43 C.F.R. Subpart 3107—Continuation, Extension or Renewal
Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior
Title 43: Public Lands: Interior
Subpart 3107—Continuation, Extension or Renewal
§ 3107.1 Extension by drilling.
Any lease on which actual drilling operations were commenced prior to the end of its primary term and are being diligently prosecuted at the end of the primary term or any lease which is part of an approved communitization agreement or cooperative or unit plan of development or operation upon which such drilling takes place, shall be extended for 2 years subject to the rental being timely paid as required by §3103.2 of this title, and subject to the provisions of §3105.2–3 and §3186.1 of this title, if applicable. Actual drilling operations shall be conducted in a manner that anyone seriously looking for oil or gas could be expected to make in that particular area, given the existing knowledge of geologic and other pertinent facts. In drilling a new well on a lease or for the benefit of a lease under the terms of an approved agreement or plan, it shall be taken to a depth sufficient to penetrate at least 1 formation recognized in the area as potentially productive of oil or gas, or where an existing well is reentered, it shall be taken to a depth sufficient to penetrate at least 1 new and deeper formation recognized in the area as potentially productive of oil or gas. The authorized officer may determine that further drilling is unwarranted or impracticable.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 2113, Jan. 18, 1984; 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22839, June 17, 1988]
§ 3107.2 Production.
§ 3107.2-1 Continuation by production.
A lease shall be extended so long as oil or gas is being produced in paying quantities.
§ 3107.2-2 Cessation of production.
A lease which is in its extended term because of production in paying quantities shall not terminate upon cessation of production if, within 60 days thereafter, reworking or drilling operations on the leasehold are commenced and are thereafter conducted with reasonable diligence during the period of nonproduction. The 60-day period commences upon receipt of notification from the authorized officer that the lease is not capable of production in paying quantities.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988]
§ 3107.2-3 Leases capable of production.
No lease for lands on which there is a well capable of producing oil or gas in paying quantities shall expire because the lessee fails to produce the same, unless the lessee fails to place the lease in production within a period of not less than 60 days as specified by the authorized officer after receipt of notice by certified mail from the authorized officer to do so. Such production shall be continued unless and until suspension of production is granted by the authorized officer.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 53 FR 31958, Aug. 22, 1988]
§ 3107.3 Extension for terms of cooperative or unit plan.
§ 3107.3-1 Leases committed to plan.
Any lease or portion of a lease, except as described in §3107.3–3 of this title, committed to a cooperative or unit plan that contains a general provision for allocation of oil or gas shall continue in effect so long as the lease or portion thereof remains subject to the plan; Provided, That there is production of oil or gas in paying quantities under the plan prior to the expiration date of such lease.
§ 3107.3-2 Segregation of leases committed in part.
Any lease committed after July 29, 1954, to any cooperative or unit plan, which covers lands within and lands outside the area covered by the plan, shall be segregated, as of the effective date of unitization, into separate leases; one covering the lands committed to the plan, the other lands not committed to the plan. The segregated lease covering the nonunitized portion of the lands shall continue in force and effect for the term of the lease or for 2 years from the date of segregation, whichever is longer. However, for any lease segregated from a unit, if the public interest requirement for the unit is not satisfied, such segregation shall be declared invalid by the authorized officer. Further, the segregation shall be conditioned to state that no operations shall be approved on the segregated portion of the lease past the expiration date of the original lease until the public interest requirement of the unit has been satisfied.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988]
§ 3107.3-3 20-year lease or any renewal thereof.
Any lease issued for a term of 20 years, or any renewal thereof, committed to a cooperative or unit plan approved by the Secretary, or any portion of such lease so committed, shall continue in force so long as committed to the plan, beyond the expiration date of its primary term. This provision does not apply to that portion of any such lease which is not included in the cooperative or unit plan unless the lease was so committed prior to August 8, 1946.
§ 3107.4 Extension by elimination.
Any lease eliminated from any approved or prescribed cooperative or unit plan or from any communitization or drilling agreement authorized by the Act and any lease in effect at the termination of such plan or agreement, unless relinquished, shall continue in effect for the original term of the lease or for 2 years after its elimination from the plan or agreement or after the termination of the plan or agreement, whichever is longer, and for so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities. No lease shall be extended if the public interest requirement for an approved cooperative or unit plan or a communitization agreement has not been satisifed as determined by the authorized officer.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988]
§ 3107.5 Extension of leases segregated by assignment.
§ 3107.5-1 Extension after discovery on other segregated portions.
Any lease segregated by assignment, including the retained portion, shall continue in effect for the primary term of the original lease, or for 2 years after the date of first discovery of oil or gas in paying quantities upon any other segregated portion of the original lease, whichever is the longer period.
§ 3107.5-2 Undeveloped parts of leases in their extended term.
Undeveloped parts of leases retained or assigned out of leases which are in their extended term shall continue in effect for 2 years after the effective date of assignment, provided the parent lease was issued prior to September 2, 1960.
§ 3107.5-3 Undeveloped parts of producing leases.
Undeveloped parts of leases retained or assigned out of leases which are extended by production, actual or suspended, or the payment of compensatory royalty shall continue in effect for 2 years after the effective date of assignment and for so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities.
§ 3107.6 Extension of reinstated leases.
Where a reinstatement of a terminated lease is granted under §3108.2 of this title and the authorized officer finds that the reinstatement will not afford the lessee a reasonable opportunity to continue operations under the lease, the authorized officer may extend the term of such lease for a period sufficient to give the lessee such an opportunity. Any extension shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) No extension shall exceed a period equal to the unexpired portion of the lease or any extension thereof remaining at the date of termination.
(b) When the reinstatement occurs after the expiration of the term or extension thereof, the lease may be extended from the date the authorized officer grants the petition, but in no event for more than 2 years from the date the reinstatement is authorized and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 30448, July 30, 1984; 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988]
§ 3107.7 Exchange leases: 20-year term.
Any lease which issued for a term of 20 years, or any renewal thereof, or which issued in exchange for a 20-year lease prior to August 8, 1946, may be exchanged for a new lease. Such new lease shall be issued for a primary term of 5 years. The lessee must file an application to exchange a lease for a new lease, in triplicate, at the proper BLM office. The application must show full compliance by the applicant with the terms of the lease and applicable regulations, and must include payment of the processing fee for lease renewal or exchange found in the fee schedule in §3000.12 of this chapter. Execution of the exchange lease by the applicant is certification of compliance with §3102.5 of this title.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988; 70 FR 58874, Oct. 7, 2005]
§ 3107.8 Renewal leases.
§ 3107.8-1 Requirements.
(a) Twenty year leases and renewals thereof may be renewed for successive terms of 10 years. Any application for renewal of a lease shall be made by the lessee, and may be joined in or consented to by the operator. The application shall show whether all monies due the United States have been paid and whether operations under the lease have been conducted in compliance with the applicable regulations.
(b) The applicant or his/her operator shall furnish, in triplicate, with the application for renewal, copies of all agreements not theretofore filed providing for overriding royalties or other payments out of production from the lease which will be in existence as of the date of its expiration.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988]
§ 3107.8-2 Application.
File your application to renew your lease in triplicate in the proper BLM office at least 90 days, but not more than 6 months, before your lease expires. Include the processing fee for lease renewal or exchange found in the fee schedule in §3000.12 of this chapter.
[70 FR 58874, Oct. 7, 2005]
§ 3107.8-3 Approval.
(a) Copies of the renewal lease, in triplicate, dated the first day of the month following the month in which the original lease terminated, shall be forwarded to the lessee for execution. Upon receipt of the executed lease forms, which constitutes certification of compliance with §3102.5 of this title, and any required bond, the authorized officer shall execute the lease and deliver 1 copy to the lessee.
(b) If overriding royalties and payments out of production or similar interests in excess of 5 percent of gross production constitute a burden to lease operations that will retard, or impair, or cause premature abandonment, the lease application shall be suspended until overriding royalties and payments out of production or similar interests are reduced to not more then 5 percent of the value of the production. If the holders of outstanding overriding royalty or other interests payable out of production, the operator and the lessee are unable to enter into a mutually fair and equitable agreement, any of the parties may apply for a hearing at which all interested parties may be heard and written statements presented. Thereupon, a final decision will be rendered by the Department, outlining the conditions acceptable to it as a basis for a fair and reasonable adjustment of the excessive overriding royalties and other payments out of production and an opportunity shall be afforded within a fixed period of time to submit proof that such adjustment has been effected. Upon failure to submit such proof within the time so fixed, the application for renewal shall be denied.
[48 FR 33662, July 22, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 17357, May 16, 1988; 53 FR 22840, June 17, 1988]
§ 3107.9 Other types.
§ 3107.9-1 Payment of compensatory royalty.
The payment of compensatory royalty shall extend the term of any lease for the period during which such compensatory royalty is paid and for a period of 1 year from the discontinuance of such payments.
§ 3107.9-2 Subsurface storage of oil and gas.
See §3105.5–4 of this title.
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