Matter of Dilan v Salazar

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Matter of Dilan v Salazar 2018 NY Slip Op 32495(U) August 7, 2018 Supreme Court, Kings County Docket Number: 700010/18 Judge: Edgar G. Walker Cases posted with a "30000" identifier, i.e., 2013 NY Slip Op 30001(U), are republished from various New York State and local government sources, including the New York State Unified Court System's eCourts Service. This opinion is uncorrected and not selected for official publication. [* 1] ?Ooo·1012orn Order 700014/18 is CONSOLIDATED INTO 700010/18, Capt. amended... dtd 817/18 NSP Page 1of8 ~ At ~n IAS·.Term, Special El~ction Part of the ~upremcfCgurt of the Stafe ~fNewYotk, held in .a:nd for- the, County .of. Kings, at ·the Courthouse~ at Civic· Center, Bz:ooklyn, New Ygrkt on tlie :711r qay.. of"ust, :20i 8.· PRE~ENr: HON. EDOAR.G. WALKER Justice. ~ - ., - - - - - -- - - ~ - .,. ., - - - - - - - - - - - - -,_- -: - - - - - -X .In the Matter of the Appli~~tion of MARTIN MALAVE Du:AN, ·candidate - Aggrieved -!ll)dHELINE LEONARDI, Cit1zen-Objector,. Pe6ti<;mers - against- Index No, 70001°0118 JiJl..IA SALAzAR,. Candidate.• - andBOARD OF ELECTIONS.OF THE CITY OF NEW°"YORK, Respondents, Fbr an Order P-µrsuant to Sections 1"6:-1 ()0, 16-102-and 16-116 pf the Electipn.Law, Declaring Invalid the Designating ~etition Purportin"g to.Designate Respondent-Candidate for State Senate for ·the l 81 ~ the City ~4 State ofN.ew York in the .Dernocr.atic Parcy Primacy·Election K;ing;; County, Borough of Bro.oklyn, City and state of New .be. iield S¢ptember 13, 20. l 8.. and ~o Res.~l'ain the said . BOARD OF ELECTIONS from ~rintit1g. and l'laGing t.h e N:ame of Said Candidate Upon·.tbe Officlal Ballots·of Suoh Primary Election. - - ~ -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - ·- - -.- ~ - - - - ~ - - - - -X Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 2] 700010/2018 Order 700014/18 is CONSOLIDATED INTO 700010/18, Capt. amended ... dtd 817/18 NSP Page 2 of 8 Upoi;i respondent-~~idate Salazar•s motion to consolidate the special ,proceedings.coi;:runenced under index·numbers 7000t0il 8- and 7000 l 4/1S and. her supporting papers;·' and upon petitioners? oral application to withdraw and/Qr .discpntinu~ the special proceedin~ e<ornrnenced µn:d~r Index Num,ber 700010/1.8, and due. ~eliberation. had, it is now 01UJER£D ·that petitioners' oral ip.otipn t0. withdraw'\ndlo' d1S-~ntinu~· the· special proceeding uq~er. ind.e x Iium~er 700.014/18 i&..d~nied; and it; is further, ORDERED that the portionnfrespondent Sa.l~ar'.s motion r~uesting consolidatiori' fa granted to the. extent that the. special .comm~nced tll1d~r index number 700010/18· and"index·number 700014718 are consolidated for all. put~O$es und.~r .h;1d¢x:number·10001b/18; and it is. further, OJ.U)ERED Uiat tµe Clerk of Kings County Is ·directed to consolidate the file .o f inde~nw:npet 700014/1.8 into that ofmdexnumber 700010/.l.8; and it is: rurther~. ORPERED that the· pleadings. ill each special proceeding shall .stand as the. pleadings)n the c.onsolidated ~pecial pro~eedfng; and"it iS further ,ORDER.ED fb~t tile caption in the pow consolidat.ed special proceeding, as amended to reflect that it·is the 1-8~ S~naforial District at.issue in.ibis campaign, s\lall read as·follows:" ., The t;iotice of motion also requested that the court accept late·ftled !UlSWer.5 and/or amend the answer. This portion ofth~ motion w~ granted·by tjie court orall)r'oo the r~cord during the proceedings· on.A~gusl 1,.201'8. 2 Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 3] 700010/2018 Order 700014/18 is CONSOLIDATED INTO 700010/18, Capt. amended ... dtd 817/18 NSP Page 3 of 8 - - -..- - "' - -- .,. -- ..: _ - ·- -.- '"-:·- - - - • - • -: • - "' - ·· - - - - -X .In the .M"~tter 'o f the Applic~tiqn of Candidate...,.. A~eved -and-. HELINE LEONARDI, Citiz~n-Objeotor._ Petit!on~rs Ind(:~ - srgainsi- No. 70001Q/18. Candidate, -and.BOARD OF ELBCTroNs·.op THE CITY OF NEW YORK, R~pqndents•. FQ' Order Pursuant-to Sections l 6-l QO, 16-102 ·and 16.-11.6 of the .Electi<)rr"La\v,.Declari,ng.Invi;tlid th~ Designating l?etition Pwporting ta Desig,nate R.espondent~Candidate ·for ·State s·enate.for the 1sm Senatorial District in the City and State: ofN~w the Pemocra.t:it.Party ~r.imary Electiqn :£\ing~. Cou,nty;. ~etough of Brooklyi);..City.and State of. New Y.ork to 'be held Septern:ber .l~~ 2018, and ta Restrain the said .BOARD Of ELECTIONS from Printing and Pla~ing ~e.Name ~fSaid Candidate Upon the Official. .Ballots t>f.Sut>h Primafy Election. - • - .. •. - - - - - - - - -· - . . - .. - - - - - - - ...... - - - - - - - - -X In .these ·special proceedings ·brought pursuant-to Article.16.-of the Election Law, th~ p·etitlon.ers Martin ·Malave Dilan~ candidate aggrieved, and 'Helene Leonardi, -citizen- obJector; seek tq declare in:valid.the designatin~ petition designate Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 4] 700010/2018 Order·700014l18· is·CONSOLIDATED ·INT0700010/1 B;·Capt..amended::: dtd re$pond~nt-candidate Julia. Sal~ar for an/18 NSP · · · ··· ...... _....... -· .Page·4 ·of-8 tlie public·office of.state senate 'for tlle Senfl,torial' District in the.City and: State·of N~w Yqrk jn,the Democratic Party Primary. . Election to. b~ held ·on ~·eptember 13, im s on the ground .that the t:<:(sppndent Sal~ar doe.s .~Pt-meet the·resideQce, requir~ments 9f Article Ill, Sectiort 7, of the NewY6tl\-.State Constitution. Petitioners ¢ommenced the ·p roceeding under index number 700010/18. on July 23; -20i8 with the tiling oftlre original petition. As allowe·d by the order to·show cause,this: ·original p~tition. and:ihe: or4er to shqw c.ause were·ser\ied on.respon4ents by·r~.gular:mail ·on iUiy 23. 2.018 . .The.caption ·ottllis original petition, however.. erroneou·s.iy identified .t'1e :respondent-:cart~idate iulja 'Salazar·as a .candidate for the I91h Senatorial District, when :in fad,, Ms. SalaZ&r is·a canqida.te fort.Jie i.~111 S'enatorlal Disttict..2 On.July 26? 2018? befo~t( any answer was filed, petitlone.ts file~ with the court .fill ·"Amended .Petition;' tha,t changed the s·e~atbi:i~l district jd~ntifi~ in the C+iption fr()m the ·191h Senatorial D~stnct to th~ l&lh Se1;1atqrialDlst.riet In additiqn to correcting the erronepus senate .district, the. ~inepded .petitiOn ad4e.d:·ci:ilegatiorts teg~tding ·the .expiration ofMs. Salazar~s Florida driver's license and p~r request artd·'obtaining a ne\v. Ploridalicei;is·e im.der a.Florida addr~~(amende.d petition~ 20 Md 21)} I>etition~rs h~we supplied-,ari·affidavit of ·~ ib.e court notes. that, in the body·of the. origfoalp.etitfon,. pe-Utio.ners coqectly identified -the district at issue as the. 1S1h s·enatorial Di~tri~t- .(origin{{l petition .Ti,.l, 3,, 51·and 9). The amended petition·al~o remove~ a s,~temei:it c·o.ntained in ~e origfual 'petitlbn that .petitiohei: Dilan is entitled to vote·in ihe ·5gili Assembly District{or~~al..petitlon ~: t1.amende:d ·3 petition~ i). ln:com~aring the en~aal. and amendeq pe.t i.tions, the co\lff has,id.e ntifiajno 9ther 4. Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 5] 70001012018 Order 700014/1·8 is CONSOLIDATED JNTO 700010/1 8, Capt. amended ... dtd 817/18 NSP Page 5 of 8 setvice fonhealri~nded petitioii"sho'Wing that the amendecf.petltion was personally served on respondent on July 2·0, 2018. ·rn .addition fo·filing and serving the.amend.ecl".J~e*ion Ullder ind~x· num~Yer 70001.0/18, pn July 26, ~018_peti~iQp.ers cornmeq.ced a·sepa:rate el~tfon I~w pro:ceedil)g .on July .26,.2.018 underind~~ .nutnber7.000I4/1 8. ~e·petition in th.e pi:oceedi:ng'under .incJ.ex num;bet 7.00014/18 (014 petition) appears i4entical to thy'a,mended pe~hion u~der· 'index nu~bet 700010/18 (010 amended petitioner)~ reque5ts the same reHef as-the·. 01 O· arriendecJ.petitio.n, ~d has-t he sim:ie: paragrap}?. num~:enng as th~ 010. ~ended petition. This 014 pet.ition and the ~ccompanying order to show cause were personally·-$erved dn Ms. Salazar on July. 26;2o·i.s~ at thesatneJimtHh~ 010 a,mehded petition was serv.~ no,. Ms. Salazar. At th~ cafon~ar qtll o~ tll.e. 2018 return dat~ 9f t~e:-respectiv~ petitfons, .couns~l for Ms:. Sal~r "filed witli the court anq serVe4 <>n counsei for petitj.oner~ ap answer beating the index number 700010118"~ MS •.:SaJazar' s· court.sel,, did not have an answer bearing the inde'-' number 70001.4/1-8.. Dµ.ring the OIJ-the-record ~.olloqµy regarding.the proce¢dings linder both in~ef{ ·numbers,. it pecarne ·appar~t that .M$. .Salazar:'$. counsel had·not realized that the 0.10 amended petition and the 0.14 p~ti~ion bore .separate index numbers and constituted s.eparat.e·proceedings until sh~. :w~.s- before ·the ch~nges than.the correction .pf the electi9n t,he C3:Ption~.~he add.itjpnal ·alleg~tjons contained in pµa:graphs 20 apd".21 ofthe .amenae~ ·petition, $.d the removal of tbe ·alleg~tion that p·etitioner Dilan is entitled to votefa the:. 59th .Assembly District. 5 Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 6] 700010/2018 Order 700014/18 is CONSOLIDATED INTO 700010/18, Capt. amended ... dtd 817/18 NSP .co.tJ.rt. One~. Ms. Page 6 of 8 Salazar':s cqµ~el re~lized ·her ~rror, she·requested tb,at the answer u'nd~r indeKnutnqer 70001oil8 also b~ dee.rri~ responsive to the 014 p·C?tition. CoUJ?.Sel for petitioners,_ howeve~; oppos~4, that in faili~g to submit an answer' urid~r index number 700"0 l 4/f8>. Ms.· Saiaza.r was in default under.that ·tndex Petitioners:' ·counsefthen.proceeded to 'State that' he was withdrawing ihe .:proceeding. commenced undedndex number 100010/18 ,unqer im;ie{C.n,u,:nper 700014/18'. The court maqe·no tULmgs at .that time and took th~ request~ by ;oo.urisel.for: the.parties under advisement. At th-e· continued proceediiigsheld on Augu·s t'2 , 2'0T8~ Ms . .Salazarsubniitt~d·her written:motion for the court to accept the .late.answers and for c·onsolidation of the· pro~e·edingsurtder index numbers 7000.lOiiS and 1000:14/18. At the same time, pe.titione~" couilsehen.ewed his requestto the withdraw/discontinue the proceeding under index numb et 700010118' and proceed solely under index Number 700014/18.. The co~rt; on the ~ecord, granted' the ·portion of Ms. Salazar"s.requestm& permissfon to file:of a late answer': denied petitioners 1 oral motion to withdraw/discontinue the. preceding commenced under fodex number·700010/ rs', and.g;ranted the portion of MS, Salazar'.·s rilotioQ ·r((qUesting the CbhSoJidatlon-of th~.'aCtions. The·COUtt'notes thata:ftetthe"COUrt. denjed pet,tionei:s' ora.Lmotion to:withdfa\v/qisCQil~im,1~ t!Je proceedings 1'ildet index number 7000.10/1-8, peiitioners did not oppose:MS. SaJ<iZar'.s c6ns:olidate the ·actions. This decision and ord~r ·a4c, the gtant of ~on;solldatioii ·and .t he denial of 6 Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 7] 700010/2018 Order700014/18 is CONSOLIDATED INT0700010/18, Capt. ·amended ... dtd 817/18 NSP · Page 7 of 8 pe.t.itioners' req.uest .to.withdraw/ t~e. un·oer index·:nµIl)l;?e.r.:: 700010/1..8. AS th¢r~ .iµ'e 9<'>W two p.ending speci~al proc.eedings inyolvlrtg the san;ie-parties and in whichthe'petiti(?.nei:s s.e ekthe.. same··the respondetlts, :thecouit, upon a motion·tt:»dismiss· CPLR 3211 '(~)(~),would normally dismiss the action that was .commenced later (see ·e·.$· Stevens v:Law Off. ofBlank:& .Star, PLLC~. 1SS AD3.d 91 T, 9"1°8 [2d Dept'201 ?J/ Maiter ofWillnus, 101 AD3,d 1036,.1037 [2d Dept 2012]).. Petl.tiqn~rs' ;cotu;lsel,, hcwevet~· requested that. he beJillowed to·Withdraw·andlor d.facontinue;the ptoc·eed'irigs.under.index number 70001 O/l8, rather than those under index number 700014/18, because ofcon·cems that ail Appellate.Court might.viewthe;e to protierly id.en~fy th.¢ appropriate senate d°istricdn the original ·{'etition:as a jurisdictional ·defect that was not the dlO amended:petition.. Itwould appear,. howev¢r~ .eo11nsel ~.s reason fo~ withdrawing.proceedings fo.dex number ..700010/18 ·also ari$e5 tr.orµ his view thatMs;. Salazar failed to timeltanswer·the 014 .petition.and thus, that s}J.e is 'in defal;lit und~r index number 7000.14/18. Inview"OfMs, S.ala~r's having undisputedly filed and setv.ed a·tlln.ely the..QIO amended petidon; ho\v~yer,. petjti(>ners catinQ~.siinply: disoon~inue the proceeding under index nµmb~r 7000,10/ givfag notibe,,but.:rath~l mµst' .a sdpµlation.of all ·the parties.or a court order·(CPLR:3217 [a], [l;>]; Mota/to v Cqlgate Scaffoli4ing Coip., 12_8 AI)3d 9'16., 917 [2d Dept 201.5] ;· Dayid D. Si~g.el., Supp Pr.acti('.e Commentary, 7 Printed: 10/5/2018 [* 8] 700010/2018 Order 700014/18 is CONSOLIDATED INTO 700010/18, Capt. amended ... dtd 817/18 NSP Page 8 of 8 MeKinney's C(,)ns Laws .of NY, Boqk 7~, CPLR C32~ 7~4, 20l 7"·;iph at S46), While- petitioners' m~.y-na-ve leg_itimatl:'. reaso.ns for:pte.ferring:to pro~eed under index' nurnber·700014118 rather than index number 700010/18, the coi.Jrt d~lines tq :exerci'se'its discretion to allow the,discontinuance .o f the.- action under index number 70001 Oll8 given thattbe proceeding under index..number 7000l0Jt8· is the which Ms: Salazar has-undisputedly .filed and.served·an.answer (see CPLR 31.17 (b];: Turoo.v -.TW-co, 117 AD3d 1.1·9, 740-721 [2d Dept 2n14] [~c;>~rl m,ay deri.y · discop,tihue. where. discontinuance may prejudice·a substantial iight .of.a·party]_).. Under these .circumstances, .and in view of petitioners\ consentto consolidatfon of.the.separate proceedings after this court;s denial of.their.motion to·discontinue,.·the c.ourt gr-ants..the motion to.consolidate. both. Electi:ort specia:i proceedingS' under·index number 700010/18 '(¢PLR 602 [a]; see also RC/. Plumbing Corp: v Turner Towers Tenant Corp., 152 AD3d 723, 723 [2d Dept 2017); Gutman. v Klein~.. 26 A:J)3d 464, 465 [2d Dept201.6]). This· constitutes the decision and order of the:,court. ENTE~~'rHWITH JSC· HON. EDGAR G~ WALKER 8 Printed: 10/5/2018

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