2021 Alaska Statutes
Title 24. Legislature and Lobbying
Chapter 55. Office of the Ombudsman
Article 4. Procedure and Reports After Investigation.
Sec. 24.55.190. Procedure after investigation.
(a) The ombudsman shall report the opinion and recommendations of the ombudsman to an agency if the ombudsman finds, after investigation, that
(1) a matter should be further considered by the agency;
(2) an administrative act should be modified or cancelled;
(3) a statute or regulation on which an administrative act is based should be altered;
(4) reasons should be given for an administrative act;
(5) any other action should be taken by the agency;
(6) there are no grounds for action by the agency; or
(7) the agency's act was arbitrary or capricious, constituted an abuse of discretion, or was otherwise erroneous or not in accordance with the law.
(b) The ombudsman may request the agency to notify the ombudsman, within a specified time, of any action taken on the recommendations.
(c) The report provided under (a) of this section is confidential and may not be disclosed to the public by the agency. The ombudsman may disclose the report under AS 24.55.200 only after providing notice that the investigation has been concluded
(1) to the agency; and
(2) if the investigation was conducted in response to a complaint, to the complainant under AS 24.55.210.