2020 Alaska Statutes
Title 10. Corporations and Associations
Chapter 10. Business and Industrial Development Corporation Act
Sec. 10.10.160. First meeting of corporation.
(a) The first meeting of the corporation shall be called by a notice signed by three or more of the incorporators, stating the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. A copy of the notice shall be mailed or delivered to each incorporator at least five days before the day appointed for the meeting. The first meeting may be held without notice upon agreement in writing signed by all the incorporators. There shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting a copy of the notice or of the unanimous agreement of the incorporators.
(b) At the first meeting, the incorporators shall choose, by ballot, a temporary clerk, adopt bylaws, elect directors by ballot, and act upon other matters within the powers of the corporation. The temporary clerk shall be sworn and shall make and attest a record of the proceedings. A majority of the incorporators, but not fewer than three, shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.