2023 Code of Alabama
Title 13A - Criminal Code.
Chapter 8 - Offenses Involving Theft.
Article 1A - Secondary Metal Recycling.
Section 13A-8-37 - Possession or Control of Stolen Property.
Section 13A-8-37
Possession or control of stolen property.
(a) It is unlawful for a person to possess or control the following property knowing that it has been stolen or having reasonable grounds to believe it has been stolen, unless the property is possessed or controlled with intent to restore it to the owner:
(1) Metal property marked with the initials of an electrical company, a telephone company, a cable company, another public utility, a railroad, or a brewer.
(2) Utility access covers, manhole covers, or storm drain covers, unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(3) Street light poles and fixtures, unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(4) Road and bridge guard rails unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(5) Highway or street signs, traffic light signals, and traffic directional and control signs unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(6) Water meter covers unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(7) Metal beer kegs including those made of stainless steel that are clearly marked as being the property of a beer manufacturer unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(8) Metal property marked with the name of a government entity.
(9) Unused and undamaged building construction or utility materials consisting of copper, pipe, tubing or wiring, aluminum wire, or historical markers.
(10) Grave markers, vases, memorials, statues, plaques, or other bronze objects used at a cemetery or other location where deceased persons are interred or memorialized, unless the seller is a company that deals in the manufacture or sale of the aforementioned products.
(11) A copper, aluminum, or aluminum-copper condensing or evaporating coil, including its tubing or rods, from a heating or air conditioning unit, excluding scrap from window air conditioning units and automobile condenser coils, unless any one of the following criteria are satisfied:
a. The condenser coils are being sold by a licensed contractor, HVAC contractor, plumber, or electrician and a current and valid license with number is provided at the time of sale and copied or scanned by the secondary metals recycler at the time of sale.
b. The condenser coils are being sold by a person with verifiable documentation, such as a receipt or work order, indicating that the condenser coils are the result of a replacement of an air conditioner unit or condenser coils performed by a licensed contractor.
(b) Any person who violates the requirements of subdivision (a)(2) or (a)(10) shall be guilty of a Class C felony for a first offense, a Class B felony for a second offense, and a Class A felony for a third or subsequent offense within a 10-year period.
(c) Any person who violates the requirements of subdivision (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), or (9) of subsection (a) shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor for a first offense, a Class A misdemeanor for a second offense, and a Class C felony for a third or subsequent offense within a 10-year period.
(Act 2007-451, p. 930, §8; Act 2010-508, p. 836, §1; Act 2012-426, p. 1149, §1.)