2019 Code of Alabama
Title 41 - State Government.
Chapter 15B - Children First.
Section 41-15B-1 - Definitions.
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
(1) AT-RISK CHILDREN. Children who because of social, health, or educational factors are experiencing difficulty with learning, school achievement, or preparation for employment as evidenced by excessive absence from school without acceptable excuse, by virtue of being parents, by having been referred to the juvenile court, or by being one or more years behind their age group in the number of credits obtained or in basic skill levels obtained.
(2) CHILD POPULATION. The population of children below the age of 18 in any federal decennial census.
(3) COUNCIL. The Alabama Children's Policy Council created pursuant to Sections 12-15-130 to 12-15-132, inclusive.
(4) FUND. The Children First Trust Fund as established by Section 41-15B-2.
(5) JUVENILE PROBATION SERVICES. Any juvenile probation officer, including, but not limited to, administrative personnel, juvenile officers who supervise caseloads, professional staff charged with developing programs for early intervention and correction of delinquent behavior, and officers assigned to intensively supervise juveniles returning from regional or state institutions. Juvenile probation services do not include juvenile detention staff.
(6) OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. The permanent Joint Legislative Oversight Committee of the Children First Trust Fund.
(7) RURAL. Any community within this state that has a population of less than 25,000 according to the latest federal decennial census.
(8) SPECIAL NEEDS ADOPTIONS. Adoptions that may be hindered or delayed because of the special circumstances or obstacles surrounding the adoptive children. The circumstances include, but are not limited to, the adoption of disabled children, children with multiple siblings, older children, minority children, and other children who have been in the custody of the Alabama Department of Human Resources for an extended period of time.
(9) TOBACCO REVENUES. Revenues received by the state pursuant to any federal tobacco-related settlement, any tobacco-related appropriations made by the United States Congress to the State of Alabama, or any revenues received by the state from litigation against any tobacco-related industry.
(Act 98-382, p. 716, §1.)