Abdul-Sabur v. United States of America, No. 7:2018cv00107 - Document 38 (W.D. Va. 2019)

Court Description: MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Senior Judge Glen E. Conrad on 8/27/2019. (slt)

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CLERKSOFFICE M.S.DSST.COUFI ATROANOKEZVA FILED IN TH E UN ITED STATES DISTRICT CO URT FO R TIIE W ESTER N DISTRICT O F W R G IN IA R OA NO K E D IW SIO N ALc 27 2219 BK JULI .Duoy , Enjyy , Ep rrv cL x W AK EEL A BDU L-SABUR Petitioner, U NITED STATES O F AM ERICA R espondent. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.7:18CV00107 G M ORANDUM OPINION By:GlenE.Conrad SeniorUnitedStatesDistrictJudge Petitioner,W akeelA bdul-sabur,aV irginia inm ateproceeding pro K ,fled thispetition for awritofhabeascorpusunder28U.S.C.52241.Abdul-saburchallengeshisfutureconfinement under the sentence im posed by this courton M ay 31,2000,Case N o.6:99CR30073. Federal authoritieshavelodgedadetainerwiththeVirginiaDepartmentofCorrectionsC(VD0C''),based on A bdul-sabur's federal sentence. Upon review of the record,the court concludes that the governm ent's m otion to dism issthe petition m ustbe granted. 1. A bdul-sabur is serving state prison sentences totaling 57 years and four m onths for convictions under V irginia law . On M arch 8,2000,Abdul-saburpleaded guilty in this court, pursuantto awritten plea agreem ent,to CountOneofan indictm ent,charging him w ith tw o counts ofmailingathreateningcommunication,inviolationof18U.S.C.j876,whileincarcerated.The Abdul-Sabur v. United States of America Doc. 38 presentenceinvestigationreport(GSPSR'')describedtheoffenseconduct: On June 1, 1999,M s.Liz Taulane,a socialworker in Charlottesville,V irginia, received a letter from the A mherst,V irginia, County Jail,postm arked M ay 25. 1999. The letterwasprofane and am ong otherthings,stated,EtY ou can't stop an inevitable event,bitch. lknow w here you are,and 1am going to seeto itthatyou are confronted ...N o courtorder can calloffthis inevitable event in regards to Dockets.Justia.com you.D on'tyou ever accuse m e ofanything,bitch,forthe restofyour shortlife.'' Theenvelopeborearet' urnaddressinthenameofWakeel(Abdul-qsaburwiththe m ailing addressofthe Am herstCounty Jail. On June 4,1999,a second letter,postm arked June 1,1999,and bearing the sam e return addressbutno author'snam eon the envelope,wasreceived by M s.Taulane. This letter also w as profane and am ong other things, stated, Ssl'm gonna have som eone beat the shit outof you.'' Both letters were received at M s.Taulane's w ork address. N either letter w as signed; how ever, M s.Taulane believed that gAbdul-sabur)hadauthoredbothletters. OnJuly l5,1999,Mr.(Abdul-zsabùrwasintelviewedbyapostalinspectoratthe A m herstCounty Jail.The defendantacknow ledged authoring the lqtters.H estated thathe wrote the lettersafterattempting to contactM s.Taulane by telephone. He said he did not intend to cause M s.Taulane any bodily harm butwrote herto get her attention and to scare her, because he believed M s.Taulane was trying to preventhiscontactwithajuvenilefemalewhowasaclientofM s.Taulane's. PSR !!3-5,No.6:99CR30073,ECFNo.45.UnderAbdul-sabur'spleaagreement,inexchange forhis guilty plea to CountOne,the governm entagreed to dism iss CountTw o and to forego an offense-levelenhancementunderj 3A1.2oftheU.S.Sentencing GuidelinesManual(GUSSG'') becausehisvictim wasagovernmentofficial. 1d.at! 5. Despitethesebeneficialprovisions, Abdul-saburlaterm oved to w ithdraw his guilty plea,butthe courtdenied hism otion. The PSR found thatAbdul-saburqualified asacarelroffenderunderUSSG j 48 1.1, becausehisinstantoffensequaliled asacrimeofviolence,asdefinedby USSG j481.2(a),and hehad atleasttwopriorfelony convictionsforcrim esofviolence.The careeroffenderdesignation increased Abdul-sabur's offense levelby fourpoints,resulting in a U SSG sentencing guideline range of 37 to 46 m onths in prison. Judge N orm an K .M oon,to whom the case was originally assigned,sentenced him to 46 m onths in prison to be served consecutive to any othersentence. 2 A bdul-saburappealed the court'sdenialofhism otion to w ithdraw the guilty plea and the enhancementofhis sentence underthe careeroffenderguideline. The courtof appeals affirm ed thejudgment.UnitedStatesv.Sabur,238F.3d417(4thCir.2000)(unpublished),cert.denied, 532U.S.936(2001). ln A prilof2005,A bdul-sabur filed a m otion to vacate,setaside orcorrecthis sentence pursuantto28U.S.C.j2255.Thecourtsummarilydismissedhisj2255motionasuntimelyfiled 1 1 and withoutmerit. Abdul-saburv.United States,CaseNo.7:05-cv-00189 (W .D.Va.2005). A bdul-saburdid notappeal. H e has also broughtotherunsuccessfulpost-conviction relieffrom hisfederalconviction and sentence. Abdul-saburfiled thishabeaspetition underj2241 in March of2018. ln hisseveral submissions,hecontendsthatneither18U.S.C.j876,thestatuteunderwhichhewasconvicted form ailing athreatening com m unication,noreitherofthepriorconvictionsused aspredicatesfor the careeroffenderenhancem ent,is categorically a crim e ofviolence in lightofM athisv.United States,136S.Ct.2243(2016).Abdul-saburasksthiscourttovacatehissentenceandtocalculate a new sentence w ithoutthe careeroffenderenhancem ent. The govem menthas filed a m otion to dism iss,and A bdul-saburhasresponded,.making the m atterripe fordisposition. 1I. Therespondentfrstcontendsthatthiscourtdoesnothavesubjectmatterjurisdictionto addressAbdul-sabur's j2241petition,becausehe iscurrently in custody undera state court judgmentandnotunderthefederalcriminaljudgmentheischallenging.Itiswellestablishedthat an inm ate m ay file a habeas corpuschallenge to the validity of a crim inalsentence thathe isnot yet serving,butw illbe required to serve in the future,pursuantto a consecutive sentence or a detainerfrom anotherjurisdiction.SeeWhittleseyv.Cir.Ct.forBaltimoreCty-sM d.,897F.2d 143,148(4thCir.1990)(holdingthatwhereFloridaauthoritiesheld defendantunderMaryland detainer,defendantisidin custody''under28 U.S.C.j 224l(c)(3)forpurposesofchallenging Marylandconviction)(citingBradenv.30thJud.Cir.Ct.ofKv.,410U.S.484,489 n.4 (1973). Thus,the courtconcludesthatAbdul-saburisiiin custody''forpurposesof j2241underthe federaldetainerbasedonthefederaljudgmenthechallengeshere. The respondent next argues that Abdul-sabur has not dem onstrated that this courthas jurisdictiontoaddresshishabeaschallengestothefederaljudgmentagainsthim intheguiseofa j2241petition.Aftercarefulreview oftheparties'submissionsandtherecord,thecourtagrees. A prisonermustgenerallyfileamotionunderj2255tocollaterallyattackthelegality of hisfuturedetentionunderafederalconvictionorsentence.28U.S.C.j22554*;Davisv.United States,417U.S.333,343(1974).A districtcourtcannotentertainapetitionforawritofhabeas corpusunderaj2241petition challengingthevalidity ofan inmate'sdetentionunderafederal courtjudgmentunlessamotionpursuantto28U.S.C.j2255isçGinadequateorineffectivetotest thelegalityof(thatinmate'sqdetention.''28U.S.C.j2255/)(tçthesavingsclause'');UnitedSGtes v.W heeler.886F.3d415,423(4thCir.2018),cert.denied,139S.Ct.1316(2019)(holdingthat satisfaction ofthesavingsclause in j2255/)isEjurisdictional''and thusdetermineswhether j2241petitioncanbeentertainedata1l).TheUnitedStatesCourtofAppealsfortheFourthCircuit hasconcludedthatj2255isinadequateandineffectivetotestthelegalityofasentencewhen: (1)atthetime ofsentencing,settled law ofthiscircuitorthe Supreme Court established the legality ofthe sentence;(2)subsequentto the prisoner'sdirect appealand firstj2255motion,theaforementionedsettledsubstantive1aw changed and wasdeemed to apply retroactively on collateralreview;(3)the prisoneris unabletomeetthegatekeepingprovisionsofj22551)42)forsecondorsuccessive motions;and(4)duetothisretroactivechange,thesentencenow presentsanerror suftk iently grave to be deem ed a fundam entaldefect. 4 W heeler.886 F.3d at429. Abdul-sabur's claim s fail under the second W heeler factor. ln essence,A bdul-sabur argues thatif the courtapplied the categoricalapproach outlined in M athis to his offense under j:76andtothestateIawsatissueintheconvictionsusedascareeroffenderpredicateoffenses, they would no longer qualify as crimes of violence for purposes of the career offender enhancem ent. The problem w ith this argum entis thatM athis did notchange settled substantive law . A sthe Fourth Circuithasexplained: Descampsrv.UnitedStates.570U.S.254(2013))andM athisdidnotannouncea retroactively applicable substantive change in the Iaw . Rather, these cases reiteratedand clarified theapjlication ofthecategoricalapproach ormodified categoricalapproach,to determ lne whetherpriorconvictions qualify aspredicates forrecidivistenhancements.SeeMathis,l36S.Ct.at2257(çGourprecedentsmake thisastraightforwardcase.'');Descamos,570U.S.at260(notingthatCourt'sprior caselaw explainingcategoricalapproach$$allbutresolvesthiscase'');UnitedStates v.Roval,731F.jd 333,340 (4th Cir.2013)(ç:ln Descamos,the SupremeCourt recentlyclarifiedwheln)courtsmayapplythemodifedcategoricalapproach.'). Brooksv.Braag,735F.App'x 108,109(4thCir.2018);Muhammadv.W ilson.715F.App'x251, 252 (4th Cir.2017)(GM athisdid notannounce asubstantive changeto the law.'');Waddv v. W arden,FC1Petersburg,No.3:17CV802,2019W L 3755496,at*3-4 (E.D.Va.Aug.8,2019) (dismissing j2241uponfndingthatbecauseM athiswasnota<fretroactivelyapplicablechance inthesubstantive law subsequentto (defendant'sqdirectappealand histirstj2255motion,he cannotsatisfy therequirementofW heeler'')(quoting Brooks,735 F.App'x at109)(emphasis added). ' Becausem derWheelerOdthesavkgsclauseofj22ss(e),Abdul-saburdoesnotqualify' forsentencingrellefunderj2241,thecourtwillFantthemotiontodlsmissanddismisshisclslmq ltwithoutpreludiceforwantofJurisdicuon-''lLd=at4.Anappropriateorderwlllenterthlsday. 'fheClerk isdirectedtosendcopiesofthismemorandum opinlon andaccompanyingorder topetifonerandtocolmgelofrrcord fortherespondent, Em R : n is J'l dayofAugust 2019. SeniorUnited StatesDistrictJudge 1 Inanyevent,evO post-M athis.Abdtll-sabur'soFenjehasb= dœmedat m'm:ofviolenceunderUSSG j4B12(a)(1).See.e.g..UnitedSmtesv.Chaomam 866F.3d 129,134-35(3d Cir.2014 (holdl -ngthat18U.S.C. j876isadvisiblesfnf-enndtllatacondcdonformm'llngcommunicadonsw1t11athrot4%oKJUX 'anotllerf%11K squarelywitll: 'nthecaree, roffenderenhancement'sdefmidon oftcrlmeofviolence'D. 6

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