2020 Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 15 - Education
§ 15-426 Tally and canvass of votes; certificate of election; oath of office
15-426. Tally and canvass of votes; certificate of election; oath of office
A. The officers of a special election shall, as soon as the polls are closed, tally the votes cast, enclose one list of the persons voting and one copy of the tally sheet in a cover and seal and direct the cover and its contents to the county school superintendent. The inspector shall place in the ballot box one list of the persons voting, one copy of the tally sheets and the ballots. The inspector shall lock the ballot box until the county school superintendent and the chairman of the board of supervisors meet to canvass the returns. Unless otherwise specified in this title, the officers of a regular school election shall proceed in the manner provided in title 16 for the tally of votes.
B. The county school superintendent and the chairman of the board of supervisors shall meet within thirty days, unless otherwise specified in this title, following the date of any school election and canvass the returns in accordance with procedures for the canvass of returns in a general election. The county school superintendent shall declare the results of the election, shall declare elected the person receiving the highest number of votes for each office to be filled, and shall issue to him a certificate of election.
C. When each governing board member elected subscribes to the oath of office attached to the certificate, it shall be forwarded on the same day to the county school superintendent. Members of governing boards may administer the oath of office to each other.