LINDEMANN v. FOSTER-WHEELER CORPORATION et al, No. 2:2007cv63080 - Document 63 (E.D. Pa. 2010)


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LINDEMANN v. FOSTER-WHEELER CORPORATION et al Doc. 63 IN THE UNITE:D STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DI!3'l'iUCl' OF PENNSYLVANIA IN RE: ASB:SSl'OS PECJ:JCT:3 L:::A3ILI:;Y LIT 1 Vi f f":0D DOCKF,'.;:' 875 t1JI CHAt;L LIN DEMANN, Plaintiff Case v. 07­63080 Transfer:::ed fro;n the Western of Per.nsylvania Defendants F:f)GARDQ C. J. Before the CQl,\L'l is De ,stm..'Earv ,Judgment. 18, ndant Ohio F.r:li scm's Motion for Ohio Edison fer ';udgment on the c;rQu::d Lha:= t:­:ey were ;­:Dt. the possessor cf the land in ques::.ion, and th0refoY8 cannot be held liable for injuI:ies allefj0dly caused by the prosence: of asbestos on the land. T. RACKGRODND Plaintiff, Michael ,j. Lindemdnn, as executor of the of Gecrge ',i. Lindemann, brought thi.'3 0.StCltC for.­ asbestos exposure me'3othelioma on February '1, 2005 1 a::d passed 3\vay on Junr;; 28, 2005. (Def.'s Mot:. Summ. J., doc. no. 40, at 2., asser;:::: that )efendi:lnt Oh p tiff Edison is :iable as owner c[ the " " Bruce Mansfield Power Plant Shippi::gport l Mansfield"), locntnd where decedent wc)rked as a unicn ldbcrer [::­om :974 1988, C:d. Fit 1.) was by roster Wheele,,::: as an independent contractor at Bruce Mansfield. hdd a co:­:t::act with the fo:: the maintenance consis­<;:.ed prima.:­lly of of the "lTnit ODt";" boiler, nnd the "'cb .' C18i'ln up, after repairs to the boiler were Clmducled. of David t'l:eed at 16:10, :zd"C:: Dap.") L " Plaintiff alleqes th:;lL in the clean­up procC::55, Mr. Llndereann W2.S exposed t.o asbestos dus:.. dnd fiber:s. brought a clain Ohio £o.i20n as t""'.E; Pl prerr.ises owner 0: Bruce Marlsfield. T T. LEGAL STANDARD' When evaluating a motion for summary juciqment, P€'deral Rule (;f Civil ?:::ocedurc 56 p.!:"ovides that lhe Cc­.:.rt TIust gril:'.t. J;.:dg:ncnt in favcr of the moving party when "the pleadings, the discovery and there 103 no mdterials on f1 Ie, and any ;:!±:'fid.:tvi':s show that iSS'JB AS ,.0 any n<1tcrial fact . . . Fed. In trict lit.igatioc, "or: matters of procedure, the ::.::a:­;sfe.!'ee ''';;'::\.1,,:'. tr.\lst apply federa 1 1 (1\" as i:::­erprc::cd by the cour­:: of ;..'here "t;;e t.T'i'msferee cour::. s.i:.,s," nsbestos Prods. Llabl. LJ..tiq. (No. VI), 673 F. ':''.Jpp. 2d 362 (1:.:.D. Pa. 2009), On subsLantive matters, including choice of law nIles, the sLate law of the t".T'ansferor district applies. :Sevy & Scr­:s 'n::':. v. Ro:nuD.!/.. 988 r.2j 3::'1, 313 (2d Cir. 1993). As is to Jaw in this case, th13 Conrt. '.... i1.1 apply Pe::nsylvania law. 2 A fact '::'5 "nateria':' u R. Civ. P. 56(c) (?}. if existeY'.ce or non­existence wouJd atfect the outcome of the s law, 248 (1986). Ar:.oe:::-.$.QJ} t under v. Lio.17U:ty z.ocbv. lnc.! 477 :;,S, 242, An issue ot fact is "qenui::e'" Lhere is sufficient cvidcncB from which a reds­onable jury could tind in :avo::: fact. 0: the nQr::­r:18vi::g I..!;;L.. at 248 49. draw a;.} £1 V. par:y re "':".:­­.e exist:cncc of tha­: "In Gonsidering the evidence, the courL inferences against the moving party." S:!;?TJit, 479 F.3d 237. 238 (30 Cit'. 2007). "All hough the initial burden is on the summary "judgment 1':10VB.i;:, to show tJ"le absence of a nuine of fact, 'the bun­:l.en on the moving party may be discha:r;gt:d by shOvIi ng­t_hat is, po::"P.­:ing out to the distr L C01Jrt that there is un absence of evidence to suppr.);:·L Lhe nonmov: ng pCirty' S cilse' when the nonmoving party bean::: the ultimate hurden of proof. It y, ?UD. Serv.m.Elec, & Gas CQnoshenti 364 F,3d 135, 14:) (3d Cir. 2:::01,.} (quoting SingJBtnrv v. Pil. Dcp't of Corr., 266 F.3d 186, 192 n.2 (3d Cir. 2UCl)). Or,cc ':.;'­,8: rty has UII,IS discharged its hurden, the nonmoving party ":na'! not rely· merely on all eqations or denials in its own pl.eading; L6theT r its response D.ust­­by or as OtherWlse p=ovided [Rule 56,­­8e: specific facts showing a genuine issue for trial." Fed. R. Civ. P. 56 (e) (2). 3 TTT. DISCUSSION lI.. Jefc:"dan::' s A.:­g,"":nent f Defendant argues that it is not a proper party to this action, as is ct nere out­ai­possession owner of the 3C0ce Han:;:;field Power Piant and, under pennsylvania L:rw, mere Qut·­of- possessinG owners '::::'­0 not liable for ir,)U.LieS (De£"s MoL Sumrn. J. at 6.; properly. sust.ained on the Alte.:::na.::ively, even if iL can :-w shown that Detendant had possession dnd control ­of Plaintiff has failed prove that :Je:enda::t: breached its duty to bu;:,;inf;ss invit.ees under Pennsylvania law, :l;i. at g.) AdciitionaL.y, assel:ts that :::a':'ntif£ has produced lnsuffi cient_ evidence t.o .show that Defendant possessed C3re for mere 1 anclOWn2Ys. (Td. at 18.) Furthermore, Detendar:t. d::..sputes that any asueslos was present a-::: Bruce Mansfield. Defendant also aSSerls Plaintiff has produced insufflclent evidenC0 of decedent's t,(le p::"a:­"t. decedent's e:T,ployusn::: ot hislory is limitp.d to a single deposition that places the decedenl at the R, for 2­3 1975. Plaintiff's Itrg:.:ment Plaintiff argues that Ohio Edl.son is estopped from arguir:g that ic: is the par:.y Lo s actio;;, 4 2.8 th:s £lrgumcnt was no!.. raised in the anSW0r tc:; Plaintiff';; joe. ;.0. 4­_ at 1.) furthcrnore, Rt:;;sp., that there evidence of acbcstos at Bruce Mansfield, by way of j:3 of Bruce tzansfielc employees stati::g t:::;oL aSDestos was present at. 8.) Plal.:::..iff asserts" hnt Mr. Freed's testim':)[lY regarding decedent' 5 employment at Bruce Mansfield is sufficient :'0 establish de:::edent' work :'":istOTY at p.:.'­1nt. liabj 1: ::y, P:;'a=­­­ntiff asserts that On the issue ()[ f__ Ohio Edison was in posse3sion 2nd control Bruce Mansfield, dS a n:ajDTity owner. and breached i:.s duty of care to decedent. a inv:' ever:. De­fe­n(1a':"'.T: was .::tn out­af­possession owner, the "special knowledge" and "peculiar cxccp­::i:J::s apply beca:.:se Defe:1danl was in a 3upe.::::-j or positlOr. "':0 know of the peculiar L­isks rent 'd! Cisbpst.os. (.lJ;;L at 11.) AnaJ'1'8i3 1. Decedent's l!.:mploymenl Slalus and Presencp of Asbestos at Bruce When vlew':ng the facts i:: lhe ­=­igh:: IT.ost faV8"'­­Flblp Plaint iff r as the t;; ing party, Pl a i nT. iff has produced sufficie:­:t evidence to show that­ there was asbestos pycsent at P:a employees of producea affidavits of t·1nnsfield during the relevant time period thaL attest to the presence of asbestos at the plant. Sx:­:ibits I/ J, K, L. testified that flC 19"75. suf ThJ.8 co­workcy David F::eed worked at cicnt, at this stage, in establish plaint] ff was err,pl::­yed at the Bruce ::ian!:lfleld plant, and that llsbestos was present at the wud:site. Then::fo::e, the analy:;;­.i.s will focus on the CAP'C.rnl iss'­le of whet:,er Ohi;) Eciis8:.1 can be held liable as t­",e preniscs owner of r­JCiI:sfield. 2. Ohio Edison is Estq:;ped from Arg',l :. the Wrong Party to Sui'C. PiB;ntiff is correct in asserting that Ohio Edls(')tL is estopped fron argl:ing that :..t is the wrong party to the snit.. Defendant never answered Plaintiff's campI a i nt:, because Dcfendar.t was not required -'::0 do so uncie.r: ?en!lsylvania law. Penr:sylva::.ia Rule of Civil ProceUULe l041.1 (e) provides that, in an asbestos action, 'the fillng of dn appearance by a defendant constilutes (1) a denlal of all Aver;nents of rae': in the ccmplalnL alleq2tion 0: all affirr:tative defenses and (3) cl (2} an claire for im.hmn.i.f lcatior: and Gontributio:;. fro:n any :Jther party. Ec­>wever, this is in di.!:€'ct 8 (1) ccmflict wiLh Fed. R. eiv. P. (B) r which requires defe:idar.ts to "adm17'. or ceny the a:"legotions asserted against it by nn cpposing pa!",:y.u (0) (6) or. Lhe rule oakes clear that iJ.:1 Sec,:ion allegation is admi:..led if 'Ill: a respon,slvB pleadL:­­,g is rcqu:'red and t:­:e allegalion is not 6 of'mied." Pursuant to the ic..r1-€';, when a Federal R'cl.Le of Civi: I?roceo.ure d":'rec::l V confL.. cLs with d state procedura­'.­ ru ..... c, federal courts must apply the federal rule. IIUffianl .l . Jg;?c Inc., 5".. 8 u.s. 4:5 Erie R.E. v. Trelefoyp.­, once the case was removed, Defendanl had an ohi igi"1tton to file an answer. See Fed. R. \/, P. B{b). R8cause Cefe""'.. di'int. did not.. iile an ans'wer, Defendant ad:nlt,::ed Plairt" ff';:; nllegation that Ohio Edison is an owner of Bruce Manstield.! Additionally, staleu in ::"':=..s r:.otlon for surnrr.ary judgment a '­nti ff'.9 al :eged tha:.: at the Lime of Ohio Edison (:974­1988} I 8 44.97% majority owner of' the plant. Ther.efore, Old::) Eulson is a correr::::ly named pOTty, and the analysis must fCCllR on whe-::'::er they wore a "possessor'" for purpuses ;)f prem" liability during the time of exposure, 3. UndeL" There it; Ir:.s'­'.fflcie!!.L: Evtdence t_o Shm·} Defendant was d PUs.';lossor of rhe T,Ana During t:hc Time Fr"ame in Question Law, mere ti tlD ::0 3ufficier:t ba31 S fer liahi1i.ty. ,J. prcIr.. iscs is not a a party 1:0 the duties t;)f pren:ises Instead. there must be possession, IDeanlng T::e a2.1ega.tiQIl is, O'irf!l::::d and/or by defendanr: Ohio Rdison CompDny {the defendant') w",.::; Uf\;;;ld[e due to a latent_ nd7flY'\:l(")l1S condition, transportable cesplLdble asbestos f­j which detendant knew or hdve know!":. E'xist.ed ;::J':; the p1:"er.lises," (,Plofs Comp':. 'f. 27.) 2 7 "occupallon of land wit.h intent to control it." See Restatement, (Second) of Torts, § 8E (qco':.ed in Rudy y. A­Best 270 A.2d 330, 333 (Fa, Super. 2005)}. stAge, C.Q..u At the summary judgment burden is 0::: plaintiff to produ(;.e evidence of possession.. 11 genuine issue of material fact as to possession, judgment should be enlf;:!.n:d for Defendant. See Fea.. R. Civ. P. S6il); 8iO A.3d at. '334 n.4 (hold­=­ng that, under :aw, "failure to present compcten;: evidence of [possession1 entitles defe;":dant ­:'0 Tn ­:­.he $um:nary j:.:dg:1:H:,"nt. ") . casc Plaintiff relies or:. only ::.hre­e­ T of 0vidence to classify Defendant as a possessor. First, they filed in U •. s... v. u:­­:io Edison Co.•. a::d point :'0 a consent ?ennsvlvania ?Qwer Co" 2:99­CV­1181, (s.n. Ohio updales in equipment necessary to reduce environmental impact that Ohio Edi.'3cn for 0_ wt1Jfl power plants, ir,cJuding Bruce Hansfield. ctua:ing at­ nurre­rous (PL's ?'.} Soc:on',j, Plaintiffs point to a document from John Cooper Asso:::i<2.tes, P.A' developnent of .:if! 1996." f tha:: "Chio lY',odificdtion for Uni tB 1 ibi t (ld.; Pl,/s that Oh·::'o & G at 3.) & 2 Fin;;lly, Diwid Freed son rr::'.­;J:­­_t h2ve bee::: direct:<.ng the ..fOrk to be performed for Foste!.' Nheeler during the t_ime frClme in question. Octobe!' (Freed uap. at 26:22.) 8 b:ven when viewed in a light most favorable to Plaint1 rec:::rd i:::: lr:s,­­fficien7_ :­.0 a gen'­:i::e , th;:: of material "'act as to whether Ohio Edison owned and operated Bruce Mansfield clueinG th':3 t.J.JIl0 fra!Tle .in q1.;estion (1974­1988). consent Fi v-st " t­''''e is from an .t:nvirorunentdl Pr:otectioTI Agency action COr:1.'11cnced 2.bcut five ye2Ts age, and SClJRBCS nu::ncrous power pL'l_TI':, lOCi:lt trom John Cooper & Assoc';'ates in '1996 does not indicate anything aboi..1': De':endant's control of Br'vlcc: r1ansfie..<.­d ':y.::n:t 197'1­1983. Finally. Defendfint usserts that Pennsylvania Power Company ("Penn PC:W0'!"U) Has l:'kcly the 0: Bruce )1ansfielc til:r:.­ng (Def,'s Br. at 7,) the relevant time frame. Indeed, Mr. Freed's 5"itated that "he was ;;oL sure u wh€thor: ?enn Pewer or Ohio 2rilson operated the plant when he worked there. at 32: 8.) Hc stated "the;;t wha:::ever car:t€ fron, el Lo Foster Wheeler." (Freed Del'_ the orde'!"$, the jobs and Ol­d 0 Edison c'" whoever was the:::e down (Freed Del'. at 26:22) (emphasis added), Qr ::::­:'<3 issue 0= posseSSlon, Plai::t.:..':f has fai" ed to rr).j se a genuine issue of material fact as to Ohio Edlson's control ot 3ru:::e Hn:­:sfield genuine issue of wi 1974­':988. The recor:d does :­::ot Sf; a fact as to wtleLher Defendant the intenL tc conty­o':"" Bruce M20sflcld dt;t'ing the relevant tiwe fraree. As there is jn$ufficient evidCiJ.Cc to raise a qemune issue 9 of tact under Fed. J.{. Civ, P. 56 as t.o whether' Edison was in possession of SLuce t4ansfield duri ng the relevant time frame, the knowl edge" and "pec'..11 i,,::r.' :::isk" exc!:;;:pllcns to a possessor's IV. need not be addressed. For t,he foregoing reasons, Defendant Ohio Edison's Motion f(jY Sunrcary Cudgrr,cnt is granted. An approy.;:'ia':e 0 10 r follows.

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