Dane et al v. Department of Family and Protective Services et al, No. 6:2020cv00051 - Document 3 (S.D. Tex. 2020)

Court Description: MEMORANDUM OPINION & ORDER This action is dismissed without prejudice.(Signed by Judge Drew B Tipton) Parties notified.(KelliePapaioannou, 2)

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Dane et al v. Department of Family and Protective Services et al Doc. 3 United States District Court Southern District of Texas ENTERED UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO U TH ERN D ISTR ICT O F TEX AS V IC TO R IA D IW SIO N September 29, 2020 David J. Bradley, Clerk R O BERT DA N E,JR .,and SA M AN TH A SH AN N O N G O N ZA LES, Plaintiffs, V. C1vIL ACTION NO.6:20-cv-51 D EPM W M EN T O F FA M ILY AN D PR O TECTIV E SERV ICE S and 24TH D ISTRICT CO U R T O F W CTO R IA , CO UN TY ,TEX AS, Defendants. M EM O R AN D U M O PIN ION & O RD ER Plaintiffs R obert D ane, Jr., and Snm antha Shnnnon G onzales filed this Civil A ction against Defendants Department of Family and Protective Selwices (GtDFPS'') and the 24th DistrictCourtofVictodaCotmty,Texas,(the$:24th DistrictCourf'lalleging violationsoftheir rights to due process,to be free 9om illegalsearches and seizures,and to instillreligious values totheirdaughter.(D1ct.No.1).Previously,M agistrate Judge Jason B.Libby granted Plaintiffs' Application to Proceed in D istrid Cotu't W ithout Repaying Fees or Costs and held that,tm less othem ise ordered,mlm m ons shallnot be issued until a f' rivolity review pursuant to 28 U .S.C. 5 1915(e)(2)hasbeen completed.(6:20-mc-5,Dlct.No.2).Afterreviewing the Complaint,the record, and the applicable law , the Cotlrt is of the opinion that this action should be DISM ISSED . B A CK G R O UN D . Plaintiffs' Com plaint and the attached .exhibits are not exactly a m odel of cladty. N evertheless,the Courtconstnzes the follow ing allegations from the papers.Plaintiffs allege that onAugust20,2019,DFPS rem oved theirnewborn daughterfrom theircustody afteram econium Dockets.Justia.com snmpletaken in the hospitaltested positive fordrugs.l(Dkt.No.1-1 at5).Seeldng to regain custody,Plaintiffs filed Cause No. 19-08-84865-A in the 24th District Courtwith Judge Jack M an'(lvudge Man'')presiding.(Dk1.No.1 at 1).Judge M arrderlied Plaintiffs'petition to represent them selves and appointed counsel. 1d. Subsequently, Judge M arr denied Plaintiffs attemptto firethatcounsel.1d.Theirattorney ultim ately requested to withdraw Gtafterreceiving a copy ofa complaintPlaintiffsqfiled with the Texas State BarAssociation and the Chiefof D isciplinary Council.'' 1d. Judge M arr also failed to set hemings on m ultiple occasions conceming Plaintiffs'filingsthatwere apparently ignored and rejected becausethey had been appointed legalcounsel.1d Due to these circum stances,Plaintiffs conclude that Judge M an.w as biased and had a conflictofinterest.Id at2.Itisunclearwhattheholding in thisaction wasand whether the 24th District Courtterminated Plaintiffs'parentalrights.Plaintiffs state that they havebeenEGstrippedofgtheirlright''toraisetheirdaughter.1d. On July 28,2020,Plaintiffsfiled a motion to filesuitand proceed informapauperis, which wasgranted by M agistrate JudgeLibby.(6:20-mc-5,Dkt.No.1-2).The Clerk ofCourt thenfiledtheComplaintthereby initiatingtheinstantaction.(Dkt.No.1).An irlitialpretrialand schedulingcorlferenceisscheduledonOctober9,2020.(Dkt.No.2). L EG A L STA N DA R D Plaintiffs filed this action pursuantto 28 U.S.C.j 1915,which permits an indigent litigant to com m ence arl action in federal courtw ithout prepaying the adm inistrative costs of proceeding with the lawsuit.To protect against possible abuses of tllis privilege,the statm e allow s a district courtto dism iss the case upon a finding that an action is frivolous,m alicious, fails to state a claim upon w hich reliefcan be granted,or seeks m onetary relieffrom a defendant 1.Although there aretwo nam ed plaintiffsin the instantsuit,the Com plaint is writlen in singulartlrstperson.ItisunclearifPlaintifflkobertD ane,Jr.,orPlaintiffSam anthaShannon Gonzalezistheplaintiffreferredto irlthenarrative.Theattachedexhibitsdoshow letterswritten intheflrst-personsignedonly by PlaintiffDane. immune9om such relief.See28U.S.C.j 1915(e)(2)(B);accordNewsomev.f.S.O.C.,301F.3d 227,231(5th Cir.2002)(percuriam). A finding offrivolity can bem ade wherethe complaintlacks an arguablebasiseitherin 1aw orin fact.Denton v.Hernandez,504U.S.25,31(1992).A claim hasno arguablebasisin 1aw ifitisbased on an indisputably meritlesslegaltheory,'ssuch asifthe com plaintallegesthe violation of a legalinterest w hich clearly does not exist.''D avis v.Scott, 157 F.3d 1003, 1005 (5th Cir.1998).Such a claim may be dismissed sua sponte.SeeNeitzkev.Williams,490U.S. 319,327(1989);Allisonv.Kyle,66F.3d71,73(5thCir.1995). A complaintfailsto statea claim upon which reliefm ay be granted when itfailsto plead (tenough factsto state a claim to reliefthatisplausible on itsface.''BellAtl.Corp.v.Twombly, 550 U.S.544,570 (2007);Ashcro. jtv.lqbal,556 U.S.662,678 (2009).(&A claim has facial plausibility when theplaintiffpleadsfactualcontentthatallowsthe courtto draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the m isconduct alleged.'' Iqbal, 556 U .S. at 678. Es-l-hreadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of action, supported by m ere conclusory statem ents, do not suffice.''1d GtD ism issal. ..is appropriate w here the plaintiff fails to allege Eenough factsto state a claim thatisplausible on its face'and thus doesnot Graise a rightto relief above the speculative 1evel.'''M ontoya v.FedEx Ground Package System, Inc.,614 F.3d 145, 148(5thCir.2010)(quoting Twombly,550U.S.at555,570). Pro se com plaints are held to a less stringentstandard than those drafted by attom eys. Sevierv.Abbott,No.C-06-042,2016U.S.Dist.LEXIS 198715,at*3(S.D.Tex.M ay 13,2016) (citing Gordonv.Leeke,574F.2d 1147,1151(4thCir.1978$.A federaldistrictcourtischarged w ith liberally constnzing a com plaint filed by a pro se litigant to allow the developm ent of a potentially meritoriouscase.Erickson v.Pardus,551U.S.89,94 (2007).In evaluating aprose complaint,theplaintiffsallegations are assumed to betrue,tmlessthey aze clearly irrationalor wholly incredible.Denton v.Hernandez,504 U.S.25,33 (1992).However,thisrequirement does not m ean that the courtcan ignore a clear faillzre in the pleadings to allege facts that set forth a claim currently cognizable in a federaldistrictcourt.Sevier, 2016 U .S.Dist.LEM S 198715,at*4(citingWellerv.Dep'fofsoc.Servs.,901F.2d387,390-91(4thCir.1990:. A NA LY SIS Plaintiffs allege the following:(1) DFPS violated their right to be free from illegal searchesand seizuresby taking theirdaughterwithnoexigentcircllmstances(Dk4.No.1at2), ' (2)the24th DistrictCourtviolatedtheirrighttodueprocesswhenJudgeM arrappointedcotmsel againstPlaintiffs'desire to representthem selves,refused to allow Plaintiffsto relieve appointed cotmsel,failedto sethearingson multipleoccasionsand rejectedpro sefilingsbecausecotmsel hadbeenappointed,mld failedtorecusehimselfdueto aclearcontlictofinterest(1d.at1).;and (3)the 24th DistrictCout'tviolated their ççliberty interest''to instillreligious beliefs in their daughter(1d at3).Upon reviewingthepleadings,theCourtfindsthatPlaintiffs'claimsshould be dism issed forfailure to state a claim and forfrivolity. Plaintiffs'claim againstD FPS fails because they have notstated enough facts to allege a violation oftheirrightagainstillegalsearchesand seiztlres.Plaintiffssolely statethe conclusozy allegation that D FPS <Gviolated w hile acting tm der color of 1aw through representative N icole Carver,mydaughterEnameredactedqandmyselfourTexasconstimtionally protectedrighttobe free ofillegalsearch and seizure.''(Dld.No.1at2).Even ifthe Courtwere to construe tlzis statementasPlaintiffs'attempttopursueacivilaction under28U.S.C.j 1983forviolationsof their Fourteenth A m endm ent rights,they stillfail to plead specific facts to plausibly state this claim . 4 Plaintiffs'claim s against the 24th District Courtlikewise fail because Judge M arr is entitled to judicialimmunity.Judges are immune to monetary damages while acting in the performance oftheirjudicial duties.See Nixon v.Fitzgerald,457 U.S.731,745-46 (1982). Judgesare immtmef' rom suitfordnmagesresulting from any judicialact,unlesspedbrmed in (Ethe clear absence ofa11jtzrisdiction.''M ireles v.Waco,502 U.S.9,11-12 (1991);Stump v. Sparkman,435 U.S.349,356-57 (1978);Young v.Biggers,938 F.2d 565,569 n.5 (5th Cir. 1991).Allegationsofbadfaith ormalicedonotovercomejudicialimmdlnity.Mireles,502U.S. at11.Gsl-he factthatitisalleged thatthejudge acted pursuantto a conspiracy and committed grave procedural errors is not sufficient to avoid absolute judicial immunity.''Mitchellv. McBryde,944 F.2d 229,230 (5th Cir.1991).Here,Plaintiffs allege no factsthatwould even suggestthatJudge M at'racted withoutjurisdiction.Plaintiffsare essentially trying to hold the 24th District Courtliable for its performance ofjudicial acts.Thus,their claims lack any arguablebasisin 1aw andfactgiven the24thDistrictCourt'sabsolutejudicialimmunity. Finally,Plaintiffs do notseek any legalrelieffrom the Court- m onetary orotherwisebutm erely allege thattheirrightshave been violated. CO N C LU SIO N Forthe foregoing reasons,tllis action is dismissed withoutprejudice ptlrsuant to 28 U.S.C.j 1915(e)(2)(B). ltis SO O RD ER ED . Signed this28th day of Septem ber,2020. h, D REW B .TI ON U NITED STA TES DISTR ICT JUD G E

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