Vermont Electric Power Co., Inc. v. Town of Vernon

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Vermont Electric Power Co., Inc. v. Town of Vernon (2001-034); 174 Vt. 471;
807 A.2d 430

[Filed 08-Jul-2002]
                                 ENTRY ORDER

                      SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. 2001-034

                              MARCH TERM, 2002

  Vermont Electric Power Co., Inc.	}	APPEALED FROM:
       v.	                        }	Property Valuation and Review 
                                        }	Division 
  Town of Vernon	                }
                                        }	DOCKET NO. Windham 1999

             In the above-entitled cause, the Clerk will enter:

       The Town of Vernon appeals the decision of the state appraiser
  reducing the listed value of five properties owned by Vermont Electric
  Power Company, Inc. (VELCO) within the Town.  On appeal, the Town argues
  that the state appraiser erred by: (1) finding that VELCO had not met its
  burden of persuasion; (2) relying on non-credible testimony; (3) failing to
  use an appropriate method for determining depreciation; and (4) failing to
  make adequate findings of fact.  We affirm.

       In 1999, the Town of Vernon revalued all property within the town for
  the grand list.  The town lister revalued five properties owned by VELCO
  for the grand list including one substation, partially owned by VELCO, and
  four parcels of properties containing transmission lines, at $7,377,100. 
  VELCO appealed the valuation to the Town of Vernon Board of Civil Authority
  (BCA).  After a hearing, the BCA affirmed the town lister's valuation. 
  VELCO appealed the BCA's decision to the state appraiser. (FN1)  
       The state appraiser held a hearing in October 2000, at which both the
  Town and VELCO presented testimony on the useful life of the properties and
  the method of depreciation that should be used in determining their
  fair-market value.  The Town and VELCO's witnesses agreed on the original
  cost of the property and trended those costs to current value using the
  "Handy-Whitman" indices, but applied these indices differently to arrive at
  different figures for the replacement cost new (RCN) of the properties. 
  The main disagreement arose with regard to which method of depreciation,
  and what useful life should be applied to the RCN to arrive at the
  fair-market value of 


  the properties.  VELCO's witness testified that the transmission lines had
  a forty-year useful life and the substation had a thirty-year useful life,
  and applied the Iowa Curve method of depreciation to arrive at a
  fair-market value of $4,127,939.  In contrast, the Town's witness set the
  "actual, physical and functional" life of the properties at 90 years and
  applied a straight-line method of depreciation to arrive at a fair-market
  value consistent with the town listing.    

       The state appraiser issued a decision in December 2000.  He found that
  the Handy-Whitman indices along with the Iowa Curve method of depreciation
  were used in other towns, and were recommended by the State of Vermont as
  the appropriate set of methods for determining depreciation of transmission
  lines.  Furthermore, the state appraiser found that the Iowa Curve method
  took into account the long term economic viability of the property, making
  it more appropriate for valuation of transmission lines.  Moreover, he
  found that the straight-line method used by the Town's appraiser, which
  focused on physical deterioration of the property, failed to consider
  "deficiencies inherent in improvements [and physical] external factors that
  may offset the desirability of the property in the market place."  Adopting
  VELCO's recommendation for a thirty-to-forty-year useful life, and applying
  the Iowa Curve to that useful life, the state appraiser set the fair market
  value of the properties at $4,130,530 and the listed value at $4,125,987. 
  The Town appeals. 

       An appeal before the state appraiser is considered de novo. 32 V.S.A.
  § 4467.  The state appraiser must make findings of fact "supporting its
  ultimate determination."  Beach Props., Inc. v. Town of Ferrisburg, 161 Vt.
  368, 371, 640 A.2d 50, 51 (1994).  "Where conflicting evidence has been
  presented, the [state appraiser] must state clearly what evidence [he]
  credits and why, so that the parties and this Court will know how the
  decision was reached."  Id.  On review, this Court's function is to
  scrutinize the state appraiser's de novo review of the property appraisal,
  and we will uphold this determination if it is supported by the findings. 
  Kachadorian v. Town of Woodstock, 149 Vt. 446, 448, 545 A.2d 509, 510
  (1988).  We will defer to the state appraiser when the determination is
  rationally derived from his findings, even where contradictory evidence
  exists.  Lake Morey Inn Golf Resort, Ltd. P'ship v. Town of Fairlee, 167
  Vt. 245, 248, 704 A.2d 785, 747 (1997).  

       The Town first argues that the state appraiser abused his discretion
  in finding for VELCO when VELCO had not met its burden of persuasion.  We
  recognize a presumption of validity in the town lister's valuation, New
  England Power Co. v. Town of Barnet, 134 Vt. 498, 507, 367 A.2d 1363, 1369
  (1976), however, "any admissible evidence can rebut the presumption,
  whatever we may ultimately think of the evidence's weight,"  Woolen Mill
  Assocs. v. City of Winooski, 162 Vt. 461, 463, 648 A.2d 860, 862 (1994). 
  Ultimately, the Court must determine whether the testimony offered by the
  taxpayer challenging the listing can afford a rational basis for that which
  the taxpayer seeks to prove.  Id. 
       VELCO presented the testimony of a former employee of the company who
  worked on VELCO's property taxes since at least 1971, indicating what the
  standard practice has been between 


  several towns in Vermont and the company, specifically that the state and
  towns have accepted use of the Handy-Whitman indices and the Iowa Curve
  method as well as a thirty-to-forty-year useful life for substations and
  transmission lines respectively.  VELCO produced a 1991 letter to VELCO's
  then president from the Director of the Division of Property Valuation and
  Review in the State Department of Taxes that indicated the State's
  preference and recommended use of Handy-Whitman indices and the Iowa Curve
  method for use in the appraisal of transmission lines.  VELCO submitted the
  indicies and tables used to calculate its suggested method of reaching
  fair-market value.  This evidence is sufficient to rebut the presumption of
  validity to the town lister's appraisal with respect to the method of
  depreciation applied to reach fair market value, particularly as we have
  previously characterized the presumption of validity in favor of the town
  listers as a "bursting bubble."  Id.  The state appraiser did not abuse his
  discretion by finding that VELCO overcame the town lister's presumption of
  validity with respect to either the useful life of the properties or the
  method of depreciation that should be applied to determine the fair market
  value of the properties.  

       Next, the Town argues that the state appraiser abused his discretion
  by relying on VELCO's witness's testimony.  The Town contends that neither
  the record nor the findings reflect any evidence that VELCO's witness had a
  thorough knowledge of the subject properties and it was therefore error for
  the appraiser to base his fair market value determination on VELCO's
  evidence.  The VELCO witness in question had twenty years of experience as
  a VELCO employee calculating state and local taxes for utility properties. 
  The witness was familiar with the Handy-Whitman/Iowa Curve method and
  explained how fair market value of the subject properties was calculated
  using the method.  As VELCO points out, the Town's complaint goes not to
  the admissibility of the testimony but to the weight it is to be accorded. 
  "Opinions of well informed persons based upon the purposes for which the
  property is suited are to be considered in arriving at fair market value." 
  Kachadorian, 149 Vt. at 450, 545 A.2d  at 512 (internal quotations omitted). 
  The testimony was well within the province of the state appraiser to accept
  or reject. (FN2)  
       The Town next asserts that the state appraiser committed reversible
  error by failing to use the appropriate method of depreciation.  It is
  within the discretion of the state appraiser to determine the most
  appropriate method for arriving at fair market value.  Lake Morey Inn Golf
  Resort, Ltd. P'ship, 167 Vt at 248-49, 704 A.2d  at 787.  We have previously
  stated that the Iowa Curve method of depreciation, when used in conjunction
  with the Handy-Whitman indices, applies "an adjusted index sensitive to
  current replacement costs and regional factors, as well as a depreciation


  based on the remaining useful life of utility property."  Vermont Elec.
  Power Co. v. Town of Cavendish, 158 Vt. 369, 377, 611 A.2d 389, 393 (1992). 
  The state appraiser's decision to use these methods is supported by
  testimony indicating that they were standard practice in Vermont, endorsed
  by the State Department of Taxes, and most appropriate for use with
  transmission lines.  The state appraiser considered in his determination
  the letter from the State recommending the use of the Handy-Whitman indices
  and the Iowa Curve method for calculating depreciation on transmission
  lines, as well as our decision in Vermont Electric Power Co. v. Town of
  Cavendish.  "The unswerving goal of the statute is fair market valuation,
  but there is no single pathway to that goal." Gionet v. Town of Goshen, 152
  Vt. 451, 453, 566 A.2d 1349, 1350 (1989).  Accordingly, we find no error.    

       Lastly, the Town claims that the state appraiser committed reversible
  error by failing to  make specific and clear findings as to how the fair
  market value of the property was reached.  The state appraiser has a duty
  to make clear findings and state how its decision was reached.  Saufroy v.
  Town of Danville, 148 Vt. 624, 625, 538 A.2d 168, 168-69 (1987).  A mere
  recitation of the contentions of the parties is not sufficient to support
  the judgment.  Id.  In essence, the issue raised by the Town here is - as
  it was in Saufroy - "whether the [state appraiser] supported [his] decision
  so we can determine how that decision was reached."  Id.  (internal
  citations omitted).  The Town contends that the state appraiser's findings
  are so deficient as a matter of law that it cannot be determined (a) how
  the state appraiser reached his decision of RCN; and (b) how the state
  appraiser determined the interest rate that should be applied with the Iowa
  Curve calculations.  

       In closing remarks, the Town's witness summarized the Town's position
  as "a depreciation disagreement [which] all boils down to use of the [Iowa]
  curve , as opposed to use of the straight line of comparable observed
  depreciation."  We first note that although the Town requested and was
  granted leave to submit proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law,
  the record does not indicate that it did so.  Moreover, as a review of the
  record makes clear, the Town's alternative to the Iowa Curve evidence
  introduced by VELCO was entirely dependent upon the acceptance of the
  Town's assertion that a ninety-year life should serve as the basis for a
  depreciation calculation. (FN3)   
       While it is true that the state appraiser did not specifically address
  the RCN or interest components to the extent now sought by the Town on
  appeal, we are not confronted with findings so deficient that we have to
  speculate on how the conclusion was reached.  As to the RCN the state
  appraiser found, "[b]oth the [a]ppellant and the Town utilized a cost
  approach methodology drawing on the Handy-Whitman indexes . . . to
  determine . . . (RCN).  The two parties applied the published indices in  a
  slightly different way resulting in VELCO estimating RCN $487,690.95 higher
  than the town."  Moreover, even assuming this explanation is insufficient,
  it is difficult to see how the Town 


  was prejudiced by the RCN proposed by VELCO since a higher RCN increases
  VELCO's tax burden.  

       Nor are we persuaded that the state appraiser was without sufficient
  basis as a matter of law to adopt the Iowa Curve method including its
  reference to 0% interest rate.  The state appraiser found:

    The [a]ppellant utilized the Iowa Curve method consistent with
    their method in many other cities and towns in Vermont.  The
    Vermont Department of Taxes - Property Valuation and Review in
    fact recommended this method.       
         The Iowa Curve is based upon retirement patterns of hundreds
    of industrial assets.  Essentially this statistical study asserts
    that depreciation is NOT straight lined, but curvilinear.  This
    method acknowledges a schedule of 30 to 40 year economic life
    estimates but compensates for remaining functional utility (a
    factor other than age) by leveling off after accelerated
    depreciation thereby avoiding excessive depreciation by keeping
    the depreciation from going to zero . . . . 
         The use of the Iowa Curve on the other hand is an "economic
    life" algorithm because it reflects all the components of
    depreciation based upon experience surveys for specific types of
    properties.  The evidence indicates that the Iowa Curve Tables
    [are] based upon economic service mortality curves, which go
    beyond consideration of just physical deterioration.  As such,
    they take into consideration economic and functional obsolescence
    as well.  The mortality curves can reflect most, if not all,
    causes of depreciation, both physical and economical.  

  (footnotes and internal quotations omitted).  
       The Town asserts that the state appraiser lacked a credible basis to
  chose a 0% interest rate column from the five percentages reflected within
  the Iowa curve tables (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%) because VELCO's own witness
  "testified that he did not know why the company used the zero percent
  interest rate." (FN4)  Where the record contains "some basis in evidence for
  [the state appraiser's] 


  valuation, the appellant bears the burden of demonstrating that the
  exercise of discretion was clearly erroneous."  Lake Morey Inn Golf Resort
  Ltd. P'ship, 167 Vt. at 248, 704 A.2d  at 787.   The Town has not met that
  burden here.  

                                       BY THE COURT:

                                       Jeffrey L. Amestoy, Chief Justice

                                       John A. Dooley, Associate Justice

                                       James L. Morse, Associate Justice

                                       Marilyn S. Skoglund, Associate Justice

                                       Mark J. Keller, District Judge
                                       Specially Assigned 


FN1.  The state appraiser is appointed by the Director of the Division of
  Property Valuation and Review to hear appeals from the Board of Civil
  Authority, and takes the place of the panel formerly called "The State
  Board of Appraisers."  32 V.S.A. § 4465.

FN2.  The Town also asserts that the state appraiser's erroneous finding
  that the Town's witness was not a licensed appraiser when, in fact, he is
  licensed in New Hampshire should compel reversal.  We disagree.  The state
  appraiser accurately noted that the Town's witness is not a licensed
  appraiser in Vermont.  Moreover, the state appraiser's  rejection of the
  recommendation of the Town's witness that the useful life of the properties
  be set at ninety years was unrelated to licensure.  The state appraiser
  found that the Town's witness offered no details in support of the
  ninety-year useful life beyond ". . . an unsubstantial observance that he
  had witnessed steel pole structures standing in continued use for a long
  time - up to ninety years."

FN3.  State appraiser: "[F]or purposes of evaluation, you are going to
  propose to us an observed depreciation  pattern, and I need to have you go
  ahead and tell us how that was determined, and the actual mathematics of
  it?  A: The mathematics of the pattern are straight line 90 years."

FN4.  The statement of VELCO's witness that he "did not know" the basis for
  selecting the 0 % interest rate column arose in the broader context of his
  testimony in support of the applicability of the Iowa Curve table.  He

    Again we use the column for the zero interest rate.  I've been
    asked why we chose that, and I really don't know, other than
    that's the one the state brought to us, and that's why [we] have
    continued to use it . . . . we feel [it makes] an equitable table,
    because it recognizes that some of these 40-[year] assets have a
    life that exceeds 40 years, although on average, the assumption is
    that a significant portion of them will have a physical life of 40
    years or less, or an average of forty years.

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