Volume 151 Cal. App. 3d California Courts of Appeal Cases
Wutzke v. Bill Reid Painting Service, Inc. (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 36, 198 Cal. Rptr. 418
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 36, 198 Cal. Rptr. 418
San Franciscans for Reasonable Growth v. City and County of San Francisco (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 61, 198 Cal. Rptr. 634
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 61, 198 Cal. Rptr. 634
Committee to Defend Reproductive Rights v. Rank (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 83, 198 Cal. Rptr. 630
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 83, 198 Cal. Rptr. 630
Superior Farming Co. v. Agricultural Labor Relations Bd. (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 100, 198 Cal. Rptr. 608
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 100, 198 Cal. Rptr. 608
Gonzales & Co. v. Department of Alcoholic Bev. Control (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 172, 198 Cal. Rptr. 479
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 172, 198 Cal. Rptr. 479
Pantos v. City and County of San Francisco (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 258, 198 Cal. Rptr. 489
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 258, 198 Cal. Rptr. 489
Arthur L. Sachs, Inc. v. City of Oceanside (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 315, 198 Cal. Rptr. 483
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 315, 198 Cal. Rptr. 483
Geiler v. Commission on Judicial Performance (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 365, 198 Cal. Rptr. 531
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 365, 198 Cal. Rptr. 531
Lawyers Title Ins. Corp. v. Superior Court (Harrigfeld) (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 455, 199 Cal. Rptr. 1
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 455, 199 Cal. Rptr. 1
Smith v. Superior Court (Abbott Ford, Inc.) (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 491, 198 Cal. Rptr. 829
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 491, 198 Cal. Rptr. 829
Piledrivers' Local Union v. City of Santa Monica (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 509, 198 Cal. Rptr. 731
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 509, 198 Cal. Rptr. 731
Wesley Investment Co. v. County of Alameda (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 672, 198 Cal. Rptr. 872
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 672, 198 Cal. Rptr. 872
Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Morse Signal Devices (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 681, 198 Cal. Rptr. 756
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 681, 198 Cal. Rptr. 756
Miller v. California Com. on Status of Women (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 693, 198 Cal. Rptr. 877
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 693, 198 Cal. Rptr. 877
Service Employees Internat. Union v. Sacramento City Unified School Dist. (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 705, 198 Cal. Rptr. 884
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 705, 198 Cal. Rptr. 884
GT, Inc. v. Superior Court (Santa Cruz Sentinel Publishers, Inc.) (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 748, 198 Cal. Rptr. 892
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 748, 198 Cal. Rptr. 892
Pacific Intermountain Express v. National Union Fire Ins. Co. (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 777, 198 Cal. Rptr. 897
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 777, 198 Cal. Rptr. 897
Cavalier Acres, Inc. v. San Simeon Acres Community Services Dist. (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 798, 199 Cal. Rptr. 4
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 798, 199 Cal. Rptr. 4
Dolin Roofing & Insulation Co. v. Superior Court (First Charter Properties, Inc.) (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 886, 199 Cal. Rptr. 37
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 886, 199 Cal. Rptr. 37
Brown v. Regents of University of California (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 982, 198 Cal. Rptr. 916
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 982, 198 Cal. Rptr. 916
Johnston v. Trustees of Cal. State University & Colleges (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1003, 199 Cal. Rptr. 175
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1003, 199 Cal. Rptr. 175
Burger v. Superior Court (Living Love Church, Inc.) (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1013, 199 Cal. Rptr. 227
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1013, 199 Cal. Rptr. 227
Beach Colony II v. California Coastal Com. (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1107, 199 Cal. Rptr. 195
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1107, 199 Cal. Rptr. 195
Manatt, Phelps, Rothenberg & Tunney v. Lawrence (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1165, 199 Cal. Rptr. 246
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1165, 199 Cal. Rptr. 246
Tiholiz v. Northridge Hospital Foundation (1984)
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1197, 199 Cal. Rptr. 338
Citations: 151 Cal. App. 3d 1197, 199 Cal. Rptr. 338
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