The Revolution FMO, LLC vs. Ronald Grant, et al., No. 2:2015cv02719 - Document 82 (C.D. Cal. 2016)

Court Description: ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION by Judge Manuel L. Real: Upon Stipulation 81 , IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Defendant Ronald Grant and his agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and all those in concert or participation with him, are permanently restrained and enjoined re the Revolution Materials, etc. See document for details. (MD JS-6. Case Terminated) (gk)

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The Revolution FMO, LLC vs. Ronald Grant, et al. Doc. 82 JS-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT OF CALIFORNIA 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT – WESTERN DIVISION 10 THE REVOLUTION FMO, LLC, a.k.a. THE REVOLUTION MO, LLC, 11 Plaintiffs, 12 13 Case No. 2:15-cv-02719 [Hon. Manuel L. Real, Ctrm. 8] ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION v. 14 RONALD GRANT, an individual, GOLD COAST BROADCASTING, 16 LLC, a limited liability company, and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, 17 15 18 Defendants. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION 1 Plaintiff The Revolution FMO, LLC a.k.a. The Revolution MO, LLC 2 (hereinafter “Revolution”) filed a Complaint For: (1) Copyright Infringement, (2) 3 Misappropriation of Confidential Information/Trade Secrets, (3) Violation of 4 Business and Professions Code section 17200, (4) Breach of Contract, (5) Express 5 Indemnity, and (6) Conversion against Defendant Ronald Grant (“Grant”) to obtain 6 temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief, compensatory and punitive 7 damages, and other relief for Grant’s alleged unauthorized retention, use, discussion 8 and dissemination of copyright, trade secret, proprietary and confidential materials 9 and information developed by and belonging to Revolution. 10 Revolution and Grant have agreed to the entry of this Order for Permanent 11 Injunction by this Court to resolve this Action. 12 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED as follows: 13 I. FINDINGS 14 a. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter. 15 b. Grant and Revolution waive all rights to appeal or otherwise 16 challenge or contest the validity of this Order. Grant further waives 17 and releases any claim he may have against Revolution or its 18 employees, attorneys and representatives arising out of this Action 19 and under the terms of this Order. 20 c. The Court incorporates by reference, and relies as if fully set forth 21 herein, on the findings of facts set forth in the Court’s Temporary 22 Restraining Order (Docket Entry # 14) and the Preliminary 23 Injunction (Docket Entry #35). 24 25 26 II. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Order, the following definitions shall apply: a. “Revolution Materials” means copyrighted, trade secret, 27 proprietary and confidential materials and information developed 28 by and -1ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION 1 belonging to Revolution, including but not limited to presentation 2 outlines and scripts, client workbooks, templates for sales and 3 investment seminars, questionnaires and related materials. 4 b. The parties stipulate that the proprietary documents included under 5 the definition of Revolution Materials, for the sole purpose of this 6 Order, consists only of the following list of items which are 7 identified by document description and document number: 8 1) exchange), R150110157OOS 9 10 Life Insurance Transfer History Template (no 1035 2) Life Insurance Transfer History Template, R150110156OOS 11 12 3) Account Policy Information, R15011007 13 4) Insurance Only Licensed EIA Form, R15011050 14 5) Bullet Points, R15011083 15 6) Gold Boarder Template, R15011096, R15011097, R15011098 16 17 7) Transfer History – Anniversary, R15011029R 18 8) Client Review Disclosure Form, R15011032 19 9) Valued Client Response Sheet, R150110107 20 10) Client Disclosure Letter, R15011039 21 11) FINRA Understanding Different Retirement Plans Handout, R15011003R 22 23 12) FINRA Understanding Different Types of Annuities Handout, R15011004R 24 25 13) Client Appreciation Movie Event, R15011031R 26 14) Office Training Manual, R15011034R 27 15) Appointment Setting Manual, R15011060R 28 -2ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION 1 16) Basic Training Manual, R15011065R 2 17) Response Sheet, R15011038 3 18) Valued Client Response Sheet, R15011037 4 19) Response Sheet Stray 401k, R15011011 5 20) FAQs, R15011025 6 21) Welcome Back Letter, R15011040 7 22) Mini Basic Training Manual, R150110105R 8 23) Advanced Training Manual, R150110140R 9 24) Special Ops Manual, R150110141R 10 25) Bring a Friend Invite, R15011018 11 26) Client Appreciation Event, R15011028 12 27) Client Appreciation Event Mailer, R15011009OOS, R15011007OOS 13 14 28) Valued Client Response Sheet, R15011037 15 29) Movie Flyer, R15011045 16 30) Ela Event Flyer, R15011042 17 31) Tips to Building a Rotation, R15011002 18 32) Client Review Postcard, R15011076 19 33) Client Disclosure, R15011039 20 34) Step Sales System, R15011051 21 35) FINRA Retirement Plans Postcards, R150110155R 22 36) Sample of a Transfer Letter, R15011001TPO 23 37) Cover Sheet, R15011034 24 38) Policy Information Labels, R15011048 25 39) Statement Labels, R15011004OOS 26 40) To My Beneficiaries Letter, R15011030 27 41) Transfer History First Delivery, R15011063OOS 28 -3ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION 1 42) Delivery Receipt Disclosure, R15011033 2 43) Understanding Different Types of Retirement Plans, R15011001 3 4 44) Sample Transfer Letter, R15011001TPO 5 45) Understanding Different Retirement Plans Presenters Script, R15011002R 6 7 46) Tips for Building a Rotation, R15011002 8 47) Statements Labels, R15011004OOS 9 48) Existing Client Letter, R150110101 10 49) Valued Client Response Sheet 2015, R150110107 11 50) Response Sheet Stray 401k, R15011011 12 51) Redline, R150110164R(a)bc 13 52) Red and Blue Lines, R150110164Ra(b)c 14 53) All Lines, R150110164Rab(c) 15 54) Client Annual Review Reminder Letters, R15011020 16 55) FAQs, R15011025 17 56) Client Appreciation Event Invite Generic, R15011028 18 57) Transfer History Anniversary-ccs-rr, R15011029R 19 58) To My Beneficiaries, R15011030 20 59) Client Review Form, R15011032 21 60) Client Delivery Receipt, R15011033 22 61) Client Cover Sheet, R15011034 23 62) Valued Client Response Sheet, R15011037 24 63) Response Sheet Basic, R15011038 25 64) Money Chasing Manual, R15011041R 26 65) Pumpkin Pie Mailer, R15011043 27 66) Movie Night Movie Flyer, R15011045 28 -4ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION 1 67) Policy Folder Labels, R15011048 2 68) Five Steps Sales System, R15011051 3 69) Presenters Outline Understanding Different Retirement Strategies, R15011058 4 70) 5 Workbook Seminar Understanding Different Retirement Strategies, R15011058R 6 7 71) Appointment Setting Manual 2015, R15011060R 8 72) Transfer History First Delivery, R15011063OOS 9 10 11 ORDER III. PERMANENT INJUNCTION 12 IT IS ORDERED THAT Grant and his agents, servants, employees, 13 attorneys, and all those in concert or participation with him, are 14 permanently restrained and enjoined from: 15 a. Using, disseminating or otherwise discussing the Revolution 16 Materials in any forum or by any medium, including but not limited 17 to any website, any social media, any seminars, any client and 18 prospective client encounters, meetings or situations and through 19 any broadcasts (radio, online or otherwise) now and in the future. b. Soliciting any employee or agent of the Revolution to leave the 20 Revolution now and in the future. 21 22 IV. RETURN OF REVOLUTION MATERIALS 23 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Grant and his agents, servants, 24 employees, attorneys, and all those in concert or participation with him, 25 will immediately return any Revolution Materials in any form 26 whatsoever to Revolution, and delete any Revolution Materials from all 27 retrieval systems and databases or destroy same, including deletion of 28 -5ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION 1 any online posting of videos of Grant’s seminars containing any 2 Revolution Materials. 3 V. RETENTION OF JURISDICTION 4 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT this Court retains jurisdiction of 5 this matter for purposes of construction, modification, and enforcement 6 of this Order. 7 8 IT IS SO ORDERED. 9 10 11 DATED: March 1, 2016 12 13 14 15 __________________________________ Honorable Manuel Real U.S. District Judge 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -6ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT INJUNCTION

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