.02 - Genetic testing; informed consent; definitions
- § 20-449 - Rebates on life or disability insurance
- § 20-450 - Practices not prohibited as discrimination or rebates in life and disability insurance; wellness programs; definition
- § 20-451 - Rebates on other than life or disability insurance; definitions
- § 20-452 - Prohibited inducements
- § 20-452.01 - Designation of particular insurer or person transacting insurance prohibited
- § 20-452.02 - Exceptions
- § 20-452.03 - Evidence of nonviolation
- § 20-452.04 - Investigation by director of alleged violations
- § 20-453 - Programs for purchase by policyholders of securities of insurance companies
- § 20-454 - Programs for purchase by policyholders of securities of companies not engaged in insurance
- § 20-455 - Interlocking ownership or management; multiple directorship
- § 20-456 - Cease and desist order for defined or prohibited practices; civil penalty
- § 20-457 - Premature disposal of premium notes prohibited
- § 20-458 - Fraudulent statement in application; classification
- § 20-459 - Deferred dividends; life
- § 20-460 - Free choice of insurance producer
- § 20-461 - Unfair claim settlement practices
- § 20-462 - Timely payment of claims
- § 20-463 - Fraud; injunction; penalties; restitution; definitions
- § 20-463.01 - Unlawful practices; auto glass repair; policyholders; insurers
- § 20-463.02 - Advanced driver assistance system; auto glass repair; notice; violations; civil penalties; definitions
- § 20-464 - Prohibiting payment for services to persons other than the assignee
- § 20-465 - Fees; insurance producers; definition
- § 20-466 - Fraud unit; investigators; peace officer status; powers; information sharing; assessment
- § 20-466; Version 2 - Fraud unit; investigators; peace officer status; powers; information sharing; assessment
- § 20-466.01 - Fraud; classification
- § 20-466.02 - Injunction; restitution; civil penalties; costs
- § 20-466.03 - Notice of penalty for false or fraudulent claims; definition
- § 20-466.04 - Referrals to other licensing agencies; definition
- § 20-466.05 - Fraud unit assessment fund
- § 20-467 - Return premiums; penalties
- § 20-468 - Motor vehicle loss; policyholder choice of repair facility
- § 20-469 - Motor vehicle loss; choice of glass repair facility
- § 20-469.01 - Third party administrator; glass; violation; classification; definition
Article 7 - Insurance on Collateral Security
- § 20-471 - Definition of insurance service charge; limit; prohibited use
- § 20-472 - Service charges in connection with insurance on collateral security prohibited when change of ownership
- § 20-473 - Obligation of mortgagee to furnish mortgagor copies of insurance policy
- § 20-474 - Service charges in connection with insurance on collateral security prohibited when mortgagee procures insurance
- § 20-475 - Reasonable requirements of security holder are valid
- § 20-475.01 - Insurance on mortgaged property; disclosure of expiration date prohibited; exception
- § 20-476 - Violation; classification
Article 8 - Insurance Holding Company Systems
- § 20-481 - Definitions
- § 20-481.01 - Investment limitations; exemptions
- § 20-481.02 - Tender offers; required statements; disclosures; approval or disapproval by director; definition
- § 20-481.03 - Contents of statement
- § 20-481.04 - Statement filed by partnership, corporation or other group
- § 20-481.05 - Material change of fact; filing amended statement; time
- § 20-481.06 - Use of other statements
- § 20-481.07 - Approval and issues; notice; hearings
- § 20-481.08 - Appointment of director as agent for service of process; forwarding of process; consent to jurisdiction
- § 20-481.09 - Registration of insurers; deadline
- § 20-481.10 - Form and content of registration statement; disclosure of information; enterprise risk filing
- § 20-481.11 - Exemption for nonmaterial items
- § 20-481.12 - Standards
- § 20-481.13 - Material changes; amended statement; time; reporting of dividends
- § 20-481.14 - Termination of registration
- § 20-481.15 - Consolidated registration by affiliates
- § 20-481.16 - Alternative registration for an affiliate
- § 20-481.17 - Exemption by director
- § 20-481.18 - Disclaimer of affiliation or control; contents; effect on duty to register
- § 20-481.19 - Extraordinary dividend or distribution; time; notice; approval by director; definition
- § 20-481.20 - Examination of registered insurers; powers; limits; expense
- § 20-481.21 - Confidential records; consent to release; release without consent; information sharing
- § 20-481.22 - Power to make rules
- § 20-481.23 - Violations
- § 20-481.24 - Adequacy of surplus
- § 20-481.25 - Acquisitions involving insurers not otherwise covered; anticompetitive considerations; civil penalty; definitions
- § 20-481.26 - Penalties; cease and desist order; violation; classification
- § 20-481.27 - Recovery; liability
- § 20-481.28 - Insurer's license; revocation; suspension; nonrenewal
- § 20-481.29 - Injunctions; prohibitions against voting securities; sequestration of voting securities
- § 20-481.30 - Judicial review; special action
- § 20-481.31 - Supervisory colleges
- § 20-481.32 - Management of domestic insurers subject to registration
- § 20-481.33 - Director's authorization; group-wide supervision; internationally active insurance groups
Article 8.1 - Mutual Holding Company Reorganization
- § 20-482 - Definitions
- § 20-482.01 - Effect of reorganization
- § 20-482.02 - Required filings; approval by director and members
- § 20-482.03 - Required plan contents
- § 20-482.04 - Plan review and approval; general provisions; hearing
- § 20-482.05 - Status of mutual holding company as corporation; status of insurer; rights and obligations of members; voting; articles of incorporation
- § 20-482.06 - Concurrent reorganization with a domestic or foreign mutual insurer
- § 20-482.07 - Foreign mutual insurer reorganization; definition
Article 9 - Insurance Administrators
- § 20-485 - Definitions; scope
- § 20-485.01 - Written agreement; provisions; maintenance of records
- § 20-485.02 - Administrator as intermediary between insurer and insured; right of action preserved
- § 20-485.03 - Maintenance of records; access; confidentiality; information sharing; examination
- § 20-485.04 - Advertising; approval
- § 20-485.05 - Inclusion of underwriting standards
- § 20-485.06 - Charges or premiums collected held in fiduciary capacity; establishment of account; disbursements
- § 20-485.07 - Payment of claims on behalf of insurer
- § 20-485.08 - Delivery of written communications
- § 20-485.09 - Adjustment or settlement of claims or charges; compensation
- § 20-485.10 - Deposit or surety bond of administrators; amount; purpose
- § 20-485.11 - Notice to insureds; statement of charge or premium for coverage; conflict of interest prohibited
- § 20-485.12 - Certificate of registration; fees; expiration; revocation; civil penalties; violations; classification; injunctive relief
Article 10 - Reinsurance Intermediaries
- § 20-486 - Definitions; director's list
- § 20-486.01 - Licensure of reinsurance intermediaries
- § 20-486.02 - Required contract provisions; reinsurance intermediary brokers
- § 20-486.03 - Books and records; reinsurance intermediary brokers
- § 20-486.04 - Duties of insurers utilizing the services of a reinsurance intermediary broker
- § 20-486.05 - Required contract provisions; reinsurance intermediary managers
- § 20-486.06 - Books and records; reinsurance intermediary managers
- § 20-486.07 - Prohibited acts; reinsurance intermediary managers
- § 20-486.08 - Duties of reinsurers utilizing the services of a reinsurance intermediary manager
- § 20-486.09 - Examination authority
- § 20-486.10 - Penalties and liabilities
- § 20-486.11 - Adoption of rules
Article 11 - Producer Controlled Property and Casualty Insurance
- § 20-487 - Definitions
- § 20-487.01 - Applicability
- § 20-487.02 - Minimum standards
- § 20-487.03 - Disclosure
- § 20-487.04 - Penalties
Article 12 - Risk-Based Capital for Insurers
- § 20-488 - Definitions
- § 20-488.01 - Risk-based capital reports
- § 20-488.02 - Company action level event
- § 20-488.03 - Regulatory action level event
- § 20-488.04 - Authorized control level event
- § 20-488.05 - Mandatory control level event
- § 20-488.06 - Hearings
- § 20-488.07 - Confidentiality; information sharing
- § 20-488.08 - Supplemental provisions; rules; exemption
- § 20-488.09 - Foreign insurers
- § 20-488.10 - Notice
- § 20-488.11 - Immunity
Article 13 - Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
- § 20-489 - Violent crime control and law enforcement act; insurance business; rules
- § 20-489.01 - Application of other laws
Article 14 - Enforcement of Insurance Policies Affecting Certain Holocaust Victims
- § 20-490 - Definitions
- § 20-490.01 - Suspension of limitations period
- § 20-490.02 - Enforcement; civil penalty
Article 15 - Risk Management and Solvency Assessment
- § 20-491 - Definitions
- § 20-491.01 - Risk management framework required
- § 20-491.02 - ORSA requirement
- § 20-491.03 - Submission of ORSA summary report; requirements
- § 20-491.04 - Exemptions from article requirements; reports
- § 20-491.05 - ORSA summary report
- § 20-491.06 - Confidentiality of ORSA documents; allowable uses
- § 20-491.07 - Civil penalties
Article 16 - Corporate Governance
- § 20-492 - Definitions
- § 20-492.01 - Disclosure requirements
- § 20-492.02 - Rules and orders
- § 20-492.03 - Contents of corporate governance annual disclosure
- § 20-492.04 - Confidentiality
- § 20-492.05 - Third-party consultants; confidentiality standards
- § 20-492.06 - Civil penalties
Article 1 - Assets and Liabilities
- § 20-501 - Eligible assets
- § 20-502 - Assets as deductions from liabilities
- § 20-503 - Assets not allowed as deductions from liabilities
- § 20-504 - Reporting assets not allowed
- § 20-505 - Liabilities
- § 20-506 - Unearned premium reserve
- § 20-507 - Unearned premium reserve for marine insurance
- § 20-508 - Reserves for disability insurance
- § 20-509 - Increase of inadequate reserves
- § 20-510 - Standard valuation law; operative date; definitions
- § 20-511 - Valuation of bonds; limitation
- § 20-512 - Valuation of other securities
- § 20-512.01 - Valuation of joint ventures, partnerships and limited liability companies
- § 20-513 - Valuation of real and personal property
- § 20-514 - Valuation of purchase money mortgages
- § 20-515 - Valuation of assets held in separate accounts
- § 20-516 - Reserve standards
- § 20-517 - Report of acquisitions and dispositions
- § 20-518 - Acquisitions and dispositions of assets
- § 20-519 - Nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements
Article 2 - Investments
- § 20-531 - Scope of article
- § 20-532 - Eligible investments
- § 20-533 - Qualification of securities or property as eligible investments
- § 20-534 - Approval of investment
- § 20-535 - Limitation on percentage of assets invested with single person; exception
- § 20-536 - Investments; type; limitations
- § 20-536.01 - Separate accounts
- § 20-537 - Investment of funds in United States obligations; accounting
- § 20-538 - Securities of states, territories, counties, municipalities, school districts, political subdivisions, public districts or civil divisions thereof
- § 20-539 - Federally guaranteed loans
- § 20-540 - Governmental revenue bonds and obligations; limitation; definitions
- § 20-541 - Improvement district obligations
- § 20-543 - Acceptances and bills of exchange
- § 20-544 - Corporate obligations
- § 20-545 - Preferred, guaranteed or preference stock
- § 20-546 - Common stocks
- § 20-547 - Equipment trust certificates
- § 20-548 - Obligations of receivers or trustees
- § 20-549 - Investments not otherwise authorized; limitations; appraisal; cost
- § 20-550 - Policy loans
- § 20-551 - Investments or deposits in financial institutions
- § 20-552 - Foreign securities
- § 20-552.01 - Canadian investments; definition
- § 20-553 - Mortgages on real estate; definitions
- § 20-554 - Purchase money mortgages
- § 20-555 - Security agreements; definition
- § 20-556 - Real property
- § 20-557 - Second mortgages
- § 20-558 - Investment company or trust; mutual funds
- § 20-559 - Investments of foreign and alien insurers
- § 20-560 - Derivative transactions; definitions
- § 20-561 - Collateral loans
- § 20-562 - Insurer investments; partnerships; limited liability companies; limitations
Article 3 - Administration of Deposits
- § 20-581 - Deposits of insurers
- § 20-582 - Purpose of deposits
- § 20-583 - Assets eligible for deposit
- § 20-584 - Trust companies as depositaries
- § 20-585 - Responsibility of state for safekeeping of deposits
- § 20-586 - Rights of insurer during solvency
- § 20-587 - Excess deposits
- § 20-588 - Release of deposits
- § 20-589 - Levy upon deposits prohibited; exception
Article 4 - Rehabilitation and Liquidation
- § 20-611 - Definitions
- § 20-612 - Delinquency proceedings; jurisdiction; venue; nature of remedy; appeal
- § 20-613 - Commencement of delinquency proceedings
- § 20-614 - Injunctions
- § 20-615 - Grounds for rehabilitation of domestic insurers
- § 20-616 - Grounds for liquidation
- § 20-617 - Grounds for conservation of foreign insurers
- § 20-618 - Grounds for conservation of alien insurers
- § 20-619 - Grounds for ancillary liquidation of foreign insurers
- § 20-620 - Order of rehabilitation; termination
- § 20-621 - Order of liquidation of domestic insurers
- § 20-622 - Order of liquidation of alien insurers
- § 20-623 - Order of conservation or ancillary liquidation of foreign or alien insurers
- § 20-623.01 - Conduct of all delinquency proceedings
- § 20-624 - Conduct of delinquency proceedings against domestic and alien insurers
- § 20-625 - Conduct of delinquency proceedings against foreign insurers
- § 20-626 - Claims of nonresidents against domestic insurers
- § 20-627 - Claims against foreign insurers
- § 20-628 - Proof of claims; notice; hearing
- § 20-629 - Priority of distribution; definition
- § 20-630 - Attachment and garnishment of assets
- § 20-631 - Uniform insurers liquidation act
- § 20-632 - Deposit of monies collected
- § 20-634 - Borrowing on pledge of assets
- § 20-635 - Rights and liabilities fixed as of date liquidation order filed
- § 20-636 - Voidable transfers
- § 20-637 - Qualified financial contracts; definition
- § 20-638 - Offsets
- § 20-639 - Allowance of certain claims
- § 20-640 - Time to file claims
- § 20-641 - Report for assessment
- § 20-642 - Levy of assessment
- § 20-643 - Order to pay assessment
- § 20-644 - Publication and service of assessment order
- § 20-645 - Judgment upon assessment
- § 20-646 - Cooperation with Arizona property and casualty insurance guaranty fund and life and disability insurance guaranty fund
- § 20-647 - Giving guaranty fund or association immediate access to assets
- § 20-648 - Receivership liquidation fund; purpose; deposit; expenses of receivership; deputy receiver; powers and duties
- § 20-649 - Extension of time
- § 20-650 - Recovery of shareholder liability
Article 5 - Separate Accounts Chapter 3 - FINANCIAL PROVISIONS AND PROCEDURES
Article 6 - Administration of Insolvency
- § 20-661 - Definitions
- § 20-662 - Arizona property and casualty insurance guaranty fund
- § 20-663 - Guaranty fund board; composition; compensation
- § 20-664 - Powers and duties of the board
- § 20-665 - Plan of operation
- § 20-666 - Assessments; notification; exemptions; setoffs; refunds
- § 20-667 - Obligations of the fund
- § 20-668 - Powers and duties of the director
- § 20-669 - Examination of member insurer; costs; release of report
- § 20-670 - Meetings; information; subpoena power; confidentiality
- § 20-671 - Special meetings closed
- § 20-672 - Effect of paid claims
- § 20-673 - Nonduplication of recovery; exhausting all other applicable coverages; rights of fund and member insurer; definition
- § 20-674 - Premium tax offset
- § 20-675 - Immunity and indemnification
- § 20-676 - Stay of proceedings
- § 20-677 - Interest
- § 20-678 - Examination of the fund; annual report
- § 20-679 - Limitations on filing of creditor's claims
- § 20-680 - Exempt types of insurance
Article 7 - Administration of Life and Disability Insurance Insolvencies
- § 20-681 - Definitions
- § 20-682 - Coverage; limitations
- § 20-683 - Life and disability insurance guaranty fund
- § 20-684 - Life and disability insurance guaranty fund board; composition; compensation
- § 20-685 - Powers and duties of the fund
- § 20-686 - Assessments
- § 20-687 - Plan of operation
- § 20-688 - Duties and powers of the director
- § 20-689 - Prevention of impairments
- § 20-690 - Financial provisions
- § 20-691 - Examination of the fund; annual report
- § 20-692 - Premium tax offset
- § 20-693 - Immunity
- § 20-694 - Stay of proceedings; reopening default judgments
- § 20-695 - Statute of limitations
Article 8 - Life and Health Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Requirements
- § 20-696 - Scope of article
- § 20-696.01 - Definitions
- § 20-696.02 - General requirements; statement of actuarial opinion; qualified actuary; appointed actuary; analysis
- § 20-696.03 - Statement of actuarial opinion based on an asset adequacy analysis
- § 20-696.04 - Description of actuarial memorandum including an asset adequacy analysis and regulatory asset adequacy issues summary
Article 9 - Property and Casualty Actuarial Opinion Requirements
- § 20-697 - Property and casualty actuarial opinions; limitation of liability
- § 20-697.01 - Confidentiality; sharing of information
Article 10 - Audited Financial Reports
- § 20-698 - Annual audited financial reports
- § 20-698.01 - Rule making; exemption from rule making procedures
Article 1 - Domestic Stock and Mutual Insurers
- § 20-701 - Scope of article
- § 20-702 - "Mutual" insurer defined
- § 20-703 - "Stock" insurer defined
- § 20-704 - Applicability of general corporation laws
- § 20-705 - Articles of incorporation
- § 20-706 - Filing and publication of articles; appointment of agent to receive process; issuance of certificate
- § 20-707 - Amendment of articles
- § 20-708 - Limited stock insurers
- § 20-709 - Formation of mutual insurer; applications for insurance
- § 20-710 - Formation of mutuals; trust deposit of premiums; issuance of policies
- § 20-711 - Initial qualification of domestic mutual insurers
- § 20-712 - Additional kinds of insurance authorized to be issued by mutual insurer
- § 20-713 - Bylaws of mutual insurer
- § 20-713.01 - Directors; terms; staggered terms
- § 20-714 - Quorum of members of mutual insurer
- § 20-715 - Membership in mutual insurer
- § 20-716 - Rights of mutual insurer member
- § 20-717 - Contingent liability of mutual insurer members
- § 20-718 - Enforcement of contingent liability
- § 20-719 - Issuance of nonassessable policies by mutual insurers
- § 20-720 - Revocation of authority to issue nonassessable policies
- § 20-721 - Participating policies
- § 20-722 - Stock dividends
- § 20-723 - Dividends to mutual policyholders
- § 20-724 - Illegal dividends; violation; classification
- § 20-725 - Borrowed surplus
- § 20-726 - Prohibited interests of officers and directors in certain transactions
- § 20-726.01 - Insider trading by officers, directors and principal stockholders
- § 20-727 - Management and exclusive agency contracts
- § 20-728 - Impairment of capital or assets
- § 20-729 - Conversion of stock insurer to mutual insurer
- § 20-730 - Conversion of mutual insurer to stock insurer
- § 20-731 - Merger or consolidation of stock insurers; hearings; notice
- § 20-732 - Acceptance of reinsurance by stock insurers; definition
- § 20-733 - Merger or consolidation of mutual insurers
- § 20-734 - Acceptance of reinsurance by mutual insurers
- § 20-735 - Distribution of assets of mutual insurer on liquidation
- § 20-736 - Transfer of direct obligations; assignment; notice; findings; approval; applicability
Article 2 - Reciprocal Insurers
- § 20-761 - "Reciprocal" insurance defined
- § 20-762 - "Reciprocal insurer" defined
- § 20-763 - Scope of article
- § 20-764 - Compliance by existing insurers
- § 20-765 - Powers of reciprocal insurers
- § 20-766 - Name of insurer; designation by name as party in action
- § 20-767 - Attorney-in-fact of reciprocal insurers
- § 20-768 - Required surplus funds
- § 20-769 - Organization of reciprocal insurer
- § 20-770 - Certificate of authority
- § 20-771 - Power of attorney
- § 20-772 - Modifications of agreement
- § 20-773 - Bond of attorney
- § 20-774 - Deposit in lieu of bond of attorney
- § 20-775 - Action on bond
- § 20-776 - Service of legal process; liabilities under judgment on such service
- § 20-777 - Annual statement
- § 20-778 - Contributions to insurer
- § 20-779 - Financial condition; determination
- § 20-780 - Subscribers
- § 20-781 - Subscribers' advisory committee
- § 20-782 - Subscriber's liability
- § 20-783 - Liability of subscriber on judgment against insurer
- § 20-784 - Assessments
- § 20-785 - Time limit for assessment
- § 20-786 - Limitation on liability
- § 20-787 - Nonassessable policies
- § 20-788 - Distribution of savings
- § 20-789 - Subscriber's share in assets
- § 20-790 - Merger or conversion
- § 20-791 - Impaired reciprocal insurers
- § 20-792 - Ownership of real property
Article 3 - Hospital, Medical, Dental and Optometric Service Corporations
- § 20-821 - Scope of article; rules; authority of director
- § 20-822 - Definitions
- § 20-823 - Incorporation of hospital, medical, dental and optometric service corporations
- § 20-824 - Application for certificate; fee
- § 20-825 - Certificate of authority; requirements
- § 20-825.01 - Minimum capital or surplus required; application
- § 20-826 - Subscription contracts; definitions
- § 20-826.01 - Hospital or medical service corporations; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
- § 20-826.02 - Subscription contracts; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
- § 20-826.03 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- § 20-826.04 - Subscription contracts; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
- § 20-828 - Deposit for protection of members
- § 20-829 - Directors
- § 20-830 - Expenses and investments
- § 20-831 - Annual statement; examination
- § 20-832 - Limitation on salaries
- § 20-833 - Relationship of health care professional and patient; financial incentives; definition
- § 20-834 - Dissolution; unfair practices
- § 20-835 - Judicial review of decisions of director
- § 20-836 - Limitation on liability
- § 20-837 - Tax exemption; exceptions
- § 20-838 - Subscribers and employees exempt from corporate indebtedness
- § 20-839 - Exemption of certain hospital plans
- § 20-840 - Continuation of existing certificates, licenses and rights
- § 20-841 - Prohibiting denial of certain contract benefits
- § 20-841.01 - Prohibiting denial of chiropractic contract benefits; direct reimbursement
- § 20-841.02 - Prohibiting denial of psychologist contract benefits
- § 20-841.03 - Prohibiting denial of contract benefits; nurses; reimbursement
- § 20-841.04 - Standing referrals to network health care professionals; definition
- § 20-841.05 - Prescription drug formulary; definitions
- § 20-841.06 - Continuity of care; definition
- § 20-841.07 - Medical supplies
- § 20-841.08 - Prohibiting denial of occupational or physical therapist contract benefits
- § 20-841.09 - Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
- § 20-841.10 - Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
- § 20-841.11 - Prescription eyedrops; refills
- § 20-841.12 - Coverage of health care services
- § 20-841.13 - Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
- § 20-842 - Prohibition against excluding coverage because of previous tests for a condition
- § 20-843 - Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
- § 20-844 - Right to open enrollment period; subscribers; definition
- § 20-845 - Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; civil penalties
- § 20-846 - Individual health insurance policies; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
- § 20-847 - Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
- § 20-848 - Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
- § 20-849 - Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
Article 4 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
- § 20-861 - Definitions
- § 20-862 - Lodge system
- § 20-863 - Representative form of government
- § 20-864 - Purposes and powers
- § 20-865 - Qualifications for membership
- § 20-866 - Location of office; publications; grievance procedure
- § 20-867 - Exemption from liability
- § 20-868 - Waiver
- § 20-869 - Organization
- § 20-870 - Amendment to society laws
- § 20-871 - Authority to maintain institutions
- § 20-872 - Reinsurance
- § 20-873 - Consolidation or merger
- § 20-874 - Conversion of fraternal benefit society to mutual life insurance company
- § 20-875 - Benefits
- § 20-876 - Beneficiaries
- § 20-877 - Benefits not attachable
- § 20-878 - Benefit contract
- § 20-879 - Nonforfeiture benefits, cash surrender value, certificate loans and other options
- § 20-880 - Investments
- § 20-881 - Funds
- § 20-882 - Applicable insurance provisions
- § 20-883 - Tax exemption; exception
- § 20-884 - Valuation
- § 20-885 - Reports
- § 20-886 - Certificate of authority; termination
- § 20-887 - Examination of societies; limitation on disclosure
- § 20-888 - Admission of foreign or alien societies
- § 20-889 - Injunction; delinquency or dissolution proceedings
- § 20-890 - Licensing of insurance producers
- § 20-891 - Unfair acts and practices
- § 20-892 - Violation; classification
- § 20-893 - Exemption of societies and associations and orders from insurance laws
Article 7 - Prepaid Dental Plan Organizations
- § 20-1001 - Definitions
- § 20-1002 - Establishment of prepaid dental plan organizations
- § 20-1003 - Application for certificate of authority
- § 20-1004 - Issuance of certificate of authority
- § 20-1005 - Deposit requirement; exception
- § 20-1006 - Reserve requirement; exception
- § 20-1006.01 - Risk-based capital requirements; minimum capital and surplus
- § 20-1007 - Membership coverage by prepaid dental plan organizations
- § 20-1008 - Examination of prepaid dental plan organization
- § 20-1009 - Annual report to director
- § 20-1010 - Taxes
- § 20-1011 - Operational expenses
- § 20-1012 - Prohibited practices
- § 20-1013 - Regulation of agents
- § 20-1014 - Examination
- § 20-1015 - Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; civil penalties
- § 20-1016 - Rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of prepaid dental plan organization
- § 20-1018 - Advertising matter or sales materials
- § 20-1019 - Order of benefit determination for dental care
Article 8 - Lloyd's Associations
- § 20-1021 - Lloyd's association defined
- § 20-1022 - Forms of insurance authorized
- § 20-1023 - "Attorney" defined; office
- § 20-1024 - Application for license; contents
- § 20-1025 - Surplus required
- § 20-1026 - Reserves for liabilities and losses
- § 20-1027 - Liability of underwriters; limitation
- § 20-1028 - Liability of additional or substituted underwriters; authority of deputy, substitute or successor attorney
- § 20-1029 - Division of profits
- § 20-1030 - Actions on policies or insurance contracts; process; judgments; costs
- § 20-1031 - Deposit required of Lloyd's association
- § 20-1032 - Revocation of license
- § 20-1033 - Laws applicable to Lloyd's association
Article 9 - Health Care Services Organizations
- § 20-1051 - Definitions
- § 20-1052 - Establishment of health care services organizations
- § 20-1052.01 - Establishment of provider sponsored health care services organizations; rules; limitations
- § 20-1053 - Application for certificate of authority
- § 20-1054 - Issuance of certificate of authority
- § 20-1055 - Deposit requirement
- § 20-1057 - Evidence of coverage by health care services organizations; renewability; definitions
- § 20-1057.01 - Standing referrals to network health care professionals; definition
- § 20-1057.02 - Prescription drug formulary; definitions
- § 20-1057.03 - Chiropractic care; definitions
- § 20-1057.04 - Continuity of care; definition
- § 20-1057.05 - Medical supplies
- § 20-1057.06 - Prior authorization
- § 20-1057.07 - Health care services organizations; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
- § 20-1057.08 - Prescription contraceptive drugs and devices; definition
- § 20-1057.09 - Health care services organizations; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
- § 20-1057.10 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- § 20-1057.11 - Health care services organizations; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
- § 20-1057.12 - Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1057.13 - Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
- § 20-1057.14 - Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
- § 20-1057.15 - Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
- § 20-1057.16 - Prescription eyedrops; refills
- § 20-1057.17 - Coverage of health care services
- § 20-1057.18 - Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1057.19 - Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
- § 20-1058 - Examination of health care services organizations
- § 20-1059 - Annual report to director
- § 20-1059.01 - Admitted assets; health care delivery assets
- § 20-1060 - Taxes; exemption
- § 20-1061 - Prohibited practices; definition
- § 20-1062 - Regulation of agents
- § 20-1063 - Powers of insurers and hospital and medical service corporations
- § 20-1064 - Examination
- § 20-1065 - Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; civil penalties
- § 20-1066 - Rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of health maintenance organization
- § 20-1068 - Statutory construction and relationship to other laws
- § 20-1069.01 - Right to open enrollment period; enrollees; definitions
- § 20-1070 - Acquisitions and mergers
- § 20-1071 - Prohibition against excluding coverage because of previous tests for a condition
- § 20-1072 - Nonliability of enrollees for provider or hospital charges; penalty
- § 20-1073 - Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
- § 20-1074 - Contract termination; duty to report; provision for continued services during insolvency; definitions
- § 20-1075 - Transactions with affiliates
- § 20-1077 - Use of freestanding urgent care centers; policies
- § 20-1078 - Rules
- § 20-1079 - Individual health insurance policies; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
Article 10 - Domestic Life and Disability Reinsurer
- § 20-1081 - Domestic life and disability reinsurer
- § 20-1082 - Definitions
- § 20-1083 - Law applicable to domestic life and disability reinsurers
- § 20-1084 - Articles of incorporation
- § 20-1085 - Capital
- § 20-1086 - Surplus
- § 20-1087 - Deposits
- § 20-1088 - Limit of risk
- § 20-1089 - Certificates of authority
- § 20-1090 - Reorganization; limitation
- § 20-1091 - Transfers to this article
- § 20-1092 - Control of assets; definition
- § 20-1093 - Reciprocity
- § 20-1094 - Approval of reinsurance agreements
- § 20-1094.01 - Reserve requirements
Article 11 - Service Companies
- § 20-1095 - Definitions
- § 20-1095.01 - Service companies; permits; rules; application of laws
- § 20-1095.02 - Exemptions; definition
- § 20-1095.03 - Qualifications for permit
- § 20-1095.04 - Filing of surety bond, securities or bonds
- § 20-1095.05 - Contracts not in compliance; validity
- § 20-1095.06 - Required service contract disclosures
- § 20-1095.07 - Sale of unapproved service contract; violation; classification
- § 20-1095.08 - Nonrenewal, revocation or suspension of permit
- § 20-1095.09 - Unfair trade practices; violation of article; cease and desist order
- § 20-1095.10 - Scope and limitations of article
Article 12 - Mechanical Reimbursement Reinsurers
- § 20-1096 - Definitions
- § 20-1096.01 - Formation of mechanical reimbursement reinsurer; articles of incorporation
- § 20-1096.02 - Capital
- § 20-1096.03 - Surplus
- § 20-1096.04 - Qualifications
- § 20-1096.05 - Annual reports; renewal of certificate of authority
- § 20-1096.06 - Filing of cash or alternatives to cash
- § 20-1096.07 - Reserves
- § 20-1096.08 - Nonrenewal, revocation or suspension of certificate of authority
- § 20-1096.09 - Cease and desist order; violation of article
- § 20-1096.10 - Rules and regulations
- § 20-1096.11 - Scope and limitations of article
Article 13 - Prepaid Legal Insurance
- § 20-1097 - Definitions
- § 20-1097.01 - Exceptions
- § 20-1097.02 - Certificate of authority; requirements; issuance
- § 20-1097.03 - Deposit required
- § 20-1097.04 - Prepaid legal insurance contract provisions
- § 20-1097.05 - Prepaid legal insurance contracts; rates
- § 20-1097.06 - Contracts for underwriting
- § 20-1097.07 - Fees and taxes
- § 20-1097.08 - Advertising and solicitation of legal services
- § 20-1097.09 - Liability of corporation; civil penalty
- § 20-1097.10 - Capital, surplus and reserve requirements
- § 20-1097.11 - Assets; valuation; reporting
- § 20-1097.12 - Annual statement and information; penalty
- § 20-1097.13 - Suspension or revocation of authorization or registration; appeal; civil penalty; rules
Article 14 - Captive Insurers
- § 20-1098 - Definitions
- § 20-1098.01 - Licensing; authority
- § 20-1098.02 - Names of companies
- § 20-1098.03 - Minimum capital and surplus; letter of credit; borrowed surplus
- § 20-1098.04 - Formation of captive insurers; redomestication
- § 20-1098.05 - Protected cell captive insurers
- § 20-1098.06 - Protected cell captive insurers; sponsors; participants
- § 20-1098.07 - Annual report
- § 20-1098.08 - Examinations
- § 20-1098.09 - Grounds and procedures for license suspension or revocation
- § 20-1098.10 - Legal investments
- § 20-1098.11 - Reinsurance
- § 20-1098.12 - Rating organization; exemption
- § 20-1098.13 - Associations; benefits; prohibitions
- § 20-1098.14 - Rules
- § 20-1098.15 - Applicability
- § 20-1098.16 - Captive manager
- § 20-1098.17 - Effect of fees payment; premium tax
- § 20-1098.18 - Captive insurance regulatory and supervision fund; purpose
- § 20-1098.19 - Establishment of branch captive insurer
- § 20-1098.20 - Security for branch business and branch operations
- § 20-1098.21 - Branch captive insurer reports
- § 20-1098.22 - Change in plan of operations
- § 20-1098.23 - Confidentiality of information; exceptions
Article 15 - Vehicle Protection Products
- § 20-1099 - Definitions
- § 20-1099.01 - Vehicle protection products; exemption from insurance code
- § 20-1099.02 - Exemption from insurance code; requirements
Article 1 - In General
- § 20-1101 - Scope of article
- § 20-1102 - "Policy" defined
- § 20-1103 - "Premium" defined
- § 20-1104 - Insurable interest with respect to personal insurance; definition
- § 20-1105 - Insurable interest with respect to property insurance
- § 20-1106 - Capacity to contract for insurance; minors
- § 20-1107 - Application for insurance
- § 20-1108 - Admissibility of application as evidence
- § 20-1109 - Statements as representation; effect of misrepresentation upon policy
- § 20-1110 - Approval of forms; definition
- § 20-1110.01 - Rules and regulations; form and readability of policies
- § 20-1111 - Grounds for disapproval of forms
- § 20-1112 - Standard provisions
- § 20-1113 - Contents of policy
- § 20-1114 - Incorporation of charter or bylaw into policy
- § 20-1115 - Void policy restrictions
- § 20-1116 - Execution of policies
- § 20-1117 - Underwriters' and combination policies
- § 20-1118 - Validity of noncomplying forms
- § 20-1119 - Construction of policies; translation; disclaimer
- § 20-1120 - Binders
- § 20-1121 - Renewal of policy by certificate or endorsement
- § 20-1122 - Assignment of policies
- § 20-1123 - Annulment of liability policies
- § 20-1123.01 - Motor vehicle liability insurance; primary and excess coverage
- § 20-1124 - Discharge of insurer by payment under policy
- § 20-1125 - Discharge of payor by payment of benefits under employee benefit plan or life insurance policy
- § 20-1126 - Health care insurers; pharmacy benefits managers; cost sharing; calculation; definitions
- § 20-1127 - Simultaneous deaths
- § 20-1128 - Rights of spouse in life or disability policy
- § 20-1129 - Furnishing of proof of loss forms by insurer
- § 20-1130 - Administration of claim against insurer not deemed waiver of defense
- § 20-1131 - Exemption of life insurance proceeds and cash values from creditors
- § 20-1132 - Exemption of group life insurance proceeds from creditors; exception
- § 20-1133 - Medicare supplement insurance; early enrollment discounts; applicability
- § 20-1134 - Coordination of benefits
- § 20-1135 - Prohibition against excluding coverage because of previous tests for a condition
- § 20-1136 - Accelerated payments of certain benefits in life insurance policies
- § 20-1137 - Limited benefit coverage; prohibited practice; definition
- § 20-1138 - Health insurance policies; member identification cards; applicability
Article 1 - Life Insurance and Annuities
- § 20-1201 - Scope of article
- § 20-1202 - Standard provisions required in life insurance policies
- § 20-1203 - Grace period
- § 20-1204 - Incontestability
- § 20-1205 - Application and policy as entire contract; statements in application as representations; information
- § 20-1206 - Misstatement of age
- § 20-1207 - Dividends
- § 20-1208 - Policy loan on old policies
- § 20-1209 - Policy loan on new policies
- § 20-1209.01 - Maximum rate of interest on policy loans; definitions
- § 20-1210 - Nonforfeiture options in old policies
- § 20-1212 - Table of installments
- § 20-1213 - Reinstatement
- § 20-1214 - Payment of premiums
- § 20-1215 - Payment of claims
- § 20-1216 - Policy title
- § 20-1217 - Excluded or restricted coverage
- § 20-1218 - Standard provisions required in annuity and pure endowment contracts
- § 20-1219 - Grace period in annuities
- § 20-1220 - Incontestability in annuities
- § 20-1221 - Application and contract as entire contract in annuities
- § 20-1222 - Misstatement of age in annuities
- § 20-1223 - Dividends on annuities
- § 20-1224 - Reinstatement of annuities
- § 20-1225 - Standard provisions required in reversionary annuities
- § 20-1226 - Limitation of liability
- § 20-1227 - Incontestability after reinstatement
- § 20-1228 - Policy settlements
- § 20-1229 - Authorized deductions from insurance proceeds
- § 20-1230 - Prohibition of dual or multiple pay policies
- § 20-1231 - Standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance
- § 20-1231.01 - Standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance; table for calculating adjusted premiums; definitions
- § 20-1232 - Standard nonforfeiture law for individual deferred annuities
- § 20-1233 - Free look; annuity contracts
Article 1.1 - Replacement of Life Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts
- § 20-1241 - Definitions
- § 20-1241.01 - Scope of article
- § 20-1241.02 - Policy summary requirements
- § 20-1241.03 - Duties of insurance producers
- § 20-1241.04 - Duties of insurers that use insurance producers
- § 20-1241.05 - Duties of replacing insurers that use insurance producers
- § 20-1241.06 - Duties of existing insurer
- § 20-1241.07 - Duties of insurers with respect to direct response solicitations
- § 20-1241.08 - Violations; penalties; intent
- § 20-1241.09 - Rules; exemption from rule making procedures
Article 1.2 - Annuity Disclosure
- § 20-1242 - Definitions
- § 20-1242.01 - Applicability and scope
- § 20-1242.02 - Standards for the disclosure document and buyer's guide
- § 20-1242.03 - Report to contract owners
- § 20-1242.04 - Penalties
- § 20-1242.05 - Rules; exemption from rule making procedures
Article 1.3 - Protection in Annuity Transactions
- § 20-1243 - Definitions
- § 20-1243.01 - Scope and limitation of article
- § 20-1243.02 - Exemptions
- § 20-1243.03 - Duties of insurers and producers; definitions
- § 20-1243.04 - Standards for supervision
- § 20-1243.05 - Compliance; enforcement; penalties
- § 20-1243.06 - Recordkeeping
- § 20-1243.07 - Producer training; annuities; continuing education
Article 2 - Group Life Insurance and Group Annuity Contracts
- § 20-1251 - Requirements for group contracts
- § 20-1251.01 - Credit union groups
- § 20-1252 - Employee groups
- § 20-1253 - Debtor groups
- § 20-1254 - Labor union groups
- § 20-1255 - Trustee groups
- § 20-1256 - Association groups
- § 20-1257 - Coverage of dependents; definition
- § 20-1258 - Standard provisions required in group life insurance policies
- § 20-1259 - Grace period
- § 20-1260 - Incontestability
- § 20-1261 - Attachment of application to policy; statements of persons insured as representations
- § 20-1262 - Right to require evidence of individual insurability
- § 20-1263 - Misstatement of age
- § 20-1264 - Beneficiary
- § 20-1265 - Individual certificates
- § 20-1266 - Conversion on termination of eligibility
- § 20-1267 - Conversion on termination of policy
- § 20-1268 - Death pending conversion
- § 20-1269 - Notice of conversion right
- § 20-1270 - Standard provisions required in group annuity contracts
- § 20-1271 - Grace period in group annuity contracts
- § 20-1272 - Documents constituting entire group annuity contract
- § 20-1273 - Misstatements in group annuity contracts
- § 20-1274 - Nonforfeiture benefits in group annuity contract
- § 20-1275 - Group annuity contract certificates
- § 20-1276 - "Employee life insurance" defined
- § 20-1277 - Assignability of group life insurance
Article 3 - Industrial Life Insurance
- § 20-1301 - Scope of article
- § 20-1302 - Required provisions
- § 20-1303 - Grace period
- § 20-1304 - Application and policy as entire contract; statements of applicant as representations
- § 20-1305 - Incontestability
- § 20-1306 - Misstatement of age
- § 20-1307 - Dividends
- § 20-1308 - Nonforfeiture benefits
- § 20-1309 - Reinstatement
- § 20-1310 - Settlement
- § 20-1311 - Authority to alter contract
- § 20-1312 - Beneficiary; change of beneficiary; payment
- § 20-1313 - Direct payment of premiums
- § 20-1314 - Conversion of weekly premium policies
- § 20-1315 - Conversion of monthly premium policies
- § 20-1316 - Title of policy
- § 20-1317 - Provisions inapplicable to single premium or term policies
- § 20-1318 - Prohibited provisions
Article 4 - Disability Insurance
- § 20-1341 - Scope of article
- § 20-1342 - Scope and format of policy; definitions
- § 20-1342.01 - Children with disabilities
- § 20-1342.02 - Disapproval of disability policy form
- § 20-1342.03 - Disability insurance; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
- § 20-1342.04 - Disability insurance policies; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
- § 20-1342.05 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- § 20-1342.06 - Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1342.07 - Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1343 - Policies issued for delivery in another state
- § 20-1344 - Policy provisions required; omissions; substitutions
- § 20-1345 - Policy and attachments as entire contract; changes in policy
- § 20-1346 - Time limit on defenses
- § 20-1347 - Grace period
- § 20-1348 - Reinstatement
- § 20-1349 - Notice of claim
- § 20-1350 - Claim forms
- § 20-1351 - Proofs of loss
- § 20-1352 - Time for payment of claims
- § 20-1353 - Payment of claims
- § 20-1354 - Physical examination; autopsy
- § 20-1355 - Legal actions
- § 20-1356 - Change of beneficiary
- § 20-1357 - Optional policy provisions
- § 20-1358 - Change of occupation
- § 20-1359 - Misstatement of age
- § 20-1360 - Other insurance in this insurer
- § 20-1361 - Insurance with other insurers; provision of service or expense incurred basis
- § 20-1362 - Insurance with other insurers
- § 20-1363 - Relation of earnings to insurance
- § 20-1364 - Unpaid premium
- § 20-1365 - Cancellation
- § 20-1366 - Conformity with statutes
- § 20-1367 - Illegal occupation
- § 20-1368 - Intoxicants and narcotics
- § 20-1369 - Arrangement of provisions in policy
- § 20-1370 - Third party ownership
- § 20-1371 - Policy provision requirements of other jurisdictions
- § 20-1372 - Effect of policy containing nonconforming provisions
- § 20-1373 - Age limit
- § 20-1374 - Effective date of provisions; moratorium
- § 20-1375 - Franchise disability insurance law
- § 20-1376 - Prohibiting denial of certain contract benefits
- § 20-1376.01 - Prohibiting denial of chiropractic contract benefits; direct reimbursement
- § 20-1376.02 - Prohibiting denial of psychologist contract benefits
- § 20-1376.03 - Prohibiting denial of contract benefits; nurses; reimbursement
- § 20-1376.04 - Prohibiting denial of occupational or physical therapist contract benefits
- § 20-1376.05 - Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
- § 20-1376.06 - Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
- § 20-1376.07 - Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
- § 20-1376.08 - Prescription eyedrops; refills
- § 20-1376.09 - Coverage of health care services
- § 20-1376.10 - Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
- § 20-1377 - Continuation of coverage under individual policies; requirements; exceptions; renewability
- § 20-1378 - Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
- § 20-1379 - Guaranteed availability of individual health insurance coverage; prior group coverage; definitions
- § 20-1380 - Guaranteed renewability of individual health coverage
- § 20-1381 - Suspension of health care insurer obligation to issue coverage on a guaranteed issuance basis to eligible individuals
- § 20-1382 - Health care insurers; reporting requirements
- § 20-1383 - Individual health insurance policies; mandatory coverage exemption; definitions
- § 20-1384 - Short-term limited duration insurance; notice; definitions
Article 5 - Group and Blanket Disability Insurance
- § 20-1401 - Eligible groups
- § 20-1401.01 - Group disability insurers; notice; copies
- § 20-1402 - Provisions of group disability policies; definitions
- § 20-1402.01 - Group disability insurance; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
- § 20-1402.02 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- § 20-1402.03 - Group disability insurers; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
- § 20-1402.04 - Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1402.05 - Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1403 - Direct payment of hospital and medical services
- § 20-1404 - Blanket disability insurance; definitions
- § 20-1404.01 - Blanket disability insurance; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
- § 20-1404.02 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
- § 20-1404.03 - Blanket disability insurers; autism spectrum disorder; coverage; exceptions; definitions
- § 20-1404.04 - Contracts; dentists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1404.05 - Contracts; optometrists; covered services; definition
- § 20-1405 - Provisions of group and blanket disability policy
- § 20-1406 - Prohibiting denial of certain contract benefits
- § 20-1406.01 - Prohibiting denial of chiropractic contract benefits; direct reimbursement
- § 20-1406.02 - Prohibiting denial of psychologist contract benefits
- § 20-1406.03 - Prohibiting denial of contract benefits; nursing; reimbursement
- § 20-1406.04 - Prohibiting denial of occupational or physical therapist contract benefits
- § 20-1406.05 - Telehealth; coverage of health care services; definition
- § 20-1406.06 - Cancer treatment medications; cost sharing; definition
- § 20-1406.07 - Prescriptions; cost sharing; refills; dispensing fees; definition
- § 20-1406.08 - Prescription eyedrops; refills
- § 20-1406.09 - Coverage of health care services
- § 20-1406.10 - Biomarker testing; coverage; definitions
- § 20-1407 - Children with disabilities
- § 20-1408 - Right to obtain individual policy; requirements; exceptions; definition
- § 20-1409 - Right to open enrollment period; insureds; definition
- § 20-1410 - Mail order prescription drugs; prohibition
- § 20-1411 - Eligibility; prohibiting cancellation because of eligibility for certain benefits
- § 20-1412 - Group and blanket disability insurance policies or contracts; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
Article 6 - Group Excess Liability Insurance Policies
- § 20-1491 - Definitions
- § 20-1492 - Group excess liability insurance; eligible groups
- § 20-1493 - Group excess liability insurance policy; premiums; cancellation; requirements
Article 7 - Property Insurance
- § 20-1501 - Scope of article
- § 20-1502 - "Fire insurance" defined
- § 20-1503 - Arizona standard fire policy
- § 20-1504 - Variations from standard policy format and page numbers
- § 20-1505 - Policy description of insurer
- § 20-1506 - Provisions required by charter or laws of other states
- § 20-1507 - Riders; endorsements; additional perils
- § 20-1508 - Designation as standard policy; producer's name
- § 20-1509 - Loss or damage caused by nuclear reaction, or nuclear radiation or radio-active contamination not covered by Arizona standard fire policy
- § 20-1510 - Homeowner's or renter's insurance; dog breeds; prohibitions; definitions
Article 8 - Surety Insurance
- § 20-1531 - Sole surety on official bonds
- § 20-1532 - Venue of actions against surety insurers
- § 20-1533 - Surety companies; arrest bond certificates issued by motor clubs; definition
- § 20-1534 - Guaranteed arrest bond certificate; cash bail or other bond; forfeiture
Article 8.1 - Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
- § 20-1541 - Definitions
- § 20-1542 - Capital and surplus
- § 20-1543 - Limitation on geographic concentration
- § 20-1544 - Limitation on advertising
- § 20-1545 - Limitation on investment
- § 20-1547 - Mortgage guaranty insurance as monoline
- § 20-1548 - Underwriting discrimination
- § 20-1549 - Policy forms and premium rates filed
- § 20-1550 - Minimum policyholder position; definitions
- § 20-1551 - Rebates, commissions and charges
- § 20-1552 - Compensating balances prohibited
- § 20-1553 - Conflict of interest
- § 20-1554 - Unearned premium reserve
- § 20-1555 - Loss reserve
- § 20-1556 - Contingency reserve
- § 20-1556.01 - Premium deficiency reserve
- § 20-1557 - Reinsurance
- § 20-1558 - Miscellaneous reserves
- § 20-1559 - Mortgage guaranty insurers; dividend payment
- § 20-1560 - Examinations; rules
Article 9 - Title Insurers
- § 20-1561 - Law governing title insurers
- § 20-1562 - Definitions
- § 20-1563 - Qualifications
- § 20-1564 - Investments
- § 20-1565 - Additional powers
- § 20-1566 - Taxation of title insurers
- § 20-1567 - Determination of insurability required
- § 20-1568 - Unearned premium reserve
- § 20-1569 - Amount of unearned premium reserve; release
- § 20-1570 - Maintenance of the unearned premium reserve
- § 20-1571 - Use of the unearned premium reserve on liquidation, dissolution or insolvency
- § 20-1572 - Reserve for unpaid losses and loss expense
- § 20-1573 - Net retained liability
- § 20-1574 - Power to reinsure
- § 20-1575 - Foreign title insurers; resident agent required
- § 20-1576 - Mergers and consolidations of title insurers
- § 20-1577 - Corporate acquisitions other than by merger or consolidation
- § 20-1578 - Purchase or acquisition of controlling stock
- § 20-1580 - Title insurance agents to be licensed
- § 20-1581 - Title insurance agents; books; records; revocation of license
- § 20-1582 - Title insurance agents; replies to inquiries by director
- § 20-1583 - Title insurance agencies; use of corporate names
- § 20-1584 - Commissions; right to pay
- § 20-1585 - Commissions; other considerations prohibited
- § 20-1586 - Rebates or reduced fees
- § 20-1587 - Personal or controlled insurance
- § 20-1588 - Examination of records; order; notice
- § 20-1589 - Violations; classification
- § 20-1590 - Permitted division of fees
- § 20-1591 - Forms of policies and other contracts of title insurance; approval or disapproval
- § 20-1592 - Records
Article 10 - Consumer Credit Insurance
- § 20-1602 - Scope and repeal
- § 20-1603 - Definitions
- § 20-1604 - Types of consumer credit insurance
- § 20-1605 - Maximum amount of credit life insurance
- § 20-1606 - Maximum amount of credit disability insurance and credit unemployment insurance
- § 20-1606.01 - Credit unemployment insurance; provisions
- § 20-1607 - Term of insurance
- § 20-1608 - Policy provisions and disclosures
- § 20-1609 - Filing, approval and disapproval of forms
- § 20-1610 - Premiums for consumer credit insurance; approval or disapproval of rates
- § 20-1611 - Refunds
- § 20-1612 - Authorization for issuance of policies
- § 20-1613 - Reporting and settlement of claims
- § 20-1614 - Debtor's option in satisfying security
- § 20-1615 - Rules
- § 20-1616 - Cease and desist order; hearing
- § 20-1616.01 - Penalties
Article 10.1 - Credit Property Insurance
- § 20-1621 - Scope of article
- § 20-1621.01 - Definitions
- § 20-1621.02 - Amount; term; coverage; prohibited practices
- § 20-1621.03 - Disclosure to debtors; provisions of policies; certificates of insurance
- § 20-1621.04 - Rates and forms; filing; approval; withdrawal of approval
- § 20-1621.05 - Reasonableness of benefits in relation to premium charged
- § 20-1621.06 - Experience reports
- § 20-1621.07 - Cancellation and refund of unearned premium
- § 20-1621.08 - Claims
- § 20-1621.09 - Cease and desist order; hearing
- § 20-1621.10 - Rules
- § 20-1621.11 - Penalties
Article 11 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Motor Vehicle Insurance
- § 20-1631 - Definition of motor vehicle; cancellation of or failure to renew coverage; limitations; limitation of liability; exceptions; insurance producers; definitions
- § 20-1632 - Cancellation, nonrenewal and reduction of limits for reasons other than nonpayment of premium; notices to insured; refund of unearned premium
- § 20-1632.01 - Cancellation or nonrenewal for nonpayment of premium; grace period; notice of cancellation; discrimination; definition
- § 20-1633 - Objections; investigation; determination
- § 20-1634 - Immunity
Article 12 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Insurance
- § 20-1651 - Application; types of risks
- § 20-1652 - Grounds for valid notice of cancellation; inquiries; definitions
- § 20-1653 - Sending notice of cancellation or nonrenewal to insured; statement of grounds and facts on which cancellation or nonrenewal is based
- § 20-1654 - Sending notice of intention not to renew to insured; time; term of policy
- § 20-1655 - Liability of insurer and representatives for statements in notice of cancellation, other communication or evidence given in court relating to cancellation
- § 20-1656 - Proof of sending as proof of notice
Article 13 - Mass Marketed Life or Health Insurance
- § 20-1661 - Definitions
- § 20-1662 - Requirements to transact mass marketed insurance
- § 20-1663 - Unreasonable mass marketed insurance prohibited; hearing; findings; rules
Article 14 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Commercial Insurance
- § 20-1671 - Scope of article
- § 20-1672 - Definitions
- § 20-1673 - Grounds for valid cancellation
- § 20-1674 - Notice of cancellation; refund of unearned premium
- § 20-1675 - Liability of insurer and representatives for statements in notice of cancellation, other communication or evidence given in court relating to cancellation
- § 20-1676 - Notice of nonrenewal
- § 20-1677 - Notice of premium or coverage changes
- § 20-1678 - Proof of notice
- § 20-1679 - Application and effective date
Article 15 - Long-Term Care Insurance
- § 20-1691 - Definitions
- § 20-1691.01 - Applicability and scope
- § 20-1691.02 - Adoption of rules
- § 20-1691.03 - Limitations of long-term care insurance policies
- § 20-1691.04 - Requirements for certain group coverage
- § 20-1691.05 - Prior institutionalization
- § 20-1691.06 - Outline of coverage; certificate
- § 20-1691.07 - Right to return
- § 20-1691.08 - Rate and form review; disapproval
- § 20-1691.09 - Penalties
- § 20-1691.10 - Contestable periods
- § 20-1691.11 - Nonforfeiture benefits
- § 20-1691.12 - Insurance producer training course requirements
Article 16 - Adopted Child Coverage
- § 20-1692 - Definitions
- § 20-1692.01 - Requirements for coverage
- § 20-1692.02 - Eligibility under title XIX of the social security act
- § 20-1692.03 - Coverage of children
Article 17 - Portable Electronics Insurance
- § 20-1693 - Definitions
- § 20-1693.01 - Licensure of vendors
- § 20-1693.02 - Portable electronics insurance; requirements; disclosures
- § 20-1693.03 - Portable electronics vendors; authority; charges for portable electronics insurance; accounting
- § 20-1693.04 - Suspension or revocation of license
- § 20-1693.05 - Termination of portable electronics insurance; notice; cancellation
- § 20-1693.06 - Application of existing laws
Article 18 - Identity Theft Group Insurance Policies
- § 20-1694 - Definitions
- § 20-1694.01 - Identity theft group insurance; eligible groups
- § 20-1694.02 - Identity theft group insurance policy; premiums; cancellation; requirements
Article 2 - Health Care Insurers
- § 20-1721 - Health care insurers; policy limits; eligibility; rates; applicability to other insurers; restrictions
- § 20-1722 - Deposit; surplus requirements
- § 20-1723 - Exemption from mandatory participation in certain plans and associations
- § 20-1724 - Sale of professional liability insurance coverage for licensed health care providers by insurers other than by health care insurance companies; requirements; exemptions
Article 3 - Insurance Review Committees Chapter 7 - PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE
Article 4 - Reporting Requirements
- § 20-1741 - Annual statement to include certain claims and premium information
- § 20-1742 - Insurers to report malpractice claims and actions; definition
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-1801 - Definitions
- § 20-1802 - Permit required; application; definition
- § 20-1803 - Issuance of permit
- § 20-1804 - Entrance fee escrow
- § 20-1805 - Recording of lien by director
- § 20-1806 - Reserve fund escrow
- § 20-1807 - Annual report; civil penalty
- § 20-1808 - Ratio of assets to liabilities; report; rehabilitation of provider
- § 20-1809 - Examination
- § 20-1810 - Rules and regulations
- § 20-1811 - Violation; classification
- § 20-1812 - Disclosure statement; contents; refunds
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-1901 - Definitions
- § 20-1902 - Disclosure of information
- § 20-1903 - Immunity from liability for disclosure of information
- § 20-1904 - Confidentiality of information
- § 20-1905 - Authorized agency as witness
- § 20-1906 - Violation; classification
- § 20-1907 - Application of chapter
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-2101 - Scope
- § 20-2102 - Definitions
- § 20-2103 - Pretext interviews; exception
- § 20-2104 - Notice of insurance information practices
- § 20-2105 - Marketing and research surveys; disclosure of questions
- § 20-2106 - Content of disclosure authorization forms
- § 20-2107 - Investigative consumer reports
- § 20-2108 - Access to recorded personal information
- § 20-2109 - Correction, amendment or deletion of recorded personal information
- § 20-2110 - Reasons for adverse underwriting decisions
- § 20-2111 - Information concerning previous adverse underwriting decisions
- § 20-2112 - Previous adverse underwriting decisions
- § 20-2113 - Disclosure limitations and conditions
- § 20-2113.01 - Consumer reporting agency; sale of information obtained by insurance inquiry prohibited; exceptions
- § 20-2114 - Director; powers
- § 20-2115 - Service of process; insurance support organizations
- § 20-2116 - Cease and desist order and reports
- § 20-2117 - Civil penalty
- § 20-2118 - Individual remedies
- § 20-2119 - Immunity
- § 20-2120 - No limitation of common law right
- § 20-2121 - Enforcement of privacy provisions of Gramm Leach Bliley act
- § 20-2122 - Partial exemption for health insurers subject to HIPAA
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-2201 - Voluntary plans; assessments; fund
- § 20-2202 - Joint underwriting association; establishment
- § 20-2203 - Powers of the joint underwriting association
- § 20-2204 - Directors; election; appointment
- § 20-2205 - Plan of operation; contents
- § 20-2206 - Approval of plan of operation
- § 20-2207 - Amendments to the plan of operation
- § 20-2208 - Policies issued by the association; claims-made basis
- § 20-2209 - Claims-made policy; cancellation
- § 20-2210 - Occurrence riders; premiums; assessments
- § 20-2211 - Rates; actuary
- § 20-2212 - Deficits; equitable assessments; premium tax credits
- § 20-2213 - Initial assessment; temporary contribution by members
- § 20-2214 - Member participation in writings, expenses, servicing allowance, management fees and losses
- § 20-2215 - Appeal by applicants to the association; order
- § 20-2216 - Annual filing; contents
- § 20-2217 - Annual examination by the director
- § 20-2218 - Costs; charge to the association
- § 20-2219 - Liability of the association
- § 20-2220 - Prohibition from membership in Arizona guaranty fund
- § 20-2221 - Dissolution
Article 1 - Accountable Health Plans
- § 20-2301 - Definitions; late enrollee coverage
- § 20-2302 - Scope of article
- § 20-2303 - Approval as accountable health plan; definition
- § 20-2304 - Availability of insurance; premium tax exemption
- § 20-2306 - Use of uniform employee health status questionnaire
- § 20-2307 - Eligibility; annual open enrollment period
- § 20-2308 - Portability
- § 20-2309 - Renewability
- § 20-2310 - Discrimination prohibited; preexisting conditions; wellness programs
- § 20-2311 - Premium rates and rating practices
- § 20-2313 - Marketing practices
- § 20-2321 - Maternity benefits; adoption; coverage
- § 20-2322 - Mental health services and benefits; definitions
- § 20-2324 - Bona fide associations; definitions
- § 20-2325 - Diabetes; equipment; supplies
- § 20-2326 - Drugs; cancer treatment; definitions
- § 20-2327 - Metabolic disorders; medical foods; definitions
- § 20-2328 - Accountable health plans; clinical trials; cancer; definitions
- § 20-2329 - Prescription contraceptive drugs and devices; definition
- § 20-2330 - Continuation of small group coverage; notice; duration; definitions
- § 20-2331 - Accountable health plans; varying copayments and deductibles allowed
- § 20-2332 - Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder; formula
Article 2 - Uninsured Small Business Health Insurance Plans Chapter 14 - RISK RETENTION GROUPS
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-2401 - Definitions
- § 20-2402 - Risk retention groups chartered and licensed in this state; definitions
- § 20-2403 - Risk retention groups not chartered and licensed in this state
- § 20-2404 - Compulsory associations
- § 20-2406 - Purchasing groups; exemption from certain laws relating to the group purchase of insurance
- § 20-2407 - Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups
- § 20-2408 - Restrictions on insurance purchased by purchasing groups
- § 20-2409 - Administrative and procedural authority regarding risk retention groups and purchasing groups
- § 20-2410 - Penalties
- § 20-2411 - Duty of insurance producer to obtain license
- § 20-2412 - Binding effect of orders issued in United States district court
- § 20-2413 - Rules
- § 20-2414 - Annual report
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-2501 - Definitions; scope
- § 20-2502 - Utilization review activities; exemptions
- § 20-2503 - Utilization review standards; applicability; definition
- § 20-2504 - Utilization review agents; certification; rules
- § 20-2505 - Application for certification
- § 20-2506 - Certification; responsibilities of department; cost recovery
- § 20-2507 - Certificates; renewal
- § 20-2508 - Denial, suspension or revocation of certificates; hearing; civil penalties
- § 20-2509 - Confidentiality
- § 20-2510 - Health care insurers requirements; medical directors
- § 20-2511 - Violation; injunctive relief
Article 2 - Health Care Appeals
- § 20-2530 - Definitions
- § 20-2531 - Applicability; requirements; exception
- § 20-2532 - Utilization review standards and criteria; requirements
- § 20-2533 - Denial; levels of review; disclosure; additional time after service by mail; review process
- § 20-2534 - Expedited medical review; expedited appeal
- § 20-2535 - Initial appeal
- § 20-2536 - Voluntary internal appeal
- § 20-2537 - External independent review; expedited external independent review
- § 20-2538 - Independent review organizations
- § 20-2539 - Rules
- § 20-2540 - Health care appeals fund
- § 20-2541 - Health care insurer fee
- § 20-2542 - Recordkeeping
Article 1 - Variable Life Insurance
- § 20-2601 - Definitions
- § 20-2602 - Requirements applicable to insurers issuing variable life insurance
- § 20-2603 - Reports
- § 20-2604 - Variable life insurance policy and filing requirements
- § 20-2605 - Reserve liabilities for variable life insurance
- § 20-2606 - Separate accounts
- § 20-2607 - Information to applicants
- § 20-2608 - Variable life insurance policy application requirements
- § 20-2609 - Policyholder reports
- § 20-2610 - Foreign companies; compliance with laws of domiciliary state
Article 2 - Variable Annuities
- § 20-2631 - Definitions
- § 20-2632 - Qualifications to issue variable annuities
- § 20-2633 - Separate account; annuities
- § 20-2634 - Filing of contracts; approval
- § 20-2635 - Variable annuity contracts
- § 20-2636 - Nonforfeiture benefits; exceptions; definition
- § 20-2637 - Reports
- § 20-2638 - Foreign companies
Article 3 - Agent Qualifications Chapter 17 - ACCESS TO EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-2801 - Definitions
- § 20-2802 - Scope of chapter
- § 20-2803 - Emergency services access; prior authorization; requirements
- § 20-2804 - Utilization review; medically necessary emergency services
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-2901 - Definitions
- § 20-2902 - Continuing education requirements; nonresident license in another state; nonresident license in this state
- § 20-2903 - Record keeping
- § 20-2904 - Continuing education; contractor requirements; automatic approval
Article 1 - General Provisions Chapter 20 - TIMELY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS
Article 2 - Out-of-Network Claim Dispute Resolution
- § 20-3111 - Definitions
- § 20-3112 - Applicability
- § 20-3113 - Surprise out-of-network bill; requirements; notice
- § 20-3114 - Dispute resolution; settlement teleconference; arbitration; surprise out-of-network bills
- § 20-3115 - Conduct of arbitration proceedings
- § 20-3116 - Arbitrator qualifications
- § 20-3117 - Dispute resolution; notice of rights
- § 20-3118 - Surprise out-of-network bills; annual report
- § 20-3119 - Right of civil action
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3151 - Definitions
- § 20-3152 - Exemptions; waiver
- § 20-3153 - Health care insurer liability
- § 20-3154 - Health care appeals; admissibility
- § 20-3155 - Notice of intent to file suit
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3201 - Definitions
- § 20-3202 - Licensure; requirements
- § 20-3203 - Contract requirements
- § 20-3204 - Provider and broker disclosures to owners; violation; classification
- § 20-3205 - Privacy
- § 20-3206 - Rule making; examinations
- § 20-3207 - Conduct of examinations; examination reports; confidentiality
- § 20-3208 - Conflict of interest; examiners
- § 20-3209 - Immunity from liability
- § 20-3210 - Annual statements; record retention
- § 20-3211 - Contract requirements; execution; rescission; definition
- § 20-3212 - Scope of chapter
- § 20-3213 - Applicability
- § 20-3214 - Injunctions; civil remedies; cease and desist
- § 20-3215 - Penalties
Article 1 - General Provisions Chapter 24 - INSURANCE COMPLIANCE AUDIT PRIVILEGE
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3301 - Definitions; applicability
- § 20-3302 - Insurance compliance audit privilege; requirements
Article 1 - Auditing
- § 20-3321 - Definitions
- § 20-3322 - Audit procedures; interest prohibition; claim payment reduction
- § 20-3323 - Audit reports
- § 20-3324 - Applicability
Article 2 - Pharmacy Benefit Managers
- § 20-3331 - Pharmacy benefit managers; requirements; applicability
- § 20-3332 - Prohibition against claim adjudication process fees; civil remedies
- § 20-3333 - Certificates of authority; issuance; revocation; renewal; civil penalties; rules
- § 20-3334 - Records retention; schedule
Article 3 - 340B Pharmacies
- § 20-3341 - Definitions
- § 20-3342 - Applicability
- § 20-3343 - 340B drug program; 340B covered entities; pharmacies; drug coverage
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3401 - Definitions
- § 20-3402 - Prior authorization; exceptions
- § 20-3403 - Prior authorization requirements; disclosures; access
- § 20-3404 - Prior authorization requirement timelines
- § 20-3405 - Prior authorization of prescription drugs for chronic pain conditions
- § 20-3406 - Uniform prior authorization request forms; definition
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3451 - Definitions
- § 20-3452 - Requirements for electronic application submission
- § 20-3453 - Credentialing; loading; timelines; exception
- § 20-3454 - Acknowledgement of receipt of an application; notification of incomplete applications
- § 20-3455 - Reported discrepancies; corrective action
- § 20-3456 - Covered services; claims
- § 20-3457 - Availability of credentialing information; policies
- § 20-3458 - Recredentialing
- § 20-3459 - Civil immunity; enforcement; civil penalty
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3501 - Definitions
- § 20-3502 - Compliance with federal law; report
- § 20-3503 - Enforcement and oversight
- § 20-3504 - Access to behavioral health services for minors
- § 20-3505 - Mental health parity advisory committee; members
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3551 - Definitions
- § 20-3552 - Purpose; applicability
- § 20-3553 - Limited lines travel insurance producer licensing
- § 20-3554 - Premium tax; definitions
- § 20-3555 - Travel protection plans
- § 20-3556 - Sales practices; definition
- § 20-3557 - Travel administrators
- § 20-3558 - Travel insurance classification and filing
Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-3601 - Definitions of qualified United States financial institution
- § 20-3602 - Credit allowed a domestic ceding insurer; definition
- § 20-3603 - Asset or reduction from liability for reinsurance ceded by a domestic insurer to an assuming insurer
- § 20-3604 - Rules
- § 20-3605 - Reinsurance agreements affected
Article 1 - General Provisions
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