2019 Alaska Statutes
Title 29. Municipal Government
Chapter 47. Municipal Debt
Article 1. Revenue Anticipation Notes.
Sec. 29.47.030. Issuance of notes in anticipation of state or federal grants.
(a) A municipality, on adoption of a long-range capital improvement budget by ordinance or resolution, may by resolution provide for negotiable or nonnegotiable revenue anticipation notes in an amount not to exceed the total amount of any state or federal grants finally committed for these projects. The notes mature no later than the end of the next fiscal year. The notes may be for single or multiple projects outlined in the adopted capital improvement budget.
(b) If the state or federal grants for capital improvement projects have not been paid to the municipality before maturity of the notes issued in anticipation of the receipt of the revenue, the governing body may issue new notes in order to meet payment of the notes then maturing or may renew the outstanding revenue anticipation notes. New notes issued or renewals of outstanding revenue anticipation notes mature not later than the end of the next fiscal year.