There Is a Newer Version of the Code of Alabama
2013 Code of Alabama
Title 12 - COURTS.
Article 1 General Provisions.- Section 12-17-1 - County court personnel serving district and circuit courts to become employees of state; court personnel subject to benefits and regulations of merit and retirement systems; settlement of disputes regarding which persons are court personnel.
- Section 12-17-2 - Court personnel included in state employee personnel system; establishment of job descriptions, rates of compensation, etc., applicable to court personnel.
- Section 12-17-3 - Reimbursement of employees for expenses incurred at locations other than principal court site.
- Section 12-17-4 - State assumption of retirement and other employee benefits.
Division 1 General Provisions.
- Section 12-17-20 - Number of judges in each circuit.
- Section 12-17-21 - Judgeships to be numbered in circuits with more than one judge; candidates to designate judgeship for which they are candidate.
- Section 12-17-22 - Residence.
- Section 12-17-23 - Presiding judges - How selected.
- Section 12-17-24 - Presiding judges - Supervision of judges and other court personnel.
- Section 12-17-24.1 - Family court divisions; implementation plan.
- Section 12-17-24.2 - Jurisdiction of Family Court Division.
- Section 12-17-25 - Appointment of relief judges to assist in clearing dockets.
- Section 12-17-26 - Authority and duties generally.
- Section 12-17-27 - Authority of judge outside own circuit.
- Section 12-17-28 - Writs of certiorari to district and municipal courts.
- Section 12-17-29 - Absence of judge adjourns court.
- Section 12-17-30 - Salary; effect on other provisions; judges and district attorney's supplements.
- Section 12-17-60 - Boundaries of districts for election of judges.
- Section 12-17-61 - Number of judges in each district; manner of election of judges generally.
- Section 12-17-62 - Numbering and designation of positions on ballots in districts in which more than one judge elected.
- Section 12-17-63 - Qualifications.
- Section 12-17-64 - Residence.
- Section 12-17-65 - Term of office.
- Section 12-17-66 - Commissioned judges.
- Section 12-17-67 - Filling of vacancies.
- Section 12-17-68 - Compensation.
- Section 12-17-69 - Primary duty to serve districts for which elected.
- Section 12-17-70 - Designation of judge to handle domestic relations, divorce, etc., cases in districts having more than one judge.
Division 1 General Provisions.
- Section 12-17-80 - Circuit clerks, registers, and employees in offices thereof to be paid by state.
- Section 12-17-81 - Annual salary.
- Section 12-17-81.1 - Prior service credit.
- Section 12-17-90 - Offices; vacancies.
- Section 12-17-91 - Bond.
- Section 12-17-92 - Compensation of circuit clerks.
- Section 12-17-93 - Authority.
- Section 12-17-94 - Duties generally.
- Section 12-17-95 - When sheriff's commissions to be collected.
- Section 12-17-96 - Duty of clerk when convict indicted; convict not to be released until bail given.
- Section 12-17-97 - Duty to pay over money to successor.
- Section 12-17-98 - Deputy clerk for Bessemer division of tenth judicial circuit.
- Section 12-17-99 - Supplemental salary for elected deputy circuit clerks.
- Section 12-17-110 - Office of register not to be filled when vacancy occurs; reappointment of registers holding office on October 10, 1975; removal of registers.
- Section 12-17-111 - Bond.
- Section 12-17-112 - Compensation of registers and employees in office of register.
- Section 12-17-113 - Place of office.
- Section 12-17-114 - Duties generally.
- Section 12-17-115 - Pleadings to be endorsed with date of filing.
- Section 12-17-116 - Injunctions.
- Section 12-17-117 - General direct and reverse indexes.
- Section 12-17-118 - Recopying of records.
- Section 12-17-119 - Records open to examination.
- Section 12-17-120 - Payment of money to successor.
- Section 12-17-121 - Punishment for contempt.
- Section 12-17-122 - Failure of register or commissioner to made deed of land.
- Section 12-17-140 - Qualifications for supernumerary status generally; applicability of division; eligibility of clerk or register of circuit court with 23 years of service.
- Section 12-17-141 - Oath; vacancies in office of clerk or register in counties where supernumerary holds commission.
- Section 12-17-142 - Term of office; compensation; surviving spouse benefits; applicability.
- Section 12-17-143 - Establishment of supernumerary fund; contributions thereto.
- Section 12-17-144 - Prior service credit.
- Section 12-17-145 - Officials covered by division; notification procedure; post-election contribution transfer; post-transfer credits and contributions.
- Section 12-17-146 - Return of contributions to other plans.
- Section 12-17-147 - Return of contributions upon termination of service.
- Section 12-17-160 - Clerk of circuit court ex officio clerk of district court.
- Section 12-17-161 - Separate office of clerk of district court may be established; appointment and removal of clerk; abolition of separate office; participation in supernumerary fund.
- Section 12-17-162 - District court clerk employees component of office of clerk.
Division 1 General Provisions.
- Section 12-17-180 - When elected; term of office.
- Section 12-17-181 - Filling of vacancies.
- Section 12-17-182 - Compensation.
- Section 12-17-183 - Residence; vacation of office for nonresidency.
- Section 12-17-184 - Powers and duties generally.
- Section 12-17-185 - Duty to attend court.
- Section 12-17-186 - Appointment of attorney to act for district attorney when office vacant, district attorney disqualified, etc.
- Section 12-17-187 - Failure to collect amounts due to county from public officers.
- Section 12-17-188 - Suspension from office - Indictment pending.
- Section 12-17-189 - Suspension from office - Appointment and compensation of district attorney pro tem.
- Section 12-17-190 - Suspension from office - When order of suspension set aside.
- Section 12-17-191 - Allowance for attendance outside home county.
- Section 12-17-192 - Additional allowance in circuits having four or more counties.
- Section 12-17-193 - Fees of district attorneys to be paid into State Treasury.
- Section 12-17-194 - Commencing prosecution on own affidavit.
- Section 12-17-195 - Assistant district attorneys representing defendants charged with criminal offenses.
- Section 12-17-196 - Restrictions on law partners defending criminal cases.
- Section 12-17-197 - District attorney's fund.
- Section 12-17-198 - Appointment, number and compensation of assistant district attorneys.
- Section 12-17-199 - Entitlement of elected assistant district attorneys to entitlements in article.
- Section 12-17-201 - Creation and establishment of fund; source of fund.
- Section 12-17-202 - Administration; disbursement.
- Section 12-17-203 - Eligibility.
- Section 12-17-204 - Coverage; contributions; participation.
- Section 12-17-205 - Credit for prior service.
- Section 12-17-206 - Benefits.
- Section 12-17-207 - Termination of service prior to assumption of supernumerary status.
- Section 12-17-210 - Qualifications for supernumerary status - Elected district attorneys generally.
- Section 12-17-211 - Qualifications for supernumerary status - Fifteen years of service and not less than 70 years of age.
- Section 12-17-212 - Qualifications for supernumerary status - Twelve years service and total disability; 25 years continuous service; 20 years service as judge and district attorney, etc.
- Section 12-17-213 - Qualifications for supernumerary status - Sixty years of age and 18 years of service as district attorney, judge, county solicitor, etc., with minimum of 10 years service as district attorney; 18 years of service as district attorney, judge, county solicitor, etc., with minimum of 15 1/2 years service as district attorney.
- Section 12-17-214 - Issuance of commission; filling of vacancies in office of district attorney.
- Section 12-17-215 - Compensation; term of office; impeachment.
- Section 12-17-216 - Oath of office; powers and duties.
- Section 12-17-220 - Powers of district attorneys as to employment, compensation, etc., of assistants, investigators, etc., to serve at district attorney's pleasure; such employees not covered by State Merit System Act; supplementation of state expenditures, etc., by counties.
- Section 12-17-220.1 - Appointment of investigators by district attorney of any judicial circuit.
- Section 12-17-221 - Submission to Office of Prosecution Services by district attorneys of estimates of amounts needed for personnel and office expenses for fiscal year; form and contents thereof; submission to Legislature by Office of Prosecution Services of unified budget request for funding of offices of district attorneys.
- Section 12-17-222 - Applicability of division to deputy district attorney of Bessemer cutoff of tenth judicial circuit.
- Section 12-17-223 - Construction of division.
- Section 12-17-224 - Special services division; worthless check unit; guidelines for processing worthless check complaints; fees and restitution; collection and distribution.
- Section 12-17-225 - Purpose.
- Section 12-17-225.1 - District attorneys authorized to establish division.
- Section 12-17-225.2 - Court or clerk of court to notify district attorney when payments to state or victim are in default.
- Section 12-17-225.3 - District attorney authorized to take lawful steps to require compliance.
- Section 12-17-225.4 - Collection fee.
- Section 12-17-225.5 - Amnesty period.
- Section 12-17-225.6 - Costs, bail bond forfeitures, restitution, and other court-ordered charges considered civil judgement.
- Section 12-17-225.7 - Contracting with private collection agency allowed.
- Section 12-17-225.8 - Provisions of division are supplemental.
- Section 12-17-225.9 - Local legislation to supersede division.
- Section 12-17-226 - Definitions.
- Section 12-17-226.1 - Authorization to establish program; discretionary powers; supervision and control; intervention plans.
- Section 12-17-226.2 - Applicants for admittance.
- Section 12-17-226.3 - Standards for admission.
- Section 12-17-226.4 - Admission into program.
- Section 12-17-226.5 - Program requirements; counsel; costs.
- Section 12-17-226.6 - Acceptance into program; termination from program; completion of program; Restorative Justice Initiative; violations of terms or conditions.
- Section 12-17-226.7 - Time for application.
- Section 12-17-226.8 - Fees.
- Section 12-17-226.9 - Treatment programs; drug testing.
- Section 12-17-226.10 - Written agreement; other terms and conditions.
- Section 12-17-226.11 - Disposition of funds.
- Section 12-17-226.12 - Violations; waiver.
- Section 12-17-226.13 - Liability of district attorney, staff, officers, etc.
- Section 12-17-226.14 - Funding of program.
- Section 12-17-226.15 - Advisory board.
- Section 12-17-226.16 - Utilization of community programs and drug court programs; election to opt into this division.
- Section 12-17-226.17 - Pretrial diversion offender database.
- Section 12-17-226.18 - Ability to pay fees or costs.
- Section 12-17-230 - Established; purpose.
- Section 12-17-231 - Executive director and staff not subject to merit system but eligible for state retirement benefits.
- Section 12-17-232 - Appointment, tenure, compensation and duties of executive director.
- Section 12-17-233 - Funding; annual audit.
- Section 12-17-233.1 - Transfers of budget excesses.
- Section 12-17-234 - Restriction on powers of office.
Division 1 District Court Administrative Agency and Magistrates.
- Section 12-17-250 - District court administrative agency created; powers and duties thereof; persons deemed officials of agency; judicial powers thereof generally.
- Section 12-17-251 - Magistrates deemed chief officers of agency; appointment and powers of magistrates.
- Section 12-17-252 - Supreme Court to provide rules of administration for agency.
- Section 12-17-253 - Election by inferior court judges whose positions abolished by Constitution to become magistrates for duration of unexpired terms as judges; salaries of such judges.
- Section 12-17-260 - Who may become supernumerary magistrate.
- Section 12-17-261 - Filing of written declaration; issuance of commission.
- Section 12-17-262 - Term of office; salary.
- Section 12-17-263 - Notice to Administrative Director of Courts of intention to become supernumerary magistrate; payment of percentage of salary earned as judge or magistrate; oath of office; appointment of supernumerary magistrate to fill vacancy.
- Section 12-17-264 - Prior service credit.
- Section 12-17-265 - Benefit to surviving spouse of supernumerary magistrate.
Division 1 General Provisions.
- Section 12-17-270 - Appointment; qualifications; term of office; removal.
- Section 12-17-271 - Existing positions continued; authorization of additional positions by Administrative Director of Courts.
- Section 12-17-272 - Special roving reporters.
- Section 12-17-273 - Oath.
- Section 12-17-274 - Compensation; minimum state salary; cost-of-living increase.
- Section 12-17-275 - Duties.
- Section 12-17-276 - Transcript fees.
- Section 12-17-277 - Fee for court reporter taxed as costs in cases utilizing reporter.
- Section 12-17-290 - Qualifications for becoming supernumerary reporter.
- Section 12-17-291 - Oath, powers and duties of supernumeraries.
- Section 12-17-292 - Term; compensation.
- Section 12-17-293 - Appropriation for salaries.
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Alabama may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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