Angell Family 2012 Prouts Neck Trust V. Scarborough, ME

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STATE OF MAIKE BUSIKESS A :"'n CONSUMER COURT Cumberland, ss. ANGELL FA'VIII.Y '2012 PROUTS "'ECK TRUST ct als., Plaintiffs-Appellant•, Docket :-lo. HCO-CV-H-59 / T0\\1'\ OF SCARHOHOUGU et al., Df'fendanrs-A l'l'e llf'es KEKYON C. BOLTOK, III, et als., P1a i ntiffs - Appc Han ts , Docket No. BCD-CV-14-59 TOW!\ OF SCARROROUGII et al. Defendants-Appellants DECISIO"' AND JCDG.MENT Pursuant to :'>1Jl. Civ. 1'. HOIJ, the Appellants in th£>£ consolidated cases' appeal the deCJoion of' the Town of Scarboroug-h Board of A<.>c<smcnt Review ·:"Roard"), ~~~u~\ts Appcllmn>' App~llant< dcn}~ng for tax aLate,nento, IOilo"ing the Town's 20U partial property tax in their .Joint Rule' ROB Rrirfarguc the Boacd's deci"on mLtst be reversed tOr four reasons 1) The Asse>Sor >elect< ve Iy targeted " ater!ron t property in three nci gbborhoods for a >llLstantml mtrease in valuation, while allowing wa1:erfhont pr·oper·ty in a The Lo>e.l hods~~"'"'" doo:cet nurr.hec.; -~ :h~ ~,,pet Oor COLlll U•_t hciJ lJeen conwlid•t~d hy che ti"'e rhey \>Ore tJJn>fcrrd '<J tfoe Du>ine>.l onJ Comu:ner (our;, ac.d were asstgncd a single BCD J~cket number 1 SJmilady situated ncigLborhooJ :P'per sr.ore>) w avo1d any mcrease in ~aluatiou 2 ,1 The A.,.seosot' a1 bitraril y exenpreJ ccrra1n mcn·a"' in nh:atwn .J) The A '-\~osor ga H h~i?J' tax bt ,-~I" to w~t~l ",.~cess :i-ont properti,·o li-om the la oJ" P' opertie<, i ruperm is,ible under '\fame law. 1-; The Assc.%or's sales incr~a'e m valtwtion at Fronts "-'eck was b~sn! on unqualifi,·d Appellano' Joint Ilule RUB Bridal 5 L FACl!_;.-\L BACJ{GROL'ND Appellant taxpayer., c>wn properties on or"''"" the Atlautic Ocean, in the Prouts Neck neJghbm-hood of Scarboroug-h (R 2.) In 2012, alt~r neighborhood by H S r•-rcent (H. 01·7-50.) The a.%es;ed sales data, St.arlJorough valu~ of other propNties in rhe To"'n of Scarborough drcreased m remainetl the """'". Bdore 20 12, tl1e last town-wide reva lua twn to rhe Br>arc!, wh'tch con.,olitlated dlt appt•'l.l,, held hearings, and appeals (R ~lnanimously dPnied the G; lL STANDAI'tDS 01' REVIJ-:\V In a l{ule ROB appeal, the Superior Court revJe\\< !he flndino-s made bv the mnnicinal 0 ' 0 dct'iswn maker to dctermin~ "heth~,- thow findings were bast•(] L!pon an "erroncolls interpretacion of the Jaw" or ba<ed upon ,om:lt"-.on< r>[ !act not ''sL!pDorted by suhstantial uflluothbyHmb~r, ~01)0 the ~Board::' unless rhat Mr 30, 'I(,, 71·6' Ald J68)- "The Crmn mmr aflirm the dec:>ion of deci>ion was ur:la>vtUl "rl>Jtrary. rupricious, or Hnreasonable_" Driswll Hopk111s v_l)ej/t ufiJ"man ,\'ervJ., ~002 _\11': !29, 11 u_ RD2 /\.. ~d 999 (cJtationo omitt,,U;. 'That the nYo rd con Iii"" ,,·idenc e mcon1,i<ten t with the nsu l t. or that inconsis 1ent conclusions could he drawn ft om the f·v 1dence, doeo not nnder might ac(ept thr' rdeyant henna v. Kokrrnah, 61~ cvid~11ce a< th~ [lluarchiJ llndinf\'-' in' alid if a rea.>onable mmd adequan' to oupporl the [Board's] conclusion_" Tou-r. uf A.2d 1'711, 872 (\k JU92) The party seeking- to overtllrn the decision bear< Ihe burdrn ofpers11asion on appeal. 1 o~n oj'Sw_ ll_nbor v_ Iltwcwod, 2000 MF. 2JS, 711~ A ~- ~ 6, 1d 115 (ci[ing Sa:t:ye~·J-.'nd/. Recoo·ny F>a!J/1e<, Inc.''· To:vn '-!/'Hampden, 2000 ME 17.9, ~I Municipal1 .1K Asse.'->ments \\'ith reopect to juc!Jcial presume< tax asst'r,sments ""~ ME IS!, ~ 9, 1:131· A 2rl ll16'_ 90 A sd 1131- A taxpay~r r~v1ew 'alid of Jrmr.icipal tax as.,~s,ment.< Ham·, He"d Partner<, LLC '-'· ToU"n specifically, a conn if Cape Eltzabdh, 200.> ".\ taxpayer "'ho St'ek' a tax abatenwn( must pw;·e that the can pro\C an ass~;;.,nent '' nmnifestiy »mng hy showing. 1;. the _'iuclgm~r.1 dthe "·''es;or was 1rrational or so UJLrea.<onable in light of thf CJrcc:m\lances that the property wa, suh<tan(mJly ovenaluctl and an LTljusCic£ result~d, 3 LI.C ''· h'~»!1 ~(Capel-.'h-::;abeth, ~OO.l ME I :II,~~ JO, IJ3·1 :\.~U 916. "'\e1tht'l rhe const'11ution t'xact lha~ no 'c~pert' could di;ag,ye with th~m." Sean, Hoebuck Presque fsle, 150 l\fe IS I, of waterfront anJ 18~, l07 A \\ater-mtlu~nc~d Board's deciown denying ta~ QJ 1~-\ 1·80 propc•l'IJcs & Co v. fnhabltllrJ/s q[Ci!yof (lOS+). Appellants in thi' cose cont€nd that l\s m~ntioned abow, tht• court will vacate the abatcmer.t "ouly if the r·ecord L'Ornpcl~ a contrary conduswn lo Asd!l51 "Taxpayers can plC»e chcnmination only if they show that rhe as\t's;or'8 '}'Stem {citing C!!y ofB,dkford '-' Adams, 1999 ME +D, f[ 1+. 7~7 A.2d .H6) "The undervaluation of one 'et of .limilarly ,,ituatrd propnt1es ca~ support a finding of unjust Jiscrinunation, ~ven when there;, no underYaluadon of the general ma" of property.'' hi. '] 1 L On the other h~nd, ""omr 'peri lie instances her,• and ;her~-- of unJernl•.ration. "~Sjporadi<' differences m establish lHJjUS\ Jiscmnin"uon. !d. (c;Iing K'lie1}· Flee. I.ight ('n., l!l9 '\ 2d 7~5. HO (\le !9661; .)undqy Lukt ,-\[ fro11 ta~es Cn v. 'f'unn.<l11p &(lVakcfidJ, Z47 US. JSO, .'15:3 : 1~1]<;', !"CMJen errors of' upo" r~ol JJl(! pcrwc.c; cstote, """""J ny authvmy ,,fth> .>t&:c, sldl he e~pN(!Onecl :::L>ut J the L~g1oLot .Jet 'ha:l have p::n·o,al pro;><rt) al '"ell t"e as it dcum """ a>:d :he , ote 'P?lied w ocher cbsscs ''' Dl uper~}'- oM J»essc·J ea uo 1ly. accMdJug to the j llSl ' "I tiC Lherecf _ J->ow~r :o !ely" tax 'P0n eq u'L-.bk ";rlwut t'Op rd :ntang:hl~ Lu 4 mDn'-.>onwdting: wInch in d!tct "rnoe>n t.' ~o an i r:ten ticm d vioL1. ~JOn of the c.,oential pcincipl e of tlus Court will ,-~c,le the HoHd's ci~CISion de" yin!?; lax abakrnent ·'only if the rc.cor<C wrnpe:s a contr"ry conc!il>ion to !he excluswn of anv other infcr~nce Tc:rjloth. ~014 ME .o7, ~ 1-~. 80 AsdtiJJ Ill. DISCUSSION '[oOl)ll ~(Si'arbornugh. The :Vfainc ConstitoHIOTl nq•Jire' tbot '>Jll taxes npon real and personal estate, assee.ced b}' ~uthority ofthi< State, sha1lbe apportwncd and a.,<e"ed equally according to the just value thereof_" Me. Cons!. an IX,§ S. "Jll>t value" means mmlcet value. Alfi'odJ. S-,;,eet, Inc. v_ C11) ~(Auhtm1, I% Me. 28, ;:11, 180 •\. 80.~ (!955)- "The sal~ price of property i., n·1denc~ of markn valL,~. which i_, ""ed in determining property value fOr tax ;rssc.,;rnent purpooes. fFeo,vn o·. Tu-:t•n q{Iinmen, nc: A ~d 5\!6, -'•9\l n 5 ('1.-Ie. !9.95). Se" also Shawnw.t Tnn o·_ Town~( Kennebunkpvr~ +lb Aid ;J84. Sl!i-.95 ~Me 19~!) ("market val lit'' 1s "the price o wdlmg- b<qer wnalJ pay a willing sell,,r at a fair public >ale ... in a free a\ld open mar],et"}; Arnoldv_ .-\fame,~tate H1gh-way Comm'n, 2~3 A 2d 655, 65H ~M~ Ill~ I; ('e,idenn' of what tbe property ,oJJ fOr in a bona fide sale is most '<gn~ji..·<Jnl. "}(citation oHutted;. 076 .-\.td .9.~?, 9.H (Me J.9HO). In thc.s~ consolidated ,ales, tlw Apuellant" ha,·e been rev<Llllcd. ar~u~ dwt, if the Towr.'s pactialreva!uation They also argl!e that cercoin Prou1.1 N~ch properl!es >hoLtld )n,ve !->Pen indl!dt'd in the 1·cvoluation ntthcr t[wn ~x~mptcd. and that th~ increa.o~ f(Jr !'rout' Neck was In addition, they contend that the Town's "exc~~' land" program<s discnminawry Tile cHtL 'wa(Lr infi r once~ D' Oj;erll~;" ~eCe" Co r~,.: p• operty the vc.: "" of w hi,·C_ IS ""hnccU hy .. ufwatcc Lo\lLJg~. walec VLC»o ,,. ?' ox:,·,ty to a '"trr bod\' VLCt~e 5 revaluation's foe"' on »aterCtwtt ag:ai u> t th~ ~nd water-inihenccd propeties unjustly discriminated, nl wa t~rfro:~t and wmer-infc uenccd t eo !den ti:d propt'l t tes g~nerally mrri·s some dJscu.,ion ht'rc·, g1'·en that 1t is tarseJ i" >e>e,·ol of the ,\ppellant,' argun1euto in l \Vl:~tht'r _the As\P.\>or's Ilec!Sion 10 _focu1 the ){, qJua[ion on Water-Influenced Properties and to Exc'uJe_ Interior Pronn tie' Unju>tlv DiktrHninoted Ao-3i!'"_t Own~ro Q.f tile Rev a] ued Pr·9 pernc< By swtutc, n1lHucipaliti~, arc rcr;"ired w mamtain property "'"essm~"t' withiu "range of &sse.ssment r~tios (r"liO of ass~"ed volne to morket \·allle'-.-a nllrHmum of 10% and a See.% M.RS. § maximL<m of 110%. S~~(l)_ Thus, ongoing 1~view and ad_i\JStment of il.<sessmrnts arc neces.>Ol)' to assu'-~ that apptopria~~ aosessmt'n( ratios and, ultimately, cqLml apportionment of the overall lax burden, are maintained. Th~ rnerhod of Law Court h's noted that. aithough '·=c]<>wnwid,, revalL<otions ar~ r~rhap< th~ lJest rna~ntaining ~qual ,opportionment oft he tax burden u;sessors arc not pr~rludeJ f,·owundntaking aJjL<<tment; designed to mamcain equal chtnbmion of the tax bunlen in the time pn wd h~:ween townwick revaJu,otions ' ,\faon v Tv:c·n ?( Phrf}sburg, 55.'! 1\.'ld 12-49, 1!:50 \!Vie 1%91 4 In ,lima. th~- Law CotJrt held that ·"'"h partial revaluation\ are an acceptable means ol mainlHining ''" equol di;tr:hu:ion of the tax b,_,rden U. The"""'""'' iHcce,"d the "'luJlwr_ oO'al: pcorccue_, by j!) perccn: in lYSe Then in !985 the '·"eosors JdennkC cer"W\ ldr~e-.ot >e.Lot>J>Jo,-,, '" cl0'e uco~lll'.llV to tht Kenneuec fuvec ,, . hd\lllg st.bscant:,,ly 'ncrea•oci _n fon· ncoc~N \Jkc :'largely Q,_,e •o che d~ar:up oftlle Ker.ntbee l'.i,er~ "nd u:creoscJ their ;aluo<ioc. by Ol~Iy pecce::~ 1\o: every scruc!ur~ ir, the areo was . 6 l'ndc'' cucren: law, " ntcomc:pahcy io :ceqL<ir~_d '.P t!lfet certain II'Jmmum a';;e1sing lrt tbs caSL', rhe·]n,: town-wide revaluation cook pi nee ir. 10t),i_ -:ll. 588 :. The of the ~00,\ 1evaiuation "'"·' ohje~tive w set the vailh' ol' all pcopct·cic., in the Town at. or as close a., Id. possible :o, !00% of the1r milrkcr value. Sinee the town-wide valumirm, the Town ol' Scarborough has monitowl properTy valll,·s and pniodi,·aily adjusted %se.sornents_ ba.<cd on a rc\·,luatwns_ revaluation Thc rnuuinpalicy in Mo,-er "!Jhzcd .>im'lot methods m J>elforrnmg the partial a: i%HC in that case 'l'i'e goal of the fOfiiLHlHng adjmcmcnts is to keep assc1.1ment; mall tax JWighl>orhoods agency'> ~TL!l.!dl ] 11 audic d~'!:~rmining wl:ether am] [Q re.<idcnrial properti,·s in Scarborough, what cAtem to cng~ge in a partial rev~J"ation oi' A<efSSOr Paul Lespcnnce' ("1\-fr_ Lcsp~_rance·· or the "A"e;sor") odopted a cutoff <iarr of .\prli l, 20\2. !Or ,ales dato. meaning thm hr did not consideJ sales occurr·ing alter that date. (R lfi4-IG>, 5b8.) He determined that while in,·'_Jd~d. !11 oddi:'.<Jll, cct".e.c, prore'tic' oul,ide the <nta were mcluJcd l"llnUsnol aJ chitectural iy-duJ gn~d -"'-,c:t>"C' cle,:gned to i' t e j~,- !0( a•:d >tr• Jct[Jres grlin in vnl Je f, om :heir umq uc co'""jr.,:ton of lanG "'-d btnlding' '" T:-_e pi amC!Jl '"-' p·•yers, ow "tc> of re,1l estacc 111 t~e ,;mg:cct Oll~ are", chollengoG l:Je '~crea'c 'I'"' .'i63 A ~J nt 1H9-5U -, P a .J 1 I.e' pcrdn<·e ho 1 SJ nco r c~Jred '·' ti"e Tow u', :\ ""''''' 9lt:c~ 19" 1 ond "" re,ponSlb,c tO: L'.e 2L1:2 •he spclllg of%!3 >oluo~wn 7 Ilo·.,·e\ N, he pte' :ou' l_y he Ij the position 11-Tr w::!umi-Ie,ley 1; Lhe curren~ -~sst"or "' Df 1nt1uencfJ nc,g:!Jbodwods wne adjLoted lpward;;, Th~ 2012 a.«csomen; r-e,'-llrr.J 11. o 11·b'X inc,·caw in pt'Opert'te> in l'ron:; '\'eck 1H 5Wi) The .\ppcllento argue the t~at "'~nation of the :\ppellanto' there was no e\·idr·nce ir. rhe record rhnt wo"ld an'" chc Hoard lO c·c,ndude til.'\'. the_ p·Jrtial rna:uat1on "ithin the tuwn in~reascd panty Howfver_ "a.esesson arc no: prcl'luded t'om undertaking adju,tmcnts designed to m~intain r~ual di.qnOution oi tlH~ re,·olrwt1ono." .fhser, .~.~,3 A2d ot 'i ndar 1y st tllated !" o peny Coal Co.''· C•;mlt_y Cnmm'n, 0\' ne,.,, +~8 usn (dX hurden in tbe time penod Letwc-en towm,ide Hath•'', only a "roe1gh is cor_< 'i LUtwn~ll y rq u iced L".S .J:\6', S+.~ e~ualiry" m t~x rrcarment of Jd ~ c1 tin g Alleglmry f'l!t<burgh 1!089/·- Bdore the Board. the Tn" n oF.cred ;e\'eral exhibi !8 to rchrn Appdlants' claims nC unfair lreatment These ~xhib1ts cnmpare the assessments for interior prov.nreo with as.e.<sments for the waterCront and watrr-influenc~d properties th~t "ere subject to the partJal r~va]uaiion. In each of the cxh 1lJit<, the A.%•·Mor <hows that the as.<e>Smi'lliS for interior propcnreo were trackmg much do•c.r to JOO"h of the property< \alue ba;ed on oales (R 161--!6-") Aosessrnenh on rhe water from propenJc>, huwcw-r, WCJT much lo\Ver than sale prices, v,)uch rr.cans Ihe ""e'Oment.< on thrse proper!Jes w<·re low_ Furth<'r, Exhihit T-41-l shows that the r·eval ua tion materio II y Jm)>rovcd dec a verag~ ratio nf assc.'ied ' a]JH~ to market va I ue f[om 83% Thus, the coul\ li:Jd< tlrat the Asst''sor's dec1sinn :o in'""""e a."e;smeuts only fOr "" te,·-fnflncnced prupcrtie> wa, j "' tifl cr! ~nci wpyor ted hy the e\'ir!ence, and did not unjust! y diS<'nminate "[;amst 'he Appellant.<. However, Ih·, conch~;ion rlne, no: fud the inqui•')' OecaLJse Ihe Appellants have rai1ed a vw;ecy ol rnor~ opec:t"c objrrtwns IO the manner by which thf reva I ua":ion >.as cnri,·d out w 1th ,.,,,pee-!: to their pro perti "'. 2. \VhetflN 1he _,-}>Se;sor ' De rio i''~ ~o H~val ur Prop~ni~s in the A ppc II ant;' !'\_fi gh bor ho0d_ and Tl,ree Otiler \V JcNft OIL t and \V a tc·,- I n1; "enced ~cigh bodwocis \VhJlc '\ ol He,~ahunu- the T'inN Shnre, :\e1g :"_hor iwod. W rongblly Dioct ircnnated A\(<LJnst Appc]lat:lo The f;nt orgumcrH )'Ies~nted _n the AppclL:a:s' kre~ i; that th~ .'Hoesoo:'s decision w revalue rhe c\l'flellant5 Pro·.1r< Ned rwighborhooci " w,·ll ao :be Higgins ond PrlblJ:1ry ShoH'I "~'ghbc>rhuud, "'h,;c omining the waterii·ont Pipet (;'ven t!w-:: the -"·""·""'' hat) Uecid~d H~ad1, ~bores Pine Poini ncig:hhorhood. to foct" rhe tevaluatwn on wat€r-infinenced ne JghlJo,-h,1och, oay the Appell.1r. ts, the simit11 it ie:! betweea cbe rcvalllt·d areas and Piper Shores cotl'prlleJ the A<.St'><N ret r·~,a!ue Piper Shores"" »dl They abo contend rhat tbe Assessor had euflic;eut data to incrcosc :he va1ut'' of Pipec Shore's propcni,'s. and that he wrongfully •-efused to con,id,·r a r~• qu~lilied >ale indJcaung: that properties m the Piper Shm·es area should be alue<i. During: the koa rd r-.raci ng, the Appe~lan ts prrsen ted the testimony of Lt•sl ie Craig, an experienced real estate ager.t, to tb,, erTrrt rhat pwperty ,.a]"es in l'iper ~hores move in Ihc same way as value., in Iiw Prouts Neck area. ar.d tlwrdOre, that there was no ju1tiflcation tu tevalL,e Proulo ~eck Om r.ot Piper Shores_ The Town contc·nd1 thm the Pipd Shores cbracter from the Proms Neck and di, 1i ngLushing feeT u re' reflected m oth~• nri~·hb,,chood i8 ;rgnificantly dillerem in "<lter-influenccd nrigi1bochoods. Am~ng the th~ r~cord • Tbe Piper Sho1 eo neighl)()rhood enco,npns.,eo twe~ty ,·~ry large watcrfi·ont parcel; along t»o miles ofcoae:lir.~ while f'wm; Neck h?.> o'er ~IJO parcds on less than a half mik ofwa,tline (R R; +21; +2C, 1-30.; • Pip''' Shore retirement fildity is :Le 121 ;. no compa,·oble facility. • Prom> Neck lm> a beacil club ond orC1er p,.,._,Pnt m Piper Sbmc,, :ll. 1~0 -:R l~rge<e 'axpa;er m Piper ShmY$. Prouts Kcck hos a:r.~nitirs awilable to rrs;dento that "''C no: In addinon, tht Town contend.> :ht Ll;~ pauc"v of·'"]~, data ir. :br f'iper Shores area 9 HiQ) Th~ <econd pcopcrry "'ld Exhibit T 26 is the Apnl 29,2012 R101, Lnt 20 w~n~ under cor: tract ire .\1arch .<ol~ 1~pon ~011 and the s.le closed Oil for th.i.> parcel, th 'Can·n·· pro1>~tly, .\lap ·rhe sclllng prict' \\·1-S S2,R00,000_ I.S% abnvt' the propelty's "'·'esoed \'alue oi f<trst, it occurred after-dak thr ;\soessm haG ~dc>Dted b,J( admittedly only a \V~r·e f~w »ccko after-- rhe April 1, ~012 cutoll thi; dw wle hasis lor the ,\oseS<or's decision not to include the' l'tper Shnreo neighhorl:ood in the par:ial re\aluarion, the dcC"ision might be more ,-,:uerahle to challeuge, cspcc,Hlly sine,' the Assc-·"'" used a: least onP post-AptLI l sale in his patred sale analysis of the Prouts :->rck IJetghbm·hooci Hnwe,cr, the AsseS\tJr'' deci.<ion uot to ll,;e ~he Ca,ver prop~rty as a jllsttfication fOr revaluing the l'tper Shc>re; ncighGorbood reot; on ruore <iliJ>tantial ground property i, a rc<identtal property of about bulk n!' th~ land hos he~n 1<0 arres, with sepa"o(e\y sakable house lot The enr•.Jmbered hy a cuns,n·ation '<l\ernent . '-'PC!l opEc' t"-' P'"'t':c>lm , an~ DHTt of thf h~d arr" ·. (R ~ o l-61 ) R ,,_.,.s . p1·evwc'.d•: The Town's r urren t asS.'\sor, \\'ill,arn He" ley, t~sl ~r:d enrolled ;n fa[[u and enroll~d i J:ed th~ t in the t':-e~ '-'TOW\h. ~· (he pat eel's eaBrnlen t and enrollment m the cllrt<'l'l use tax program, would preclude the t:\e of conotden'd m th~ Town'" anm.ol sales and uno 10 .<t~dtes. The CaJ>er '"l~ li·om hemg ami :hat he wodl not celv on thJO .-\ppe!;onto' iu argn~reut un~'J "a] appvnonm~n t " reg.,·ding tl:e rxdu,:or. nf' Prper Shores from the rrva.imnion here the- o1-<e\><Jr recognind tha; "rhe ,eJcccion o!' oue or a potfntml fm· cre~[ing r~,-a ~ ueo ff'w one r ci ghbor hooJ. whik aut rc\·a luiug a :.rcas fior revr,ion of propc"y ,;t]u~.>" hao the Jrscnmination. uot c-wry selenive revalnation conMitmes llnjllot neighltorhood, bl!t ,!Jd LO! re<:uce val'l<'' 'n ti1e dJiacC'n\ uerghborhood of Granite Point .•.. ,- ' "d MF•. "-'1 .- ,,, ,_, .-,_ or 1 ~-. f'oiHt neip:hburhood !d. at l[ 1·, The taxpayao 72~ A_2d ~ppcabl UWU to the C>ta\e Board of Property ·rax ~\ 3J.8 J /owewr, ! he Adam< eo.\e i.o Jistmguishable on its far\-~- The Law CoLtrt in Adams upheld thP Board'< findmg of disc1 immation on fOLn ground.,, l) Certam mal'lhland was con<idered par: of the median lot srze in Granite Point, ben simibr rowr;hland "'"'not con;idc-n;d in Fo,-tllllf-1 Rocks_ !d. at~ 1~~) Tht' Hoard fC.und rhat t[Je coastol neighborhooJ, 'Hrc homogenous . .1) The A"'Ps.sur'' deci,ion ro Jec~ucc th~ nerg:hho.Jwod facror based on his ·'g:ut fed in g" was or hi I t ary w the 'it'\<· of the fl,--,.o rd. Id. at ~,' l ~ +'- hi. at~' !7. Th~ Board found that Biddd;,,-d rhenged the "'''ghlJOrhood cude for Granite Poi~! to rhat ofBrddcfn,d Pool and ri:en mcd '"''sales iH Brdddord Pool, one foe mor~ rhan as;essed c·.olue and one fo~ Ies<, ''' jc:>rify <lenymg a n·ductior. in the a%t'Ssrnems fN Gmnlte Pnin:. \\"irhirr a two-year p~riod thereaftn it changed GrMlite Point hock to a sepacate neighborhood cude_ Thi$, the Board wnclud~d, wa' arbitrary and "mdi,'o ri•·e of cbar:gmg n' Jll!be:"s m wr t a situatioe m tiw tmre it happcno." in ti-ois ""'~, rwn,, oft!:~ ~ben·~ ele[!lenrs r> )"'C.I~"' Jler~. there;, no pattern ofarbiuary that Ih•re ar<' '""''''iu1 di<l; bet'""''" tilr Prp~t .'iho,·r., molghborilood and dte ,;otcr- inn uenc<·<! neighbor honds tba '· were rn·al.wd \V(,ile th~ Hoard c·o•.Lld h"'" dr'''" a wntra:y concluSion b,~,; on other evtdence, 6 the court review., 1he li~ding:s Jllatle hy ti:e Bo~rd w de:ermine wilnher rlwre wa1 an rrror ofbw or 'Ahethc1 the CO!lclmions o:fact were "'fported Ill~}' b~ :~_v ouh;;rantia],'vHlenc~ on thr record~' a nlJ,·ioLl> or easily int'Crred frotn the reNrd arrd tlw ger.eral !it~tual llndings." !Fells c·. l'or/!and Yacht Club, 2001 l\-Il•: ZO, Re-m·;va!Ct,-_ v. '[,-w, ~110, 771 Ald -~71, .~7.:; I_C;ting Chmtian J-;1/o~·slllp (lnd ~fL,mm!ftnn, ~00! _\JE Hi,~~ JO, 7(J'':J A_2d S31·) In sumnmry, there was .Silllicicnt evidfrrce on the n'ronl to jll~ti(y th~ Ass~>wr's deci.•:on to revalu•' the !'routs Keck r>eighborhnod and o:her wuter-inlluenced rrergl,bnrhood., in Scarborough, but not the l'iper Shores nnghbor hood -~- \1/hether rhe A%e,s;or Pmperlv Excludnl Rryaluation Cert~in Prou[s J\cckPropenie; Fr·om the The Appdlantl arg:uc that the Assr.<oor shoLUd no[ h"v~ e;.,_dude'd fo~r Prout.< Neck propert1es from the renluation The_ .\ppellRrrts incrc:lo~ rr~sentcd evidcrre be-fore Ih~ Boanl tbt \-lr. Lcsperanc~ Llid not tlw valnation oC rtll waterli-c>rll and \vcrcr-,nt;ucnc-ed properties in Prouts Rathn_ lw excluded LOI> 16, n. 1<0, arrcl +:i ii·om the n'valu1tiorr. (R 5':!1) i\lr. 1'-i~d<. L~.1perawe tc,trl!cd tha• Lot IG ;hould hav~ lJeen ir~c1uded 1n the ,-evoluation, but wa' mn;tted clue to a "For ~>.ar~plc_ ti:e Hoard t'ou.d the tc>tim-Jt'Y oOI .cd'e Clo.g,' b\uker of!>'.g'.-cn~ r~a! c·>ta;e m Pr0.HS Neck and P.~er SC>ores unvrsua.•·i,~. Cra'~ tc>::~ed LhM rhe t\'!0 r:c·ighhothoocis are .;rmrlarly a ttcacti' e TO the <a me h 1gh-~n~ '""'~et of ~uye" ' H ~Cf!-:'S ' 1! c-wcvec, the Bno rd cur.rl udcd th oc despne Crm g'' testHr>Qn l'. '.he ne'~h IJor h~crJ > we~ mrl'fcec. t codi11g error. fd Futher LN 22 WOi .'\ooonatir>n ond the ;n:pcow'r.e'11.< n~ fXckdeJ ~~""'"'" it was owl'~rl bv the Prout;; Nee~ tiw lana comi.>rcri of H aathhnus~ wo.< already adeguor,•ly v:rlued basel~ on''" limired ut 1)1ty and demand. hrought by ahllttno. (R 59J-9+.) jmti~ed finally, Lnt -1-.G was The ,·ow-r iinds t:~at thc·s~ <'Xdt<oions have hcc•n adequately >md dn not ckmom:rate con"rust discr·imirratton explanatio.,, for excludin:; coc-h proue·rty. ~vidence and char:gmg .\-Ir Lc.<pcrance ~rovided reasonable The Appcllanl.,, oro the ocher hand, ]ll'O,ided rro that _\Jr. Leoperance'; excht<ion oC fou" properties with distinct, if not ur.iquc, characteristic< among ILe more than 100 P''<'pntie; u: Proms Kcck !f.\Lilted m uneqnal appor-tionment or di.<criminarcd 4 ~garmt tLe Appel~ ants \Vlwlher th~ Asoessor Propcrlv Rcli~cl On Sales Prior to the "Great l!ecession" and On Three Sa!es Al:~g~cll\nt "' JL~'-f 1-leerr Anns Lcno-th Tran.,ac,!Lons Appellams r~i,e lwv argument; regarding Iiw sole" of 1-'roLtts Neck propt•r·ti~s that the Assessnr r·dred upon m detcrminin:; rn increase tC1e a.s;essed val uc., of their propen:ies_ Appellants main!~in thctt the economic downturn in 1008 ~what they term the "Great rendenng the• A.,>eosur'o reliance on sal,';; wiot :u 2008 arbitrary and uureasonable Four of tlw .-ight quah5cd s"h-s of property in the [''""'\.\ Neck neighborhood relred upon by l\1r LC.'Jl~""'''e pre-datt•d th Great Rece;sion- How~w-r-, evrdenc~ the Town'.< ~viden('e 'rrdrcateG r:1Je proper~)' values in rh Prouts I\'"eck of two "p:c1red sale<" 'n ti1e l-'couts Keck n~ighborhood-;a:es of the same property ~l 'Toese >Ok> Erclu-le _\lop 1, Lu: 15 \\hh·h w,-_, sold rn Dc·ce:nl--~.- ot~t'O'i_ .'v!ap :A J,ot ~f05 '>h.dr "'-' soU·,, .lanuory cf200~ .\ldp L9, ).a( 1 "hidr ""'-'"10m J"nc of 2006. on<"~ Map 19_ L~t H, wh:ch wa< so:d !JL Ow,h~r of i!OUJ (H 61-1-1·6 ;' dirTnent t:r"~"'- ll~ccs.<on con,id~r (!1. and tile ~47-ti5~) oth~l In each ;nswnce, one u± th,, ocJes tooh wok plocr Jcmng- or dlter Ih< Grear i{ecesown plac~ be!0rc the Great Thus, th<' [Joard ocou]J these p;,ireG soln parcJCIJ!>Jr2y :lillmma:u-,g- in :enm of the effect of the Great Rcces;·;on ;'pon l'roCJt> _N,yk property' ,J,,e; Th~ firot poired sale W·" ol tloc plnperty at 5 Richm<>nd Row, wfnch sold ;n 200> lOr $.S.J mil! ion (n% abow "'"""sed vabe) and agmnrn 201 J for ss_.~ millwn (lS% abow assessed ,-alue). ThP oewr.d ]J>\Jred .sale""" ofthr property at 2 Jocc1yu Road, whid1 sold in value drd not decline appreciab1y as a result <upport ~ third inthence rhat, becau.<~ o~ the Gr~"t ~oor; fm .H Recrs.<ion. Tho&e point< i" turn tire Great Recession "'"' not 8hown to ha\e had a "rgnificant cfl"tt on l'roL>ts Neck prooerty values, pre-Great Rccc·.esion sak~ remain valrd indkator., of mar kcr value The Hoard rca.•onably d,,cidd that the paired ;deo data :nrlicated that property >alL>es m !'roms Neck remained rcla:J\ely stahl~ throug!t the Great Hece;sion t·ourt a:lirm< the lloarJ's f;nding that the paired sa:~, for thi, reason. the were ap]nupria[c market indicators for prope:-ty value rr. Ii11s cast' prupenres on the gro'Jnd th<"relOr~ th~t rhe transaniuns were not concluded a\ arms-k1,gth and are not "qualif:ed ,,ales" Map 19, Lot 0: Appdlants conrercd that tins prc>peny i.< P. "com;>O~nd >tyle" propaty that "~s sold to NV!, con1mi.,1iunec Roger Goodell Th~ .<ale wa_, not Jist,•J or cxoosed IO the g~neral maricet FGther. the As;:,'ssor admiHeJ that !Ius .>ok should Le tak~n wrth a "grain of salt" !R 6f:l-4+, 51+--15.) 14 Map 18, Lot Qi.O.~: th:s wa; t!w shle nftnlii,prcowd wrt1loge o·-vncd by the Black Point Inn_ (R, •J 3.~, RI ~-I 1· ) A ppelhn ts CUJ,tend t h H thi.> wao H pri\ 1. te oalc• between abutters, t and "a' not +iJr sale tn I he m~mhero of the genen.l pubLc_ Hather, it was only open to in' e> tor., of the I r." or those' " i!ung m pay a .~r,o.c-oo particJ pa non fee. (R 6+ 1) Map 19. Lor 17: A~pt•lL,,t; c•"Htud :br lh.o wa< ")Jiivat~sale to an abutter, hov.evPr, !he propeny sold for its assnoed -..-alue \R- ~++--!·6.) "tax assc·_,,coro arc nnder both a constitu:wnal and otatutnry obligation w In Ma;n,-, detcrmmc t!w 'Jus! "'' lue' of ta<a hi~ pro IX'-' t y ." '"] "'': val '.Le i; the eq ui valent of' nl~rket val n~-"' The Law Court hao -·defined rnarlcc[ \"abe as wdling oeller at~ Lur publir- ><Le Ft'dilk, ~~~ A.2<1 tiw exact val He. A sale is paCe!, not at 17.1 ~-1ay repr~.,e11t i"vestr.wnt, po.s,ible fUmrc value, or it may represcn• Sh~-,~·mut thing:,_" Presque ble, ~.-,o lrm, 1·i!8 A.2d a\ ~8U th~ price a wi\lir:g huyer would pay a ;\n actual recent sale "shows sen[iment'U ~'"·locatio!:, nlu~ or valll~ wh~t as an ur any one or more of many ·:c:t'ng: Sea,-,, Hn,/.rd it! Co J)_ Inhabit~"/' q/CJty of .\-Ie 1~1. HiS, 107 A ~d 1·75. ?79ll;,5-J,))- "T<1e weight to be given to the sole pr·it'e. however, d•·pend> upon the petitioner·\ z.bility to ohow that the sak price w~s indrcativc of th~ pnce a willing b·tyer wo;~ld p~y in a frc<' anJ open mm-ket" Silammut fnn, 128 A.Qd at .~~H-9 5 E.;.JSt The mm het place mu' t be one " hae norrr:ol , m opposed ta ~xtraordinary, conditions Sncet, i :l l· i\!e 2 ', 1 50 A 803, ;;G i· ,; l9S.1) In thi.< ca>e the 1\.ppel:ant> pre>entod no eYidrnte "" dw recorC that the nan'"ctions c-omide1ed by dte As.scs.eor were le>S tiwn arms-lengch. \\--h!le Ollf sale w~s to all abutter, the P'·operty so;J /C,r i~o ass~S>cd >aiue, and d1d not or, 1t> fat~ app~a,- to lJe other than •n armslengch transanwn. sho"ld not o~ A1 to tile nrLer scles, thae taken a' mciical;ve oi market vabc_ 15 J< no inU;cotion m ch tecord that those 1ales !\; r.r.>ted in 1hw ~OLlrt"s <iec!S!On m Petnn v. valu~' RGC>l:!se th~ nceos land po1icy was noC JpplicJ m ;my of the App.-llants' propertJes. the Town'< poltcy. "-' roxpayers In \lkir.e. court.< hi\'.e adopt.Yl rhe prewnti\e-remedial doC(nne to dctccmme whnher a tox~oy~r im" stanciing :" ~ ou:t ag~inst a muni,·ipal!l)'. recogmzt'& the nght of taxpayer., ro appl:· to dw roar! /Or thr~~l~ned prcv~utive The doctrine relief"' the case of unlawful action hy ll!lULicipal officer$, while dc'nying otar.ding ro taxpayers _,ccking rernedwl rrlief/Or a wrong that has alr~acly occurred i\hCorkle ''· 1 otw oj'Falnwuth, 5QC! A.l!d Maine t"xparers h:;,e r.o right m •pply /Ur rrn:.·dml relief afrer the commi$oJOn of an illegal m1micioal ou where thr "n lo one that .o!Tects d-,~ <'lltire community and there" no particulanzed br'H to th~ plaintit!S bringi"g :he sr~ii '• See TuJc\m ,. Sm:lh, ],'30 Me. 36', 1.'5.~ •\. 2<;9, ~'1.~ r:l9:11 i; T!lmgu rrl}' r{l'crt!ard ~6'8 A ~d Ob8, 8.90 (M~ !9~01 . Further. wlwre the remcdwl mjul'y duimcd '-"one shored "~~ally ),y R!l the n1rml>ero ofth~ wrnmcmity the action ·n.e Tuwn ,;don~'_;, "exec" :,~G" wrogcom o_y cot::enJin,; tlLtLL[c~ lora] va:ue n:accd on the mam prop~rt}' and rhc ""-"~·'·''and ccfeds r:".Olr CO<:>I:i~hl mcc«.e~ v"I'.. C, buLthe Anpellar;t, r.o,o dt>t the 'c:xce<S land" pcccd> are Lc, ':1ct <»es<e-l '"P"''ar.dy a· well Uel"w ma,-kcl \oil.e ' --~.-\::> mdl'.Ldual ,-,tiztn who"·''"' 3 lJO po:•.:c.l!'.,mt~ :C.:ury E·om, ~l.hhc 1\c~ng con rwt.1eek rel:d fron1 the wt.ns. :·c]Jc:' 1n :1 LCd ~:ng ~t:oi ic l 1g Ill> m . '' ~e "'"b~· by t~e A:to,-IJO}' C~ne1 :tl of the State at /1-lain~" B'"" ''- Taw11 ofY"''"""';,\. 402 ,;, 5n al EO!, R/oJgw ,_, Sc!,ool/lhun D"!. :'v'o, 73, ~ggA 2d 1·07,-J,ll·:Mc !Wi2,: 16 """ll Le orou,:hr b; :h" :\(Torney Genera: of ti;e S:mc 11 ccprescr:tmive of liOt only the B";.lcyr•. lYPiL. lJ.l l\lr 111. 17+ ,\_ alleg~ do nnt +5~r (19J{r e.nd prow -:pecial mjury T)n,s, in the m:micipa,l odtinr;, ·taxpayer< who ocandins w i1.w~ s~cl; only 'prev~ntive' r~licffr-om actwm by mumci;xU of!iu,·s."'' Cam,.,oh Causer. Stalf, +55 A 1d 1, 10 (.'de_ In tim co>c, the conc~n:Jng th· c.xc~ss gcn~ral 19~3). lnck ;tondi"g to 3chine any tircrn of r~mnlial relief land program. The only relatJOnlillp the Ai>pdbnts havC" to the program i., that they are taxp<Jyers inl1uenc~d App~llont.\ illegal App~llonto challengC" the f>Olicy ar·gumg chat v-.merfi·ont And water- propertiC".\ bear muci1 les" of a rdation;hip to market value than as.,e.%tnents of rc<identml pmpert1e; \\i[hin the town Howewr, Appellant$ have faikd to demonstrate on the administrMi, e record tha[ the bnd program affects rhc_m diJierently than it do~s :Scarbomll gh taxpayers g-t·~cr" I! y. Rather, the claim is more of a g~neral grievanc~, the effcd.l oJ whid1 are suffcr~d by the entire connrwmty_ Thus. 11'Appdl"nts are to haw rdtd to pl~veative relief. Blodgett 1!- ~tal:, dwy mllst d~monstrate Schoo! Adt,llm-l!raln·e Dislncl 73, ....1e, [hat they arc entitled ~89 A2d 407 (19~2). I !ere, [he Appellants have mad~ no cia1m dmll~nging the prospcrtiH, application of' the program I nst,•"d, Appell on to have uti~iz,,d :he Town's applica tio~ of the prngratu a; tan?;cn ual oi tlw exces.s lanJ prog1 a:n. ''' 'Ap_o 1" A thli doclrin~ ;, largely" d~! underlok:cg It Lhe re]id sought by muni"ipol tox pa I •c'Klng- .1 oecre: lnj ury ;, dect:lCcl pceveNal.Ve,' •l-_e courlhnllse duur -''tond5 open. if Cho rdief is dee:ned :-cmedd, Lhot door "'mg' 'hut' Leh,;;h '-' I'il!!lu;, Co .. -1"6 A 2d S55. S5~ IJ\-le l9S.1) J'''' 17 IV. CONCLCS!O'\' .lu~gment A:>peilecs, alvng with 'h"" Pur.<lJHir\ !u ,\1 R is gr~nte{t to the or~rr into cost>~' pr~\aCling parti~.s Civ. l'. -;-~. tile clerk;, hereby dir~uer! to incorpor-ate this ~#~ the dock~[ Uy refCr~nc~. .-\.I\!. Harton, .Ju~'.ice HL.8mess I'< Cnn,uH:er Coun 18 Keuyon C. Bolton Ill. dnd Angell Family, et <1!. v. Town of Sc<Jrborough BCP-CV-14-59 Plaintiffs Kenyon C Bolton II! Bolton Juniper Ledge Tru~L Matford Jloldmr;lnc_ Eileen GJile-,pie Trust Ed"ard M~ynard Trust Martha Hallward Nan '>1cEvoy Boyle Tn1st & Investment Fronk Olson Sarah Olson CPC Maine LLC Counsel: W%:>m Dale, Esq. PO Box 9785 Portland, ~1E 011[H Angell hmily Tunothy Bartol Trust 26 Jocelyn Rd Nonunee Trust Jarne' Kohlberg Mandal~y Realty LLC 30 Saccarappa LLC Lee Sprague J.HWallonJr. Counsel: Jonathan lllock, Esq. Kris Eimicke, Esq. 'v!errills Warf 254 Commercial St. Portland, ME 01101 Town of Scarborough Defendant CounseL Robert [r.,wford, [sq. JOel Mowr, Esq. f'O Box 9729 Portland, \-JE 0410~

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