Gerald et al v. Commonwealth of Virginia, No. 3:2019cv00022 - Document 4 (W.D. Va. 2019)

Court Description: MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Senior Judge Glen E. Conrad on 4/24/19. (jcj)

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cLEe s OFFICE U.S. DIST.COURT AT ROANOKE,VA FILED AF2 2j 2219 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FO R TH E W ESTERN DISTRICT OF V IRG IN IA CHARLOU ESVILLE DIVISION PATRICIA GEM LD and TARSHA GERALD , ) ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) ) ) COMMONWEALTH 0FVIRGINIA,etal.,) ) Defendants. ) JU A ' U - ,CLERK BY: . CLER CivilAction N o.3:19CV 00022 M EM O RA NDIJM OPINIO N By:Hon.Glen E.Conrad SeniorUnited StatesD istrictJudge PatriciaGerald(sspatricia'')andherdaughter,TarshaGerald(ççTarsha''),proceedingpro. K, com m enced this action by Gling a form com plaintagainstthe Com m onw ea1th ofV irginia;two oftscers with the Albem arle County Police Departm ent,R.Scopellitiand S.M iller;Albem arle County Deputy Com m onwealth's A ttorney Darby Low e;and A lbem arle County Circuit Court Judge CherylH iggins. The plaintiffs have notpaid the Gling fee butw illbe granted leave to proceed Lq forma pauperisforpurposesofini tialreview oftheircomplaint. Forthefollowing . reasons,thecourtconcludesthatthecase m ustbedism issed forfailureto state aclaim ,pursuantto 28U.S.C.j1915(e)(2)(B)(ii). Backeround The follow ing facts are taken from the complaint and public records of state court proceedingsrelatedtothe'case. SeePhilipsv.PittCty.Mem.Hosp.,572F.3d176,180(4thCir. Gerald et al v. Commonwealth of Virginia Doc. 4 2009)(noting thatcourtsççmayproperlytakejudicialnoticeofmattersofpublicrecord''when reviewingacomplaipt). On M ay 26, 2013, Patricia and Tarsha were involved in a two-vehicle accident in l Albem arle County. Theplaintiffs'vehicle rear-ended a vehicle operated by PaulW elch. Tarsha claim ed to own the plaintiffs' vehicle and gave W elch her information. The plaintiffs then returned to theirvehicleand drove aw ay. OfflcerScopellitisubsequently responded to the scene ofthe accidentand spoketo W elch. Scopellitirelayed the information provided by W elch to a dispatcher. Officer M iller heard the dispatch and located the plaintiffs'vehicle in the parking 1otof an apartm entcom plex. M iller spoke to the plaintiffs and checked the status oftheirdrivers'licenses. M iller then relayed the inform ation he obtained to Scopelliti. Scopellitiobtained w arrants of arrest againstPatricia and Tarsha for operating a motor vehiclewhileon a suspended license,third orsubsequentoffense,in violation ofVirginia Code j 46.2-301. Patriciaand Tarsha weretried togetherby theAlbemarle County GeneralDistrict CourtonOctober8,2013. TheCommonwealth'sevidenceindicatedthatPatriciawasdrivingthe plaintiffs'vehicle atthe time ofthe accidentand thatTarsha drove the vehicle away from the scene. ln defense ofthe charges,Patricia :nd Tarsha both denied driving when they testiGed on direct' exam ination. The gelieraldistrictcourtdiscredited theirtestim ony and found them guilty ofthe offensesw ith w hich they were charged. Patricia and Tarsha appealed theirconvictionsto the A lbem arle County Circuit Court. At som e point thereafter, they w ere both indicted for perjurybasedoptheirtestimopybeforethegeneraldistrictcourt. PatriciaandTarshaweretriedtogetherby thecircuitcourtonthechargesofperjury and drivingw hile on a suspended license. OnN ovem ber19,2015,the oircuitcourtfound Patriciaand Tarshaguilty ofbojh charges. Theirconvictionswereafûrmedbythe SupremeCourtofVirginia onM ay31,2018. SeeGeraldv.Commonwealth.813S.E.2d722(Va.2018). ' Patriciaand TarshaGled aform com plaintin the Eastern D istrictofVirginia on January 18, . 20l9. On April15,2019,ajudgein thatdistricttransferredthecasetotheW esternDistrictof V irginia aqerconcluding thatvenue w 4sim properthere. 2 In the fonn com plaint, th8 plaintiffs allege that Scopelliti and M illçr provided false testim ony attrial,and thatLow e,who prosecuted the cases for the Com m onw ealth,and Judge Higgins,thepresidingcircuitcourtjudge,knew orshouldhavelcnownthattheoffcers'testimony wasfalse. Theplaintiffsindicatethatthey arenow suing?orviolationsoftheirrightsunderthe Sixth and Fourteenth A m endm ents to the U nited States Constitution. They seek to recover damagésintheamountof$75,000. Standard ofR eview Under28U.S.C.j 19l5(e),whichgoverns. Lqformapauperisproceedings,thecourthasa mahdatorydutyto screeninitialGlings. ErilineCo.S.A.v.Johnson,440F.3d 648,656-57(4th Cir.2006). Thecourtmustdismissacaseççatanytime''ifthecourtdetenuinesthatthecomplaint tçfqilstqstatçaclaim onwhichreliefmqybegranted.'' 28U.S.C.j1915(e)(2)(B)(ii). Thestandardsforreviewing acomplaintfordismissalunderj 1915(e)(2)(B)(ii)arethe sam e as those w hich apply w hen a defendantm oves for dism issalunder FederalRule of Civil . Procedure 12(b)(6). De'Lonta v.Anaelone,330 F.3d 630,633 (4th Cir.2003). Thus,in review ing a com plaintunderthisstatute,the courtm ustaccepta1lw ell-pleaded factualallegations as truç and view the com plaint in the lightm ostfavorable to the plaintiffs. Philios,572 F.3d at 180. To survive dism issalforfailure to state a claim ,a com plaintmustcontain sufGcientfactual allegations çsto raise a rightto reliefabovethe speculative level''and ççto statea claim to reliefthat isplausibleonitsface.'' BellAtl.Corp.v.Twomblv,550U.S.544,555,570(2007). Discussion . Because the plaintiffs characterize their action as one for violations of their federal constim tionalrights,the courtconstrues the com plaintas being brought pursuantto 42 U .S.C. j 1983. Section 1983providesacauseofactionagainstany ç%person''who,undercolorofstate law ,causesthedeprivation ofanotherperson'srightsunderthe Constitution orlaw softhe United 3 States. 42 U.S.C.j 1983. Forthefollowing reasons,the courtconcludesthattheplaintiffs' complaintfailstostateaplausibleclaim underj1983againstanyofthenameddefendants. 1. Claim saeainstthe Com m onwealth To state a claim under j 1983,aplaintiffmustname a defendantwho qualitles asa ttperson''withinthemeaning ofthestatute. TtleSupremeCourthasmadeclearthat:Eastateisnot açperson'forpurposesofdetermining whocanbesuedunderj1983.'' Va.OfsceforProt.& Advocacy v.Reinhard,405F,3d 185,189 (4th Cir.2005)(citing Willv.M ich.Dep'tofState Police.491U.S.58,71(1989). Accordingly,theCommonwealth ofVirginiaisnotsubjectto liabilityunderj l983andanyclaimsagainstitmustbedismissed. II. C laim s azainstthe IndividualD efendants The courtm ustalso dism iss the claim s asserted againstthe individualdefendants. W ith respectto the plaintiffs'claim that Scopellitiand M iller provided false testim ony attrial,Sssuch claim issubjecttodiymissalbecalpetheSupremeCourthasspeciGcally heldthatpoliceofGcers areimmunefrom anactionarisingunderj1983forallegedperjury.'' Smithv.M ccarthy.349F. App'x851,858n.10(4thCir.2009)(citingBriscoev.LaHue,460U.S.325,242-43(1983:. The courtlikew ise concludes thatJudge H iggins and Darby Lowe are im m une from liability. See Mirelesv.Waco,502U.S.9,11(1991)(discussingjudicialimmunityandexplainingthatitEdisnot . overcomebyallegationsofbadfaithormalice'');Dababnahv.Keller-Burnside,208F.3d467,470 (4th Cir.2000) (observing that çd(a) prosecutor enjoys absolute immunity forprosecutorial functionsSintimatelyassociatedwiththejudicialphaseofthecriminalprocess''')(quotingImbler v.Pachtman.424U.S.409,430(1976));Carterv.Burch,34F.3d257,263(4thCir.1994)(noting that(çltqheCourtinlmblerspecificallyheldthatthepresentationoffalsetestimony incourtisa chargeforwhichtheprosecutorisaffordedabsoluteimmunity'). 4 C onclusion Forthereasonsstated,thecourtwl11granttheplaintlffs'motion forleavetoproceedin forma paupeds. However, their complaint will be dlsmlssed pursllnnt to 28 U.S.C. j 1915(e)(2)@ )(1i). The Clerk isdireded to send coplesofthism emorandum opinion and the accompanying ordertotheplnlntiffs. p D ATED:This >F day ofApril, 2019. SeniorUnited StatesDistrictJudge 5

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