2019 Alaska Statutes
Title 38. Public Land
Chapter 20. The Alaska Coordinate System
Sec. 38.20.020. Zones.
For the purpose of the use of this system the state is divided into ten zones, numbered 1 - 10, which are defined as follows:
(1) Zone 1: that part of Alaska lying east of meridian 141° 00´ west of Greenwich;
(2) Zone 2: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 141° 00´ and 144° 00´ west of Greenwich;
(3) Zone 3: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 144° 00´ and 148° 00´ west of Greenwich and in addition all of Perry Island and all of Esther Island, but excluding all of Latouche Island, all of Evans Island, and all of the Kenai Peninsula;
(4) Zone 4: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 148° 00´ and 152° 00´ west of Greenwich and in addition all of Latouche Island, all of Evans Island, and all of the Kenai Peninsula, but excluding Marmot Island, all of Afognak Island, all of the Barren Islands, all of Kalgin Island, all of Perry Island, and all of Esther Island;
(5) Zone 5: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 152° 00´ and 156° 00´ west of Greenwich and in addition Marmot Island, all of Afognak Island, all of the Barren Islands, and all of Kalgin Island;
(6) Zone 6: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 156° 00´ and 160° 00´ west of Greenwich and in addition Andronica Island and all of Nagai Island;
(7) Zone 7: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 160° 00´ and 164° 00´ west of Greenwich and in addition all of Unimak Island, but excluding Andronica Island and all of Nagai Island;
(8) Zone 8: that part of Alaska lying between meridians 164° 00´ and 168° 00´ west of Greenwich and in addition King Island, Little Diomede Island, and all of Cape Prince of Wales, but excluding all of the Aleutian Islands;
(9) Zone 9: all islands in the Bering Sea lying west of meridian 168° 00´ west of Greenwich, excluding all of the Aleutian Islands, King Island, and Little Diomede Island;
(10) Zone 10: all of the Aleutian Island group lying west and south of Unimak Pass.