Bemo USA Corporation et al v. Jake's Crane, Rigging & Transport International, Inc., No. 2:2008cv00745 - Document 94 (D. Nev. 2017)
Court Description: ORDER Granting 92 Motion to Extend Time. IT IS ORDERED that defendant shall have until 11/28/2017, to file an opposition to the motion, and plaintiff shall have until 12/5/2017, to file a reply. The hearing on 90 the Motion to Compel is set for 10:30 a.m., 12/19/2017. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 11/28/2017. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MR)
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Bemo USA Corporation et al v. Jake's Crane, Rigging & Transport International, Inc. Doc. 94 Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92 Filed 11/13/17 Page 1 of 4 1 Marquis Aurbach Coffing Albert G. Marquis, Esq. 2 Nevada Bar No. 1919 Chad F. Clement, Esq. 3 Nevada Bar No. 12192 James Beckstrom, Esq. 4 Nevada Bar No.14032 10001 Park Run Drive 5 Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 Telephone: (702) 382-0711 6 Facsimile: (702) 382-5816 7 8 Attorneys for Defendant Jake’s 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 BEMO USA CORPORATION, et al., 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING DISTRICT OF NEVADA 11 12 Case Number: 13 Plaintiff, 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL 14 vs. 15 16 JAKE’S CRANE, RIGGING & TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL, INC., et 17 al., MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO COMPEL [ECF No. 90] (SECOND REQUEST) 18 19 Defendant. 20 21 Jake’s Crane, Rigging & Transport International, Inc., as well as the other entities 22 (collectively, “Jake’s”) by and through its counsel of record Albert G. Marquis, Esq., Chad 23 F. Clement, Esq., and James Beckstrom, Esq., of the law firm of Marquis Aurbach Coffing, 24 25 hereby submits its Motion to Extend Time to File its Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel from its current due date, that being Monday, November 13, 2017, for fourteen (14) 26 calendar days; which would make the due date November 28, 2017. This Motion is made 27 Page 1 of 4 MAC:13363-015 3248619_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:10 PM Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92 Filed 11/13/17 Page 2 of 4 1 and based upon the papers and pleadings on file herein and the following Memorandum of 2 Points and Authorities. This motion is filed on November 13, 2017. See LR 6-1. 3 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 4 I. INTRODUCTION 5 Jake’s hereby moves this Court for a two week extension of time to file an 6 Opposition to Bemo USA Coporation’s Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena 7 Duces Tecum to Rich Wightman & Company. This Motion is supported by good cause as 8 indicated by the Declaration of Chad Clement, Esq., attached hereto, and made without the 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING 9 intent to delay, hinder, or frustrate proceedings. 10 II. FACTS RELEVANT TO THIS REQUEST 11 The instant Motion follows diligent efforts by the counsel for Jake’s to timely 12 resolve the underlying objections to the subpoena duces tecum to Rich Wightman & 13 Company (“Wightman”) without judicial intervention. Counsel has diligently worked with 14 opposing counsel Phillip Varricchio, Esq. and Rachel J. Holzer, Esq., in an attempt to avoid 15 having to file the instant Motion to no avail. 16 The Subpoena Duces Tecum was issued to Wightman, a non-party accountant for 17 Jake’s, seeking production of records on February 1, 2017. Within that Subpoena, Plaintiff 18 sought production of nearly twenty-five years of documents relating to six non-party 19 entities, containing no proximal limitation. Additionally, the Subpoena sought information 20 that contained privileged accountant-client information, as to the same six non-party entities. 21 The subpoena requested Wightman produce: 22 23 24 25 26 27 “[A]ny and all documentation of financial records (including but not limited to tax returns, bank statements, income statements, general deposits, balance sheets, patents, patent license agreements, patent assignments) which name, benefit and/or identify the following entities: (1) Jake’s Crane Rigging and Transport International; (2) Construction Management Co.; (3) Ganesh, LLC; (4) Ganesh II, LLC; (5) Robb Technologies, LLC; (6) Transworld Manufacturing Company; and (7) Lift Equipment Certification Company, Inc.” See Exhibit 1, attached to ECF DKT. No. 90. Page 2 of 4 MAC:13363-015 3248619_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:10 PM Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92 Filed 11/13/17 Page 3 of 4 1 On February 10, 2017, counsel for Wightman, Frank Ellis, Esq. served a written 2 objection pursuant to FRCP 45(2)(B). Additionally, Jake’s served a written objection on 3 March 6, 2017. Following the written objections by both Jake’s and Wightman, Plaintiff 4 had limited contact with Jake’s or Wightman for almost eight months. Based on the 5 understanding the parties were working towards an amicable solution to narrow the scope 6 and proximity of the requests, counsel for both Jake’s and Wightman waited for Bemo to 7 provide further information as to how they would agree to narrow the requests at issue. 8 On October 18, 2017, Bemo, after months of no communication with Jake’s or 9 Wightman, filed the underlying Motion to Compel. As set forth in the Declaration of Chad 11 good faith efforts to contact his clients. Additionally, Jake’s counsel has reached out to 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING 10 Clement, Esq., since the filing of Bemo’s Motion to Compel, Jake’s has made numerous 12 Bemo in an attempt to narrow the scope of information requested and produce the requested 13 information without judicial intervention. However, based on counsel’s current trial 14 schedule and Mr. Ellis being out of the jurisdiction from November 6, 2017 through 15 November 10, 2017, counsel has been unable to meaningfully discuss the underlying 16 requests. During this time, Counsel for Jake’s has been working diligently to discuss the 17 requests with Jake’s, but due to conflicting schedules, over twenty-five years of documents 18 being requested, and the fact the subpoenaed entities have different ownership structures, 19 counsel has been unable to fully investigate any opposition to such requests. 20 On November 3, 2017, Bemo, Wightman, and Jake’s stipulated to extend the 21 Opposition Deadline to November 13, 2017, in order for Jake’s and Wightman to further 22 contact their clients and narrow the scope of information requested. However, as indicated 23 supra, because of conflicting schedules between Wightman and Jake’s counsel, as well as 24 their respective clients, counsel has been unable to obtain such information before the 25 looming November 13, 2017 deadline. On November 13, 2017, counsel for Jake’s contacted 26 counsel for Bemo by telephone and email to request a stipulation under the above noted 27 circumstances. However, counsel was unwilling to extend such extension. Additionally, on Page 3 of 4 MAC:13363-015 3248619_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:10 PM Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92 Filed 11/13/17 Page 4 of 4 1 November 13, 2017, the James A. Beckstrom, Esq., again contacted Bemo’s counsel Phillip 2 Varricchio, Esq. and Rachel Holzer, Esq., by electronic mail and telephone to express the 3 reasons for delay and to ask for a two week continuance. However, Bemo was again 4 unwilling to extend such extension and waited until 3:55 PM to inform Jake’s of their 5 refusal to extend the two week continuance. 6 III. LEGAL ARGUMENT 7 Pursuant to LR 6-1, a Court may grant an extension of time upon a showing of good 8 cause. As indicated by the Declaration of Chad Clement, Esq., good cause exists and 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING 9 therefore, the Motion to Extend Time should be granted. 10 IV. CONCLUSION 11 Based on the foregoing, Jake’s respectfully asks this Court to grant a two week 12 extension to file an opposition to the Motion to Compel, with the new deadline to be 13 November 28, 2017. 14 DATED this 13th day of November, 2017. 15 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING 16 17 By___/s/ Chad F. Clement _______ Albert G. Marquis, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 1919 Chad F. Clement, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 12192 James Beckstrom, Esq. Nevada Bar No.14032 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 Attorneys for Defendants 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Page 4 of 4 MAC:13363-015 3248619_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:10 PM Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92-1 Filed 11/13/17 Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Chad F. Clement, Esq., declares as follows: 4 1. 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 I am over the age of 18 years and have personal knowledge of the facts stated 5 herein, except for those stated upon information and belief, and as to those, I believe them to be 6 true. I am competent to testify as to the facts stated herein in a court of law and will so testify if 7 called upon. 8 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING DECLARATION OF CHAD F. CLEMENT, ESQ., IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE WITH SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM TO RICH WIGHTMAN & COMPANY 2. I am a Director with the law firm of Marquis Aurbach Coffing (“MAC”), counsel 9 of record for defendant Jake’s Crane, Rigging & Transport International, Inc., as well as the 10 other entities (collectively, “Jake’s”) in this case. I make this Declaration in support of the 11 Motion to Extend Time to File Opposition to Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena 12 Duces Tecum (“Motion”). 13 14 15 16 17 3. The Subpoena Duces Tecum (“Subpoena”) was issued to Wightman, a non-party accountant for Defendant Jake’s Crane, seeking production of records on February 1, 2017. 4. On February 10, 2017, counsel for Wightman, Frank Ellis, Esq. served a written objection pursuant to FRCP 45(2)(B). 5. Additionally, Jake’s served a written objection on March 6, 2017. The basis for 18 the objection was on the grounds the information requested (1) calls for accountant-client 19 privileged information, NRS 49.125-49.2.05, as it calls for “any and all documentation of 20 financial records . . . ;” (2) calls for sensitive, confidential, and/or proprietary personal and 21 business information, as it calls for financial information from entities who were not parties to 22 the case and are not subject to the judgment; (3) is overly broad and unduly burdensome, as the 23 request contains no time limitation, is extremely broad, calling for “any and all documentation of 24 financial records . . . which name, benefit and/or identify [7 entities],” and calls for information 25 from entities who were not parties to the case and are not subject to the judgment; (4) is 26 duplicative, as some of the requested documents have already been produced; (5) is vague and 27 ambiguous, given its breadth and scope; (6) calls for irrelevant information, given its breadth and 28 scope; and (7) seeks case or liability related discovery, not post-judgment discovery. Page 1 of 3 MAC:13363-015 3248648_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:12 PM Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92-1 Filed 11/13/17 Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Following the written objections by both Jake’s and Wightman, Bemo’s counsel agreed to narrow the scope of its requests within the Subpoena to avoid judicial intervention. 7. Counsel for Bemo failed to contact the undersigned for approximately eight months after the discussions. 8. On or about October 18, 2017, Bemo filed a Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena Duces Tecum to Rich Wightman & Company. 9. Counsel for Bemo did not have a substantive meet and confer with the undersigned before filing the Motion to Compel. 10. On October 31, 2017, the undersigned had a telephone conversation with Bemo 10 counsel Phillip Varricchio, where the Subpoena requests were discussed at length and the parties 11 agreed to attempt to narrow the scope of the requests. 12 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING 9 6. 11. Following the October 31, 2017, telephone call with opposing counsel, the 13 undersigned diligently attempted to contact Jake’s to discuss the information requested in the 14 Subpoena. However, because of conflicting schedules, the undersigned has been unable to 15 meaningfully discuss the requested information contained with the Subpoena before the 16 November 13, 2017 deadline. 17 12. Additionally, the undersigned has been unable to discuss the feasibility of 18 producing the requested information with Wightman’s counsel or determine what types of 19 information Wightman has in his possession. 20 21 22 13. Upon information and belief of the undersigned, a large number of the documents requested within the Subpoena are subject to accountant-client privilege. 14. On November 3, 2017, Bemo, Wightman, and Jake’s stipulated to extend the 23 Opposition Deadline to November 13, 2017, in order for Jake’s and Wightman to further contact 24 their clients and narrow the scope of information requested. 25 15. Because of conflicting schedules between Wightman and Jake’s counsel, as well 26 as their respective clients, and a shortened week due to Veterans Day, the undersigned has been 27 unable to obtain such information before the looming November 13, 2017 deadline. 28 Page 2 of 3 MAC:13363-015 3248648_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:12 PM Case 2:08-cv-00745-JCM-PAL Document 92-1 Filed 11/13/17 Page 3 of 3 1 and conferences the entire week November 6, 2017, and Frank Ellis, counsel for Wightman was 3 out of the office the week of November 6, 2017. 17. To avoid filing the instant Motion, on November 13, 2017 the undersigned 5 contacted Bemo counsel Phillip Varricchio, Esq. and Rachel Holzer, Esq., by telephone to 6 express the reasons for delay and to ask for a two week continuance, but was unable to reach 7 counsel either Mr. Varricchio or Ms. Holzer. 8 18. Additionally, on November 13, 2017, the undersigned’s associate James A. 9 Beckstrom, Esq., again contacted Bemo’s counsel Phillip Varricchio, Esq. and Rachel Holzer, 10 Esq., by electronic mail and telephone to express the reasons for delay and to ask for a two week 11 continuance. 12 10001 Park Run Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 382-0711 FAX: (702) 382-5816 Additionally, the undersigned was subject to prescheduled depositions, hearings, 2 4 MARQUIS AURBACH COFFING 16. 13 14 15 16 19. Counsel for Bemo refused any such continuance to both requests, therefore necessitating the instant Motion. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and NRS § 53.045, I declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 13th day of November, 2017. 17 18 19 /s/ Chad F. Clement Chad F. Clement, Esq. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 IT IS ORDERED that defendant shall have until November 28, 2017, to file an opposition to the motion, and plaintiff shall have until December 5, 2017, to file a reply. The hearing on the Motion to Compel (ECF No. 90) is set for 10:30 a.m., December 19, 2017. Dated: November 28, 2017 _____________________________ Peggy A. Leen United States Magistrate Judge 27 28 Page 3 of 3 MAC:13363-015 3248648_1.docx 11/13/2017 7:12 PM
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