2020 Alaska Statutes
Title 28. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 35. Offenses and Accidents
Article 2. Duties Following Accidents.
Sec. 28.35.080. Immediate notice of accident.
(a) The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in bodily injury to or death of a person or total property damage to an apparent extent of $2,000 or more shall immediately by the quickest means of communication give notice of the accident to the local police department if the accident occurs within a municipality, otherwise to the Department of Public Safety.
(b) The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in bodily injury to or death of a person or total property damage to an apparent extent of $2,000 or more shall, within 10 days after the accident, forward a written or electronic report of the accident to the Department of Administration and to the local police department if the accident occurs within a municipality. A report is not required under this subsection if the accident is investigated by a peace officer.
(c) The form of accident report required under (b) of this section can be obtained from the department's Internet website, any local police department, or the Department of Public Safety.
(d) The Department of Administration may require the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident of which a report must be made to file supplemental reports whenever the original report is insufficient in the opinion of that department.
(e) Every law enforcement officer who, in the regular course of duty, investigates a motor vehicle accident for which a report must be made, either at the time of and at the scene of the accident or thereafter by interviewing the participants or witnesses, shall, within 24 hours after completing the investigation, forward an electronic report of the accident to the Department of Administration. However, the law enforcement officer may submit a written report if the law enforcement agency employing the officer has received an exemption from the Department of Public Safety because the law enforcement agency does not have the technological capacity to submit reports of motor vehicle accidents electronically. The commissioner of public safety shall notify the Department of Administration of the exemption and the period for which the exemption was granted under this subsection.
(f) An accident report is not required under this section from a person who is physically incapable of making the report during the period of incapacity.
(g) The Department of Administration shall consider accident reports under this section to satisfy any requirements for reporting of motor vehicle crashes in the state.