2019 Alaska Statutes
Title 38. Public Land
Chapter 04. Policy for Use and Classification of State Land Surface
Article 3. Inventory, Planning, and Classification.
Sec. 38.04.060. Inventory.
(a) The commissioner shall prepare and maintain on a continuing basis an inventory of all state land and water and their resource and other values, giving priority to areas of potential settlement, economic development, and critical environmental concern. This inventory shall be kept current so as to reflect changes in conditions and to identify new and emerging resource and other values.
(b) The commissioner's inventory must include land and water under interagency assignment of land management authority and land and water proposed for such an assignment. That land and water must be reviewed at regular intervals to analyze current and proposed uses as these uses relate to alternative uses for all or part of the land and to determine the uses which best provide for the public interest.
(c) As funds and manpower are made available, the commissioner shall provide local and federal governments and major private landowners with data from the inventory for the purpose of planning and managing the uses of land in proximity to state land.