The Boards of Trustees for the Carpenters Health and Security Trust of Western Washington and for the Group Investment Trust of the Carpenters Individual Account Pension Trust of Western Washington an v. Allianz SE et al, No. 1:2020cv09479 - Document 43 (S.D.N.Y. 2020)
Court Description: ORDER granting 42 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File. Application GRANTED. The Clerk of Court is directed to docket this Orderin case numbers 20-cv-5615, 20-cv-5817, 20-cv-7061, 20-cv-7154, 20-cv-7606, 20-cv-7842, 20-cv-7952, 20-cv-8642, 20-cv-9478, 20-cv-9479, and20-cv-9587. (Signed by Judge Katherine Polk Failla on 12/1/2020) (rro)
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The Boards of Trustees for the Carpenters Hea...n Trust of Western Washington an v. Allianz SE et al Doc. 43 Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 1 of 7 MEMO ENDORSED December 1, 2020 Via ECF The Honorable Katherine Polk Failla, United States District Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 40 Foley Square, New York, New York 10007. Re: Arkansas Teacher Retirement System v. Allianz Global Investors US LLC et al, No. 20cv-05615; Retirement Program for Employees of the Town of Fairfield et al v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC, No. 20-cv-05817; Lehigh University v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-07061; Teamster Members Retirement Plan v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20cv-07154; Blue Cross Blue Shield Association National Employee Benefits Committee v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-07606; Metropolitan Transportation Authority Defined Benefit Pension Plan Master Trust et al v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-07842; Chicago Area I.B. of T. Pension Plan & Trust et al v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-07952; The Employes’ Retirement System of the City of Milwaukee v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-08642; The Chicago & Vicinity Laborers’ District Council Pension Fund et al. v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-09478; The Boards Of Trustees For The Carpenters Health And Security Trust Of Western Washington et al v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-09479; and Paul Schaefer et al v. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC et al, No. 20-cv-09587. Dear Judge Failla: Following the November 17, 2020 conference, and as directed in the Minute Entry on November 25, 2020, the parties in the above-captioned actions have been meeting and conferring in good faith and have made progress towards agreeing on many aspects of a joint report and case management submission. The parties request an additional two days to continue their discussions in the hopes of eliminating, or at least continuing to narrow, any areas of -1- Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 2 of 7 disagreement so as not to burden the Court with disputes that the parties may be able to resolve through further conferrals. Accordingly, the parties respectfully request a two-day extension of time from December 1, 2020 until December 3, 2020 to submit the joint report on the proposed framework. No prior requests for an extension have been made. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Hannah Ross Hannah Ross Avi Josefson James Harrod Michael Blatchley BERNSTEIN LITOWITZ BERGER AND GROSSMANN LLP 1251 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Telephone: (212) 554-1400 Facsimile: (212) 554-1444 /s/ Robert J. Giuffra, Jr. Robert J. Giuffra, Jr. Stephanie G. Wheeler Kathleen Suzanne McArthur Ann-Elizabeth Ostrager Hilary M. Williams SULLIVAN & CROMWELL LLP 125 Broad Street New York, New York 10004-2468 Telephone: (212) 558-4000 Facsimile: (212) 558-3588 Co-Counsel for Plaintiff Arkansas Teacher Retirement System Counsel for Plaintiff Employees’ Retirement System of the City of Milwaukee; Chicago & Vicinity Laborers’ District Council Pension Fund and the Chicago & Vicinity Laborers’ District Council Health & Welfare Fund, and Catherine Wenskus, Administrator; The Boards of Trustees for the Carpenters Health and Security Trust of Western Washington and for the Group Investment Trust of the Carpenters Individual Account Pension Trust of Western Washington and Carpenters Retirement Trust of Western Washington Counsel for Defendants /s/ Fredric S. Fox Fredric S. Fox Donald R. Hall Melinda Campbell Aaron Schwartz KAPLAN FOX & KILSHEIMER LLP 850 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York, NY 10022 Telephone: (212) 687-1980 Facsimile: (212) 687-7714 /s/ Robert A. Skinner Robert A. Skinner Amy D. Roy Mary Elizabeth Brust Cole A. Goodman ROPES & GRAY LLP Prudential Tower 800 Boylston Boston, MA 02199 Telephone: (617) 951-7000 Facsimile: (617) 951-7050 Co-Counsel for Defendant Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC -2- Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 3 of 7 Co-Counsel for Plaintiff Arkansas Teacher Retirement System Co-Counsel for Plaintiffs Chicago Area I.B of T. Pension Plan & Trust and Local 703 I.B. of T., Grocery and Food Employees’ Pension Plan & Trust /s/ David S. Golub David S. Golub Steven L. Bloch Ian W. Sloss SILVER GOLUB & TEITELL LLP 184 Atlantic Street Stamford, CT 06901 Telephone: (203) 325-4491 Facsimile: (203) 325-3769 Counsel for Plaintiffs Retirement Program for Employees of the Town of Fairfield and Retirement Program for Fairfield Police and Firemen’s Retirement System /s/ Jonathan L. Hochman Jonathan L. Hochman Matthew A. Katz Jenny C. Gu SCHINDLER COHEN & HOCHMAN LLP 100 Wall Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10005 Telephone: (212) 277-6300 Facsimile: (212) 277-6333 Counsel for Plaintiff Lehigh University /s/ William C. Fredericks William C. Fredericks ( Donald A. Broggi ( Zachary M. Vaughan ( -3- /s/ Renita Sharma Renita Sharma Richard Irving Werder, Jr. Andrew Peter Marks Michael Ethan Liftik QUINN EMANUEL URQUHART & SULLIVAN LLP 51 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10010 Telephone: (212) 849-7413 Facsimile: (212)-849-7100 Counsel for Defendant Aon Investments USA Inc. f/k/a Aon Hewitt Investment Consulting, Inc. Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 4 of 7 SCOTT + SCOTT ATTORNEYS AT LAW LLP The Helmsley Building 230 Park Avenue, 17th Floor New York, NY 10169 Telephone: (212) 223-6444 Facsimile: (212) 223-6334 Counsel for Plaintiff Teamster Members Retirement Plan f/k/a GCIU Inter-Local Pension Plan and Bricklayers and Masons’ Local Union No. 5, Ohio Pension Fund /s/ Daniel Z. Goldman Daniel Z. Goldman ( PETRILLO KLEIN & BOXER LLP 655 Third Avenue, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 Telephone: (212) 370-0330 /s/ Sean W. Gallagher Sean W. Gallagher Adam L. Hoeflich Mark S. Ouweleen Abby M. Mollen Nicolas L. Martinez BARTLIT BECK LLP 54 West Hubbard Street, Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60654 Telephone: (312) 494-4400 Counsel for Plaintiff Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association National Employee Benefits Committee /s/ Javier Bleichmar Javier Bleichmar George N. Bauer BLEICHMAR FONTI & AULD LLP 7 Times Square, 27th Floor New York, New York 10036 Telephone: (212) 789-1340 Facsimile: (212) 205-3960 -4- Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 5 of 7 /s/ Regina Calcaterra Regina Calcaterra Justin Teres CALCATERRA POLLACK LLP 1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor New York, New York 10036 Telephone: (212) 899-1760 Counsel for Plaintiffs Metropolitan Transportation Authority Defined Benefit Pension Plan Master Trust, Manhattan and Bronx Surface Transit Operating Authority Pension Plan, and Metropolitan Transportation Authority Other Postemployment Benefit Plan /s/ Scott F. Hessell Scott F. Hessell John Bjork Ashima Talwar Sperling & Slater, P.C. 55 West Monroe Street, Suite 3200 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Telephone: (312) 641-3200 Co-Counsel for Plaintiffs Chicago Area I.B of T. Pension Plan & Trust and Local 703 I.B. of T., Grocery and Food Employees’ Pension Plan & Trust /s/ Justin S. Brooks Justin S. Brooks GUTTMAN, BUSCHNER & BROOKS PLLC 119 Coulter Ave., Suite 211 Ardmore, PA 19003 Telephone: (610) 827-0041 /s/ Elizabeth H. Shofner GUTTMAN, BUSCHNER & BROOKS PLLC 41-30 46th Street, Apt 1-0 Ardmore, PA 19003 -5- Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 6 of 7 Telephone: (202)-800-3001 /s/ Reuben A. Guttman Reuben A. Guttman GUTTMAN, BUSCHNER & BROOKS PLLC 2000 P Street, N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: (202)-800-3001 /s/ Jonathan D. Karmel Jonathan D. Karmel KARMEL LAW FIRM 221 N. La Salle Street, Suite 1550 Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone: (800)-459-6264 /s/ Kenneth A. Wexler Kenneth A. Wexler Mark J. Tamblyn WEXLER WALLACE LLP 55 W. Monroe Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60603 Telephone: (312)-346-2222 Co-Counsel for Plaintiffs Paul Schaefer and Robert O’Toole; Marc Parker; Brian Jordan; Mark Jacobs; and William R. Seehafer, as trustees of the United Food & Commercial Workers Unions & Employers Midwest Pension Fund cc: Counsel of Record (by ECF) -6- Case 1:20-cv-09479-KPF Document 43 Filed 12/01/20 Page 7 of 7 Application GRANTED. The Clerk of Court is directed to docket this Order in case numbers 20-cv-5615, 20-cv-5817, 20-cv-7061, 20-cv-7154, 20cv-7606, 20-cv-7842, 20-cv-7952, 20-cv-8642, 20-cv-9478, 20-cv-9479, and 20-cv-9587. Dated: December 1, 2020 New York, New York SO ORDERED. HON. KATHERINE POLK FAILLA UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE
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