2022 Alaska Statutes
Title 10. Corporations and Associations
Chapter 45. Professional Corporation Act
Sec. 10.45.120. Corporate name.
(a) The corporate name of a professional corporation shall contain the last name of one or more of its shareholders, unless the regulations of a particular regulating board or the ethics of a profession permit the use of a corporate name which does not include the surname of any present or former shareholder. The corporate name shall be ended by the word “Corporation,” “Incorporated,” or “Limited,” or by the abbreviation “Corp.,” “Inc.,” or “Ltd.,” or by the words, “a professional corporation,” or by the abbreviation “P.C.”
(b) The corporate name of a professional corporation must be distinguishable on the records of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development from the name of any other organized entity and from a reserved or registered name. The Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development may adopt regulations to implement this subsection. In this subsection, “organized entity” and “reserved or registered name” have the meanings given in AS 10.35.040.