2022 Alaska Statutes
Title 29. Municipal Government
Chapter 25. Municipal Enactments
Sec. 29.25.010. Acts required to be by ordinance.
(a) In addition to other actions that this title requires to be by ordinance, the governing body of a municipality shall use ordinances to
(1) establish, alter, or abolish municipal departments;
(2) provide for a fine or other penalty, or establish rules or regulations for violation of which a fine or other penalty is imposed;
(3) provide for the levying of taxes;
(4) make appropriations, including supplemental appropriations or transfer of appropriations.
(5) grant, renew, or extend a franchise;
(6) adopt, modify, or repeal the comprehensive plan, land use and subdivision regulations, building and housing codes, and the official map;
(7) approve the transfer of a power to a first or second class borough from a city;
(8) designate the borough seat;
(9) provide for the retention or sale of tax-foreclosed property;
(10) exempt contractors from compliance with general requirements relating to payment and performance bonds in the construction or repair of municipal public works projects within the limitations set out in AS 36.25.025; this paragraph applies to home rule and general law municipalities.
(b) This section does not grant authority, but requires the governing body to use ordinances in exercising certain of its powers.