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Article 1 In General.
- Section 11-40-1 — Municipalities declared bodies politic and corporate; seal generally; name; powers, duties and authority generally.
- Section 11-40-2 — Seal.
- Section 11-40-3 — Acquisition of rights, power and authority granted.
- Section 11-40-4 — Property rights, rights of action, etc., preserved and enforced notwithstanding change of name or organization.
- Section 11-40-5 — Corporate limits not altered or affected by adoption of Code.
- Section 11-40-6 — Municipal corporations classified as cities or towns; holding of election after change in government of municipality.
- Section 11-40-7 — Change of name.
- Section 11-40-8 — Division of municipalities into wards.
- Section 11-40-9 — Continuation of present organization.
- Section 11-40-10 — Police jurisdiction; operation of ordinances enforcing police or sanitary regulations; jurisdiction on islands and offshore water adjacent to Florida.
- Section 11-40-10.1 — Contracts for certain law enforcement services of Class 6 municiplaity.
- Section 11-40-11 — When change in form of government takes effect.
- Section 11-40-12 — Classification of municipalities.
- Section 11-40-13 — Notice required for enactment of general law applying to single municipality.
- Section 11-40-14 — Expense allowances for members of governing body of Class 1 municipalities; reimbursement for expenses incurred beyond corporate limits.
- Section 11-40-15 — Exemption of incorporated municipalities and municipal boards from Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
- Section 11-40-16 — Creation of enterprise zones within Class 1 cities; purpose.
- Section 11-40-17 — Minimum monthly retirement and survivor's benefits in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-40-17.1 — Class 1 municipalities authorized to grant pension benefit increases to participants in former municipal pension plans.
- Section 11-40-17.2 — Inclusion of longevity component in monthly salary used to calculate extraordinary disability benefits in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-40-17.3 — Retroactive Deferred Retirement Option Plan.
- Section 11-40-18 — Minimum benefits under certain policemen's and firemen's pension and relief plans.
- Section 11-40-18.1 — Minimum benefits under certain policemen's and firemen's pension and relief plans.
- Section 11-40-18.2 — Liability and indemnification under firemen's and policemen's supplemental pension system.
- Section 11-40-19 — Operation of hotel and related facilities by Class 1 municipalities and certain public corporations - Requirements.
- Section 11-40-20 — Operation of hotel and related facilities by Class 1 municipalities and certain public corporations - Hotel management contracts.
- Section 11-40-21 — Number of members on municipal boards, committees, etc., in Class 3 municipalities.
- Section 11-40-22 — Mayor authorized to award municipal employees for exemplary performance, etc.
- Section 11-40-23 — License tax for collecting, etc., waste grease and animal by-products.
Article 2 Demolition of Buildings and Structures.
- Section 11-40-30 — Demolition of unsafe structures.
- Section 11-40-31 — Notice from appropriate municipal officer of unsafe condition.
- Section 11-40-32 — Hearing; appeal.
- Section 11-40-33 — Costs of demolition.
- Section 11-40-34 — Assessment of costs.
- Section 11-40-35 — Payment of assessments.
- Section 11-40-36 — Article cumulative.
Article 3 Continued Use and Occupancy of Buildings in Class 2 Municipalities.
- Section 11-40-50 — Meaning of "appropriate city official."
- Section 11-40-51 — Authority of city to prescribe standards for continued use and occupancy of buildings.
- Section 11-40-52 — Administrative review; petition; hearing.
- Section 11-40-53 — Appeal from order of administrative review body to circuit court.
- Section 11-40-54 — Failure of owner to comply with notice of non-conformity, certificate of modified approval, etc.; civil penalties; collection and enforcement of penalties.
Article 4 Convenient Right-of-Way Acquisition within Planning Jurisidiction of a Class 2 Municipality.
Article 1 Incorporation.
- Section 11-41-1 — Authority; petition to probate judge for order of incorporation.
- Section 11-41-2 — Notice of filing; determination of statutory compliance; objections; ordering and notice of election; contest of election.
- Section 11-41-3 — Conduct of election generally; provision and form of ballots; qualifications for voting.
- Section 11-41-4 — Certification of election result to probate judge; census enumeration of inhabitants; issuance, recordation and filing of order of incorporation; filing fee.
- Section 11-41-5 — Ordering and notice of election of mayor and councilmen for incorporated municipalities; conduct of election generally; qualifications for voting.
- Section 11-41-6 — Report of election result to probate judge; issuance and recordation of order approving report and election result; vacancies; setting aside, etc., of elections; record and costs of incorporation proceedings and elections.
- Section 11-41-7 — Reinstatement of corporate organization of dormant municipalities; appointment of mayor and councilmen for same.
- Section 11-41-8 — Validation of prior attempted incorporations invalidated by procedural irregularities.
Article 2 Dissolution.
- Section 11-41-20 — Authority.
- Section 11-41-21 — Petition to probate judge for dissolution.
- Section 11-41-22 — Notice and hearing upon petition.
- Section 11-41-23 — Issuance of decree of dissolution.
- Section 11-41-24 — Grounds for forfeiture of charter.
- Section 11-41-25 — Petition to probate judge for decree of forfeiture; notice and hearing upon petition.
- Section 11-41-26 — Rendition of decree of forfeiture and dissolution; appeal from same.
- Section 11-41-27 — Disposition of property after dissolution.
- Section 11-41-28 — Fee of probate judge.
Article 1 Annexation of Territory by Municipalities Generally.
- Section 11-42-1 — Applicability of provisions of article; provisions of article not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-2 — Annexation election and proceedings generally; proceedings where parties consent to annexation.
- Section 11-42-3 — Subsequent extensions of corporate limits; requirement as to resolutions, orders or notices under article.
- Section 11-42-4 — Subsequent elections not to be held within 12 months of preceding election.
- Section 11-42-5 — Validation of certain prior annexations.
- Section 11-42-6 — Bill to contain accurate description of territory and plat or map; copies of map to be furnished to judge of probate; notice of intention to apply for local law annexing territory.
Article 2 Annexation of Territory by Municipalities of 2,000 Inhabitants or More.
- Section 11-42-20 — "Owners" defined.
- Section 11-42-21 — Annexation proceedings.
- Section 11-42-22 — Subsequent extensions of corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-23 — Provisions of article not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-24 — Construction of article.
Article 2A Annexation of Territory by Class 6 Municipality of Land Contiguous to Public University.
Article 3 Annexation of Territory by Cities of 25,000 Inhabitants or More.
- Section 11-42-40 — Applicability of provisions of article; provisions of article not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-41 — Passage of resolution to annex territory.
- Section 11-42-42 — Certification and filing of resolution and map or plat of territory to be annexed with probate judge.
- Section 11-42-43 — Ordering of election.
- Section 11-42-44 — Notice of election.
- Section 11-42-45 — Designation of voting places and boundaries for voting.
- Section 11-42-46 — Appointment of inspectors and returning officers; duty of inspectors generally.
- Section 11-42-47 — Qualifications for voting; electors to vote at designated voting places.
- Section 11-42-48 — Applicability of general election laws.
- Section 11-42-49 — Ballots.
- Section 11-42-50 — Ascertainment, certification and delivery of election results.
- Section 11-42-51 — Canvassing of returns; entry, recordation, etc., of orders, maps, etc., as to annexation of territory.
- Section 11-42-52 — Contests of election.
- Section 11-42-53 — Costs of election.
- Section 11-42-54 — Subsequent extensions of corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-55 — Requirement as to resolutions, orders or notices under article.
- Section 11-42-56 — Subsequent elections not to be held within 12 months of preceding election.
- Section 11-42-57 — Exemption from taxation of territory annexed and property therein.
- Section 11-42-58 — Certain annexed territory and property therein subject to taxation after five years.
- Section 11-42-59 — Exemption from taxation of mining, manufacturing or industrial plants, etc., in annexed territory.
- Section 11-42-60 — Passage, certification, filing with probate judge, etc., of resolution declaring annexed territory subject to taxation and map of same.
- Section 11-42-61 — Notice of passage of resolution and hearing for property owners to show cause why property should not be subject to taxation.
- Section 11-42-62 — Separately owned lands may be embraced in single resolution or notice.
- Section 11-42-63 — Filing of contest as to right of city to tax lands or property; city to file separate causes against contesting property owners.
- Section 11-42-64 — Rendition of decree adjudging property subject to taxation, etc., as to noncontesting property owners.
- Section 11-42-65 — Hearings on contests as to right to tax; rendition of decree as to taxation of property.
- Section 11-42-66 — Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Filing; security for costs; right to jury trial.
- Section 11-42-67 — Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Issuance and service of notice of appeal.
- Section 11-42-68 — Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Transmittal of papers to clerk of circuit court; withdrawal of map and certified resolution from files of probate judge for use in circuit court.
- Section 11-42-69 — Trial and entry of judgment by circuit court; appeals from judgment of circuit court; endorsement on map by probate judge where no appeal from judgment of probate court.
- Section 11-42-70 — Certification to probate judge of judgment of circuit court; endorsement on map by probate judge.
- Section 11-42-71 — When property adjudged subject to taxation becomes liable for payment of taxes; recordation of resolution, map, orders, etc., of probate judge, etc.
- Section 11-42-72 — Annexed territory subject to laws and ordinances of city; jurisdiction of city governing body over annexed territory.
- Section 11-42-73 — Creation, etc., of wards; election of aldermen or representatives.
- Section 11-42-74 — Division of wards into voting precincts; electors to vote in precincts of residence; rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of voting precincts.
- Section 11-42-75 — Rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of wards.
- Section 11-42-76 — Entitlement of persons in territory exempt from taxation to benefits derived from city taxes.
- Section 11-42-77 — Construction of improvements or betterments in territory exempt from taxation generally.
- Section 11-42-78 — Construction of sanitary sewers, enforcement of sanitary connections and assessment of costs thereof in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-79 — Construction of sidewalks and curbing and assessment of costs thereof in territory exempt from taxation; landowners in exempt territory to file petition requesting betterments.
- Section 11-42-80 — Assessment, collection and disposition of street tax in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-81 — Licensing of dance halls, poolrooms, etc., in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-82 — Levy and collection of privilege or license tax from persons, firms, etc., carrying on business, etc., in territory exempt from taxation generally.
- Section 11-42-83 — Assessment and collection of privilege or license tax from persons, firms, etc., carrying on business, etc., in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-84 — Assessment and collection of privilege or license tax from operators of common carriers, street railroads, etc., in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-85 — Right of children residing in territory exempt from taxation to attend public schools of city.
- Section 11-42-86 — Acquisition of rights and privileges of resident citizens by persons residing in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-87 — Fees and compensation of probate judge and other officers for services rendered.
- Section 11-42-88 — Provisions of article deemed contract between city and persons, etc., in territory exempt from taxation; conferral of other rights and powers as to exempt territory upon city; right of persons residing in exempt territory to enforce article against city.
Article 4 Consolidation of Contiguous Municipalities.
- Section 11-42-100.1 — Mode of consolidation - When municipality to annex city or town.
- Section 11-42-101 — Mode of consolidation - When municipalities to form new corporate organization.
- Section 11-42-102 — Exemption from taxation of industrial or manufacturing plants.
- Section 11-42-103 — Division of consolidated municipality into wards by commission; election of mayor and other officers.
- Section 11-42-104 — Oath and compensation of commissioners; expenses of election; failure of commissioner to act.
- Section 11-42-105 — Continuation of officers and corporate organization of municipalities; qualification and assumption of duties of officers elected for consolidated municipalities.
- Section 11-42-106 — Powers, duties, rights, etc., of consolidated municipalities; continuation of civil actions as to consolidated municipalities.
- Section 11-42-120 — Mode of consolidation generally.
- Section 11-42-121 — Appointment of commissioners.
- Section 11-42-122 — Execution, approval and confirmation of agreement as to terms of annexation and merger.
- Section 11-42-123 — Ordering of election by proclamation.
- Section 11-42-124 — Inspectors.
- Section 11-42-125 — Form and marking of ballots; ascertainment of election results; contests of election.
- Section 11-42-126 — Declaration of election result; declaration of annexation of municipality.
- Section 11-42-127 — Filing and recordation of copy of agreement and merger.
- Section 11-42-128 — When annexation deemed perfected.
- Section 11-42-129 — Costs and expenses of annexation.
- Section 11-42-130 — Ownership of property of municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-131 — Continuation of civil actions against municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-132 — Provisions in annexation agreement as to taxation in municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-133 — Creation, etc., of wards; election of aldermen; division of wards into voting precincts; rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of wards or voting precincts.
- Section 11-42-134 — Provisions of division not exclusive.
Article 5 Consolidation of Noncontiguous Municipalities.
- Section 11-42-150 — Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-42-151 — Councils to define boundaries of territory to be incorporated in consolidated municipality upon receipt of petition requesting election as to consolidation.
- Section 11-42-152 — Calling of election; conduct of election generally; notice of election.
- Section 11-42-153 — Form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-42-154 — Forwarding of statement of vote to probate judge and canvassing of returns; ascertainment and publication of election results.
- Section 11-42-155 — Rights, powers, duties and name of consolidated municipality; disposition of property, obligations and contracts of consolidating municipalities.
- Section 11-42-156 — Continuation in office and powers and duties of mayors and aldermen of consolidating municipalities.
- Section 11-42-157 — Division of consolidated municipality into wards; election of officers of consolidated municipality.
- Section 11-42-158 — Collection and disbursement of taxes.
- Section 11-42-159 — Continuation in office of boards of education of consolidating municipalities; election of board of education for consolidated municipality.
- Section 11-42-160 — Continuation of rights of action against municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-161 — Continuation of civil actions brought by municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-162 — Continuation of rights of action of municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-163 — Payment or assumption of indebtedness and liabilities of municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-164 — Annexation agreement deemed contract between municipalities; right of persons residing in annexed municipality to enforce agreement against annexing municipality.
- Section 11-42-165 — Enactment and passage of ordinances and resolutions to carry out annexation agreement.
- Section 11-42-166 — Dissolution of annexed municipality; ordinances, resolutions and bylaws of annexing municipality applicable to and enforceable in municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-167 — Rights, powers, duties, etc., of annexing municipality as to municipality annexed attach upon dissolution of same.
Article 6 Duties of Expanded Municipalities as to Property and Obligations of Absorbed Municipalities.
- Section 11-42-180 — Payment, execution, etc., of debts, bonds, contracts for local improvements, etc., of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-181 — Disposition of property of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-182 — Collection and disposition of taxes, special assessments, etc., of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-183 — Prosecution and defense of pending actions of absorbed municipalities; collection and enforcement of fines, recoveries, judgments, etc.
- Section 11-42-184 — Disposition of public books, papers and documents of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-185 — Operation, etc., of waterworks, gas or electric light systems of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-186 — Partial annexation - Payment of proportionate share of bonded indebtedness for municipal improvements by expanded municipality.
- Section 11-42-187 — Partial annexation - Payment of value of school property, etc., by expanded municipality.
Article 7 Reduction of Corporate Limits.
- Section 11-42-200 — Passage of resolution defining proposed reduced corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-201 — Certification and filing with probate judge of resolution, plat or map and list of qualified electors.
- Section 11-42-202 — Filing of resolution and map or plat; notice to residents of territory to be excluded of hearing to show cause why proposed boundary should not be established and map or plat recorded.
- Section 11-42-203 — Order to be entered establishing corporate limits as defined in resolution and map or plat when no protest filed; recordation of map or plat.
- Section 11-42-204 — Order to be entered directing election as to establishment of proposed corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-205 — Notice of election.
- Section 11-42-206 — Places of voting; persons entitled to vote.
- Section 11-42-207 — Question submitted; conduct of election generally; form, marking, etc., of ballots; appointment, etc., of clerks, inspectors and returning officer; ascertainment, etc., of election results; entry of order as to adoption of proposed corporate limits, etc.
- Section 11-42-208 — Entry of order dismissing proposal for adoption of proposed corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-209 — Contests of election.
- Section 11-42-210 — Costs and expenses of proceedings.
- Section 11-42-211 — Map or plat, etc., evidence of municipal boundaries.
- Section 11-42-212 — Laws governing territory within corporate limits established pursuant to article; jurisdiction as to same.
- Section 11-42-213 — Fees and compensation of probate judge and other officers for services rendered.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-43-1 — Qualifications and residence of mayors, councilmen and officers.
- Section 11-43-2 — Election of mayors and aldermen; exercise of legislative functions; salary of aldermen.
- Section 11-43-3 — Election, etc., of treasurer, clerk, etc., in cities having more than 6,000 inhabitants.
- Section 11-43-4 — Election of clerk, etc., in towns and in cities having less than 6,000 inhabitants; filling of vacancies in council generally.
- Section 11-43-5 — Provision for tax assessor, tax collector, chief of police, etc.; designation of persons to administer oaths, issue warrants and approve appearance bonds.
- Section 11-43-5.1 — Abolition or creation of civil service system, etc., in municipality having less than 5,000 inhabitants; section in pari materia with section 36-27-6.
- Section 11-43-6 — Provision for compensation of and disposition of fees collected by municipal officers generally.
- Section 11-43-7 — Establishment of salaries and fees of municipal employees; disposition of fees of clerk.
- Section 11-43-7.1 — Expense allowances of members of council or other governing body of Class 1 municipalities and municipalities having population of 250,000 or more.
- Section 11-43-7.2 — Additional expense allowances for members of council or governing body of Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-8 — Establishment of salaries of municipal officers.
- Section 11-43-9 — Fees, salary, compensation, etc., of officers not to be increased or diminished during term of office.
- Section 11-43-10 — Municipal officers to pay over public moneys received; daily balances required.
- Section 11-43-11 — Employment of municipal officers by corporations holding franchises as to use of streets.
- Section 11-43-12 — Aldermen, employees, etc., not to be interested, etc., in municipal contracts, etc.; penalty.
- Section 11-43-12.1 — Purchase of services or personal property by Class 7 or 8 municipalities from elected officials, employees, or members of municipal boards.
- Section 11-43-13 — Bonds of certain municipal officers or employees.
- Section 11-43-14 — Dealing, etc., in warrants, claims, etc., of municipality by officers or employees.
- Section 11-43-15 — False enumeration of municipal census.
- Section 11-43-16 — Employment of county deputy sheriffs as policemen.
- Section 11-43-17 — Ratification of certain salaries of mayors and councilmen.
- Section 11-43-18 — Vacancies of over 60 days in governing bodies of Class 5 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-19 — Retirement pensions for certain elected public officials of Class 2 municipalities.
Article 2 Manager.
- Section 11-43-20 — Authority and procedure for employment.
- Section 11-43-21 — Qualifications; compensation; powers and duties; bond; term of office and removal.
- Section 11-43-22 — Provisions of article cumulative; affirmative action necessary to exercise powers, etc., conferred by article.
Article 3 Council.
- Section 11-43-40 — Composition of city councils; voting by president.
- Section 11-43-41 — Filling of vacancies in office of aldermen.
- Section 11-43-42 — Exercise of functions of mayor during absence or disability of mayor; filling of vacancies in offices of mayor, president and president pro tempore of council.
- Section 11-43-43 — Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-43-44 — Organizational meeting.
- Section 11-43-45 — Officers - Election or appointment.
- Section 11-43-46 — Officers - Terms of service.
- Section 11-43-47 — Officers - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-43-48 — Proceedings - Quorum.
- Section 11-43-49 — Proceedings - Time and place of meetings generally; appointment of temporary chairman or election of president pro tempore.
- Section 11-43-50 — Proceedings - Holding of regular meetings; calling of special meetings.
- Section 11-43-51 — Proceedings - Compulsion of attendance of members.
- Section 11-43-52 — Proceedings - Rules of procedure; journal.
- Section 11-43-53 — Aldermen not to hold other municipal offices or have interest, etc., in municipal contracts, etc.; penalty.
- Section 11-43-54 — Aldermen not to vote on certain matters; removal.
- Section 11-43-55 — Establishment, organization, etc., of police force.
- Section 11-43-56 — Management and control of finances and property of municipality.
- Section 11-43-57 — Annual appropriation of funds for expenditures of departments and interest on indebtedness.
- Section 11-43-58 — Judging of qualifications and election of mayor, president of council, etc.
- Section 11-43-59 — Adoption of fire limits, building laws and ordinances, etc.; condemnation of buildings, etc.; charges for inspections.
- Section 11-43-60 — Regulation of storage, use, etc., of explosives; compulsion of efficient service by public utility corporations.
- Section 11-43-61 — Regulation of running, switching, etc., of cars, trains and locomotives on streets, crossings, highways, etc.
- Section 11-43-62 — Regulation of use of streets for telephone, telegraph, etc., lines; sale or lease of franchises and disposition of moneys therefrom.
- Section 11-43-63 — Division of municipality into single-member districts.
- Section 11-43-64 — Procedural requirements for increasing number of single-member districts in Class 3 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-65 — Filling vacancies on city council in Class 6 municipalities.
Article 4 Mayor.
- Section 11-43-80 — Powers and duties generally; office; salary; employment, salary, etc., as superintendent of municipal light, water, sewage, etc., systems.
- Section 11-43-81 — Designated chief executive officer; powers of appointment and removal.
- Section 11-43-81.1 — Authority of mayors of Class 1 municipalities to appoint chief administrative assistants.
- Section 11-43-82 — Issuance of proclamation closing shops and forbidding sale of arms, ammunition, etc., during riots, etc.
- Section 11-43-83 — Execution, etc., of deeds, contracts, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-43-84 — Requiring of reports by municipal officers; statement to council of financial condition of municipality.
- Section 11-43-85 — Appointment, etc., of accountant, etc., to conduct examination and prepare report as to municipal books and accounts.
- Section 11-43-86 — Compensation of mayor, etc., of Class 1 municipality; mayor authorized to attend certain meetings, etc.; applicability of section.
- Section 11-43-87 — Filling of vacancies for mayor, president of council, etc., in Class 3 municipalities.
Article 5 Clerk.
- Section 11-43-100 — Attendance at and preparation of record of council meetings; custody of seal and rules, ordinances, etc., of council.
- Section 11-43-101 — Auditing, recordation, etc., of claims, etc., against municipality and issuance of warrants therefor.
- Section 11-43-102 — Maintenance, etc., of municipal books and accounts.
- Section 11-43-103 — Issuance of licenses; devolution of duties upon auditor.
- Section 11-43-104 — Additional duties; bond.
Article 6 Treasurer.
- Section 11-43-120 — Bond; duties generally; payment of warrants; reports and statements to council.
- Section 11-43-121 — Payment of interest upon warrants not paid for lack of funds; additional duties.
- Section 11-43-122 — Public depositories; liability for loss.
- Section 11-43-123 — Moneys due municipalities, etc., to be paid to treasurer.
Article 7 Fire Department.
- Section 11-43-140 — Authorized; management and control.
- Section 11-43-141 — Operation, etc., beyond corporate limits and police jurisdiction - Emergencies; liabilities, exemptions, etc.
- Section 11-43-142 — Operation, etc., beyond corporate limits and police jurisdiction - Contracts with municipalities, counties, manufacturing or industrial concerns, etc.; liability for injuries.
- Section 11-43-143 — Municipal or state fire fighters or firemen not to strike, assert right to strike, etc.; rights to join labor organizations, etc.
- Section 11-43-144 — Compensation for death or disability of fire fighters from occupational diseases.
Article 8 Removal or Impeachment of Municipal Officers.
- Section 11-43-160 — Removal.
- Section 11-43-161 — Grounds for impeachment - Acceptance of employment from public service corporation; financial dealings with municipality, etc.
- Section 11-43-162 — Grounds for impeachment - Misapplication of funds from special tax.
- Section 11-43-163 — Powers of council or committee as to witnesses, etc.; secretary of committee.
Article 9 Civil Service Merit Systems for Law Enforcement Officers.
- Section 11-43-180 — Purpose of article.
- Section 11-43-181 — "Law enforcement officer" defined.
- Section 11-43-182 — Requirement as to establishment of merit systems by municipalities generally.
- Section 11-43-183 — Agreements for furnishing by state personnel department of services and facilities for administration of merit systems for law enforcement officers of municipalities - Authorized.
- Section 11-43-184 — Agreements for furnishing by state personnel department of services and facilities for administration of merit systems for law enforcement officers of municipalities - Reimbursement of state for cost of services and facilities furnished; disposition of funds received by state as reimbursements.
- Section 11-43-185 — Agreements for furnishing by state personnel department of services and facilities for administration of merit systems for law enforcement officers of municipalities - Classification of municipal law enforcement officers and applicability of state merit system rules and regulations.
- Section 11-43-186 — Determination of salaries to be paid classifications within merit systems.
- Section 11-43-187 — Exemption of chief of police and deputy chief from provisions of merit systems.
- Section 11-43-188 — Provision in merit systems for probationary periods of employment.
- Section 11-43-189 — Appointment of members of personnel board by representatives and senators in district.
- Section 11-43-190 — Applicability of provisions of article.
Article 10 Reserve Law Enforcement Officers.
Article 11
- Section 11-43-230 — Predisciplinary hearing prior to suspension or termination; procedures; post disciplinary hearing.
- Section 11-43-231 — "Law enforcement officer" defined.
- Section 11-43-232 — Applicability to certain municipalities.
Article 1 Council-Manager Act of 1982.
- Section 11-43A-1 — Applicability of chapter to classes of municipalities; short title.
- Section 11-43A-2 — Petition to probate judge for election as to adoption of council-manager form of government; examination of petition and certification to mayor.
- Section 11-43A-3 — Submission of question for election; proclamation of mayor; order of judge of probate.
- Section 11-43A-3.1 — Election in Class 6 municipalities - Time, procedure, etc.
- Section 11-43A-3.2 — Election in Class 6 municipalities - Provisions to supersede other laws in 1983.
- Section 11-43A-4 — Subsequent elections not to be held within two years of preceding election.
- Section 11-43A-5 — Form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-43A-6 — Conduct of election, canvassing of vote and declaration of election result; adoption and certification of provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-43A-7 — Time for change in form of government.
- Section 11-43A-8 — Name of governing body; composition of council; seating of initial council; election of next council; alternate form for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-9 — Election of municipal officers; division of municipality into districts; qualifications and eligibility of candidates; runoff election; term of office; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-10 — Continuation of municipal corporation.
- Section 11-43A-11 — Municipal government to be known as "council-manager form of government"; vesting of municipal powers in council.
- Section 11-43A-12 — Powers of municipality.
- Section 11-43A-13 — Filing of statement of candidacy for office of mayor or councilman; qualifications.
- Section 11-43A-14 — Printing and preparation of ballots; conduct of election; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-15 — Compensation of mayor and councilmen.
- Section 11-43A-16 — Duties of mayor; councilman-at-large as assistant mayor; vacancy in office of mayor to be filled by councilman-at-large; mayor pro tem; vacancies on council; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-17 — Powers of council.
- Section 11-43A-18 — Appointment of city manager; eligibility; temporary acting city manager; term of city manager; removal; mayor and council prohibited from involvement, etc., in administrative service; penalties for violation; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-19 — Power of council to create, change and abolish offices, etc., and assign additional functions or duties thereto.
- Section 11-43A-20 — Clerk of municipality; when subject to civil service or merit system; duties.
- Section 11-43A-21 — Times for meetings of council; open to public.
- Section 11-43A-22 — Investigation and determination of election and qualifications of council members by council; judicial review.
- Section 11-43A-23 — Rules of council.
- Section 11-43A-24 — Regular public meetings of council; adjourned, called, special or other meetings; quorum; when vote of majority of quorum sufficient; when vote of majority of council required; procedure; record of proceedings; journal; unanimous consent for passage of certain ordinances at meeting where introduced; publication of ordinances.
- Section 11-43A-25 — Thirty day delay in effect of ordinances granting franchises, etc.; publication at expense of grantee.
- Section 11-43A-26 — Revision and codification of ordinances and resolutions or adoption of code.
- Section 11-43A-27 — Monthly statement and summary; annual examination of books and accounts; publication of results.
- Section 11-43A-28 — Qualifications of city manager; duties; designation or appointment of administrative officer to perform duties of manager during temporary absence or disability.
- Section 11-43A-29 — Fiscal, budget and accounting year; submission and adoption of budget; changes in budget.
- Section 11-43A-30 — Municipal treasurer; establishment of office and assignment of duties; election; assignment of duties to city clerk as clerk-treasurer.
- Section 11-43A-31 — Payment and deposit of municipal funds.
- Section 11-43A-32 — Establishment of council districts; at-large posts of mayor and councilman-at-large; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-33 — Reapportionment of council districts; filing of recommended plan with council; redistricting ordinances; effect on incumbents and on elections held within six months.
- Section 11-43A-34 — Effect of chapter on existing officers, employees, offices, departments, etc.
- Section 11-43A-35 — Continuation in office of persons holding administrative office until contrary provision is made; transfer of powers and duties of abolished offices, etc.
- Section 11-43A-36 — Continuation in office of persons in civil service or merit system.
- Section 11-43A-37 — Transfer of records, property and equipment of office, etc., when duties reassigned.
- Section 11-43A-38 — Continuation of offices, departments, etc., until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-39 — Continuation of contracts; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-43A-40 — Effect of chapter on pending litigation.
- Section 11-43A-41 — Effect of chapter on laws relating to pension, retirement and relief funds for employees.
- Section 11-43A-42 — Continuation of laws relating to boards, authorities, agencies, etc., with independent status until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-43 — When chapter becomes applicable to municipality.
- Section 11-43A-44 — Continuation of ordinances and resolutions unless and until changed or repealed.
- Section 11-43A-45 — Discrimination prohibited.
- Section 11-43A-46 — Right of city manager, heads of departments, etc., to attend council meetings and take part in discussions; city manager to be notified of special or adjourned meetings.
- Section 11-43A-47 — Right of council, city manager and designees to investigate municipal affairs, etc.
- Section 11-43A-48 — Limit on contracts involving money payments; requirements for validity.
- Section 11-43A-49 — Bond of city manager and other officers and employees.
- Section 11-43A-50 — Oath or affirmation of councilman, officers and employees.
- Section 11-43A-51 — Change from council-manager form of government; when election thereon authorized.
- Section 11-43A-52 — Effect of chapter on existing laws.
Article 2 Council-Manager Act of 1991.
- Section 11-43A-70 — Adoption of ordinance establishing council-manager form of government; short title.
- Section 11-43A-71 — When council-manager form of government becomes effective.
- Section 11-43A-72 — Form of government to be known as "council-manager form of government"; vesting of municipal powers in council.
- Section 11-43A-73 — Continuation of municipal corporation.
- Section 11-43A-74 — Powers of municipality.
- Section 11-43A-75 — Mayor and council members to continue in office until expiration of terms.
- Section 11-43A-76 — Composition of council; municipal elections.
- Section 11-43A-77 — Population of districts; designation and boundaries specifically described; municipalities having seven council districts prior to effective date.
- Section 11-43A-78 — Election of municipal officers; qualifications and eligibility of candidates; runoff election; term of office.
- Section 11-43A-79 — Compensation for mayor and councilmen.
- Section 11-43A-80 — Procedure for becoming candidate.
- Section 11-43A-81 — Election ballots.
- Section 11-43A-82 — Duties, powers, and rights of mayor.
- Section 11-43A-83 — Powers of council; president and president pro tem.
- Section 11-43A-84 — Appointment of city manager; temporary acting city manager; term of city manager; removal; actions by council or its members prohibited or restricted.
- Section 11-43A-85 — Qualifications of city manager; duties and powers; designation or appointment of administrative officer to perform duties of manager during temporary absence or disability.
- Section 11-43A-86 — Clerk of municipality; when subject to civil service or merit system; duties.
- Section 11-43A-87 — Times for meeting of council; open to public.
- Section 11-43A-88 — Council to be judge of election and members' qualifications; investigation; judicial review.
- Section 11-43A-89 — Rules of council.
- Section 11-43A-90 — Regular public meetings of council; adjourned, called, special or other meetings; quorum; when vote of majority of quorum sufficient; when vote of majority of council required; procedure; record of proceedings; journal; unanimous consent for passage of certain ordinances at meeting where introduced; publication of ordinances.
- Section 11-43A-91 — Thirty-day delay in effect of ordinances granting franchises, etc.; publication at expense of grantee.
- Section 11-43A-92 — Codification and revision of ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-43A-93 — Monthly statement and summary; annual examination of books and accounts; publication of results.
- Section 11-43A-94 — Fiscal, budget and accounting year; submission and adoption of budget; changes in budget.
- Section 11-43A-95 — Municipal treasurer; establishment of office and assignment of duties; election; assignment of duties for city clerk as clerk-treasurer.
- Section 11-43A-96 — Payment and deposit of municipal funds.
- Section 11-43A-97 — Reapportionment of council districts; filing of recommended plan with council; redistricting ordinances; effect on incumbent.
- Section 11-43A-98 — Effect of article on rights and privileges of officers, employees, departments, boards, etc.
- Section 11-43A-99 — Continuation in office of persons holding administrative office until different provision made; transfer of powers and duties of abolished offices.
- Section 11-43A-100 — Continuation in office of persons in civil service or merit system.
- Section 11-43A-101 — Transfer of records, property and equipment when duties and powers of office, department, etc., reassigned.
- Section 11-43A-102 — Continuation of offices, departments, etc., until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-103 — Continuation of contracts; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-43A-104 — Effect of article on pending litigation.
- Section 11-43A-105 — Continuation of laws relating to boards, authorities, agencies, etc., with independent status until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-106 — Continuation of ordinances and resolutions unless and until changed or repealed.
- Section 11-43A-107 — Discrimination prohibited.
- Section 11-43A-108 — Right of city manager, directors of departments, etc., to attend council meetings and take part in discussions; city manager to be notified of all council meetings.
- Section 11-43A-109 — Right of council, city manager and designees to investigate municipal affairs, etc.
- Section 11-43A-110 — Limits on contracts involving money payments; requirements for validity.
- Section 11-43A-111 — Bond of city manager and other officers and employees.
- Section 11-43A-112 — Oath or affirmation of mayor, councilmen, officers, and employees.
- Section 11-43A-113 — Referendum to determine form of government.
- Section 11-43A-114 — Referendum ballots.
- Section 11-43A-115 — Adoption of form of government by majority of votes.
- Section 11-43A-116 — Effect of article on existing laws.
- Section 11-43B-1 — Authority to adopt mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-43B-2 — Election date; when mayor-council form of government deemed adopted.
- Section 11-43B-3 — Terms of office.
- Section 11-43B-4 — Conduct of elections; residency requirements; qualifying fee; statement of campaign expenses and contributions.
- Section 11-43B-5 — Salary and expenses of mayor and council members; participation in hospitalization, medical care and insurance programs.
- Section 11-43B-6 — Holding of other public office during term as council member; holding of compensated appointive office by former council member or mayor.
- Section 11-43B-7 — Council not to direct appointment or removal of any person from office; appointment of civil service employees; limits on supervision of employees by council.
- Section 11-43B-8 — Government known as mayor-council form of government; powers vested in council; agenda of meetings; exercise of powers; quorum.
- Section 11-43B-9 — Statement of receipts and expenses; audit of books and accounts; publication of audit; submission of audit to mayor.
- Section 11-43B-10 — Budget, appropriations and expenditures.
- Section 11-43B-11 — President of council; president pro tempore appointed upon failure or refusal to act.
- Section 11-43B-12 — Vacancies in offices of mayor, president of council and councilman.
- Section 11-43B-13 — Franchise or lease of right to use streets or public property.
- Section 11-43B-14 — Initial territorial limits.
- Section 11-43B-15 — Number of council members; boundaries of districts.
- Section 11-43B-16 — Redistricting of boundaries after publication of census or change in corporate limits.
- Section 11-43B-17 — Creation of departments, etc., by ordinance; discontinuance of functions assigned by law.
- Section 11-43B-18 — Limit on duration of contracts; validity of contracts.
- Section 11-43B-19 — Effect of chapter on preexisting rights of officers and employees.
- Section 11-43B-20 — Administrative offices continued; exercise of powers and duties of offices, etc., abolished by chapter.
- Section 11-43B-21 — Transfer of powers and duties from existing offices to similar offices provided for in this chapter; applicability of laws relating to existing offices.
- Section 11-43B-22 — Continuance in office of persons under existing civil service system; chapter not to supersede existing civil service system.
- Section 11-43B-23 — Interagency transfer of records, equipment, etc.
- Section 11-43B-24 — Continuance of contracts in effect.
- Section 11-43B-25 — Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-43B-26 — Pension, retirement and relief fund laws continued in effect.
- Section 11-43B-27 — Laws as to independent boards, authorities and agencies continued in effect.
- Section 11-43B-28 — Powers generally.
- Section 11-43B-28.1 — Increase in membership of city board of education and waterworks and sewer board.
- Section 11-43B-29 — Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect; references to city commission, etc., deemed to refer to city council.
- Section 11-43B-30 — Purchase of labor services, materials, etc., from elected officials or employees.
- Section 11-43B-31 — Laws relating to city continued in effect; inconsistent laws as to exercise of powers and duties of other form of government; chapter 44B of this title not repealed.
- Section 11-43B-32 — Violation of chapter.
- Section 11-43C-1 — Applicability of chapter.
- Section 11-43C-2 — Special election as to adoption of mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-43C-3 — Form of ballot; marking of ballot; use of voting machines.
- Section 11-43C-4 — Conduct of election; election expenses.
- Section 11-43C-5 — Provisions applicable if mayor-council form of government chosen.
- Section 11-43C-6 — Election of mayor and council members; time of taking office; election expenses.
- Section 11-43C-7 — Qualification of council candidates; votes cast by each voter; majority vote requirements; run-off elections; elections held quadrennially; when elected councilmen take office; term of office; councilman may succeed himself.
- Section 11-43C-8 — Mayor - Majority vote requirements; run-off election.
- Section 11-43C-9 — Mayor - Elections held quadrennially; oath; may succeed himself.
- Section 11-43C-10 — City continued as municipal corporation.
- Section 11-43C-11 — Government known as "mayor-council form of government"; powers of city vested in council; manner in which powers exercised.
- Section 11-43C-12 — Powers of city generally.
- Section 11-43C-13 — Council to consist of five district council members; division of municipality into districts; changing district boundaries where population varies by over five percent.
- Section 11-43C-14 — District council members - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-43C-15 — District council members - No primary elections; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-43C-16 — District council members - Oath of office.
- Section 11-43C-17 — District council members - Qualifications; holding other offices; effect of conviction or loss of any qualification.
- Section 11-43C-18 — District council members - Compensation; additional stipend for president of council.
- Section 11-43C-19 — President of council.
- Section 11-43C-20 — Vice-president of council.
- Section 11-43C-21 — Powers of council; dealings with officers and employees in administrative service.
- Section 11-43C-22 — Vacancies in council.
- Section 11-43C-23 — Creating, changing, abolishing, or assigning additional functions to offices, departments, or agencies.
- Section 11-43C-24 — City clerk continued in office; applicability of merit system; appointment of successor; duties.
- Section 11-43C-25 — First meeting of council; council to meet regularly; meetings open to public.
- Section 11-43C-26 — Council to judge election and qualifications of members.
- Section 11-43C-27 — Rules and order of business of council; journal of proceedings.
- Section 11-43C-28 — Meetings of council; quorum; majority vote requirement; procedure; record of proceedings; procedure as to ordinances or resolutions of permanent operation; publication; no veto as to council actions relating to an investigation.
- Section 11-43C-29 — Grant of franchise, lease, or right to use streets, etc., by ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-43C-30 — Revision and codification of ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions; comprehensive zone map.
- Section 11-43C-31 — Monthly statement of receipts and expenses; annual examination of books and accounts.
- Section 11-43C-32 — Mayor - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-43C-33 — Mayor - No primary election; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-43C-34 — Mayor - Qualifications.
- Section 11-43C-35 — Mayor - Compensation; expense allowance.
- Section 11-43C-36 — Mayor - Vacancies; acting mayor; special election to fill vacancy; term of office.
- Section 11-43C-37 — Mayor - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-43C-38 — Divisions of city government; executive directors of divisions; city attorney; outside counsel.
- Section 11-43C-39 — Distribution of work among departmental divisions.
- Section 11-43C-40 — Mayor - Employment of additional personnel; amount available for salaries; not subject to merit system.
- Section 11-43C-41 — Fiscal, budget, and accounting years.
- Section 11-43C-42 — Mayor to submit budget to council.
- Section 11-43C-43 — Estimates of revenue and expenditures for each department, etc.; compilation of budget information by director of finance; review and revision of estimates.
- Section 11-43C-44 — General fund budget.
- Section 11-43C-45 — Recommended expenditures not to exceed estimated receipts unless additional revenue measures adopted; recommendations where receipts estimated to exceed expenditures; public utility budgets.
- Section 11-43C-46 — Contents of budget message.
- Section 11-43C-47 — Printing and distribution of budget message and general fund, public utility and capital budgets.
- Section 11-43C-48 — Public hearing on budget.
- Section 11-43C-49 — Revision of budget after hearing; increase in expenditures over mayor's recommendation; expenditures not to exceed receipts and surplus unless additional revenue measures adopted.
- Section 11-43C-50 — Summary of budget.
- Section 11-43C-51 — Adoption of general fund budget and any necessary revenue measure; failure to adopt budget.
- Section 11-43C-52 — Disapproval by mayor of expenditure line item; adherence by council to expenditure.
- Section 11-43C-53 — Budget effective upon final adoption; certification; printing and distribution.
- Section 11-43C-54 — Budget estimates for public utilities; presentation of budget to council.
- Section 11-43C-55 — Monthly or quarterly allotments for each department, etc.; revision of allotments.
- Section 11-43C-56 — Transfer of unencumbered balance from one department, etc., to another or from one classification of expenditure to another.
- Section 11-43C-57 — Additional appropriations.
- Section 11-43C-58 — Emergency appropriations.
- Section 11-43C-59 — Lapse of unexpended and unencumbered appropriation.
- Section 11-43C-60 — Capital improvement program.
- Section 11-43C-61 — Capital budget; lapse of appropriations for capital improvement projects; reserve fund for permanent public improvements.
- Section 11-43C-62 — Payments and obligations must be in accord with appropriations; certification by director of finance; void payments and obligations; penalty for knowing violations.
- Section 11-43C-63 — Existing budget continued in force.
- Section 11-43C-64 — Division of finance; head of division.
- Section 11-43C-65 — Head of division of finance - Qualifications; bond.
- Section 11-43C-66 — Head of division of finance - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-43C-67 — Expenditures not to exceed appropriation for that general classification of expenditures; expenditures financed by bonds; leases or contracts for period exceeding budget year.
- Section 11-43C-68 — Disposition of fees received by officers and employees.
- Section 11-43C-69 — Division of division of finance to be responsible for purchases; powers and duties of division head.
- Section 11-43C-70 — Competitive bidding on contracts for supplies, materials, or equipment.
- Section 11-43C-71 — City improvements costing more than $3,000.00 to be executed by contract; bidding on contract; alteration of contract.
- Section 11-43C-72 — Purchases and contracts shall be pursuant to written requisition; certification of balance sufficient to pay for contract or order.
- Section 11-43C-73 — Revenue notes.
- Section 11-43C-74 — Emergency notes.
- Section 11-43C-75 — Notes not payable on demand; redemption prior to maturity; private sale.
- Section 11-43C-76 — Existing rights and privileges of officers and employees; existing laws not inconsistent with personnel, etc., provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-43C-77 — Personnel holding administrative office continued in office; transfer of powers and duties of office, etc., abolished by this chapter.
- Section 11-43C-78 — Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., where powers and duties reassigned.
- Section 11-43C-79 — Office, etc., with name or powers and duties the same or substantially same as existing office deemed a continuation of such office.
- Section 11-43C-80 — Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-43C-81 — Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-43C-82 — Laws relating to pensions or retirement and relief funds continued in force.
- Section 11-43C-83 — Laws relating to authority for fairgrounds, etc., continued in force.
- Section 11-43C-84 — Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect.
- Section 11-43C-85 — Removal of merit system officers and employees; appeal of decision.
- Section 11-43C-86 — Participation in meetings of council by mayor, department heads, etc.
- Section 11-43C-87 — Inquiry into conduct of office, department, agency, or officer; investigations as to municipal affairs; subpoena power.
- Section 11-43C-88 — Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; free transportation of officials, policemen, and firemen in discharge of duties.
- Section 11-43C-89 — Oath taken by city officers.
- Section 11-43C-90 — Reapportionment of council districts because of population change.
- Section 11-43C-91 — Procedure for changing form of government; change from mayor-council form prohibited for four years.
- Section 11-43C-92 — Appointments to city positions to fairly reflect make-up of total community; participation in contracts by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals; capital improvements to be based on need and fairly and equitably made; allocation to agencies serving poor and needy.
- Section 11-43D-1 — Cities to which chapter applies; form of ordinance.
- Section 11-43D-2 — Adoption of ordinance establishing boundaries of council districts; election of mayor and city council; assumption of office; future elections; powers and duties.
- Section 11-43D-3 — Term of office.
- Section 11-43D-4 — Election and referendum procedure.
- Section 11-43D-5 — Effect of change of population; manner of reapportionment of council districts.
- Section 11-43D-6 — Rights of officers and employees preserved.
- Section 11-43D-7 — Continuance in office of present officeholders; exercise of powers of abolished office, agency, etc.
- Section 11-43D-8 — Continuance in office of persons holding positions in civil service.
- Section 11-43D-9 — Transfer of office, agency, etc., records and property.
- Section 11-43D-10 — Existing contracts continued in force; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-43D-11 — Pending legal action and proceedings.
- Section 11-43D-12 — Continuance of laws relating to pensions, retirement, and relief funds.
- Section 11-43D-13 — Continuance of laws relating to boards, etc.
- Section 11-43D-14 — Powers and duties of mayor.
- Section 11-43D-15 — Noninterference of council with administrative service.
- Section 11-43D-16 — Administrative assistants.
- Section 11-43D-17 — Appointment of accountant; examination of all books and accounts; compensation.
- Section 11-43D-18 — Establishment of salaries for mayor and council.
- Section 11-43D-19 — President and president pro tem of council.
- Section 11-43D-20 — Notice of council meetings; mayor's rights in council meetings.
- Section 11-43D-21 — Temporary absence or disability of mayor; filling vacancies.
- Section 11-43D-22 — Continuance of ordinances and resolutions.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-44-1 — Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44-2 — Petition to probate judge for election as to organization under commission form of government; examination of petition and certification thereof to mayor.
- Section 11-44-3 — Calling of election by mayor.
- Section 11-44-4 — Subsequent elections not to be held within two years of preceding election.
- Section 11-44-5 — Proposition submitted to voters; form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-44-6 — Conduct of election, canvassing of vote and declaration of election result; adoption and certification of provisions of article.
- Section 11-44-7 — Commissioners - Procedure for election; terms of office.
- Section 11-44-8 — Commissioners - Designation; qualification for office.
- Section 11-44-9 — Commissioners - Oath; bond.
- Section 11-44-10 — Commissioners - Entry into office, etc.
- Section 11-44-11 — Commissioners - Filling of vacancies caused by ineligibility.
- Section 11-44-12 — Commissioners - Filling of vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal.
- Section 11-44-13 — Commissioners - Filling of two simultaneous vacancies.
- Section 11-44-14 — President of board of commissioners - Election; powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-44-15 — President of board of commissioners - Designation as mayor.
- Section 11-44-16 — President of board of commissioners - Performance of duties and responsibilities of mayor in certain municipalities.
- Section 11-44-17 — President of board of commissioners - Performance of duties and responsibilities of mayor in certain municipalities - Duties as president of board of commissioners and as mayor.
- Section 11-44-18 — Compensation of commissioners and president of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-18.1 — Salaries and expenses of mayor and associate commissioners in Class 5 municipalities; payment of funds out of treasury by warrant; designation of commissioner to act in mayor's absence; disbursements shall be authorized by resolution or voucher.
- Section 11-44-19 — Meetings of board of commissioners - Time, etc.
- Section 11-44-20 — Meetings of board of commissioners - Presiding officer; quorum.
- Section 11-44-21 — Meetings of board of commissioners - When open to public.
- Section 11-44-22 — Meetings of board of commissioners - Record of proceedings.
- Section 11-44-23 — Powers and authority of board of commissioners upon organization of commission form of government; abolition of certain boards, commissions and officers; continuation of corporate existence, etc., of municipality.
- Section 11-44-24 — Continuation in force of laws, bylaws, ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-44-25 — Continuation of territorial limits; discontinuance of wards and election of commissioners at large.
- Section 11-44-26 — Continuation, etc., of rights, powers, liabilities, etc.
- Section 11-44-27 — Continuation in office of officials and employees.
- Section 11-44-28 — Selection, compensation, removal, etc., of officers and employees generally.
- Section 11-44-29 — Distribution of executive and administrative powers and duties among departments; determination and exercise of powers and duties of departments by commissioners.
- Section 11-44-30 — Assignment or delegation of powers and duties of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-31 — Resolutions, bylaws or ordinances generally - Manner of enactment generally.
- Section 11-44-32 — Resolutions, bylaws or ordinances generally - Form and voting thereon.
- Section 11-44-33 — Resolutions, bylaws or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc. - Publication; effective date.
- Section 11-44-34 — Resolutions, bylaws or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc. - Objections thereto and elections thereon.
- Section 11-44-35 — Resolutions, bylaws or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc. - Proceedings upon determination of election result.
- Section 11-44-36 — Manner in which franchise, etc., as to use of streets, public highways, etc., to be granted, extended or enlarged.
- Section 11-44-37 — Elections for office of commissioner - Filing and form of statement of candidacy, etc.
- Section 11-44-38 — Elections for office of commissioner - Qualifications of candidates.
- Section 11-44-39 — Elections for office of commissioner - Ballots generally.
- Section 11-44-40 — Elections for office of commissioner - Specification in statement of candidacy and ballot as to long or short term.
- Section 11-44-41 — Elections for office of commissioner - Manner of voting; majority of votes required.
- Section 11-44-42 — Elections for office of commissioner - Holding of runoff election.
- Section 11-44-43 — Elections for office of commissioner - Qualified voters only to vote.
- Section 11-44-44 — Filing and publication of statement of campaign expenses, etc., by commissioners.
- Section 11-44-45 — Selection of municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-46 — Officers or employees not to be interested in contracts for services, etc., for municipality or railway, gas works, etc., therein.
- Section 11-44-47 — Officers not to be interested in or employed by public service utilities.
- Section 11-44-48 — Acceptance, etc., of free passes, gifts, etc., by officers or employees from railways, gas works, etc.
- Section 11-44-49 — Publication, etc., of quarterly statement of receipts and expenses, etc.
- Section 11-44-50 — Examinations of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44-51 — Maintenance of record books by probate judges and compensation therefor.
- Section 11-44-52 — Promising, etc., of employment, etc., to obtain political support, etc.; provision of automobiles, etc., to bring voters to polls.
- Section 11-44-53 — Offering or accepting bribes for votes; unauthorized voting.
- Section 11-44-54 — Solicitation, etc., of votes by municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-55 — Payment, etc., of persons to solicit votes; acceptance of pay, etc., to solicit votes.
- Section 11-44-56 — Applicability of general state laws as to municipal elections.
- Section 11-44-57 — Penalties for violations of provisions of article.
- Section 11-44-58 — Designation by ordinance of mayor and finance commissioner, public works commissioner, and public safety commissioner in Class 7 municipalities; elections; further changes in designations must be authorized by legislature.
Article 2 Optional Form A.
- Section 11-44-70 — Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44-71 — Procedure for adoption — Generally.
- Section 11-44-72 — Procedure for adoption - Election.
- Section 11-44-73 — Commissioners - Election, terms of office, etc., generally.
- Section 11-44-74 — Commissioners - Election, terms of office, etc., of commissioners elected after September 1, 1945.
- Section 11-44-75 — Commissioners - Designation of positions and election thereto.
- Section 11-44-76 — Commissioners - Qualifications; filling of vacancies caused by ineligibility.
- Section 11-44-77 — Commissioners - Filling of vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal.
- Section 11-44-78 — Commissioners - Filling of two or more simultaneous vacancies.
- Section 11-44-79 — Commissioners - Oath; bond.
- Section 11-44-80 — Commissioners - Compensation.
- Section 11-44-81 — Commissioners - Designation; qualification for and taking of office.
- Section 11-44-82 — Commissioners - Meetings.
- Section 11-44-83 — Mayor-president of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-84 — Powers and authority of board of commissioners upon organization of commission form of government; abolition of certain boards, commissions and officers; continuation of corporate existence, territorial limits, etc., of municipality.
- Section 11-44-85 — Appointment, etc., of officers and employees generally; distribution of executive and administrative powers and duties among departments.
- Section 11-44-86 — Assignment or delegation of powers and duties of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-87 — Enactment of resolutions, bylaws or ordinances generally.
- Section 11-44-88 — Procedure for adoption of resolutions, bylaws or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc.; manner in which franchises, etc., extended, enlarged, etc.
- Section 11-44-89 — Procedure for letting of contracts for construction, improvements, etc., of streets, highways, etc.
- Section 11-44-90 — Elections for office of commissioner - Filing and form of statement of candidacy, etc.
- Section 11-44-91 — Elections for office of commissioner - Ballots; voting.
- Section 11-44-92 — Filing and publication of statement of campaign expenses, etc., by commissioners.
- Section 11-44-93 — Appointment of municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-94 — Conflicts of interest of municipal officers and employees.
- Section 11-44-95 — Publication, etc., of monthly statement of receipts and expenses, etc.; examinations of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44-96 — Maintenance of record books by probate judges and compensation therefor; fee for examination of petitions for elections.
- Section 11-44-97 — Use of influence or contribution of money, etc., in elections for commissioners by municipal officers or employees.
- Section 11-44-98 — Solicitation of votes by municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-99 — Payment, etc., of persons to solicit votes; acceptance of pay, etc., to solicit votes.
- Section 11-44-100 — Applicability of general state laws as to municipal elections.
- Section 11-44-101 — Requirements, etc., as to petitions.
- Section 11-44-102 — Certain persons not to receive profits, wages, etc., from municipality.
- Section 11-44-103 — Certain persons not to become officers or employees of municipality.
- Section 11-44-104 — Commissioners, officers or employees to receive regular compensation only.
- Section 11-44-105 — Adoption of ordinances by initiative and referendum.
Article 3 Optional Form B.
- Section 11-44-120 — Definitions.
- Section 11-44-121 — Adoption by ordinance; powers, designation, election, etc., of commissioners generally; continuation in office of members of governing body.
- Section 11-44-122 — Continuation in force of laws, ordinances, resolutions and appointments of municipal officials and employees.
- Section 11-44-123 — Commissioners - Election; terms of office; designation of positions; qualification for office and taking of oath.
- Section 11-44-124 — Commissioners - Qualification of candidates therefor.
- Section 11-44-125 — Commissioners - Vacancies.
- Section 11-44-126 — Meetings of board of commissioners - Time; presiding officer; quorum; record of proceedings.
- Section 11-44-127 — Meetings of board of commissioners - Place; meetings open to public.
- Section 11-44-128 — Bond of commissioners; holding of offices of profit or trust, etc., by commissioners, etc.
- Section 11-44-129 — Compensation of commissioners; disbursement of funds from municipal treasury.
- Section 11-44-130 — Removal of commissioners - Filing, etc., of petition requesting resignation of commissioner; examination of petition, issuance of certificate, etc., by probate judge.
- Section 11-44-131 — Removal of commissioners - Certification of lists of electors to probate judge where municipality situated in two or more counties.
- Section 11-44-132 — Removal of commissioners - Unauthorized signing of petition.
- Section 11-44-133 — Removal of commissioners - Fee of probate judge; payment of security upon presentation of petition to probate judge.
- Section 11-44-134 — Removal of commissioners - Delivery of petition and certificate to board of commissioners; recall election; special election for selection of successor.
- Section 11-44-135 — Distribution of municipal powers and duties among departments; authority of commissioners as heads of departments; additional duties of president of board.
- Section 11-44-136 — Publication, enactment, etc., of ordinances or resolutions generally.
- Section 11-44-137 — Ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of public highways or property.
- Section 11-44-138 — Conflicts of interest of commissioners, officers or employees; certain persons not to be employed by or receive compensation from municipality; privileges, immunities, etc., of elective officers of municipality.
- Section 11-44-139 — Publication of semiannual statement of receipts and expenses, etc.; audit of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44-140 — Alteration of form of government of municipality.
Article 4 Abandonment.
- Section 11-44-150 — Petition to probate judge for election as to abandonment of commission form of government.
- Section 11-44-151 — Examination of petition and certification thereof to president of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-152 — Calling of election.
- Section 11-44-153 — Subsequent elections not to be held within two years of preceding election.
- Section 11-44-154 — Proposition submitted to voters; form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-44-155 — Conduct of election, canvassing of vote and declaration of election result; adoption and certification thereof of provisions as to mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44-156 — Mayor and aldermen - Election.
- Section 11-44-157 — Mayor and aldermen - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-44-158 — Continuation of corporate existence, etc., of municipality; continuation in force of laws, bylaws, ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-44-159 — Continuation of territorial limits; creation of wards; vesting of rights, powers and privileges.
- Section 11-44-160 — Rights, liabilities, civil actions, etc., not affected.
- Section 11-44-161 — Continuation in office of officials and employees; offices of commissioners, president of board of commissioners, etc., abolished.
- Section 11-44-162 — Management, etc., of municipalities abandoning commission form of government; powers, duties, etc., of mayor and aldermen.
Article 1 In General.
- Section 11-44A-1 — Referendum to determine continuation of commission or adoption of mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44A-2 — Establishment of council districts; salaries; election notice; powers and duties of mayor-council.
- Section 11-44A-3 — Mayor-council - Assumption of office; duties, etc., of commission terminated.
- Section 11-44A-4 — Mayor-council - Terms.
- Section 11-44A-5 — Conduct of election and referendum.
- Section 11-44A-6 — Reapportionment of council districts.
- Section 11-44A-7 — Effect of article on pre-existing rights and privileges of municipal employees, etc.
- Section 11-44A-8 — Administrative officers continued; reassignment of duties and powers formerly exercised by abolished agency, etc.
- Section 11-44A-9 — Civil service officers continued.
- Section 11-44A-10 — Interagency transfer of records, equipment, etc.
- Section 11-44A-11 — Municipal contracts continued; completion of public works required.
- Section 11-44A-12 — Judicial proceedings unaffected by adoption of mayor-council government.
- Section 11-44A-13 — Pension and retirement plans, etc., continued.
- Section 11-44A-14 — Continuation of laws relating to certain boards, etc.
- Section 11-44A-15 — Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44A-16 — Continuation of ordinances and resolutions.
Article 2 Adoption of Mayor-Council Form of Government Where Commission Form Violates Federal Voting Rights Act.
- Section 11-44A-30 — Adoption of mayor-council form of government where commission form violates federal Voting Rights Act; division into single-member districts; residence requirements for candidates and electors.
- Section 11-44A-31 — Boundaries of districts.
- Section 11-44A-32 — Form of government; powers and duties of municipality.
- Section 11-44B-1 — Ordinance abandoning commission form of government and adopting mayor-council form.
- Section 11-44B-2 — Ordinances establishing boundaries of seven-council districts and salaries of mayor and council members; compliance with Voting Rights Act; election of mayor and council; powers and duties of municipality.
- Section 11-44B-3 — Mayor and council - Assumption of office; duties, etc., of commissioners terminated.
- Section 11-44B-4 — Mayor and council - Terms; election date.
- Section 11-44B-5 — Conduct of elections; qualifications of mayor and council; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-44B-6 — Meetings; quorum; majority vote requirements; procedure for adoption of ordinances and resolutions; approval or veto of mayor; record of proceedings; power of council as to city employees; all powers of city vested in council.
- Section 11-44B-7 — Powers and duties of mayor.
- Section 11-44B-8 — Temporary and permanent vacancies in office of mayor; vacancy on city council.
- Section 11-44B-9 — Franchise, lease, or right to use streets, public highways, thoroughfares, or public ways.
- Section 11-44B-10 — Initial territorial limits; reapportionment of council districts; recommended plan for reapportionment; redistricting ordinance.
- Section 11-44B-11 — City clerk, finance director, revenue director, city attorney, assistant city attorneys, and city department heads continued in office; powers and duties; claims against city; financial records; warrants; deposit of public money; payment of moneys due municipality; office space, supplies, and other support.
- Section 11-44B-12 — Existing rights and privileges of officers and employees; existing laws not inconsistent with personnel, etc., provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-44B-13 — Persons holding administrative offices continued in office until other provisions made; powers and duties of abolished offices, etc.; certain offices, etc., deemed continued; references to existing offices, etc., in laws, contracts, etc.
- Section 11-44B-14 — Persons holding civil service positions continued in office; existing civil service system continued.
- Section 11-44B-15 — Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., where powers and duties reassigned.
- Section 11-44B-16 — Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-44B-17 — Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44B-18 — Pension, retirement, and relief fund laws continued in force.
- Section 11-44B-19 — Laws relating to municipal boards, agencies, and service enterprises continued in force.
- Section 11-44B-20 — Powers of city; vesting of existing rights, powers, and properties.
- Section 11-44B-21 — Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect; references to certain officers or governing body in existing ordinances, etc., deemed references to mayor or council.
- Section 11-44B-22 — Laws relating to or affecting city continued in effect; inconsistent or conflicting laws relating to exercise of powers, functions, and duties of commission or other form of government.
- Section 11-44B-23 — Authority to collect surcharge on new water and/or sewer customers.
- Section 11-44B-24 — Municipalities' authority to annex certain unincorporated territory.
- Section 11-44B-25 — Procedures to reduce or delete areas from police jurisdiction.
- Section 11-44C-1 — Applicability of chapter.
- Section 11-44C-2 — Special election as to adoption of commission or mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44C-3 — Form of ballot; marking of ballot; use of voting machines.
- Section 11-44C-4 — Conduct of election; portions of chapter applicable upon choosing form of government; election expenses.
- Section 11-44C-5 — Provisions applicable to mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44C-6 — Election of council and mayor-at-large; time of taking office; election expenses.
- Section 11-44C-7 — Qualification of council candidates; votes cast by each voter; majority vote requirements; run-off elections; elections held quadrennially; when elected councilmen take office; term of office; councilman may succeed himself.
- Section 11-44C-8 — Mayor - Majority vote requirements; run-off election.
- Section 11-44C-9 — Mayor - Elections held quadrennially; oath; may succeed himself.
- Section 11-44C-10 — City continued as municipal corporation.
- Section 11-44C-11 — Government known as "mayor-council form of government"; powers of city vested in council; manner in which powers exercised.
- Section 11-44C-12 — Powers of city generally.
- Section 11-44C-13 — Council to consist of seven district council members; composition of districts.
- Section 11-44C-14 — District council members - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-44C-15 — District council members - No primary elections; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-44C-16 — District council members - Oath of office.
- Section 11-44C-17 — District council members - Qualifications; holding other offices; effect of conviction or loss of any qualification.
- Section 11-44C-18 — District council members - Compensation; additional stipend for president of council.
- Section 11-44C-19 — President of council.
- Section 11-44C-20 — Vice-president of council.
- Section 11-44C-21 — Powers of council; dealings with officers and employees in administrative service.
- Section 11-44C-22 — Vacancies in council.
- Section 11-44C-23 — Creating, changing, abolishing, or assigning additional functions to offices, departments, or agencies.
- Section 11-44C-24 — City clerk continued in office; applicability of merit system; appointment of successor; duties.
- Section 11-44C-25 — First meeting of council; council to meet regularly; meetings open to public.
- Section 11-44C-25.1 — Number of required council meetings per year.
- Section 11-44C-26 — Council to judge election and qualifications of members.
- Section 11-44C-27 — Rules and order of business of council; journal of proceedings.
- Section 11-44C-28 — Meetings of council; quorum; majority vote requirement; procedure; record of proceedings; procedure as to ordinances or resolutions of permanent operation; publication; no veto as to council actions relating to an investigation.
- Section 11-44C-29 — Grant of franchise, lease, or right to use streets, etc., by ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-44C-30 — Revision and codification of ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions; comprehensive zone map.
- Section 11-44C-31 — Monthly statement of receipts and expenses; annual examination of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44C-32 — Mayor - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-44C-33 — Mayor - No primary election; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-44C-34 — Mayor - Qualifications.
- Section 11-44C-35 — Mayor - Compensation.
- Section 11-44C-36 — Mayor - Vacancies; acting mayor; special election to fill vacancy; term of office.
- Section 11-44C-37 — Mayor - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-44C-38 — Divisions of city government; executive directors of divisions; city attorney; outside counsel.
- Section 11-44C-39 — Distribution of work among departmental divisions.
- Section 11-44C-40 — Mayor authorized to employ additional personnel; amount available for salaries; not subject to merit system.
- Section 11-44C-41 — Fiscal, budget, and accounting years.
- Section 11-44C-42 — Mayor to submit budget to council.
- Section 11-44C-43 — Estimates of revenue and expenditures for each department, etc.; compilation of budget information by director of finance; review and revision of estimates.
- Section 11-44C-44 — General fund budget.
- Section 11-44C-45 — Recommended expenditures not to exceed estimated receipts unless additional revenue measures adopted; recommendations where receipts estimated to exceed expenditures; public utility budgets.
- Section 11-44C-46 — Contents of budget message.
- Section 11-44C-47 — Printing and distribution of budget message and general fund, public utility and capital budgets.
- Section 11-44C-48 — Public hearing on budget.
- Section 11-44C-49 — Revision of budget after hearing; increase in expenditures over mayor's recommendation; expenditures not to exceed receipts and surplus unless additional revenue measures adopted.
- Section 11-44C-50 — Summary of budget.
- Section 11-44C-51 — Adoption of general fund budget and any necessary revenue measure; failure to adopt budget.
- Section 11-44C-52 — Disapproval by mayor of expenditure line item; adherence by council to expenditure.
- Section 11-44C-53 — Budget effective upon final adoption; certification; printing and distribution.
- Section 11-44C-54 — Budget estimates for public utilities; presentation of budget to council.
- Section 11-44C-55 — Submission of work program which shows requested appropriations for department, etc.; revision.
- Section 11-44C-56 — Transfer of unencumbered balance from one department, etc., to another.
- Section 11-44C-57 — Additional appropriations.
- Section 11-44C-58 — Emergency appropriations.
- Section 11-44C-59 — Lapse of unexpended and unencumbered appropriation.
- Section 11-44C-60 — Capital improvement program.
- Section 11-44C-61 — Capital budget; lapse of appropriations for capital improvement projects; reserve fund for permanent public improvements.
- Section 11-44C-62 — Payments and obligations must be in accord with appropriations; certification by director of finance; void payments and obligations; penalty for knowing violations.
- Section 11-44C-63 — Existing budget continued in force.
- Section 11-44C-64 — Department of finance; director.
- Section 11-44C-65 — Director of finance - Qualifications; bond.
- Section 11-44C-66 — Director of finance - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-44C-67 — Expenditures not to exceed appropriation for that general classification of expenditure; expenditures financed by bonds; leases or contracts for period exceeding budget year.
- Section 11-44C-68 — Disposition of fees received by officers and employees.
- Section 11-44C-69 — Division of department of finance to be responsible for purchases; powers and duties of division head.
- Section 11-44C-70 — Competitive bidding on contracts for supplies, materials, or equipment.
- Section 11-44C-71 — City improvements costing more than $2,000.00 to be executed by contract; bidding on contract; alteration of contract.
- Section 11-44C-72 — Purchases and contracts shall be pursuant to written requisition; certification of balance sufficient to pay for contract or order.
- Section 11-44C-73 — Revenue notes.
- Section 11-44C-74 — Emergency notes.
- Section 11-44C-75 — Notes not payable on demand; redemption prior to maturity; private sale.
- Section 11-44C-76 — Existing rights and privileges of officers and employees; existing laws not inconsistent with personnel, etc., provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-44C-77 — Personnel holding administrative office continued in office; transfer of powers and duties of office, etc., abolished by this chapter.
- Section 11-44C-78 — Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., where powers and duties reassigned.
- Section 11-44C-79 — Office, etc., with name or powers and duties the same or substantially same as existing office deemed a continuation of such office.
- Section 11-44C-80 — Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-44C-81 — Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44C-82 — Laws relating to pensions or retirement and relief funds continued in force.
- Section 11-44C-83 — Laws relating to authority for fairgrounds, etc., continued in force.
- Section 11-44C-84 — Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect.
- Section 11-44C-85 — Removal of merit system officers and employees; appeal of decision.
- Section 11-44C-86 — Participation in meetings of council by mayor, department heads, etc.
- Section 11-44C-87 — Inquiry into conduct of office, department, agency, or officer; investigations as to municipal affairs; subpoena power.
- Section 11-44C-88 — Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; free transportation of officials, policemen, and firemen in discharge of duties.
- Section 11-44C-89 — Oath taken by city officers.
- Section 11-44C-90 — Reapportionment of council districts because of population change.
- Section 11-44C-91 — Procedure for changing form of government; change from mayor-council form prohibited for two years.
- Section 11-44C-92 — Commission form of government.
- Section 11-44C-93 — Provisions applicable regardless of form of government chosen.
- Section 11-44C-94 — Materials or supplies becoming component parts in repair, etc., of certain aircraft.
- Section 11-44C-94.1 — Exemption reiterated for materials or supplies becoming component parts in repair, etc., of certain aircraft.
- Section 11-44C-95 — Tax exemption for the Centre for the Living Arts, Inc.
- Section 11-44D-1 — Ordinance abandoning commission form of government and referendum adopting mayor-council or manager-council form.
- Section 11-44D-2 — Form of referendum ballot; use of voting machines.
- Section 11-44D-3 — Conduct of referendum; election results determine which provisions of chapter applicable; election expenses.
- Section 11-44D-4 — Mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44D-5 — Council-manager form of government.
- Section 11-44D-6 — Provisions applicable to both mayor-council and manager-council forms of government.
- Section 11-44D-7 — Conduct of election and referendum.
- Section 11-44D-8 — Reapportionment of council districts.
- Section 11-44D-9 — Powers of city generally.
- Section 11-44D-10 — Existing rights, powers and properties continued.
- Section 11-44D-11 — Initial territorial limits.
- Section 11-44D-12 — Effect of chapter on preexisting rights and privileges of municipal employees, etc.
- Section 11-44D-13 — Administrative officers continued; reassignment of powers and duties formerly exercised by abolished agency.
- Section 11-44D-14 — Civil service officers continued.
- Section 11-44D-15 — Interagency transfer of records, equipment, etc.
- Section 11-44D-16 — Contracts continued; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-44D-17 — Pending actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44D-18 — Pension and retirement plans, etc., continued.
- Section 11-44D-19 — Continuation of laws relating to certain boards, etc.
- Section 11-44D-20 — Continuation of ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-44D-21 — Continuation of other laws relating to cities in this class.
Article 1 Adoption of the Mayor/Commission/City Manager Form of Government; Election and Term of First Commission.
- Section 11-44E-1 — Cities to which chapter applies.
- Section 11-44E-2 — Authority to adopt mayor/commission/city manager form of government; ordinance for election of commissioners.
- Section 11-44E-3 — Election of first commission and first mayor; term of office.
- Section 11-44E-4 — Mayor and commissioners to be known as commission; powers and duties; qualification and taking of office; commencement of mayor/commission/city manager form of government.
Article 2 Legal Status; Form of Government; Powers.
- Section 11-44E-20 — Continuation as municipal corporation; duties, rights, etc.
- Section 11-44E-21 — Government to be known as mayor/commission/city manager form of government; powers of city vested in commission; exercise of powers.
- Section 11-44E-22 — Powers of city; acquisition of property; enumeration of powers in chapter not exclusive.
Article 3 The Commission.
- Section 11-44E-40 — Elections; terms of office; qualification and taking of office; oath of office; majority vote requirement; runoff elections.
- Section 11-44E-41 — Statement of candidacy.
- Section 11-44E-42 — Eligibility of candidates; vacancy when commissioner ceases to possess qualifications.
- Section 11-44E-43 — Compensation; increase or decrease in compensation; bond.
- Section 11-44E-44 — Powers of commission.
- Section 11-44E-45 — Interference in appointment or removal of officers and employees; dealings of commission with administrative service.
- Section 11-44E-46 — Vacancies in commission.
- Section 11-44E-47 — Continuation of city clerk in office where subject to civil service or merit system; appointment where not subject to such system; duties of city clerk.
- Section 11-44E-48 — Meetings of commission.
- Section 11-44E-49 — Commission to judge election.
- Section 11-44E-50 — Rules of procedure of commission; journal of commission proceedings.
- Section 11-44E-51 — Meetings of commission; mayor to preside; quorum; majority vote requirement; enactment of resolutions, bylaws and ordinances; record of proceedings; publication of ordinances.
- Section 11-44E-52 — Grant of franchise; lease, or right to use streets, etc.; transfer of waterworks, sewer, electric, or gas plant and system to board or public corporation.
- Section 11-44E-53 — Codification authorized.
- Section 11-44E-54 — Examination of books and publication of accounts.
Article 4 Mayor.
- Section 11-44E-70 — Election; term; qualification.
- Section 11-44E-71 — Statement of candidacy.
- Section 11-44E-72 — Eligibility of candidates.
- Section 11-44E-73 — Compensation; increase or decrease of compensation; bond.
- Section 11-44E-74 — Vacancy in office of mayor; acting mayor; special election; qualification, duties, and term of successor.
- Section 11-44E-75 — Powers and duties of mayor.
- Section 11-44E-76 — Payment of all funds.
Article 5 City Manager.
- Section 11-44E-90 — Creation of office of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-91 — Appointment of city manager; qualifications; residence; noneligibility of elected officials.
- Section 11-44E-92 — Powers and duties of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-93 — Noninterference by mayor or commission with certain duties of city manager; dealings with administrative service.
- Section 11-44E-94 — Political, other improper influences on city manager and personnel under his (her) authority prohibited; ineligibility of candidates for public office to continue employment.
- Section 11-44E-95 — Bond of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-96 — Compensation of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-97 — Eligibility and participation in city retirement and insurance plans.
- Section 11-44E-98 — Contract between city manager and city.
- Section 11-44E-99 — Vacancies in office of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-100 — Temporary absence or disability of city manager.
Article 6 Budget.
- Section 11-44E-110 — Fiscal, budget and accounting year.
- Section 11-44E-111 — Submission of budgets.
- Section 11-44E-112 — Five-year plan.
Article 7 Commission Districts.
- Section 11-44E-120 — Division of city into six single-member districts.
- Section 11-44E-121 — Reapportionment.
Article 8 Succession in Government.
- Section 11-44E-140 — Rights of officers and employees preserved.
- Section 11-44E-141 — Continuance of present officers; exercise of powers of abolished agency by agency designated by commission.
- Section 11-44E-142 — Continuance of officers and employees holding positions in classified service.
- Section 11-44E-143 — Transfer of agency records and property.
- Section 11-44E-144 — Office, etc., with name or powers and duties the same or substantially same as existing office deemed a continuation of such office.
- Section 11-44E-145 — Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-44E-146 — Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44E-147 — Laws relating to pensions or retirement and relief funds continued in force.
- Section 11-44E-148 — Laws relating to authority for fairgrounds, etc., continued in force.
- Section 11-44E-149 — Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect.
Article 9 Code of Conduct and Penalties for Violations of This Chapter.
- Section 11-44E-160 — Party caucus or primary for nomination of candidates for mayor or commissioner prohibited.
- Section 11-44E-161 — Bribes; transportation of voters to polls.
- Section 11-44E-162 — Statement of campaign contributions.
- Section 11-44E-163 — Financial interest in public service utility.
- Section 11-44E-164 — Election bribes; false statement as to qualification to vote; voting or offering to vote by person who is not qualified.
- Section 11-44E-165 — Employee involvement in elections.
- Section 11-44E-166 — Hiring of persons to solicit votes at polls on election day.
- Section 11-44E-167 — Penalties for violations of this chapter; disqualification of candidate.
- Section 11-44E-168 — Recall of elected official.
Article 10 General Provisions.
- Section 11-44E-180 — Removal of officers and employees; appeal.
- Section 11-44E-181 — Appointment of committees; inquiries and investigations by commission, etc.; subpoenas; failure to obey subpoena.
- Section 11-44E-182 — Contracts extending beyond one year.
- Section 11-44E-183 — Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; penalty.
- Section 11-44E-184 — Bonds of employees.
- Section 11-44E-185 — Oath of office.
- Section 11-44E-186 — Continuation of laws.
- Section 11-44E-187 — Inclusion of annexed territory into districts.
Article 11 Abandonment of Mayor/Commission/City Manager Form of Government.
- Section 11-44E-200 — Authority to change from mayor/commission/city manager form of government.
- Section 11-44E-201 — Petition for change of form of government; election as to proposed change; election of new officers and governing body; termination of term of office of mayor and commissioners.
- Section 11-44E-202 — No election on change of form of government within two years.
Article 12 General Statutory Provisions.
Article 1 Abandonment of Commission Form of Government.
- Section 11-44F-1 — Adoption of mayor-council form of government where commission form violates federal Voting Rights Act; division into single-member districts; residence requirements for candidates and electors.
- Section 11-44F-2 — Boundaries of districts.
- Section 11-44F-3 — Form of government; powers and duties of municipality.
Article 2 Status of Mayor.
- Section 11-44F-20 — Governing body authorized to provide for referendum to determine status of mayor.
- Section 11-44F-21 — Procedures for referendum.
- Section 11-44F-22 — Ordinance once majority of voters vote in favor of mayor being full-time.
- Section 11-44F-23 — Salary of mayor.
- Section 11-44F-24 — Resolution that officer who fills vacancy not required to serve full-time.
- Section 11-44F-25 — Subsequent referendum to reconsider status of mayor as part-time position.
- Section 11-44F-26 — Construction with other law.
- Section 11-44G-1 — Procedures in event of vacancy - City council.
- Section 11-44G-2 — Procedures in event of vacancy - Mayor.
- Section 11-45-1 — Adoption and enforcement authorized.
- Section 11-45-1.1 — Subject matter of handguns reserved to State Legislature; power of municipality to adopt certain ordinances; concurrent jurisdiction of municipal courts with district courts.
- Section 11-45-2 — Style of ordinances; procedure for adoption of ordinances or resolutions generally; manner of awarding contracts on bids.
- Section 11-45-3 — Transmittal of ordinances or resolutions to mayor for consideration; approval by mayor and publication by clerk; recall of ordinances or resolutions from mayor.
- Section 11-45-4 — Veto of ordinances and resolutions and passage over veto generally.
- Section 11-45-5 — Veto, passage over veto, etc., of ordinances and resolutions fixing salaries of officers and employees.
- Section 11-45-6 — Amendment of ordinances.
- Section 11-45-7 — Codification of ordinances; adoption of code by ordinance.
- Section 11-45-8 — Publication and recordation of ordinances; when ordinances take effect; adoption of certain technical codes by reference.
- Section 11-45-9 — Penalties which may be imposed for violations of ordinances.
- Section 11-45-9.1 — Issuance of summons and complaint in lieu of arrest for violation of certain ordinances; procedure; schedule of fines; additional penalty for failure to appear; disposition of fines.
- Section 11-45-10 — Procedure for adoption or repeal of canine leash ordinance in Class 5 municipalities.
- Section 11-45-11 — Judicial notice of ordinances of Class 1 municipalities.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-46-1 — Municipalities may provide for election, compensation, bond, etc., of officers.
- Section 11-46-2 — Establishment of qualification fee for candidates for office.
- Section 11-46-3 — Primary elections by political parties and partisan elections abolished in municipalities having 300,000 inhabitants or less.
- Section 11-46-4 — Identification of electors eligible to vote; municipality, county contracts; official poll list.
- Section 11-46-5 — Date of elections in certain municipalities.
- Section 11-46-6 — Date of elections in certain Class 5 municipalities.
Article 2 Elections in Certain Cities or Towns Having Mayor-Council Form of Government.
- Section 11-46-20 — Cities and towns governed by article; costs of elections; standard of time applicable; effect of legal holidays or closing days.
- Section 11-46-21 — Time of holding regular, special and runoff elections; assumption of duties by officers elected; service until successors are elected and qualified.
- Section 11-46-22 — Notice of elections.
- Section 11-46-23 — Authority and procedure for adjustment of boundary lines of wards, division of wards into voting districts, etc.
- Section 11-46-24 — Designating and equipping voting places; election officials; canvass returns.
- Section 11-46-24.1 — Designation of voting places in Class 8 municipalities by combination of districts and wards.
- Section 11-46-25 — Ballots; statements of candidacy; withdrawal of candidacy.
- Section 11-46-26 — Proceedings where only one candidate or nominee for office.
- Section 11-46-27 — Appointment, compensation, etc., of election officers.
- Section 11-46-28 — Polling place hours for municipal elections; duties of election officers; challenger; deletion of absentee voter applicants from voter list; preservation of order.
- Section 11-46-29 — Appointment of election officers upon failure of others to attend polls.
- Section 11-46-30 — Schools for instruction of election officials in use of voting machines; qualifications and certification of election officials.
- Section 11-46-31 — Exhibition of voting machines for voter instruction and information; diagrams furnished with voting machines.
- Section 11-46-32 — Election supplies.
- Section 11-46-33 — Duties of clerk as to voting machines.
- Section 11-46-34 — Voting booths.
- Section 11-46-35 — Watchers.
- Section 11-46-36 — Preparation, certification, filing and publication of lists of qualified regular voters.
- Section 11-46-37 — Preparation, etc., of lists of qualified voters upon disqualification of mayor, etc.
- Section 11-46-38 — Electors to vote in wards or precincts of residence, etc.; qualifications for voting; challenges of voters generally.
- Section 11-46-39 — Oath and identification of voters challenged generally; voting procedure where paper ballots used generally.
- Section 11-46-40 — Assistance of disabled electors generally.
- Section 11-46-41 — Forms of oaths to be taken by and for challenged voters; penalty for false oath; refusal to take oath.
- Section 11-46-42 — Number of electors allowed in polling place; time limit, etc., for occupation of booth.
- Section 11-46-43 — Right of secret ballot; write-in voting prohibited.
- Section 11-46-44 — Votes not to be counted until polls closed; disposition of poll lists and affidavits; counting of ballots.
- Section 11-46-45 — Preparation of statements of vote; certification, sealing and delivery of statements and poll lists; packaging of ballots; sealing and delivery of ballot boxes.
- Section 11-46-46 — Delivery of returns, etc.; retention and destruction of ballot boxes; opening of ballot boxes.
- Section 11-46-47 — Delivery, examination and identification of keys to voting machines; examination of counters, ballots, etc.; certification as to keys, counters and ballots; opening of machines and polls.
- Section 11-46-48 — Provision of election materials and supplies; preparation of lighting facilities; posting and placement of diagrams and models.
- Section 11-46-49 — Election officers for voting machines; duties.
- Section 11-46-50 — Identification of voters where voting machines used; voting procedure generally; assistance of voters generally; challenges to voters.
- Section 11-46-51 — Instruction of voters in use of machines; oath, etc., of disabled voters; assistance of voters.
- Section 11-46-52 — Closing of polls and locking of machines; certification as to locking, etc., of machines and number of votes on counters; declaration of votes, election result, etc.; preparation, etc., of returns of canvass; disposition of ballots, keys to machines, etc.
- Section 11-46-53 — Voting machines to remain locked during period for filing of contests; when seals of machines may be broken; disposition of records taken from machines.
- Section 11-46-54 — Designation, etc., of custodians of voting machines and keys; transportation, storage and protection of machines.
- Section 11-46-55 — Canvassing of returns, declaration of election result and issuance of certificate of election by governing body; determination of majority vote; runoff elections.
- Section 11-46-55.1 — Recount procedures.
- Section 11-46-56 — Absentee ballots - Eligibility.
- Section 11-46-57 — Absentee ballots - Casting and handling of ballots generally; duties of registers, clerks, etc., generally; applicability of other laws relating to absentee voting.
- Section 11-46-58 — Absentee ballots - Marking, posting, etc., of lists of applicants for absentee ballots.
- Section 11-46-59 — Offenses of mayor and other executive officers.
- Section 11-46-60 — Offenses of clerks.
- Section 11-46-61 — Offenses of election officers generally.
- Section 11-46-62 — Offenses of inspectors.
- Section 11-46-63 — Failure of returning officer to deliver statement of votes and poll list.
- Section 11-46-64 — Deception of disabled voters by marker, etc.
- Section 11-46-65 — Drinking of intoxicating liquors by watcher.
- Section 11-46-67 — Offenses of electors.
- Section 11-46-68 — Miscellaneous offenses.
- Section 11-46-69 — Contest of elections - Grounds; commencement of action.
- Section 11-46-70 — Contest of elections - Trial; entry of judgment.
- Section 11-46-71 — Annulment of elections.
- Section 11-46-72 — Procedure where election not held on day appointed.
- Section 11-46-73 — Provisions of article as to offenses cumulative.
- Section 11-46-74 — Use of election dates established by classification act or local act.
Article 3 Elections in Certain Cities or Towns Having Commission Form of Government.
- Section 11-46-90 — Applicability of article; costs of elections.
- Section 11-46-91 — Standard of time applicable; effect of legal holidays or closing days; municipal governing body defined.
- Section 11-46-92 — Time of holding regular, special or runoff elections; assumption of duties by officers elected; service until successors are elected and qualified.
- Section 11-46-93 — Notice of elections.
- Section 11-46-94 — Authority and procedure for adjustment of boundary lines of wards; division of wards into voting districts, etc.
- Section 11-46-95 — Designation of voting places generally; division into groups and assignment to voting places of voters in certain wards or voting districts; designation of voting centers; rights of electors as to voting at voting centers generally; determination of number of voting machines to be used at voting centers; number, appointment, duties and compensation of election officers for voting centers generally; procedure for conduct of elections at voting centers generally.
- Section 11-46-96 — Ballots; statements of candidacy; withdrawal of candidacy.
- Section 11-46-97 — Proceedings where only one candidate for office.
- Section 11-46-98 — Appointment, compensation, etc., of election officers.
- Section 11-46-99 — Hours during which polls open; attendance at and opening of polls by election officers; oath of officers; selection and duties of challengers; deletion of voters by absentee ballot from lists of qualified electors; preservation of order.
- Section 11-46-100 — Appointment of election officers upon failure of others to attend polls.
- Section 11-46-101 — Schools for instruction of election officials in use of voting machines; qualifications and certification of election officials.
- Section 11-46-102 — Public exhibition of voting machines for instruction and information of voters; posting, etc., of diagrams furnished with voting machines.
- Section 11-46-103 — Election supplies.
- Section 11-46-104 — Duties of clerk as to voting machines.
- Section 11-46-105 — Voting booths.
- Section 11-46-106 — Watchers.
- Section 11-46-107 — Preparation, certification, filing and publication of lists of qualified regular voters.
- Section 11-46-108 — Preparation, etc., of lists of qualified voters upon disqualification of mayor, etc.
- Section 11-46-109 — Electors to vote in ward or precinct of residence, etc.; qualifications for voting; challenges of voters generally.
- Section 11-46-110 — Oath and identification of voters challenged generally; voting procedure where paper ballots used generally.
- Section 11-46-111 — Assistance of disabled electors generally.
- Section 11-46-112 — Forms of oaths to be taken by and for challenged voters; penalty for false oath; refusal to take oath.
- Section 11-46-113 — Number of electors allowed in polling place; time limit, etc., for occupation of booth.
- Section 11-46-114 — Right of secret ballot; write-in voting prohibited.
- Section 11-46-115 — Votes not to be counted until polls closed; disposition of poll lists and affidavits; counting of ballots.
- Section 11-46-116 — Preparation of statements of vote; certification, sealing and delivery of statements and poll lists; packaging of ballots; sealing and delivery of ballot boxes.
- Section 11-46-117 — Delivery of returns, etc., to governing body; retention and destruction of ballot boxes generally; when ballot boxes may be opened.
- Section 11-46-118 — Delivery, examination and identification of keys to voting machines; examination of ballots, counters, etc.; certification as to keys, counters and ballots; opening of machines and polls.
- Section 11-46-119 — Provision of election materials and supplies; preparation of lighting facilities; posting and placement of diagrams and models.
- Section 11-46-120 — Election officers for voting machines; duties.
- Section 11-46-121 — Identification of voters where voting machines used; voting procedure generally; assistance of voters generally; challenges to voters.
- Section 11-46-122 — Instruction of voters in use of machines; oath, etc., of disabled voters; assistance of voters.
- Section 11-46-123 — Closing of polls and locking of machines; certification as to locking, etc., of machines and number of votes on counters; declaration of votes, election result, etc.; preparation, etc., of returns of canvass; disposition of ballots, keys to machines, etc.
- Section 11-46-124 — Voting machines to remain locked during period for filing of contests; when seals of machines may be broken; disposition of records taken from machines.
- Section 11-46-125 — Designation, etc., of custodians of voting machines and keys; transportation, storage and protection of machines.
- Section 11-46-126 — Canvassing of returns, declaration of election result and issuance of certificate of election by board of commissioners; runoff elections.
- Section 11-46-127 — Absentee ballots - Eligibility.
- Section 11-46-128 — Absentee ballots - Casting and handling of ballots generally; duties of registers, clerks, etc., generally; applicability of other laws relating to absentee voting.
- Section 11-46-129 — Absentee ballots - Marking, posting, etc., of lists of applicants for absentee ballots.
- Section 11-46-130 — Offenses of mayors and other executive officers.
- Section 11-46-131 — Offenses of clerks.
- Section 11-46-132 — Offenses of election officers generally.
- Section 11-46-133 — Offenses of inspectors.
- Section 11-46-134 — Failure of returning officer to deliver statement of votes and poll list.
- Section 11-46-135 — Deception of disabled voter by marker, etc.
- Section 11-46-136 — Drinking of intoxicating liquors by watcher.
- Section 11-46-138 — Offenses of electors.
- Section 11-46-139 — Miscellaneous offenses.
- Section 11-46-140 — Contest of elections - Grounds; commencement of action.
- Section 11-46-141 — Contest of elections - Trial; entry of judgment.
- Section 11-46-142 — Annulment of elections.
- Section 11-46-143 — Procedure where election not held on day appointed.
- Section 11-46-144 — Provisions of article as to offenses cumulative.
- Section 11-46-145 — Use of election dates established by classification act or local act.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-47-1 — Borrowing of money authorized - Twelve-month renewable loans.
- Section 11-47-2 — Borrowing of money authorized - Thirty-year loans.
- Section 11-47-3 — Contracts and indebtedness for construction, extension, etc., of municipal buildings, waterworks systems, etc., authorized; consolidation, etc., of waterworks and lighting systems, etc.
- Section 11-47-4 — Authority for issuance of bonds after reorganization.
- Section 11-47-5 — Execution of contracts.
- Section 11-47-6 — Contracts to be awarded to lowest responsible bidder.
- Section 11-47-7 — Erection, maintenance, etc., of jails, morgues, hospitals, etc.
- Section 11-47-7.1 — Additional court costs and fees on certain municipal cases authorized; distribution of funds for jails or court complex.
- Section 11-47-8 — Removal of prisoners from municipal jail to another jail.
- Section 11-47-9 — Advertisement of municipalities - Authorized.
- Section 11-47-10 — Advertisement of municipalities - Costs.
- Section 11-47-11 — Appropriations, etc., for promotion, etc., of municipal resources and for promotion of industry, etc., within municipality, etc.
- Section 11-47-12 — Provision of building for storage of gunpowder, etc.
- Section 11-47-13 — Purchase of school property and erection of school buildings; levy of tax therefor.
- Section 11-47-14 — Provision of wharves and landings and improvement of waterfronts generally.
- Section 11-47-14.1 — Construction of port facilities by Class 1 municipalities; bonds and other contributions.
- Section 11-47-15 — Alteration of channel of watercourse; construction, maintenance, leasing, etc., of wharves and buildings, etc., on and near wharves and wharf sites.
- Section 11-47-16 — Establishment, acquisition, administration, etc., of public cultural facilities.
- Section 11-47-17 — Provision of public scales, inspection of weights and measures, etc.
- Section 11-47-18 — Provision for lighting, sprinkling and cleaning of streets.
- Section 11-47-19 — Establishment, etc., of public grounds, parks, etc., and provision of music and other exhibitions.
- Section 11-47-20 — Disposition of unneeded real estate - Generally.
- Section 11-47-21 — Disposition of unneeded real estate - Leasing thereof.
- Section 11-47-22 — Exercise of police jurisdiction over hospitals, poorhouses, cemeteries, etc.
- Section 11-47-23 — Limitation periods for presentation of claims against municipalities.
- Section 11-47-24 — Government agency required to provide defense counsel to any employee sued for damages arising out of performance of official duties; municipal corporation authorized to obtain liability insurance.
- Section 11-47-25 — Acceptance of credit card payments in Class 1 municipalities.
Article 2 Cemeteries and Burial Grounds.
- Section 11-47-40 — Ownership, regulation, etc., of municipal cemeteries; regulation, etc., of establishment or use of private cemeteries within police jurisdiction.
- Section 11-47-41 — Contracts for municipal care and maintenance of burial grounds, cemeteries and graves - Authorized.
- Section 11-47-42 — Contracts for municipal care and maintenance of burial grounds, cemeteries and graves - Manner of contracting.
- Section 11-47-60 — Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred therein - Adoption, etc.
- Section 11-47-61 — Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred therein - Specification as to removal of remains after two months.
- Section 11-47-62 — Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred therein - Publication, posting and mailing of notice.
- Section 11-47-63 — Removal and reinterment of remains by corporations, etc., generally; notices.
- Section 11-47-64 — Notice to board of health of removal of remains, etc.; removal of remains, etc., subject to rules and regulations of board of health.
- Section 11-47-65 — Voluntary removal of remains by relative or friend of person interred or by owner of plat or lot; affidavit of person removing remains.
- Section 11-47-66 — Purchase and sale of lands, etc., for reinterment of remains from abandoned cemeteries; reservation of lands in abandoned cemeteries for erection of memorial mausoleum, etc.
- Section 11-47-67 — Reinterment of remains generally.
- Section 11-47-68 — Erection of markers upon and preparation, filing, etc., of maps, plans, etc., of lands, etc., where remains reinterred.
- Section 11-47-69 — Care, etc., of lands, etc., in which remains reinterred.
- Section 11-47-70 — Removal, etc., of monuments, headstones, etc., from graves from which remains removed.
- Section 11-47-71 — Sale, etc., of lands in abandoned cemeteries by corporations, etc.; confirmation of sales by probate court.
- Section 11-47-72 — Filing, etc., of declaration as to removal of all remains from abandoned cemetery.
- Section 11-47-73 — Payment of expenses of abandonment and removal by corporations, etc.; disposition of funds of corporation, etc., remaining thereafter.
- Section 11-47-74 — Removal of remains, etc., from cemeteries owned by churches, etc.
Article 3 Census.
- Section 11-47-90 — Authorization for conduct by municipality; appointment, oath, and duties of enumerators.
- Section 11-47-91 — Arrangement and return of enumeration; certification of same to Secretary of State; effect as to conduct of school census.
- Section 11-47-92 — Authorization for conduct by federal bureau of census; limitation.
- Section 11-47-93 — Use of federally conducted census.
- Section 11-47-94 — Effect of taking and filing report of census.
- Section 11-47-95 — Limitation upon taking of census.
Article 4 General Police Powers.
- Section 11-47-110 — Animals running at large on streets; driving livestock through streets.
- Section 11-47-111 — Prohibition of gaming and gambling houses, etc.
- Section 11-47-112 — Promotion of temperance; suppression of intemperance and traffic in certain beverages, etc.
- Section 11-47-113 — Prohibition of houses of prostitution.
- Section 11-47-114 — Regulation of running, etc., of trains or automobiles within corporate limits.
- Section 11-47-115 — Regulation of operation of street railroad company over tracks of another.
- Section 11-47-116 — Taking up and storing of abandoned and stolen personal property; redemption by owner; sale and disposition of proceeds.
- Section 11-47-117 — Abatement of nuisances, etc., generally; assessment of costs of abatement.
- Section 11-47-118 — Maintenance of civil actions to enjoin and abate public nuisances.
Article 5 Powers as to Health, Sanitation and Quarantine.
- Section 11-47-130 — Maintenance of health and cleanliness generally.
- Section 11-47-131 — Powers as to health, sanitation and quarantine generally.
- Section 11-47-132 — Provision for system of compulsory vaccination, etc.
- Section 11-47-133 — Appropriation of funds for care of certain sick and wounded persons in municipal hospitals.
- Section 11-47-134 — Establishment, aid, etc., of hospitals, poorhouses, etc., in counties; removal and detention of persons with contagious, etc., diseases.
- Section 11-47-135 — Establishment of incinerators, etc., for disposal of garbage, etc.; hauling and disposal of garbage and trash; fees.
- Section 11-47-136 — Prohibition of sale, etc., of impure, adulterated, etc., food, drink, etc.; provision for inspections; fees.
- Section 11-47-137 — Regulation, etc., of markets and marketing of food products, etc.
- Section 11-47-138 — Establishment, regulation, etc., of slaughterhouses and pens; regulation of sale, etc., of fresh meats, etc.; fees and charges.
- Section 11-47-139 — Inspection of dairies, meats, etc., for other municipalities.
- Section 11-47-140 — Construction, regulation, etc., of public wells, cisterns, etc.; requirement of cutting of weeds, proper setting of gutters, etc.
Article 6 Destruction of Public Records.
Article 7 Acquisition of Lands, Easements, Rights-of-way, etc.
- Section 11-47-170 — Acquisition of lands, easements, etc., by municipality; limitations on condemnation.
- Section 11-47-171 — Authorization of acquisition by municipal governing body.
- Section 11-47-172 — Procedure for condemnation and appeal; asssessment of value, etc.
- Section 11-47-173 — Right of entry of municipality pending appeal.
Article 8 Liability for Negligence of Agents, etc.
- Section 11-47-190 — When municipality liable; joint liability of other persons or corporations.
- Section 11-47-191 — Institution of actions, entry and execution of judgments against municipalities and other persons or corporations jointly liable.
- Section 11-47-192 — Filing of statement as to manner of injury, damages claimed, etc.
Article 9 Parks, Playgrounds and Other Recreational and Athletic Areas and Facilities.
- Section 11-47-210 — Definitions.
- Section 11-47-210.1 — Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-47-211 — Powers of subdivisions as to acquisition or leasing of lands, buildings, etc., for projects, generally.
- Section 11-47-212 — Exercise by subdivision with respect to projects outside corporate limits or boundaries of powers granted with respect to projects within corporate limits or boundaries.
- Section 11-47-213 — Cooperation by subdivisions in acquisition, establishment, operation, etc., of projects; powers of cooperating subdivisions.
- Section 11-47-214 — Authorization by subdivisions of organization and incorporation of authorities for acquisition, establishment, operation, etc., of projects generally; application for authority to form corporation; review of application; publication of resolution approving or denying application.
- Section 11-47-215 — Certificate of incorporation of authorities - Contents.
- Section 11-47-216 — Certificate of incorporation of authorities - Form; execution and acknowledgment; filing with probate judge; recordation by probate judge; amendment.
- Section 11-47-217 — Boards of directors of authorities.
- Section 11-47-218 — Powers of authorities generally; location of projects; exercise of power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-47-219 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of authorities; vesting of title, etc., to properties thereof upon dissolution.
- Section 11-47-220 — Construction of article.
- Section 11-47-221 — Bonds of an authority - Execution and delivery; form and denominations; rate of interest; redemption; issuance and sale.
- Section 11-47-222 — Bonds of an authority - Sale and issuance of refunding bonds; maturity; limitation on principal amount; use of proceeds; effectuation of refunding by sale or exchange of bonds.
- Section 11-47-223 — Bonds of an authority - Signature and seal.
- Section 11-47-224 — Bonds of an authority - Payment out of revenues; security for payment; mortgages, security interests, or assignments as security for payment.
- Section 11-47-225 — Use of proceeds of borrowing; application of any portion of proceeds not needed for original purposes.
- Section 11-47-226 — Loans, donations, performance of services, etc., by county, municipality, or other political subdivision, etc., to achieve objectives of article; funding agreements; amount of indebtedness under funding agreements.
- Section 11-47-227 — Construction of bonds as negotiable instruments.
- Section 11-47-228 — Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-47-229 — Exemption from state laws governing usury or prescribing or limiting interest rates.
- Section 11-47-230 — Compliance with state laws governing competitive bidding.
- Section 11-47-231 — Bonds as legal investments.
- Section 11-47-232 — Authority as nonprofit corporation.
- Section 11-47-233 — Notice respecting issuance of bonds; limitation of actions contesting validity of bonds.
- Section 11-47-234 — Eminent domain.
- Section 11-47-235 — Effect of revenue obligations on State of Alabama; prohibition against use of state funds to retire indebtedness.
- Section 11-47-236 — Application of Alabama Administrative Procedure Act to rules adopted by authorities.
- Section 11-47-237 — Application of State Ethics Act to members of authorities.
- Section 11-47-238 — Relationship of article to other laws.
- Section 11-47-239 — Construction of article to effect its purpose.
Article 10 Off-Street Parking Facilities.
- Section 11-47-240 — Definitions.
- Section 11-47-241 — Powers of certain cities as to planning, establishment, operation, etc., of parking facilities.
- Section 11-47-242 — Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-47-243 — Construction of article.
Article 11 Beach Projects of Coastal Municipalities.
- Section 11-47-250 — Definitions.
- Section 11-47-251 — Powers of coastal municipalities.
- Section 11-47-252 — Requirements for construction of beach project.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-48-1 — Short title.
- Section 11-48-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-48-3 — Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-48-4 — General powers of municipalities as to public improvements.
- Section 11-48-5 — Adoption of ordinance or resolution describing proposed improvement, ordering preparation of plans, specifications, etc., thereof, etc.
- Section 11-48-6 — Filing of plans, specifications, etc., of improvements in office of engineer for public inspection; establishment of date for hearing of objections as to improvements.
- Section 11-48-7 — Publication of ordinance or resolution; notice to certain property owners of ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-48-8 — Hearing upon objections as to proposed improvement; amendment, modification, rescission, etc., of ordinance or resolution; actions ratified and confirmed where prior to ordinance, resolution or hearing.
- Section 11-48-9 — Costs of proposed improvements specified; payment of portion thereof by council.
- Section 11-48-10 — When council to establish grade of street, alley, sidewalk, etc., to be improved.
- Section 11-48-11 — Notice, advertisement and letting of contract for improvements.
- Section 11-48-12 — City or town engineer, etc., to supervise work, appointment of engineer, etc.
- Section 11-48-13 — Council to accept or reject work, etc., for municipality.
- Section 11-48-14 — Assessment of costs of improvements against property abutting or benefited by improvements authorized generally.
- Section 11-48-15 — Assessment against lands purchased by state at sale for nonpayment of taxes of costs of street improvements and sewers authorized; effect of redemption or sale of said lands.
- Section 11-48-16 — Manner of assessment of costs of improvements generally - Sewers, swamp drainage, seawalls, levees, etc.
- Section 11-48-16.1 — Assessment of charge against landowner seeking to connect to sewer.
- Section 11-48-17 — Manner of assessment of costs of improvements generally - Improvements of intersections of streets, alleys, etc.
- Section 11-48-18 — Manner of assessment of costs of improvements generally - Sidewalk improvements.
- Section 11-48-19 — Assessment of costs of improvements against railroads.
- Section 11-48-20 — Preparation, etc., of list of property owners to be assessed for improvement.
- Section 11-48-21 — Entry of list in assessment book for local improvements.
- Section 11-48-22 — Delivery of assessment book to city or town clerk; publication of notice as to delivery and inspection of book, etc.
- Section 11-48-23 — Notice of hearing upon objections, etc., to assessments.
- Section 11-48-24 — Contents of notice as to assessments for improvements.
- Section 11-48-25 — Effect and correction of defects or errors in notice.
- Section 11-48-26 — Filing of written objections, etc., to assessments by property owners.
- Section 11-48-27 — Hearing upon objections to assessments - Conduct generally.
- Section 11-48-28 — Hearing upon objections to assessments - Powers of council as to subpoena of witnesses, etc.
- Section 11-48-29 — Fixing of amount of assessments by council and effect thereof; reduction, abatement, etc., of assessments generally.
- Section 11-48-30 — Reduction or abatement of assessments on property owned by government or charitable organizations in municipalities having population of 20,000 or less - Authority generally; reconveyance of property acquired through foreclosure of assessment.
- Section 11-48-31 — Reduction or abatement of assessments on property owned by government or charitable organizations in municipalities having population of 20,000 or less - Erroneous assessments; assessments in excess of benefits derived, etc.
- Section 11-48-32 — Assignment and transfer of assessment liens.
- Section 11-48-33 — Enforcement of assessment liens in circuit court.
- Section 11-48-34 — Effect of enforcement of tax liens upon property upon assessment liens; duration of assessment liens.
- Section 11-48-35 — Effect of sale of property for enforcement of assessment lien upon other assessment liens upon same property.
- Section 11-48-36 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Authorized.
- Section 11-48-37 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Bond.
- Section 11-48-38 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Entry on trial docket.
- Section 11-48-39 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Transcript for appeal - Contents.
- Section 11-48-40 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Authorized - Prima facie evidence.
- Section 11-48-41 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Conduct generally; right of jury trial; entry of judgment and assessment of costs generally.
- Section 11-48-42 — Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Entry of judgment for amounts properly chargeable against lands where assessment defective.
- Section 11-48-43 — Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By property owner - Authorized; bonds.
- Section 11-48-44 — Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By property owner - Conduct generally.
- Section 11-48-45 — Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By property owner - Addition of interest and damages upon affirmance of judgment for municipality.
- Section 11-48-46 — Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By municipality - Authorized; bond not required.
- Section 11-48-47 — Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By municipality - Issuance of execution and order of sale upon entry of final judgment in favor of municipality.
- Section 11-48-48 — Payment of assessments generally.
- Section 11-48-48.1 — Payment of assessments in Class 2 municipalities.
- Section 11-48-49 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Notice.
- Section 11-48-50 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest — Payment of assessment prior to sale.
- Section 11-48-51 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest — Costs of notice and sale charged against land, etc.
- Section 11-48-52 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Execution, etc., of deed to purchaser at sale; disposition of surplus from sale; purchase of property by municipality.
- Section 11-48-53 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Effect of error or defect in notice or sale.
- Section 11-48-54 — Redemption of property after sale generally.
- Section 11-48-55 — Extension of redemption period.
- Section 11-48-56 — Application for entry of certificate of warning to redeem upon record of local improvement assessment sale deed; contents of certificate.
- Section 11-48-57 — Mailing of copies of deed and certificate to persons last assessed upon property described in deed by probate judge; entry of certificate on record of deed, etc.
- Section 11-48-58 — Redemption of property during extended redemption period.
- Section 11-48-59 — Performance of duties of probate judge; liability of probate judge for errors in performance of duties.
- Section 11-48-60 — Applicability of provisions of Sections 11-48-54 through 11-48-58.
- Section 11-48-61 — Making of temporary loans or issuance of bonds during progress of work to pay for cost of improvement.
- Section 11-48-62 — Issuance of bonds after completion of work.
- Section 11-48-63 — Applicability of provisions of law as to issuance of municipal bonds generally.
- Section 11-48-64 — Acquisition of lands, easements, etc., for public improvements.
- Section 11-48-65 — Article not to affect power of municipality to compel property owners to repair sidewalks, etc.
Article 2 Street and Sewer Improvements Outside Corporate Limits of Certain Cities.
- Section 11-48-80 — Definitions.
- Section 11-48-81 — Powers of cities as to construction of public improvements, assessment of cost thereof against property benefited, etc., outside corporate limits generally; requirement as to consent of property owners, etc.
- Section 11-48-82 — Issuance of general obligation bonds, etc., to pay cost of improvements.
- Section 11-48-83 — Issuance of bonds payable solely out of proceeds from assessments to pay cost of improvements.
Article 3 Assessments for Public Improvements Against Property Owned by Tenants in Common.
- Section 11-48-100 — Apportionment of assessment against property for public improvement among joint owners thereof authorized; discharge of portion of assessment lien upon payment of portion of assessment.
- Section 11-48-101 — Petition of tenant in common for division of assessment among joint owners of property.
- Section 11-48-102 — Division of assessment among tenants in common and acceptance of payment of and discharge of lien upon proportionate shares of assessment.
- Section 11-48-103 — Notice to property owners of division of assessment.
- Section 11-48-104 — Appeals from division of assessment.
- Section 11-48-105 — Correction of description of ownership of property; reduction of assessment.
- Section 11-48-106 — Effect of reduction of assessment, etc., upon assessment lien.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-49-1 — Consent of municipality as to use of streets, etc., for construction or operation of public utility or private enterprise required.
- Section 11-49-2 — Regulation of cellar openings, stairways, signs, etc., on sidewalks; regulation, construction, etc., of sidewalk repairs.
- Section 11-49-3 — Railroads and public utilities using streets to be required to keep streets in repair, etc.
- Section 11-49-4 — Establishment of speed limits, etc., within corporate limits.
- Section 11-49-5 — Posting of sign boards as to municipal speed limits.
- Section 11-49-6 — Vacation of right-of-way fee.
Article 2 Establishment and Operation of Ferries on Rivers Between Two Counties.
- Section 11-49-20 — Exclusive rights of municipalities as to establishment, regulation, etc., of ferries.
- Section 11-49-21 — Applications for and granting of licenses for establishment of ferries - Procedure generally.
- Section 11-49-22 — Applications for and granting of licenses for establishment of ferries - Publication, posting, etc., of notice of application.
- Section 11-49-23 — Licenses to be granted for establishment of ferries at public road crossings only; annulment of nonconforming licenses.
Article 3 Requirement of Construction and Maintenance by Railroads of Bridges, Tunnels, etc., Within Limits of Certain Cities.
- Section 11-49-40 — Authorized.
- Section 11-49-41 — Vacation of street where bridge, tunnel, etc., to be constructed to be provided for.
- Section 11-49-42 — Passage, etc., of ordinance requiring construction, etc., of bridge, tunnel, etc.; apportionment of costs between railroads.
- Section 11-49-43 — Penalization of railroad, etc., for failure to comply with ordinance ordering construction, etc., of bridge, tunnel, etc.
- Section 11-49-44 — Enforcement of ordinance by action in circuit court.
- Section 11-49-45 — Right of appeal of railroad from ordinances requiring construction, etc., of bridges, tunnels, etc., and from orders imposing penalties for failure to comply therewith.
Article 4 Payment of Costs of Highways, Streets, etc., Constructed, Improved, etc., by Counties, State or Federal Government.
- Section 11-49-60 — Contract by municipality for payment of proportionate share of cost of highway, street, etc., within municipality constructed, improved, etc., by county, state or federal government authorized; assessment of proportionate share of cost against property benefited.
- Section 11-49-61 — Enforcement, etc., of lien on property assessed for highway, street, etc.
- Section 11-49-62 — Issuance of bonds to pay proportionate share of cost of highway, street, etc.
- Section 11-49-63 — Conduct of proceedings under article.
Article 5 Assumption, etc., of Authority Over Streets Controlled, Maintained, etc., by Counties.
- Section 11-49-80 — Adoption of resolution to assume authority over streets within municipality controlled by county; responsibility for streets where unincorporated territory annexed; mutual agreements providing alternative arrangement for control.
- Section 11-49-81 — Contents of resolution; when resolution effective.
Article 6 Vacation of Streets for Erection of Public Buildings, etc.
- Section 11-49-100 — Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Authorized generally.
- Section 11-49-101 — Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Publication of notice as to introduction of ordinance and time for consideration thereof by council, etc. - Required.
- Section 11-49-102 — Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Publication of notice as to introduction of ordinance and time for consideration thereof by council, etc. - Payment of costs thereof.
- Section 11-49-103 — Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Two-thirds vote of council, etc., required.
- Section 11-49-104 — Portion of street to remain open to travel and traffic.
- Section 11-49-105 — Property rights in vacated portion of street.
- Section 11-49-106 — Liability for damages for vacation of street.
- Section 11-49A-1 — Legislative findings and purpose.
- Section 11-49A-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-49A-3 — Meaning of "herein," etc.; construction of definitions.
- Section 11-49A-4 — Application; resolution of denial or approval by governing body.
- Section 11-49A-5 — Certificate of incorporation - Filing; contents; signing and acknowledging; additional documents; notice to Secretary of State.
- Section 11-49A-6 — Certificate of incorporation - Amendments; resolution; application; denial or approval of governing body; filing.
- Section 11-49A-7 — Organization of authority; board of directors; election; terms; vacancies; qualifications; expenses and compensation; removal.
- Section 11-49A-8 — Powers of authority.
- Section 11-49A-9 — Rates for public transportation service.
- Section 11-49A-10 — Bonds - Signature and seal; form and terms; sale; from what sources payable; trust indentures, mortgages, etc.
- Section 11-49A-11 — Bonds - Contracts as security for payment.
- Section 11-49A-12 — Statutory mortgage lien; creation; filing of notice.
- Section 11-49A-13 — Use of bond proceeds.
- Section 11-49A-14 — Powers of localities, agencies, etc.
- Section 11-49A-15 — Exemption from taxes, fees, and costs.
- Section 11-49A-16 — Exemption from additional proceedings, regulation, etc.
- Section 11-49A-17 — Use of rights-of-way.
- Section 11-49A-18 — Annual budget; amendments; annual audit.
- Section 11-49A-19 — Dissolution of authority; apportionment of property.
- Section 11-49A-20 — Incorporation of additional authorities in same county prohibited.
- Section 11-49B-1 — Declaration of purpose and legislative findings.
- Section 11-49B-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-49B-3 — Filing of application; authorization of incorporation by governing body of authorizing county.
- Section 11-49B-4 — Procedure to incorporate contents and execution of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-49B-5 — Amendments to certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-49B-6 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-49B-7 — Powers of authority.
- Section 11-49B-8 — Rates and charges.
- Section 11-49B-9 — Bonds of authority.
- Section 11-49B-10 — Contracts to secure bonds and assumed obligations.
- Section 11-49B-11 — Statutory mortgage lien.
- Section 11-49B-12 — Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-49B-13 — Cooperation; aid from other public bodies.
- Section 11-49B-14 — Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-49B-15 — Freedom of authority from Public Service Commission and other state supervision and control.
- Section 11-49B-16 — Use of public roads.
- Section 11-49B-17 — Annual budgets and audits required.
- Section 11-49B-18 — Civil service of merit systems not applicable.
- Section 11-49B-19 — Dissolution of authority and vesting of property.
- Section 11-49B-20 — Employee protective provisions.
- Section 11-49B-21 — Existence of an authority prevents incorporation of another by the same county.
- Section 11-49B-22 — Taxes; exemptions; reporting credit sales; lien security; state sales tax provisions applicable; charge for collecting tax; voting.
- Section 11-49B-23 — Repeal of conflicting laws; transfer of funds; assumption of assets and liabilities.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-50-1 — Establishment, purchase, etc., of waterworks, gas or electric plants by municipalities generally; contracts for furnishing of water, gas or electricity; regulation of gas, electricity and water rates and quality.
- Section 11-50-1.1 — Acquisition of certain waterworks systems only with consent of governing board of corporation or association operating same.
- Section 11-50-2 — Acquisition of power lines and rights-of-way, etc., incident thereto.
- Section 11-50-3 — Sale of water and power to other municipalities.
- Section 11-50-4 — Condemnation of sources of water, watersheds, rights-of-way, etc., to secure water supply.
- Section 11-50-5 — Construction, purchase, operation, etc., of waterworks and water supply plants and systems and expenditure of municipal funds therefor.
- Section 11-50-6 — Issuance of bonds for payment for waterworks plants, etc., purchased; security for bonds; provision in purchase agreement as to disposition of revenues from plants, etc.
- Section 11-50-6.1 — Referendum on issuing obligations to construct hydroelectric generating facility in Class 5 municipality.
- Section 11-50-7 — Provision in purchase agreement as to franchise right of purchaser at foreclosure sale.
- Section 11-50-8 — Execution of mortgages or deeds of trust as security for debts, etc., incurred in construction, acquisition, etc., of waterworks, electric lighting or power plants, etc.
- Section 11-50-9 — Terms, covenants, etc., in mortgages or deeds of trust generally.
- Section 11-50-10 — Provision in mortgages or deeds of trust as to franchise right, etc., of purchaser at foreclosure sale.
- Section 11-50-11 — Provision in mortgages or deeds of trust as to disposition of revenues, etc., from plants, rates and charges, etc.
- Section 11-50-12 — Combination of electric light and power plants, etc., and waterworks plants, etc.; use of electric light and power plants, etc., and disposition of revenues therefrom.
- Section 11-50-13 — Transfer of waterworks, sewer, electric and gas plants, etc., to boards organized and incorporated to own and operate same.
- Section 11-50-14 — Agreements with boards; conditions, etc., in instruments of transfer as to control, operation, etc., of plants, etc., by boards; powers of boards as to conveyance, etc., of title to plants.
- Section 11-50-15 — Fees of directors.
- Section 11-50-16 — Employment of mayor or president of board of commissioners of certain municipalities as superintendent of light, water, sewer or gas systems, etc.; duties and compensation; validation of prior employment, etc.
- Section 11-50-17 — Payment of interest by waterworks boards in Class 1 municipalities on customer security deposits.
Article 2 Acquisition of Water Supply by Foreign Municipal Corporations.
- Section 11-50-30 — Acquisition, etc., by foreign municipalities of property necessary to afford adequate water supply authorized.
- Section 11-50-31 — Rights and powers of domestic municipal corporations as to acquisition, maintenance, etc., of waterworks systems conferred upon foreign municipal corporations.
- Section 11-50-32 — Rights and powers of foreign municipal corporations to contract with persons, municipal corporations, etc., within state for water supply.
- Section 11-50-33 — Consent of counties and municipalities required.
- Section 11-50-34 — Exercise of jurisdiction over territory acquired by foreign municipalities generally.
- Section 11-50-35 — Exemption from levy, attachment, etc., of property of foreign municipal corporations.
- Section 11-50-36 — Taxation of property acquired by foreign municipalities.
Article 3 Acquisition, Operation, etc., of Sewers or Sewer Systems by Municipalities Generally.
- Section 11-50-50 — Construction and maintenance of sewers, drains, etc., by municipalities authorized.
- Section 11-50-51 — Condemnation of easements, etc.
- Section 11-50-52 — Extension or alteration of sewer system, etc.
- Section 11-50-53 — Regulation, installation, etc., of drainage and sewer connections generally.
- Section 11-50-54 — Regulation, installation, etc., of drainage, plumbing, sewer connections, etc.
- Section 11-50-55 — Regulation, installation, etc., of privies, water closets, septic tanks, etc.; preparation and filing of statement as to installation, etc., of privies, water closets, etc.
- Section 11-50-56 — Giving of notice under provisions of division.
- Section 11-50-70 — "Council" defined.
- Section 11-50-71 — Authorized.
- Section 11-50-72 — Adoption of ordinance or resolution describing sewer system to be purchased, ordering preparation of maps, profiles, etc., thereof, etc.
- Section 11-50-73 — Filing of maps, profiles, etc., in office of engineer for public inspection.
- Section 11-50-74 — Execution of contract for purchase of sewers or sewer system by council; contents and terms thereof.
- Section 11-50-75 — Passage of ordinance or resolution providing for purchase of sewers or sewer system, assessment of cost thereof against abutting lands, date for conduct of hearing upon objections, etc., to purchase, etc.
- Section 11-50-76 — Publication of ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-50-77 — Hearing upon objections as to proposed purchase; amendment, modification, rescission, etc., of ordinance or resolution and contract by council.
- Section 11-50-78 — Payment of portion of costs of purchase by council; costs of purchase specified.
- Section 11-50-79 — Assessment of cost of sewers or sewer system against abutting lands authorized.
- Section 11-50-80 — Preparation, etc., of list of property owners to be assessed for purchase; entry of list in assessment book for local improvements.
- Section 11-50-81 — Delivery of assessment book to city or town clerk; publication of notice as to delivery and inspection of book, hearing upon objections to assessments, etc.
- Section 11-50-82 — Effect and correction of defects or errors in notice.
- Section 11-50-83 — Filing of written objections, etc., to proposed assessments by property owners.
- Section 11-50-84 — Hearing upon objections, etc., to assessments.
- Section 11-50-85 — Fixing of amount of assessments by council and effect thereof.
- Section 11-50-86 — Assignment and transfer of assessment liens.
- Section 11-50-87 — Enforcement of assessment liens in circuit court.
- Section 11-50-88 — Effect of enforcement of tax liens upon property upon assessment liens.
- Section 11-50-89 — Effect of sale of property for enforcement of assessment lien upon other assessment liens upon same property.
- Section 11-50-90 — Appeals from assessments.
- Section 11-50-91 — Payment of assessments generally.
- Section 11-50-92 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of property owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Notice of sale; payment of assessment prior to sale; cost of notice and sale charged against land, etc.
- Section 11-50-93 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of property owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Execution, etc., of deed to purchaser at sale; disposition of surplus from sale; purchase of property by municipality.
- Section 11-50-94 — Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of property owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Effect of error or defect in notice or sale.
- Section 11-50-95 — Redemption of property after sale.
- Section 11-50-96 — Issuance of bonds to pay for sewers or sewer system authorized generally.
- Section 11-50-97 — Making of loans and issuance of bonds to pay for sewers or sewer system.
- Section 11-50-98 — Form, terms, denominations, etc., of bonds; execution, sale, etc., thereof.
- Section 11-50-99 — Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-50-100 — Payment and redemption of bonds generally.
- Section 11-50-101 — Issuance, etc., of bonds by municipalities having less than six thousand inhabitants.
- Section 11-50-102 — Liability of municipal officials to bondholders for diversion, misappropriation, etc., of funds for payment of bonds.
- Section 11-50-103 — Maintenance of account and disbursement of proceeds from assessments generally.
- Section 11-50-104 — Deposit of assessment proceeds in bank; manner of withdrawal thereof.
- Section 11-50-105 — Use of proceeds to redeem bonds and coupons; disposition of excess.
- Section 11-50-106 — Refunding of excess assessments - Authority and procedure generally.
- Section 11-50-107 — Refunding of excess assessments - Limitation period for presentation of claims; disposition of amounts not refunded.
- Section 11-50-108 — Adoption of rules and regulations for operation and maintenance of sewers or sewer system purchased; charges for use of sewers or sewer system.
- Section 11-50-120 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-121 — Establishment, etc., of charges for sewer services; combination of sewer system and water distribution system and establishment, etc., of single schedule of charges, etc., therefor.
- Section 11-50-122 — Enforcement of charges.
Article 4 Sale, Lease, etc., of Electric, Gas or Waterworks Plants by Municipalities.
- Section 11-50-140 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-141 — Authorized.
- Section 11-50-142 — Passage of resolution by governing body providing for sale, lease, etc.
- Section 11-50-143 — Ordering of special election for authorization of sale, lease, etc.
- Section 11-50-144 — Calling of election.
- Section 11-50-145 — Notice of election.
- Section 11-50-146 — Appointment of clerks, returning officers, etc., and designation of voting places.
- Section 11-50-147 — Qualifications for voting; provision of ballots; conduct of election generally.
- Section 11-50-148 — Form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-50-149 — Disposition of ballots at conclusion of election; canvassing of returns and declaration of election results.
- Section 11-50-150 — Execution of sale, lease, etc., by governing body and terms thereof.
- Section 11-50-151 — Purchaser to assume payment of existing bonded indebtedness upon plant.
Article 5 Transfer of Water Systems Without Elections.
- Section 11-50-170 — Authorized; terms; adoption of resolutions authorizing transfer.
- Section 11-50-171 — Publication of notice of adoption of resolution authorizing transfer, certain terms thereof, etc.; limitation period for action to restrain proposed transfer, etc.
- Section 11-50-172 — Provision by transferor for payment of outstanding bonds, mortgages, indentures, etc.
- Section 11-50-173 — Execution of necessary agreements and instruments authorized.
- Section 11-50-174 — Construction of article; exemption from jurisdiction and regulation of state public service commission, etc.
Article 6 Transfer of Water and Sewer Systems by Municipalities Without Elections.
- Section 11-50-190 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-191 — Conveyance authorized; terms; ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-50-192 — Agreements.
Article 7 Transfer of Gas System Without Elections.
- Section 11-50-210 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-211 — Conveyance authorized; terms and conditions; ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-50-212 — Implementation of article.
- Section 11-50-213 — Article supplemental.
Article 8 Waterworks and Sewer Boards.
- Section 11-50-230 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-231 — Application for authority to form corporation for operation of waterworks and sanitary sewer systems; adoption of resolution by municipal governing body authorizing incorporation.
- Section 11-50-232 — Certificate of incorporation - Contents; amendment.
- Section 11-50-233 — Certificate of incorporation - Acknowledgment, filing and recordation.
- Section 11-50-234 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-50-234.1 — Meeting expense allowance for board members.
- Section 11-50-235 — Powers of corporation generally; provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust or pledge agreements executed by corporation as to rights of parties thereto, etc.; exemption from taxation of property and income of corporation.
- Section 11-50-236 — Execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-237 — Execution, sale, etc., of bonds and refunding bonds of corporation generally; terms, denominations, etc., thereof; charge, application, etc., of revenues from systems to payment of bonds, etc., generally; vesting of title to systems in municipality and dissolution of corporation upon payment of bonds in full.
- Section 11-50-238 — Transfer of systems to corporation; powers of corporation as to conveyance, etc., of title to systems.
- Section 11-50-239 — Acquisition, operation, etc., of waterworks system located in another municipality; execution of contract for conveyance of system in other municipality thereto upon payment in full of indebtedness of corporation.
- Section 11-50-240 — Issuance of revenue bonds for improvement and extension of waterworks plants and pledge of revenues from gas systems for payment thereof.
- Section 11-50-241 — Construction of division; jurisdiction, etc., of state board of health and state public service commission.
- Section 11-50-260 — Authorization generally.
- Section 11-50-261 — Additional powers of boards as to gas plants and systems.
- Section 11-50-262 — Borrowing of money and issuance of revenue bonds therefor; execution of mortgages, pledges, etc., as security for indebtedness; provisions in same as to rights of parties thereto, etc.; sale of gas to municipalities authorized.
- Section 11-50-263 — Execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-264 — Issuance, sale, etc., of bonds and refunding bonds of board; terms, denominations, taxation, etc., thereof; charge, application, etc., of revenues from system to payment of indebtedness; vesting of title to system in municipality upon payment of all indebtedness.
- Section 11-50-265 — Transfer of gas plant or system to waterworks board; sale or transfer of plant or system by board to utility regulated by state public service commission.
- Section 11-50-266 — Notice to owner of existing gas plant or system in territory of intention of waterworks board to operate gas plant or system therein, etc.
- Section 11-50-267 — Voluntary sale of existing plant or system to board by owner.
- Section 11-50-268 — Application to public service commission for determination as to terms of acquisition; hearing; issuance of order by commission as to terms, conditions, etc., of acquisition.
- Section 11-50-269 — Appeal from order of commission.
- Section 11-50-270 — Completion of sale pursuant to final determination of commission or court; effect of failure of seller to tender deed, etc., or of board to accept deed, pay purchase price, etc.
- Section 11-50-271 — Consolidation of gas and waterworks plants and systems.
- Section 11-50-272 — Change of name of board upon acquisition of gas plant or system.
- Section 11-50-273 — Construction of division; exemption from jurisdiction and regulation of state public service commission.
- Section 11-50-290 — Contracts between municipalities and waterworks board for operation and management of sanitary sewer systems.
- Section 11-50-291 — Rights and powers of municipalities and state board of health as to sanitary sewers not impaired by division.
Article 9 Boards for Operation of Water, Sewer, Gas and Electric Systems.
- Section 11-50-310 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-311 — Application for authority to incorporate; adoption of resolution by municipal governing body authorizing incorporation.
- Section 11-50-312 — Acknowledgment, filing and recordation of certificate of incorporation; amendment of certificate of corporation formed under this article or under Division 1 of Article 8 of this chapter.
- Section 11-50-313 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-50-314 — Powers of corporation generally; provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust or pledge agreements executed by corporation as to rights of parties thereto, etc.
- Section 11-50-315 — Execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-316 — Execution, sale, etc., of bonds and refunding bonds of corporation; terms, denominations, etc., thereof; charge, application, etc., of revenues from systems for payment of bonds, etc., generally; vesting of title to systems in municipality and dissolution of corporation upon payment of bonds in full, etc.
- Section 11-50-317 — Pledge of revenues from and mortgaging of systems for payment of bonds.
- Section 11-50-318 — Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-50-319 — Exemption from usury and interest statutes.
- Section 11-50-320 — Acquisition, operation, etc., of systems located in another municipality; execution of contract for conveyance of system in other municipality thereto upon payment in full of indebtedness of corporation as to such systems.
- Section 11-50-321 — Consolidation of systems.
- Section 11-50-322 — Exemption from taxation of bonds, property, and income of corporation; other exemptions.
- Section 11-50-323 — Construction of article; jurisdiction, etc., of state board of health and state public service commission.
- Section 11-50-324 — Applicability of provisions of Sections 11-50-230 through 11-50-273 and Sections 37-4-60 through 37-4-65.
Article 10 Boards of Water and Sewer Commissioners.
- Section 11-50-340 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-341 — Creation.
- Section 11-50-342 — Qualifications, appointment, terms of office, compensation and removal of members of board; oath and bond thereof; vacancies; election of officers; quorum.
- Section 11-50-343 — Powers generally; publication, recordation and authentication of resolutions of board.
- Section 11-50-344 — Transfer of existing water or sewer systems to board; powers of board as to conveyance, etc., of title to systems.
- Section 11-50-345 — Issuance of revenue bonds authorized; form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, etc.; disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds; issuance of interim receipts or temporary bonds.
- Section 11-50-346 — Execution of trust agreement as security for payment of revenue bonds authorized; provisions in trust agreements or resolutions for issuance of bonds generally.
- Section 11-50-347 — Provisions in resolutions for issuance of revenue bonds or trust agreements securing same as payment of rates, fees or charges for services.
- Section 11-50-348 — Liability upon revenue bonds, etc.; payment of bonds and expenses.
- Section 11-50-349 — Remedies of bondholders and trustees.
- Section 11-50-350 — Revenue refunding bonds.
- Section 11-50-351 — Establishment, collection, etc., of rates, fees and charges for services furnished.
- Section 11-50-352 — Adoption, etc., of rules and regulations as to connection of buildings to sewers.
- Section 11-50-353 — Moneys received under article deemed trust funds; provisions in trust agreements or resolutions for issuance of bonds as to trustees.
- Section 11-50-354 — Exemption from taxation of systems, revenue bonds, etc.
- Section 11-50-355 — Annual reports and audits; conflicts of interest of members, agents or employees of board; vesting of title to systems in city and dissolution of board upon payment, etc., of bonds, etc., in full.
- Section 11-50-356 — Provisions of article cumulative; issuance of revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds.
- Section 11-50-357 — Article to be liberally construed.
- Section 11-50-358 — Conflicting laws.
Article 11 Operation of Sanitary Sewer Systems by Public Water Corporations.
- Section 11-50-370 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-371 — Contracts between public water corporations and public sewer corporations for operation and management of sanitary sewer systems.
- Section 11-50-372 — Rights and powers of public water corporations and state board of health as to sanitary sewers not impaired by article.
Article 12 Gas Districts.
- Section 11-50-390 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-391 — Creation.
- Section 11-50-392 — Contents, acknowledgment, filing and recordation of certificate of incorporation; procedure for amendment thereof; dissolution of district and disposition of systems, etc., upon payment of indebtedness of district in full.
- Section 11-50-393 — Board of directors - Composition; compensation; removal actions.
- Section 11-50-394 — Board of directors - Organization; officers.
- Section 11-50-395 — Board of directors - Powers generally; resolutions.
- Section 11-50-396 — Powers generally.
- Section 11-50-397 — Exercise of powers of eminent domain generally.
- Section 11-50-398 — Acquisition, construction, operation, etc., of gas distribution systems outside territory of municipalities by which incorporated.
- Section 11-50-399 — Acquisition of competing gas systems, etc.
- Section 11-50-400 — Use of public highway rights-of-way.
- Section 11-50-401 — Promulgation of rules and regulations as to installation, maintenance, etc., of gas fixtures, pipes, etc., served by district - Authorized.
- Section 11-50-402 — Promulgation of rules and regulations as to installation, maintenance, etc., of gas fixtures, pipes, etc., served by district - Procedure.
- Section 11-50-403 — Rules and regulations not to supersede rules, regulations, etc., of municipalities in territory served by district; municipal rules, regulations, etc., to govern in event of conflict.
- Section 11-50-404 — Transfer of systems to district by municipalities.
- Section 11-50-405 — Bonds - Authorization for issuance; form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution and delivery; sale; refunding and exchange; issuance of interim receipts or temporary bonds.
- Section 11-50-406 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-50-407 — Provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust, etc., executed as security for bonds as to rights of parties thereto, etc.; execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-408 — When mortgages or pledges of property or revenues and liens thereof effective; properties, persons, etc., subject thereto.
- Section 11-50-409 — Liability upon bonds, etc.; payment of bonds.
- Section 11-50-410 — Rights and remedies of bondholders and trustees.
- Section 11-50-411 — Disposition of net profits of district; "net income" defined; distribution of less than net income for fiscal year; availability for payment in future fiscal years.
- Section 11-50-412 — Taxation - Exemption of property, income, bonds, etc., of district generally.
- Section 11-50-413 — Taxation - Levy and collection of privilege license tax by certain municipalities.
- Section 11-50-414 — Validation of proceedings to incorporate gas districts.
- Section 11-50-415 — Exemption from usury and interest statutes.
- Section 11-50-416 — Purpose of article; proceedings, notices, etc., required by article for incorporation, etc., exclusive; exemption of districts from jurisdiction and regulation of state public service commission.
- Section 11-50-417 — Provisions of article exclusive.
Article 13 Waterworks Utility Boards.
- Section 11-50-430 — Creation; composition.
- Section 11-50-431 — Members of board - Qualifications.
- Section 11-50-432 — Members of board - Election and terms of office; vacancies.
- Section 11-50-433 — Members of board - Oath of office.
- Section 11-50-434 — Members of board - Impeachment and removal.
- Section 11-50-435 — Members of board - Compensation.
- Section 11-50-436 — Officers.
- Section 11-50-437 — Meetings.
- Section 11-50-438 — Official bonds of certain officers and employees.
- Section 11-50-439 — Powers and duties of board generally.
- Section 11-50-440 — Appointment of accountant, etc., to make annual examination and report of books and accounts.
- Section 11-50-441 — Annual report to municipal governing body.
- Section 11-50-442 — Expenditures for new construction, additions, etc., to waterworks plant and system, etc.
- Section 11-50-443 — Maintenance and disbursement of funds of board generally.
- Section 11-50-444 — Disposition of moneys received from operation of waterworks plant and system.
- Section 11-50-445 — Fixing of bonds required from depositories.
Article 14 Gas Utility Boards.
- Section 11-50-460 — Creation; composition.
- Section 11-50-461 — Members of board - Qualifications.
- Section 11-50-462 — Members of board - Election and terms of office; vacancies.
- Section 11-50-463 — Members of board - Oath of office.
- Section 11-50-464 — Members of board - Impeachment and removal.
- Section 11-50-465 — Members of board - Compensation.
- Section 11-50-466 — Officers.
- Section 11-50-467 — Meetings.
- Section 11-50-468 — Official bonds of certain officers and employees.
- Section 11-50-469 — Powers and duties of board generally.
- Section 11-50-470 — Appointment of accountant, etc., to make annual examination and report of books and accounts.
- Section 11-50-471 — Annual report to municipal governing body.
- Section 11-50-472 — Expenditures for new construction, additions, etc., to gas distribution system, etc.
- Section 11-50-473 — Maintenance and disbursement of funds of board generally.
- Section 11-50-474 — Disposition of moneys received from operation of gas distribution system.
- Section 11-50-475 — Fixing of bonds required from depositories.
Article 15 Electric Utility Boards.
- Section 11-50-490 — Creation.
- Section 11-50-491 — Qualifications of members.
- Section 11-50-492 — Election of members; filling of vacancies.
- Section 11-50-493 — Oath.
- Section 11-50-494 — Chairman; secretary.
- Section 11-50-495 — Compensation.
- Section 11-50-496 — Meetings; record of proceedings.
- Section 11-50-497 — Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-50-498 — Impeachment and removal.
- Section 11-50-499 — Bonds of officers and employees.
- Section 11-50-500 — Examination of books and accounts.
- Section 11-50-501 — Annual report.
- Section 11-50-502 — Expenditures for new construction, additions or replacements.
- Section 11-50-503 — Segregation and withdrawal of funds.
- Section 11-50-504 — Deposit and distribution of money received from use of electric system.
- Section 11-50-505 — Bond or securities of depository.
- Section 11-50-506 — Effect of chapter on existing laws, etc.
Article 16 District Electric Corporations.
- Section 11-50-520 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50-521 — Authority to incorporate.
- Section 11-50-522 — Procedure for incorporation.
- Section 11-50-523 — Amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-50-524 — Corporate powers.
- Section 11-50-525 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-50-526 — Bonds - Sale or issuance generally.
- Section 11-50-527 — Bonds - Consent of department of finance.
- Section 11-50-528 — Bonds - Nature of obligations.
- Section 11-50-529 — Bonds - Rights and remedies of bondholders.
- Section 11-50-530 — Rates and charges for services rendered.
- Section 11-50-531 — Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-50-532 — Dissolution.
- Section 11-50-533 — Municipal aid.
- Section 11-50A-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50A-2 — Legislative intent.
- Section 11-50A-3 — Purpose of authority.
- Section 11-50A-4 — Application for incorporation.
- Section 11-50A-5 — Issuance and recording of certificate of incorporation; no fees to be paid.
- Section 11-50A-6 — Board of directors; election committee; distribution of votes; additional election committee members; terms of office; first and annual meeting; special meetings; waiver of meeting notice; vacancies; officers; compensation; books and records.
- Section 11-50A-7 — Tax exemptions; payments in lieu of taxes.
- Section 11-50A-8 — Powers of the authority.
- Section 11-50A-9 — Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution; bond resolution covenants.
- Section 11-50A-10 — Validation of bonds.
- Section 11-50A-11 — Validation of contracts.
- Section 11-50A-12 — Bond provisions; destroyed bonds; interest; cancellation; paying agents.
- Section 11-50A-13 — Immunity from liability; credit not pledged.
- Section 11-50A-14 — Right to receivership upon default.
- Section 11-50A-15 — Negotiability of bonds.
- Section 11-50A-16 — Bonds as legal investments.
- Section 11-50A-17 — Contracts for use of projects; purchase of electric power; payment of charges; indemnity; enforcement of performance.
- Section 11-50A-18 — Revenues of authority; rates; assignment to trustee; use of revenues.
- Section 11-50A-19 — Pledge of revenues.
- Section 11-50A-20 — Trust agreement.
- Section 11-50A-21 — Proceeds of bonds.
- Section 11-50A-22 — Issuance of bond anticipation notes and notes.
- Section 11-50A-23 — Trust funds.
- Section 11-50A-24 — Jurisdiction of actions.
- Section 11-50A-25 — Public service commission review and regulation.
- Section 11-50A-26 — Provisions of resolution, agreement, chapter, etc., as irrevocable contract with holders of bonds, notes, etc.
- Section 11-50A-27 — Dissolution of authority.
- Section 11-50A-28 — Exemption from Alabama sunset law.
- Section 11-50A-29 — Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-50A-30 — Construction.
- Section 11-50A-31 — Effectiveness of pledges and security interests.
- Section 11-50A-32 — Powers declared supplementary.
- Section 11-50A-33 — Severability.
- Section 11-50B-1 — Purpose.
- Section 11-50B-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-50B-3 — Permitted activities by public providers; lease of equipment by municipal governing bodies.
- Section 11-50B-4 — Municipal authority to furnish cable service; rules and regulations.
- Section 11-50B-5 — Maintenance of records; payment of capital costs, etc.
- Section 11-50B-6 — Allocation of costs; charge rates.
- Section 11-50B-7 — Provision of cable channel to public school system, etc.
- Section 11-50B-8 — Meetings, hearings, etc., open to public; notice; petition; election; procedure.
- Section 11-50B-9 — Funding.
- Section 11-50B-10 — Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-50B-11 — Limitation on debts.
- Section 11-50B-12 — Construction.
Article 1 Property Taxes.
- Section 11-51-1 — Levy and assessment of property taxes; notice of and conduct of hearing upon objections to assessments.
- Section 11-51-2 — When taxes due and delinquent; interest rate on delinquent taxes.
- Section 11-51-3 — Notice required by certain municipal tax collectors as to delinquent taxes.
- Section 11-51-4 — Submission of assessment rolls of certain cities to county commission; acceptance and adoption thereof by county commission.
- Section 11-51-5 — Notification of property owners where valuation by city higher than county valuation; right of property owners to contest valuation, etc.
- Section 11-51-6 — Lien for taxes.
- Section 11-51-7 — Effect of assessments and enforcement thereof by levy of execution upon and sale of property generally; right of redemption of owner of property sold generally.
- Section 11-51-8 — Garnishment for collection of taxes generally.
- Section 11-51-9 — Collection of taxes due upon property assessed to unknown owner generally.
- Section 11-51-10 — Demand for payment of taxes due and charge therefor.
- Section 11-51-11 — Preparation, etc., of certified list of delinquent taxes.
- Section 11-51-12 — Filing of list in circuit court; entry of civil actions for assessments on trial docket; issuance, execution and return of summons notifying owners of institution of proceedings against property generally.
- Section 11-51-13 — Publication of notice of filing of tax list, etc., as to owners unknown or not found.
- Section 11-51-14 — Entry of judgment by circuit court; sale of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally.
- Section 11-51-15 — Appeal from judgment of circuit court.
- Section 11-51-16 — Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Disposition of proceeds.
- Section 11-51-17 — Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Purchase of property by municipality.
- Section 11-51-18 — Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Rights and liabilities of purchaser of property generally.
- Section 11-51-19 — Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Title acquired by purchaser.
- Section 11-51-20 — Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Grounds for invalidity of sale; procedure when proceedings for sale not sufficient to pass title to property.
- Section 11-51-21 — Certification to circuit court of unpaid assessments for improvements and collection thereof from proceeds of sale; effect of sales upon tax and assessment liens.
- Section 11-51-22 — Assessments against property, etc., for escaped taxes authorized; collection thereof; reassessment of property because of informality or irregularity in assessment authorized.
- Section 11-51-23 — Redemption of property after sale - Authorization and procedure generally.
- Section 11-51-24 — Redemption of property after sale - Conveyance of property, etc., to redeemer.
- Section 11-51-25 — Redemption of property after sale - Redemption by municipality; redemption from municipality.
- Section 11-51-26 — Attachment or garnishment for collection of taxes in anticipation of nonpayment thereof.
- Section 11-51-27 — Releases from taxes; settlement of claims and releases from penalties.
- Section 11-51-28 — Requirement as to separation in levy, collection and disbursement of general and special taxes; disposition of excess proceeds from special taxes.
- Section 11-51-40 — Adoption of ordinance providing for payment of municipal taxes upon basis of state and county assessments for preceding tax year, etc.; operation under provisions of article by certain cities.
- Section 11-51-41 — When taxes due and delinquent.
- Section 11-51-42 — Levy of taxes; certification and delivery to county tax assessor of copy of ordinance or resolution levying taxes.
- Section 11-51-43 — County tax collectors to collect taxes.
- Section 11-51-44 — Lien for taxes.
- Section 11-51-45 — Indication by county tax assessor on assessment list of property located in municipalities and ascertainment of value thereof.
- Section 11-51-46 — Preparation, etc., of assessment forms, etc., for use by tax assessor.
- Section 11-51-47 — Assessment book of tax assessor.
- Section 11-51-48 — Computation and entry in assessment book of amount of property tax owed by taxpayer.
- Section 11-51-49 — Preparation and contents of certificate of assessment.
- Section 11-51-50 — Procedure for collection of taxes, etc., by county tax collector generally.
- Section 11-51-51 — Preparation, contents and effect of receipt of tax collector.
- Section 11-51-52 — Report of tax collector; payment of taxes collected to municipal treasurers; receipt of municipal treasurers.
- Section 11-51-53 — Annual settlement by tax collector and payment of balance of taxes collected.
- Section 11-51-54 — Maintenance, etc., of separate accounts and funds for general and special taxes.
- Section 11-51-55 — Crediting of tax collector with municipal taxes on assessment list and with taxes in litigation generally.
- Section 11-51-56 — Charging against tax collector of insolvent municipal taxes and taxes in litigation.
- Section 11-51-57 — Preparation, etc., of list of insolvents, etc.
- Section 11-51-58 — Collection of insolvent taxes; monthly reports, payment and settlement of same.
- Section 11-51-59 — Final report by tax collector as to uncollected balances of insolvent taxes and taxes in litigation; crediting of tax collector for same.
- Section 11-51-60 — Entry by tax collector in docket book of municipal taxes due, etc.
- Section 11-51-61 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Decree of sale.
- Section 11-51-62 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Appeal by state from decree of sale.
- Section 11-51-63 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Certificate of purchase.
- Section 11-51-64 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Execution of deed to purchaser.
- Section 11-51-65 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Rights of purchaser where tax sale invalid.
- Section 11-51-66 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Duties of tax assessor as to descriptive list.
- Section 11-51-67 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Entry in books of Department of Revenue of municipal taxes due on property; amount for which property to be sold.
- Section 11-51-68 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Payment of municipality when lands bid in by state sold by state.
- Section 11-51-69 — Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Repayment of state when sale of lands bid in by state invalid and purchase money refunded.
- Section 11-51-70 — Proceedings when tax sale cancelled.
- Section 11-51-71 — Disposition of redemption money when lands redeemed.
- Section 11-51-72 — Procedure for recovery of taxes erroneously paid.
- Section 11-51-73 — Official bonds of probate judge, county tax assessor and county tax collector.
- Section 11-51-74 — Commission of tax assessors and tax collectors.
Article 2 License Taxes.
- Section 11-51-90 — Licensing of conduct of trade, business, profession, etc., in municipality authorized generally; licensing as to persons, etc., engaged in business in connection with interstate commerce; purposes for which licensing power conferred by division may be exercised.
- Section 11-51-91 — Establishment and collection of license for conduct of business, trade or profession outside corporate limits of municipality.
- Section 11-51-92 — Charge for licenses taken out after July 1; transfer of licenses.
- Section 11-51-93 — Engaging in business without license unlawful; penalty for violations of provisions of division or ordinances requiring licenses.
- Section 11-51-94 — License designates place of business, etc., and authorizes conduct thereof only at place designated; change of place of business, etc.; uniformity of license tax; classification, etc., of licenses in certain cities.
- Section 11-51-95 — Person, etc., engaged in two or more businesses, trades, etc., to take out and pay for license for each.
- Section 11-51-96 — Lien for license taxes.
- Section 11-51-97 — Licensing, etc., of sales at auctions, in public places or on streets of merchandise, medicines, etc.
- Section 11-51-98 — License tax on vending and weighing machines - Authorized generally.
- Section 11-51-100 — Regulation and control of vending machines on which music is played.
- Section 11-51-101 — Licensing, etc., of carts, wagons, carriages, etc.
- Section 11-51-102 — Licensing, etc., of theatres, parks, shooting galleries, etc.; closing of houses of amusement or places for sale of firearms, etc.
- Section 11-51-103 — Revocation of licenses of houses of public entertainment or places where firearms, etc., kept for sale.
- Section 11-51-104 — Licensing and taxation, etc., of amusements, athletic games and use of public parks, etc.
- Section 11-51-105 — Municipalities not to charge farmers for sale, etc., of farm products.
- Section 11-51-120 — Insurance companies - Fire and marine insurance companies.
- Section 11-51-121 — Insurance companies - Insurance companies other than fire and marine insurance companies.
- Section 11-51-122 — Insurance companies - Provision of statement of gross premiums, etc., and payment of license tax; effect of failure to file statement or pay tax.
- Section 11-51-123 — Insurance companies - Company may engage in business in municipality upon payment or tender of tax; agents not to be subject to further privilege or occupational taxes.
- Section 11-51-124 — Railroads.
- Section 11-51-125 — Railway sleeping car companies, etc.
- Section 11-51-126 — Express companies.
- Section 11-51-127 — Telegraph companies.
- Section 11-51-128 — Telephone companies.
- Section 11-51-129 — Street railroads, electric, gas and waterworks companies, etc.
- Section 11-51-130 — Banks.
- Section 11-51-131 — Savings and loan associations.
- Section 11-51-150 — Filing of petition for injunction against business, etc., delinquent in payment of license tax.
- Section 11-51-151 — Notice and hearings; granting of injunctive relief.
- Section 11-51-152 — Accounting as to tax due and entry of judgment.
- Section 11-51-153 — Dissolution of injunction upon appeal from judgment generally; reinstatement of injunction when judgment reversed upon appeal.
- Section 11-51-154 — Bond to dissolve temporary injunctive relief - Execution, etc.; effect as security for judgment and costs upon final hearing generally.
- Section 11-51-155 — Bond to dissolve temporary injunctive relief - Effect of bond as security for judgment and costs finally determined against respondent.
- Section 11-51-156 — Bond to dissolve temporary injunctive relief - Forfeiture of bond and issuance of execution thereon.
- Section 11-51-157 — Appeal from judgment of circuit court.
- Section 11-51-158 — Effect of pending action upon institution of subsequent action for taxes becoming due after institution of prior action.
- Section 11-51-159 — Enforcement of lien not to constitute waiver of rights as to respondent's bond.
- Section 11-51-160 — Equitable attachment.
- Section 11-51-161 — Provisions of division cumulative.
- Section 11-51-180 — Prerequisites for collection by Department of Revenue; exceptions; applicability.
- Section 11-51-181 — Time of collection; inspection of reports by municipal governing body.
- Section 11-51-182 — Preparation and distribution of reports, etc., necessary for collection of taxes; authority and duties of department generally.
- Section 11-51-183 — Certification and disposition of taxes collected; charge for collections; redistribution of over-charges; warrant.
- Section 11-51-184 — Employment of special counsel.
- Section 11-51-185 — Request for department to collect municipal taxes; effective date; when department to perform duties under division.
Article 3 Sales and Use Taxes.
- Section 11-51-200 — Levy of sales tax authorized; exemption; construction.
- Section 11-51-201 — Applicability of provisions of state sales tax law; collection of tax on vehicles not sold through licensed Alabama dealer.
- Section 11-51-202 — Levy of excise or use tax authorized; levy of lodgings tax authorized.
- Section 11-51-203 — Applicability of provisions of state excise or use tax law; collection of tax on vehicles sold by dealers not licensed in Alabama or by licensed dealers who fail to collect sales taxes; fees.
- Section 11-51-204 — Adoption, etc., of rules and regulations as to ascertainment, etc., and levy of taxes.
- Section 11-51-205 — Establishment of rate of taxes; levy and assessment of taxes in lieu of license tax under Section 11-51-90; effect of pledge of proceeds of license tax under Section 11-51-90 as to levy and assessment of taxes under article.
- Section 11-51-206 — Levy of tax outside corporate limits.
- Section 11-51-207 — Collection of taxes by Department of Revenue – Generally; municipal rental tax levy.
- Section 11-51-208 — Collection of taxes by Department of Revenue - Reports; costs; enabling act; rules and regulations; assessment, rates of interest.
- Section 11-51-209 — Gross receipts tax.
- Section 11-51-210 — Standard singular and multiple jurisdictional tax forms - Promulgation, adoption, etc.
- Section 11-51-211 — Quarterly sales and use tax returns.
Article 4 Ad Valorem Tax and Occupational License Fee Exemptions by Class 6 Municipalities.
- Section 11-51-220 — Applicability; definitions.
- Section 11-51-221 — Exemption from real estate and personal property taxes.
- Section 11-51-222 — Exemption from occupational license fees in Class 6 city.
- Section 11-51-223 — Assessment and collection of privilege or license tax, etc., authorized; exception.
- Section 11-51-240 — Applicability; definitions.
- Section 11-51-241 — Exemption.
Article 1 General Provisions.
- Section 11-52-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-52-2 — Adoption, amendment, execution, etc., of municipal plan and creation of municipal planning commission authorized; designations of planning commissions.
- Section 11-52-3 — Municipal Planning Commission - Composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, compensation and removal of members; vacancies.
- Section 11-52-4 — Municipal Planning Commission - Chairman and other officers; meetings; adoption of rules of procedure; maintenance of record of resolutions, transactions, etc.
- Section 11-52-5 — Municipal Planning Commission - Appointment, etc., of employees; contracts with consultants, etc.; expenditure of funds.
- Section 11-52-6 — Municipal Planning Commission - Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-52-7 — Municipal Planning Commission - Powers as to zoning.
- Section 11-52-8 — Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of municipality by commission — Authorization and procedure generally; contents of plan.
- Section 11-52-9 — Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of municipality by commission - Conduct of surveys and studies; purpose of plan.
- Section 11-52-10 — Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of municipality by commission - Procedure for adoption, etc.
- Section 11-52-11 — Proposed construction of streets, public buildings, utilities, etc., to be submitted for approval of commission after adoption of master plan; overruling of commission.
- Section 11-52-12 — Alternate structure for Class 3 municipality planning commission created pursuant to Section 11-52-3.
- Section 11-52-13 — Alternate structure for Class 5 municipality planning commission.
- Section 11-52-14 — Alternate structure of planning commission in Class 5 municipality having city manager, mayor commission form of government.
- Section 11-52-15 — Municipal planning commission.
Article 2 Control of Subdivisions Generally.
- Section 11-52-30 — Territorial jurisdiction of municipal and county planning commissions and county commissions as to subdivisions; approval of maps or plats of subdivisions.
- Section 11-52-31 — Adoption, publication and certification of subdivision regulations by planning commission; provisions therein as to arrangement, etc., of streets, etc.; provisions as to completion of streets, mains, etc., and approval of subdivision plat.
- Section 11-52-32 — Procedure for approval or disapproval of plat by planning commission generally; legal effect of approval of plan; powers of planning commission as to subdivision zoning generally; approval or disapproval of plat by committee of planning commission in certain cities.
- Section 11-52-33 — Remedies and penalty for transfer, sale, etc., of lands in subdivision prior to approval of plat thereof by planning commission.
- Section 11-52-34 — Municipality not to improve, grade, etc., streets in territory for which major street plan adopted by planning commission until street accepted, etc.
- Section 11-52-35 — Buildings not to be erected or building permits issued in territory for which major street plan adopted until street providing access to proposed building accepted, etc.
- Section 11-52-36 — Jurisdiction of planning commission as to subdivision plats in territory controlled under Section 11-52-31 exclusive; status of other existing platting or subdivision statutes.
Article 3 Reservation of Lands in Subdivisions for Future Acquisition for Public Streets.
- Section 11-52-50 — Authorized; adoption, approval, etc., of plat therefor; agreements between planning commission and landowners as to releases of claims for damages or compensation for reservations; abandonment of reservations.
- Section 11-52-51 — Appointment of board of appraisers, etc.; notice of and conduct of hearing upon claims for compensation for reservations; establishment of amount of compensation by board of appraisers; liability of municipality to property owners for expenses upon abandonment of reservation.
- Section 11-52-52 — Filing of tentative report of board of appraisers; notice of filing of report and of period for filing objections thereto; meeting of board of appraisers as to objections and transmittal of report to council; approval or disapproval of report by council; payment of compensation to property owners generally; effect of failure of council to approve report or provide for payment of compensation within 90 days.
- Section 11-52-53 — Appeals from compensation awards.
- Section 11-52-54 — Reservation not to impair use of reserved lands by owner, etc., thereof; compensation not to be paid or recovered for taking of or injury to buildings, etc., erected on lands during reservation period.
Article 4 Zoning.
- Section 11-52-70 — Establishment, etc., of business, industrial and residential districts and provision as to type, use, etc., of structures and improvements to be erected therein, etc., authorized generally.
- Section 11-52-71 — Number, shape and area of districts; uniformity of regulations.
- Section 11-52-72 — Purposes of zoning regulations generally; considerations in establishment thereof generally.
- Section 11-52-73 — Regulation and restriction of height, etc., of buildings, etc., sizes of lots, density of population, etc., authorized.
- Section 11-52-75 — Regulation as to housing of different classes of inhabitants in residential districts.
- Section 11-52-75.1 — Regulation as to housing of mentally retarded or mentally ill persons in multi-family zone.
- Section 11-52-76 — Municipal legislative body to provide for manner of establishment, enforcement, amendment, etc., of regulations, restrictions and district boundaries generally; adoption of ordinances for implementation of article generally.
- Section 11-52-77 — Procedure for adoption of ordinances authorized by article.
- Section 11-52-78 — Amendment, repeal, etc., of regulations, restrictions, district boundaries and ordinances.
- Section 11-52-79 — Zoning commission.
- Section 11-52-80 — Board of adjustment - Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office and removal of members; vacancies; adoption of rules of procedure; meetings; record of proceedings; procedure for appeals to board from decisions of administrative officials; powers of board as to appeals.
- Section 11-52-80.1 — Board of Adjustment - Definitions; membership; reversing, affirming or modifying decisions, etc.; terms of planning commission members terminated; duties, powers, etc.
- Section 11-52-81 — Board of adjustment - Appeals to circuit court from final decision of board of adjustment.
- Section 11-52-82 — Regulations, ordinances, etc., imposing higher standards as to height, etc., of buildings, sizes of lots, etc., to govern where conflict between regulations authorized by article and other statutes, ordinances or regulations.
- Section 11-52-83 — Remedies for construction, repair, use, etc., of buildings, lands, etc., in violation of article or ordinance, regulation, etc., adopted under authority of article.
- Section 11-52-84 — Article not to repeal, modify, etc., existing regulations, restrictions, district boundaries, or ordinances.
- Section 11-53-1 — Legislative declarations and findings of fact.
- Section 11-53-2 — Enactment and enforcement of ordinances regulating use, repair, maintenance, etc., of buildings, etc., used for human habitation or occupancy, etc., authorized.
- Section 11-53-3 — Power to enjoin or abate public nuisances not impaired by chapter.
- Section 11-53-4 — Construction of chapter.
Article 1 Demolition of Unsafe Structures in Class 5 or Class 6 or Class 8 Municipalities.
- Section 11-53A-1 — Removal of unsafe buildings or structures.
- Section 11-53A-2 — Creation of housing code abatement board; notice to remedy unsafe condition; assessment of costs of removal.
- Section 11-53A-3 — Administrative hearing; order for removal of unsafe building or structure; appeal of order for removal.
- Section 11-53A-4 — Adoption of resolution fixing costs of removal of unsafe building or structure; fixing of costs to constitute special assessment and lien against property; notice and filing of resolution.
- Section 11-53A-5 — Assessment of costs against land purchased by the state; redemptioner or purchaser to take property subject to assessment; manner of payment or collection of assessment.
- Section 11-53A-6 — Article cumulative in nature.
Article 2 Demolition of Unsafe Structures in Certain Class 4 Municipalities.
- Section 11-53A-20 — Applicability.
- Section 11-53A-21 — Authority of cities to demolish unsafe buildings.
- Section 11-53A-22 — Notice to remedy unsafe condition or to demolish structure.
- Section 11-53A-23 — Notice to require owner to abate nuisance or to request hearing.
- Section 11-53A-24 — Failure to comply with notice to abate.
- Section 11-53A-25 — Fixing costs of demolition; city to obtain lien.
- Section 11-53A-26 — Authority to assess against property sold to state for nonpayment of taxes; effect of subsequent redemption or sale by state on lien.
- Section 11-53B-1 — Legislative findings.
- Section 11-53B-2 — Demolition or repair upon finding of necessity and notice given.
- Section 11-53B-3 — Notice from appropriate city official; failure to comply.
- Section 11-53B-4 — Hearing; appeal.
- Section 11-53B-5 — Fixing of costs.
- Section 11-53B-6 — Assessment of costs.
- Section 11-53B-7 — Payment of costs.
- Section 11-53B-8 — Failure to make payment.
- Section 11-53B-9 — Sale of property upon default.
- Section 11-53B-10 — Redemption of property.
- Section 11-53B-11 — Extension of redemption.
- Section 11-53B-12 — Certificate of warning to redeem.
- Section 11-53B-13 — Application for entry of certificate.
- Section 11-53B-14 — Redemption effected.
- Section 11-53B-15 — Emergency action.
- Section 11-53B-16 — Assessment liens for demolition or renovation.
Article 1 Acquisition and Development of Lands for Industrial Parks.
- Section 11-54-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-2 — Authorized.
- Section 11-54-3 — Authorization and procedure for sale of lands comprising industrial parks.
- Section 11-54-4 — Binding option agreements for sale of industrial park authorized.
Article 2 Acquisiton, etc., of Projects for Promotion of Industry, Trade and Pollution Control Generally.
- Section 11-54-20 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-21 — Legislative intent; construction of article generally.
- Section 11-54-22 — Powers of municipalities generally as to acquisition, leasing, etc., of projects for industry, trade and pollution control.
- Section 11-54-23 — Requirements as to leasing of projects.
- Section 11-54-24 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-54-25 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-54-26 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-54-27 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-28 — Notice to, consent or approval of governmental body, etc., not to be required for issuance or sale of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-54-29 — Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-54-30 — Municipalities not to contribute to costs of acquisition of projects or use municipal lands for projects.
- Section 11-54-31 — Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-54-32 — Construction of article.
Article 3 Acquisition, etc., of Projects for Provision of Buildings and Other Facilities for Certain National Organizations.
- Section 11-54-50 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-51 — Legislative intent; construction of article generally.
- Section 11-54-52 — Powers of municipalities generally as to acquisition, leasing, etc., of projects for provision of buildings and other facilities for certain national organizations.
- Section 11-54-53 — Requirements as to leasing of projects.
- Section 11-54-54 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-54-55 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-54-56 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-54-57 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-58 — Notice to, consent or approval of governmental body, etc., not to be required for issuance or sale of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-54-59 — Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-54-60 — Municipalities not to contribute to costs of acquisition of projects or use municipal lands for projects.
- Section 11-54-61 — Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-54-62 — Construction of article.
Article 4 Industrial Development Boards.
- Section 11-54-80 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-81 — Legislative intent; construction of division generally.
- Section 11-54-82 — Application for authority to incorporate industrial development board; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgment and filing of certificate of incorporation generally.
- Section 11-54-83 — Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-54-84 — Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-54-85 — Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-54-86 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-54-87 — Powers of boards generally; location and operation of projects of boards generally; meetings of board of directors.
- Section 11-54-88 — Additional powers as to pollution control facilities.
- Section 11-54-89 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-54-90 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-54-91 — Borrowing of money for temporary use and issuance of temporary revenue bonds as evidence thereof.
- Section 11-54-92 — Liability of municipalities upon bonds, agreements, obligations, etc., of boards.
- Section 11-54-93 — Disposition of net earnings of boards.
- Section 11-54-94 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of boards; vesting of title to funds and properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution.
- Section 11-54-95 — Documents of boards may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-54-96 — Exemptions of boards - Taxation.
- Section 11-54-96.1 — Ad valorem taxes required of hotels, etc., built under Section 11-54-80.
- Section 11-54-97 — Exemption of boards - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-54-98 — Exemption of boards - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-54-99 — Validation of attempted incorporation of certain industrial development boards.
- Section 11-54-100 — Construction of division.
- Section 11-54-101 — Powers cumulative.
- Section 11-54-120 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-121 — Legislative intent; liberal construction.
- Section 11-54-122 — Additional powers of industrial development boards; powers with respect to ancillary facilities.
- Section 11-54-123 — Powers cumulative.
- Section 11-54-125 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-126 — Legislative findings and intent.
- Section 11-54-127 — Additional powers of boards.
- Section 11-54-128 — Authorizing resolution.
- Section 11-54-129 — Use of assets.
- Section 11-54-130 — Investment committee.
- Section 11-54-131 — Investment of moneys; duties of fund manager.
- Section 11-54-132 — Trust agreement.
- Section 11-54-133 — Termination or dissolution of fund.
- Section 11-54-134 — Liability.
- Section 11-54-135 — Powers cumulative.
Article 5 Acquisition, etc., of Projects for Promotion of Hotel Services and Other Businesses Generally in Certain Municipalities.
- Section 11-54-140 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-141 — Legislative intent; liberal construction.
- Section 11-54-142 — Additional powers conferred on municipalities.
- Section 11-54-143 — Bonds issued to finance projects.
- Section 11-54-144 — Security for bonds.
- Section 11-54-145 — Requirements respecting leases.
- Section 11-54-146 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-147 — Use of proceeds from sale of bonds; cost of acquiring project.
- Section 11-54-148 — No contribution by municipality.
- Section 11-54-149 — Bonds made legal investments.
- Section 11-54-150 — Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-54-151 — Construction of article.
- Section 11-54-152 — No notice or publication required.
- Section 11-54-153 — Exemption from requirements of Sections 41-16-50 through 41-16-63.
Article 6 Commercial Development Authorities in Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 Municipalities.
- Section 11-54-170 — Legislative intent; liberal construction.
- Section 11-54-171 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54-172 — Meaning of "herein," etc.; construction of definitions.
- Section 11-54-173 — Filing of application; contents; authorization or denial of incorporation by governing body of authorizing municipality.
- Section 11-54-174 — Procedure to incorporate; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation; filing.
- Section 11-54-175 — Amendments to certificate of incorporation; filing of application; approval or denial by governing body; filing and recordation.
- Section 11-54-176 — Board of directors; composition; election; terms; vacancies; qualifications; expenses; removal.
- Section 11-54-177 — Officers of the authority.
- Section 11-54-178 — Powers of authority; location of projects; public meetings.
- Section 11-54-179 — Bonds of authority generally.
- Section 11-54-180 — Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-54-181 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-182 — Notice of bond resolution; limitation on proceedings questioning or attacking bonds.
- Section 11-54-183 — Exemption from certain taxes and fees.
- Section 11-54-184 — Nonliability of authorizing municipality.
- Section 11-54-185 — Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-54-186 — Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-54-187 — Freedom of authority from state supervision and control.
- Section 11-54-188 — Earnings of an authority.
- Section 11-54-189 — Dissolution of authority and vesting of title to property in authorizing municipality.
- Section 11-54-190 — Existence of authority to prevent incorporation of another by same municipality.
- Section 11-54-191 — Continued existence of authority notwithstanding reclassification of municipalities.
- Section 11-54-192 — Provisions of article cumulative.
Article 7 Donation of Property to United States for Defense Purposes.
- Section 11-54-210 — Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-54-211 — Authority of municipalities to acquire real property for donation to United States for defense purposes; issuance of bonds, etc., to fund purchase; conveyance to "related public corporation."
- Section 11-54A-1 — Legislative intent.
- Section 11-54A-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54A-3 — Use of phrases.
- Section 11-54A-4 — Filing of application; authorization of incorporation by governing body of city.
- Section 11-54A-5 — Procedure to incorporate; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-54A-6 — Amendments to certificate of incorporation; procedure.
- Section 11-54A-7 — Board of directors; election, terms, eligibility, etc.
- Section 11-54A-8 — Officers of authority.
- Section 11-54A-9 — Powers of authority; all projects to be in development area.
- Section 11-54A-10 — Bonds of authority.
- Section 11-54A-11 — Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-54A-12 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54A-13 — Notice of bond resolution; 30 days to bring action to question bond validity.
- Section 11-54A-14 — Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-54A-15 — Liability of city.
- Section 11-54A-16 — Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-54A-17 — Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-54A-18 — Freedom of authority from state supervision and control.
- Section 11-54A-19 — Earnings of authority.
- Section 11-54A-20 — Dissolution of corporation and vesting of title to property in city.
- Section 11-54A-21 — Existence of authority to prevent incorporation of another by city.
- Section 11-54A-22 — Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to authority by counties, municipalities, etc.
- Section 11-54A-23 — Provisions cumulative.
- Section 11-54A-24 — Authorities organized under prior acts.
- Section 11-54A-25 — Continued existence of authorities established before August 1, 2004; reincorporation.
- Section 11-54B-1 — Legislative findings.
- Section 11-54B-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54B-3 — Development and maintenance of self-help business improvement districts.
- Section 11-54B-4 — Findings required for public hearing on adoption of self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-5 — Requirements of request for creation of self-help business improvement district.
- Section 11-54B-6 — Mailing of proposed ordinance and notice of hearing.
- Section 11-54B-7 — Review of self-help business improvement district plan and adoption of ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-8 — Costs of supplemental services.
- Section 11-54B-9 — Collection of special assessment.
- Section 11-54B-10 — Amendment of self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-11 — District management corporation limits, powers, and duties.
- Section 11-54B-12 — Annual budget of district management corporation.
- Section 11-54B-13 — Retention of municipal police powers.
- Section 11-54B-14 — Eminent domain utilization.
- Section 11-54B-15 — Furniture, structure of facility not deemed nuisance.
- Section 11-54B-16 — District management corporation contracts.
- Section 11-54B-17 — Operation in other designated project areas.
- Section 11-54B-18 — Annual reports and audits.
- Section 11-54B-19 — Sunset provision.
- Section 11-54B-20 — Tax exemption.
- Section 11-54B-40 — Legislative findings.
- Section 11-54B-41 — Definitions.
- Section 11-54B-42 — Development and maintenance of self-help business improvement districts.
- Section 11-54B-43 — Findings required for a public hearing on the adoption of a self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-44 — Requirements of a request for the creation of a self-help business improvement district.
- Section 11-54B-45 — Mailing of proposed ordinance and notice of hearing.
- Section 11-54B-46 — Review of self-help business improvement district plan and adoption of ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-47 — Costs of supplemental services.
- Section 11-54B-48 — Collection of special assessment.
- Section 11-54B-49 — Amendment of the self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-50 — District management corporation limits, powers, and duties.
- Section 11-54B-51 — Annual budget of the district management corporation.
- Section 11-54B-52 — Retention of municipal police powers.
- Section 11-54B-53 — Eminent domain utilization.
- Section 11-54B-54 — Furniture, structure of facility not deemed nuisance.
- Section 11-54B-55 — District management corporation contracts.
- Section 11-54B-56 — Operation in other designated project areas.
- Section 11-54B-57 — Annual reports and audits.
- Section 11-54B-58 — Sunset provision.
- Section 11-55-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-55-2 — Powers of municipalities generally as to acquisition and leasing of projects for post offices and issuance of bonds therefor.
- Section 11-55-3 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-55-4 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-55-5 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-55-6 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-55-7 — Notice to, approval or consent of governmental body, etc., not to be required for sale or issuance of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-55-8 — Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-55-9 — Contribution by municipalities to costs of acquisition of projects or use of municipal lands therefor; acceptance of donations of property or money for projects.
- Section 11-55-10 — Requirements as to leases of projects.
- Section 11-55-11 — Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-55-12 — Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-55-13 — Authority of cities or towns to acquire, etc., and lease facilities to United States Postal Service; issuance of bonds, etc., to finance acquisitions.
- Section 11-56-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-56-2 — Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-56-3 — Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; procedure for incorporation generally.
- Section 11-56-4 — Certificate of incorporation - Contents; approval by governing body.
- Section 11-56-5 — Certificate of incorporation - Execution, acknowledgment, filing and recordation.
- Section 11-56-6 — Board of directors; record of proceedings of board.
- Section 11-56-7 — Officers.
- Section 11-56-8 — Powers generally.
- Section 11-56-9 — Leasing of projects.
- Section 11-56-10 — Bonds - Authority for issuance; security for payment of principal and interest generally; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-56-11 — Bonds - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-56-12 — Bonds - Execution and delivery.
- Section 11-56-13 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default generally.
- Section 11-56-14 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-56-15 — Bonds - Remedies upon default in payment of principal or interest on bonds.
- Section 11-56-16 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-56-17 — Investment in bonds - By municipalities.
- Section 11-56-18 — Investment in bonds - By executors, savings banks, insurance companies, etc.
- Section 11-56-19 — Conveyances of property to corporations by municipalities.
- Section 11-56-20 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution; formation of corporations not to prevent subsequent formation of other corporations by same municipalities.
- Section 11-56-21 — Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-56-22 — Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-57-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-57-2 — Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-57-3 — Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; procedure for incorporation generally.
- Section 11-57-4 — Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment; approval by governing body.
- Section 11-57-5 — Certificate of incorporation - Filing and recordation.
- Section 11-57-6 — Board of directors; record of proceedings of board.
- Section 11-57-7 — Officers.
- Section 11-57-8 — Powers - Generally.
- Section 11-57-9 — Powers - Eminent domain.
- Section 11-57-10 — Leasing of projects.
- Section 11-57-11 — Bonds - Authority for issuance; security for payment of principal and interest generally; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-57-12 — Bonds - Recital as to authority for issuance; notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-57-13 — Bonds - Execution and delivery.
- Section 11-57-14 — Bonds - Negotiability.
- Section 11-57-15 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-57-16 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-57-17 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-57-18 — Investment in bonds - By municipalities.
- Section 11-57-19 — Investment in bonds - By executors, savings banks, insurance companies, etc.
- Section 11-57-20 — Remedies upon default on bonds, lease agreements, etc.
- Section 11-57-21 — Liability of state or municipalities on bonds and obligations of authorities.
- Section 11-57-22 — Investment of funds of authorities.
- Section 11-57-23 — Conveyances of property to authorities by municipalities.
- Section 11-57-24 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of authorities; vesting of title to assets or properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution; formation of authorities not to prevent subsequent formation of other authorities by same municipalities.
- Section 11-57-25 — Exemption from taxation of properties, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-57-26 — Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-58-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-58-2 — Purpose of chapter; application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution and filing of certificate of incorporation generally; effect of granting of authority for incorporation upon incorporation of other such corporations.
- Section 11-58-3 — Contents, execution, acknowledgment, filing and recordation of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-58-4 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-58-5 — Powers of corporations generally.
- Section 11-58-5.1 — Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-58-6 — Requirements as to leasing of medical clinics or clinical facilities; disposition of revenue from operation of clinic.
- Section 11-58-7 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, etc.; dissolution of corporation.
- Section 11-58-8 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-58-9 — Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-58-10 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-58-11 — Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-58-12 — Conveyances of properties to corporations by municipalities and counties.
- Section 11-58-13 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to funds and properties thereof in municipalities or counties upon dissolution; effect of dissolution of corporation upon other such corporations.
- Section 11-58-14 — Exemptions of corporations - Taxation.
- Section 11-58-15 — Exemptions of corporations - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-59-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-59-2 — Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-59-3 — Application for authority to incorporate public athletic board; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgment and filing of certificate of incorporation generally.
- Section 11-59-4 — Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-59-5 — Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-59-6 — Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-59-7 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-59-8 — Powers of corporations generally.
- Section 11-59-9 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-59-10 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-59-11 — Liability of municipalities upon bonds, obligations, agreements, etc., of corporations.
- Section 11-59-12 — Conveyances of properties to corporations by municipalities.
- Section 11-59-13 — Powers of corporations as to conveyances, etc., of title to facilities.
- Section 11-59-14 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to facilities thereof in municipalities upon dissolution.
- Section 11-59-15 — Documents of corporations may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-59-16 — Exemption from taxation of corporations, facilities, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-59-17 — Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-60-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-60-2 — Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-60-3 — Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgment and filing of certificate of incorporation generally; effect of granting of authority for incorporation upon incorporation of other such corporations.
- Section 11-60-4 — Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-60-5 — Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-60-6 — Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-60-7 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-60-8 — Powers of corporations generally; location of projects of corporations.
- Section 11-60-9 — Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-60-10 — Bonds - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-60-11 — Bonds - Security for payment of principal or interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-60-12 — Borrowing of money for temporary use and issuance of temporary revenue bonds as evidence thereof.
- Section 11-60-13 — Liability of municipalities upon bonds, agreements, obligations, etc., of corporations.
- Section 11-60-14 — Disposition of net earnings of corporations.
- Section 11-60-15 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to funds and properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution.
- Section 11-60-16 — Documents of corporations may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-60-17 — Exemptions of corporations - Taxation.
- Section 11-60-18 — Exemptions of corporations - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-60-19 — Exemptions of corporations - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-60-20 — Powers conferred on corporation cumulative; further proceedings, etc., as to incorporation and issuance of bonds not required; police powers of state and governmental subdivisions not impaired.
- Section 11-61-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-61-2 — Authority of towns and cities with respect to parking facilities.
- Section 11-61-3 — Chapter cumulative.
- Section 11-61A-1 — Declarations.
- Section 11-61A-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-61A-3 — Application for permission to incorporate.
- Section 11-61A-4 — Certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-61A-5 — Attachments to certificate.
- Section 11-61A-6 — Changes and amendments.
- Section 11-61A-7 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-61A-8 — Officers.
- Section 11-61A-9 — Powers.
- Section 11-61A-10 — Operation of the facility.
- Section 11-61A-11 — Funds.
- Section 11-61A-12 — Permitted activities.
- Section 11-61A-13 — Bonds.
- Section 11-61A-14 — Signature on bonds.
- Section 11-61A-15 — Issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-61A-16 — Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-61A-17 — Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-61A-18 — Tax exemption.
- Section 11-61A-19 — Investment by governing body.
- Section 11-61A-20 — Bonds deemed legal investment.
- Section 11-61A-21 — Publication of notice.
- Section 11-61A-22 — Advertising and award laws are applicable.
- Section 11-61A-23 — Examination and audit of the records.
- Section 11-61A-24 — Dissolution.
- Section 11-62-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-62-2 — Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-62-3 — Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgement, filing, recordation and contents of certificate of incorporation; effect of granting of authority for incorporation upon incorporation of other such corporations.
- Section 11-62-4 — Amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-62-5 — Board of directors.
- Section 11-62-6 — Officers.
- Section 11-62-7 — Powers of authority generally; operation of facilities by authority.
- Section 11-62-8 — Bonds and notes generally - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; security for payment of principal or interest; remedies upon default; liability of municipalities, board, etc., thereupon.
- Section 11-62-9 — Bonds and notes generally - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds or notes; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-62-10 — Refunding bonds and notes.
- Section 11-62-11 — Investment in bonds and notes by state, counties, municipalities, etc.
- Section 11-62-12 — Establishment and maintenance of special debt service reserve funds, etc.
- Section 11-62-13 — Limitations as to operation of facilities - Administration or management of facilities by third parties under employment arrangements or management contracts.
- Section 11-62-14 — Limitations as to operation of facilities - Use of facility for promotion of sectarian purposes, advancement or inhibition of religious activities, etc.
- Section 11-62-15 — Disposition of net earnings of authority.
- Section 11-62-16 — Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to authority by counties, municipalities, public corporations, etc.
- Section 11-62-17 — Authority and procedure for dissolution of authority; vesting of title to assets and properties of authority upon dissolution of authority; effect of dissolution of authority upon formation of other such authorities.
- Section 11-62-18 — Exemptions of authority - Taxation.
- Section 11-62-19 — Exemptions of authority - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-62-20 — Exemptions of authority - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-62-21 — Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-63-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-63-2 — Loans, grants, etc., of property, payment of principal or interest on outstanding bonds and securities, etc., by municipalities for assistance of related public corporations authorized generally; issuance of bonds by municipalities to provide moneys for loans, payments, etc., generally; creation of irrevocable trust funds for payment of corporate securities.
- Section 11-63-3 — Form, terms, denominations, etc., of securities issued by municipalities generally; sale, execution, delivery and refunding thereof; security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-63-4 — Disposition of proceeds from municipal securities; limitation as to aggregate principal amount of securities to be issued.
- Section 11-64-1 — Definitions.
- Section 11-64-2 — Power and authority of grantees.
- Section 11-64-3 — Power and authority of municipalities and public corporations.
- Section 11-64-4 — Securities; maturity; total principal amount; denomination and tenor; execution; coupons for interest.
- Section 11-64-5 — Exemption of securities from taxation.
- Section 11-64-6 — Investment status of securities.
- Section 11-64-7 — Additional authority; chapter not to repeal, restrict or modify any law.
- Section 11-65-1 — Legislative declarations and findings.
- Section 11-65-2 — Definitions.
- Section 11-65-3 — Class 1 municipality authorized to create racing commission; status of commission; powers and duties generally; disposition of fees; jurisdiction of State Ethics Commission.
- Section 11-65-4 — Elections required to approve incorporation of commission and conduct of racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon.
- Section 11-65-5 — Composition of commission; terms; qualifications; removal from office.
- Section 11-65-6 — Incorporation of commission.
- Section 11-65-7 — General provisions respecting members of commission.
- Section 11-65-8 — Officers of commission.
- Section 11-65-9 — Treasurer of commission; investment of funds of commission.
- Section 11-65-10 — Powers and duties of commission.
- Section 11-65-11 — Qualifications of commission employees.
- Section 11-65-12 — Review of commission action.
- Section 11-65-13 — Request for injunctions authorized.
- Section 11-65-14 — Commission licenses required for certain activities; conditions relating to award and use of licenses.
- Section 11-65-15 — Application for horse racing facility license.
- Section 11-65-16 — Review of application for horse racing facility license.
- Section 11-65-17 — Terms of horse racing facility license.
- Section 11-65-18 — Application for operator's license.
- Section 11-65-19 — Review of application for operator's license.
- Section 11-65-20 — Terms of operator's license.
- Section 11-65-21 — Suspension or revocation of license.
- Section 11-65-22 — Acquisition of interest in horse racing facility licensee or operator.
- Section 11-65-23 — Permits required for certain individuals and companies.
- Section 11-65-24 — Application for permit.
- Section 11-65-25 — Review of applications for permits.
- Section 11-65-26 — Suspension or revocation of permit.
- Section 11-65-27 — Licenses required for stewards and judges of races; appointment of stewards and judges.
- Section 11-65-28 — Pari-mutuel wagering.
- Section 11-65-28.1 — Modification of takeout for all racing events.
- Section 11-65-29 — State horse wagering fee.
- Section 11-65-30 — Commission wagering fees.
- Section 11-65-30.1 — Commission greyhound racing days.
- Section 11-65-31 — Purses for horse races and greyhound races.
- Section 11-65-32 — Televised simulcast programming of racing events.
- Section 11-65-32.1 — Televised racing and pari-mutuel wagering; pari-mutuel pools and takeout; construction.
- Section 11-65-33 — Racetrack admission fee.
- Section 11-65-34 — Horse breeding fund.
- Section 11-65-35 — Concerning certain taxes.
- Section 11-65-36 — Application of net commission revenues.
- Section 11-65-37 — Conducting race without license prohibited; wagering on certain races prohibited.
- Section 11-65-38 — Disqualification due to gambling activities.
- Section 11-65-39 — Tampering with racing animals prohibited.
- Section 11-65-40 — Transmission of racing information prohibited.
- Section 11-65-41 — Possession of certain drugs prohibited.
- Section 11-65-42 — Misuse of license.
- Section 11-65-43 — Racing under unregistered name prohibited.
- Section 11-65-44 — Presence of underage persons prohibited.
- Section 11-65-45.1 — Limitation of personal liability of commission members and officers.
- Section 11-65-47 — Applicability of chapter; severability of provisions.
- Section 11-66-1 — Short title.
- Section 11-66-2 — Legislative findings and declaration of purpose.
- Section 11-66-3 — Definitions.
- Section 11-66-4 — Fund created.
- Section 11-66-5 — Appropriations.
- Section 11-66-6 — Distribution of fund capital.
- Section 11-66-7 — Payment of allocations.
Article 1 Abatement of Weeds in Class 2 Municipalities.
- Section 11-67-1 — Article applicable to Class 2 municipalities.
- Section 11-67-2 — Weeds may be declared public nuisance and abated.
- Section 11-67-3 — Resolution declaring weeds to be public nuisance and ordering abatement.
- Section 11-67-4 — Notice to owner of public hearing; contents; publication in newspaper; posting of signs and form thereof.
- Section 11-67-5 — Hearing procedure; decision of council; jurisdiction to remove weeds; finality of decision.
- Section 11-67-6 — Entry of municipal employees and agents on property to abate nuisance; abatement by private contractor; right of owner to have weeds removed at own expense.
- Section 11-67-7 — Account of cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; report to governing body; posting of report.
- Section 11-67-8 — Hearing on cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; costs to constitute weed liens; report to Tax Collector; amounts to be included in tax bills; collection.
- Section 11-67-9 — Effect of resolutions and account reports confirmed before enactment of article.
Article 2 Abatement of Weeds in Class 5 and Class 6 or Class 8 Municipalities.
- Section 11-67-20 — Applicability of article.
- Section 11-67-21 — Weeds which may be declared public nuisance and abated.
- Section 11-67-22 — Resolution declaring weeds to be public nuisance and ordering abatement.
- Section 11-67-23 — Notice to owner of public hearing; contents; publication in newspaper; posting of signs and form thereof.
- Section 11-67-24 — Hearing procedure; decision of council; jurisdiction to remove weeds; finality of decision.
- Section 11-67-25 — Entry of municipal employees and agents on property to abate nuisance; abatement by private contractor; right of owner to have weeds removed at owner's expense.
- Section 11-67-26 — Account of cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; report to governing body; posting of report.
- Section 11-67-27 — Hearing on cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; costs to constitute weed liens; report to tax collector; amounts to be included in tax bills; collection.
- Section 11-67-28 — Effect of resolutions and account reports confirmed before enactment of article.
Article 3 Abatement of Grass and Weeds in Certain Class 4 Municipalities.
- Section 11-67-40 — Article applicable only to certain Class 4 municipalities.
- Section 11-67-41 — Grass or weeds may be declared public nuisance and abated.
- Section 11-67-42 — Notice.
- Section 11-67-43 — Failure to abate condition; assessing cost of abatement.
- Section 11-67-44 — Authority to assess against property sold to state for nonpayment of taxes; effect of subsequent redemption or sale by state on lien.
- Section 11-67-45 — Article cumulative in nature.
Article 4 Abatement of Weeds in Any Municipality.
- Section 11-67-60 — Authority to abate public nuisance.
- Section 11-67-61 — Weeds may be declared public nuisance; resolution to abate.
- Section 11-67-62 — Notice.
- Section 11-67-63 — Hearing.
- Section 11-67-64 — Abatement of nuisance.
- Section 11-67-65 — Report of costs.
- Section 11-67-66 — Confirmation of report; weed liens.
- Section 11-67-67 — Article cumulative.
- Section 11-67A-1 — Applicability.
- Section 11-67A-2 — Inoperable motor vehicle defined; nuisance exception.
- Section 11-67A-3 — Establishment of procedures; costs of removal.
- Section 11-67A-4 — Procedures generally.
- Section 11-67A-5 — Notification to Department of Revenue.
- Section 11-67A-6 — Administration of chapter.
- Section 11-67A-7 — Liability.
- Section 11-67B-1 — Applicability.
- Section 11-67B-2 — Inoperable motor vehicle defined; nuisance exception.
- Section 11-67B-3 — Establishment of procedures; costs of removal.
- Section 11-67B-4 — Procedures generally.
- Section 11-67B-5 — Notification to Department of Revenue.
- Section 11-67B-6 — Administration of chapter.
- Section 11-67B-7 — Liability.
- Section 11-68-1 — Purpose of chapter.
- Section 11-68-2 — Establishment of historic preservation commission and architectural review boards.
- Section 11-68-3 — Composition of commission; nomination of members; terms of office; removal; vacancies; officers; rules; reimbursement of expenses; personnel; annual report; meetings.
- Section 11-68-4 — Status of commission as nonprofit agency exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-68-5 — Powers and duties of commission.
- Section 11-68-6 — Designation of historic properties and historic districts by municipality on recommendation of commission; criteria.
- Section 11-68-7 — Public hearing on proposed recommendation; notification of property owners.
- Section 11-68-8 — Written notice of designation of historic property or district.
- Section 11-68-9 — Certificate of appropriateness prerequisite to changes in historic property or district; submission and consideration of application for certificate; rules, regulations and standards; expedited procedure; records.
- Section 11-68-10 — Appeal of denial to circuit court.
- Section 11-68-11 — Issuance of certificate; factors considered; reasons for rejection; application for reconsideration; effect of rejection on issuance of building permit.
- Section 11-68-12 — Institution of court proceedings to prevent violations and recover damages.
- Section 11-68-13 — Architectural review board; composition; nomination of members; terms; removal for cause; vacancies; officers; rules; reimbursement for expenses; personnel; meetings; multiple boards.
- Section 11-68-14 — Effect of chapter on preexisting historic development commissions or architectural review boards.
- Section 11-68-15 — Applicability of chapter to highways, bridges, etc.; applicability of federal provisions.
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